[cig-commits] r22986 - seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/src/auxiliaries

lefebvre at geodynamics.org lefebvre at geodynamics.org
Thu Jan 2 08:00:50 PST 2014

Author: lefebvre
Date: 2014-01-02 08:00:49 -0800 (Thu, 02 Jan 2014)
New Revision: 22986

combine_vol_data_* merge tested.

Copied: seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/src/auxiliaries/combine_vol_data.F90 (from rev 22985, seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/src/auxiliaries/combine_vol_data_vtk.f90)
--- seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/src/auxiliaries/combine_vol_data.F90	                        (rev 0)
+++ seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/src/auxiliaries/combine_vol_data.F90	2014-01-02 16:00:49 UTC (rev 22986)
@@ -0,0 +1,626 @@
+!          S p e c f e m 3 D  G l o b e  V e r s i o n  6 . 0
+!          --------------------------------------------------
+!          Main authors: Dimitri Komatitsch and Jeroen Tromp
+!                        Princeton University, USA
+!             and CNRS / INRIA / University of Pau, France
+! (c) Princeton University and CNRS / INRIA / University of Pau
+!                            August 2013
+! This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+! it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+! the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+! (at your option) any later version.
+! This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+! but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+! GNU General Public License for more details.
+! You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
+! with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
+! 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
+program combine_vol_data_vtk
+  ! outputs vtk-files (ascii format)
+  ! combines the database files on several slices.
+  ! the local database file needs to have been collected onto the frontend (copy_local_database.pl)
+  use constants
+  implicit none
+  include "OUTPUT_FILES/values_from_mesher.h"
+  integer,parameter :: MAX_NUM_NODES = 2000
+  integer :: iregion, ir, irs, ire, ires
+  character(len=256) :: sline, arg(7), filename, in_topo_dir, in_file_dir, outdir
+  character(len=256) :: prname_topo, prname_file, dimension_file
+  character(len=256) :: data_file, topo_file
+  integer, dimension(MAX_NUM_NODES) :: node_list, nspec, nglob, npoint, nelement
+  integer iproc, num_node, i,j,k,ispec, ios, it, di, dj, dk
+  integer np, ne,  njunk
+  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL),dimension(NGLOB_CRUST_MANTLE) :: xstore, ystore, zstore
+  integer num_ibool(NGLOB_CRUST_MANTLE)
+  real x, y, z, dat
+  integer numpoin, iglob, n1, n2, n3, n4, n5, n6, n7, n8
+  integer iglob1, iglob2, iglob3, iglob4, iglob5, iglob6, iglob7, iglob8
+  ! instead of taking the first value which appears for a global point, average the values
+  ! if there are more than one gll points for a global point (points on element corners, edges, faces)
+  logical,parameter:: AVERAGE_GLOBALPOINTS = .false.
+  integer:: ibool_count(NGLOB_CRUST_MANTLE)
+  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL):: ibool_dat(NGLOB_CRUST_MANTLE)
+  ! note:
+  !  if one wants to remove the topography and ellipticity distortion, you would run the mesher again
+  !  but turning the flags: TOPOGRAPHY and ELLIPTICITY to .false.
+  !  then, use those as topo files: proc***_solver_data.bin
+  !  of course, this would also work by just turning ELLIPTICITY to .false. so that the CORRECT_ELLIPTICITY below
+  !  becomes unneccessary
+  !
+  ! puts point locations back into a perfectly spherical shape by removing the ellipticity factor;
+  ! useful for plotting spherical cuts at certain depths
+  logical,parameter:: CORRECT_ELLIPTICITY = .false.
+  integer :: nspl
+  double precision :: rspl(NR),espl(NR),espl2(NR)
+  logical,parameter :: ONE_CRUST = .false. ! if you want to correct a model with one layer only in PREM crust
+  integer, dimension(NSPEC_INNER_CORE) :: idoubling_inner_core ! to get rid of fictitious elements in central cube
+!!! .mesh specific !!!!!!!!!!!
+  integer :: pfd, efd
+  character(len=1038) :: command_name
+  character(len=256) :: pt_mesh_file1, pt_mesh_file2, mesh_file, em_mesh_file
+!!! .vtk specific !!!!!!!!!!!
+  character(len=256) :: mesh_file
+  integer ier
+  ! global point data
+  real,dimension(:),allocatable :: total_dat
+  real,dimension(:,:),allocatable :: total_dat_xyz
+  integer,dimension(:,:),allocatable :: total_dat_con
+  ! starts here--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  do i = 1, 7
+    call get_command_argument(i,arg(i))
+    if (i < 7 .and. len_trim(arg(i)) == 0) then
+      print *, ' '
+      print *, ' Usage: xcombine_vol_data slice_list filename input_topo_dir input_file_dir '
+      print *, '        output_dir high/low-resolution [region]'
+      print *, ' ***** Notice: now allow different input dir for topo and kernel files ******** '
+      print *, '   expect to have the topology and filename.bin(NGLLX,NGLLY,NGLLZ,nspec) '
+      print *, '   already collected to input_topo_dir and input_file_dir'
+      print *, '   output mesh files (filename_points.mesh, filename_elements.mesh) go to output_dir '
+      print *, '   give 0 for low resolution and 1 for high resolution'
+      print *, '   if region is not specified, all 3 regions will be collected, otherwise, only collect regions specified'
+      stop ' Reenter command line options'
+    endif
+  enddo
+             stop 'This program needs that NSPEC_CRUST_MANTLE > NSPEC_OUTER_CORE and NSPEC_INNER_CORE'
+  ! get region id
+  if (len_trim(arg(7)) == 0) then
+    iregion  = 0
+  else
+    read(arg(7),*) iregion
+  endif
+  if (iregion > 3 .or. iregion < 0) stop 'Iregion = 0,1,2,3'
+  if (iregion == 0) then
+    irs = 1
+    ire = 3
+  else
+    irs = iregion
+    ire = irs
+  endif
+  ! get slices id
+  num_node = 0
+  open(unit = 20, file = trim(arg(1)), status = 'old',iostat = ios)
+  if (ios /= 0) then
+    print*,'no file: ',trim(arg(1))
+    stop 'Error opening slices file'
+  endif
+  do while (1 == 1)
+    read(20,'(a)',iostat=ios) sline
+    if (ios /= 0) exit
+    read(sline,*,iostat=ios) njunk
+    if (ios /= 0) exit
+    num_node = num_node + 1
+    node_list(num_node) = njunk
+  enddo
+  close(20)
+  print *, 'slice list: '
+  print *, node_list(1:num_node)
+  print *, ' '
+  ! file to collect
+  filename = arg(2)
+  ! input and output dir
+  in_topo_dir= arg(3)
+  in_file_dir= arg(4)
+  outdir = arg(5)
+  ! resolution
+  read(arg(6),*) ires
+  di = 0
+  dj = 0
+  dk = 0
+  if (ires == 0) then
+    di = NGLLX-1
+    dj = NGLLY-1
+    dk = NGLLZ-1
+  else if( ires == 1 ) then
+    di = 1
+    dj = 1
+    dk = 1
+  else if( ires == 2 ) then
+    di = int((NGLLX-1)/2.0)
+    dj = int((NGLLY-1)/2.0)
+    dk = int((NGLLZ-1)/2.0)
+  endif
+    print *, ' high resolution ', HIGH_RESOLUTION_MESH
+  else
+    print *, ' low resolution ', HIGH_RESOLUTION_MESH
+  endif
+  ! sets up ellipticity splines in order to remove ellipticity from point coordinates
+  if( CORRECT_ELLIPTICITY ) call make_ellipticity(nspl,rspl,espl,espl2,ONE_CRUST)
+  do ir = irs, ire
+    print *, '----------- Region ', ir, '----------------'
+!!! .mesh specific !!!!!!!!!!!
+    ! open paraview output mesh file
+    write(pt_mesh_file1,'(a,i1,a)') trim(outdir)//'/' // 'reg_',ir,'_'//trim(filename)//'_point1.mesh'
+    write(pt_mesh_file2,'(a,i1,a)') trim(outdir)//'/' // 'reg_',ir,'_'//trim(filename)//'_point2.mesh'
+    write(mesh_file,'(a,i1,a)') trim(outdir)//'/' // 'reg_',ir,'_'//trim(filename)//'.mesh'
+    write(em_mesh_file,'(a,i1,a)') trim(outdir)//'/' // 'reg_',ir,'_'//trim(filename)//'_element.mesh'
+    call open_file_fd(trim(pt_mesh_file1)//char(0),pfd)
+    call open_file_fd(trim(em_mesh_file)//char(0),efd)
+    ! figure out total number of points and elements for high-res mesh
+    do it = 1, num_node
+      iproc = node_list(it)
+      print *, 'Reading slice ', iproc
+      write(prname_topo,'(a,i6.6,a,i1,a)') trim(in_topo_dir)//'/proc',iproc,'_reg',ir,'_'
+      write(prname_file,'(a,i6.6,a,i1,a)') trim(in_file_dir)//'/proc',iproc,'_reg',ir,'_'
+      dimension_file = trim(prname_topo) //'solver_data.bin'
+      open(unit = 27,file = trim(dimension_file),status='old',action='read', iostat = ios, form='unformatted')
+      if (ios /= 0) then
+       print*,'error ',ios
+       print*,'file:',trim(dimension_file)
+       stop 'Error opening file'
+      endif
+      read(27) nspec(it)
+      read(27) nglob(it)
+      close(27)
+      ! check
+      if( nspec(it) > NSPEC_CRUST_MANTLE ) stop 'error file nspec too big, please check compilation'
+      if( nglob(it) > NGLOB_CRUST_MANTLE ) stop 'error file nglob too big, please check compilation'
+      if (HIGH_RESOLUTION_MESH) then
+        npoint(it) = nglob(it)
+        nelement(it) = nspec(it) * (NGLLX-1) * (NGLLY-1) * (NGLLZ-1)
+      else if( ires == 0 ) then
+!!! .vtk specific !!!!!!!!!!!
+        npoint(it) = nglob(it)
+        nelement(it) = nspec(it)
+      else if (ires == 2 ) then
+!!! .vtk specific !!!!!!!!!!!
+        npoint(it) = nglob(it)
+        nelement(it) = nspec(it) * (NGLLX-1) * (NGLLY-1) * (NGLLZ-1) / 8
+      endif
+    enddo
+    print *, 'nspec(it) = ', nspec(1:num_node)
+    print *, 'nglob(it) = ', nglob(1:num_node)
+    print *, 'nelement(it) = ', nelement(1:num_node)
+    call write_integer_fd(efd,sum(nelement(1:num_node)))
+    ! VTK
+    print *
+    print *,'vtk inital total points: ',sum(npoint(1:num_node))
+    print *,'vkt inital total elements: ',sum(nelement(1:num_node))
+    print *
+    ! creates array to hold point data
+    allocate(total_dat(sum(npoint(1:num_node))),stat=ier)
+    if( ier /= 0 ) stop 'error allocating total_dat array'
+    total_dat(:) = 0.0
+    allocate(total_dat_xyz(3,sum(npoint(1:num_node))),stat=ier)
+    if( ier /= 0 ) stop 'error allocating total_dat_xyz array'
+    total_dat_xyz(:,:) = 0.0
+    allocate(total_dat_con(8,sum(nelement(1:num_node))),stat=ier)
+    if( ier /= 0 ) stop 'error allocating total_dat_con array'
+    total_dat_con(:,:) = 0
+    np = 0
+    ne = 0
+    ! write points information
+    do it = 1, num_node
+      iproc = node_list(it)
+      data(:,:,:,:) = -1.e10
+      print *, ' '
+      print *, 'Reading slice ', iproc
+      write(prname_topo,'(a,i6.6,a,i1,a)') trim(in_topo_dir)//'/proc',iproc,'_reg',ir,'_'
+      write(prname_file,'(a,i6.6,a,i1,a)') trim(in_file_dir)//'/proc',iproc,'_reg',ir,'_'
+      ! filename.bin
+      data_file = trim(prname_file) // trim(filename) // '.bin'
+      open(unit = 27,file = trim(data_file),status='old',action='read', iostat = ios,form ='unformatted')
+      if (ios /= 0) then
+        print*,'error ',ios
+        print*,'file:',trim(data_file)
+        stop 'Error opening file'
+      endif
+      read(27,iostat=ios) data(:,:,:,1:nspec(it))
+      if( ios /= 0 ) then
+        print*,'read error ',ios
+        print*,'file:',trim(data_file)
+        stop 'error reading data'
+      endif
+      close(27)
+      print *,trim(data_file)
+      print *,'  min/max value: ',minval(data(:,:,:,1:nspec(it))),maxval(data(:,:,:,1:nspec(it)))
+      print *
+      ! topology file
+      topo_file = trim(prname_topo) // 'solver_data.bin'
+      open(unit = 28,file = trim(topo_file),status='old',action='read', iostat = ios, form='unformatted')
+      if (ios /= 0) then
+       print*,'error ',ios
+       print*,'file:',trim(topo_file)
+       stop 'Error opening file'
+      endif
+      xstore(:) = 0.0
+      ystore(:) = 0.0
+      zstore(:) = 0.0
+      ibool(:,:,:,:) = -1
+      read(28) nspec(it)
+      read(28) nglob(it)
+      read(28) xstore(1:nglob(it))
+      read(28) ystore(1:nglob(it))
+      read(28) zstore(1:nglob(it))
+      read(28) ibool(:,:,:,1:nspec(it))
+      if (ir==3) read(28) idoubling_inner_core(1:nspec(it)) ! flag that can indicate fictitious elements
+      close(28)
+      print *, trim(topo_file)
+      !average data on global points
+      ibool_count(:) = 0
+      ibool_dat(:) = 0.0
+      if( AVERAGE_GLOBALPOINTS ) then
+        do ispec=1,nspec(it)
+          ! checks if element counts
+          if (ir==3 ) then
+            ! inner core
+            ! nothing to do for fictitious elements in central cube
+            if( idoubling_inner_core(ispec) == IFLAG_IN_FICTITIOUS_CUBE) cycle
+          endif
+          ! counts and sums global point data
+          do k = 1, NGLLZ, dk
+            do j = 1, NGLLY, dj
+              do i = 1, NGLLX, di
+                iglob = ibool(i,j,k,ispec)
+                dat = data(i,j,k,ispec)
+                ibool_dat(iglob) = ibool_dat(iglob) + dat
+                ibool_count(iglob) = ibool_count(iglob) + 1
+              enddo
+            enddo
+          enddo
+        enddo
+        do iglob=1,nglob(it)
+          if( ibool_count(iglob) > 0 ) then
+            ibool_dat(iglob) = ibool_dat(iglob)/ibool_count(iglob)
+          endif
+        enddo
+      endif
+      mask_ibool(:) = .false.
+      num_ibool(:) = 0
+      numpoin = 0
+      ! write point file
+      do ispec=1,nspec(it)
+        ! checks if element counts
+        if (ir==3 ) then
+          ! inner core
+          ! nothing to do for fictitious elements in central cube
+          if( idoubling_inner_core(ispec) == IFLAG_IN_FICTITIOUS_CUBE) cycle
+        endif
+        ! writes out global point data
+        do k = 1, NGLLZ, dk
+          do j = 1, NGLLY, dj
+            do i = 1, NGLLX, di
+              iglob = ibool(i,j,k,ispec)
+              if( iglob == -1 ) cycle
+              ! takes the averaged data value for mesh
+              if( AVERAGE_GLOBALPOINTS ) then
+                if(.not. mask_ibool(iglob)) then
+                  numpoin = numpoin + 1
+                  x = xstore(iglob)
+                  y = ystore(iglob)
+                  z = zstore(iglob)
+                  ! remove ellipticity
+                  if( CORRECT_ELLIPTICITY ) call reverse_ellipticity(x,y,z,nspl,rspl,espl,espl2)
+                  !dat = data(i,j,k,ispec)
+                  dat = ibool_dat(iglob)
+                  call write_real_fd(pfd,x)
+                  call write_real_fd(pfd,y)
+                  call write_real_fd(pfd,z)
+                  call write_real_fd(pfd,dat)
+                  ! VTK
+                  total_dat(np+numpoin) = dat
+                  total_dat_xyz(1,np+numpoin) = x
+                  total_dat_xyz(2,np+numpoin) = y
+                  total_dat_xyz(3,np+numpoin) = z
+                  mask_ibool(iglob) = .true.
+                  num_ibool(iglob) = numpoin
+                endif
+              else
+                if(.not. mask_ibool(iglob)) then
+                  numpoin = numpoin + 1
+                  x = xstore(iglob)
+                  y = ystore(iglob)
+                  z = zstore(iglob)
+                  ! remove ellipticity
+                  if( CORRECT_ELLIPTICITY ) call reverse_ellipticity(x,y,z,nspl,rspl,espl,espl2)
+                  dat = data(i,j,k,ispec)
+                  call write_real_fd(pfd,x)
+                  call write_real_fd(pfd,y)
+                  call write_real_fd(pfd,z)
+                  call write_real_fd(pfd,dat)
+                  ! VTK
+                  total_dat(np+numpoin) = dat
+                  total_dat_xyz(1,np+numpoin) = x
+                  total_dat_xyz(2,np+numpoin) = y
+                  total_dat_xyz(3,np+numpoin) = z
+                  mask_ibool(iglob) = .true.
+                  num_ibool(iglob) = numpoin
+                endif
+              endif
+            enddo ! i
+          enddo ! j
+        enddo ! k
+      enddo !ispec
+      ! no way to check the number of points for low-res
+      if (HIGH_RESOLUTION_MESH ) then
+        if( ir==3 ) then
+          npoint(it) = numpoin
+        else if( numpoin /= npoint(it)) then
+          print*,'region:',ir
+          print*,'error number of points:',numpoin,npoint(it)
+          stop 'different number of points (high-res)'
+        endif
+      else if (.not. HIGH_RESOLUTION_MESH) then
+        npoint(it) = numpoin
+      endif
+      ! write elements file
+      numpoin = 0
+      do ispec = 1, nspec(it)
+        ! checks if element counts
+        if (ir==3 ) then
+          ! inner core
+          ! fictitious elements in central cube
+          if( idoubling_inner_core(ispec) == IFLAG_IN_FICTITIOUS_CUBE) then
+            ! connectivity must be given, otherwise element count would be wrong
+            ! maps "fictitious" connectivity, element is all with iglob = 1
+#ifndef USE_VTK_INSTEAD_OF_MESH            
+            do k = 1, NGLLZ-1, dk
+              do j = 1, NGLLY-1, dj
+                do i = 1, NGLLX-1, di
+                  call write_integer_fd(efd,1)
+                  call write_integer_fd(efd,1)
+                  call write_integer_fd(efd,1)
+                  call write_integer_fd(efd,1)
+                  call write_integer_fd(efd,1)
+                  call write_integer_fd(efd,1)
+                  call write_integer_fd(efd,1)
+                  call write_integer_fd(efd,1)
+                enddo ! i
+              enddo ! j
+            enddo ! k
+            ! takes next element
+            cycle
+          endif
+        endif
+        ! writes out element connectivity
+        do k = 1, NGLLZ-1, dk
+          do j = 1, NGLLY-1, dj
+            do i = 1, NGLLX-1, di
+              numpoin = numpoin + 1 ! counts elements
+              iglob1 = ibool(i,j,k,ispec)
+              iglob2 = ibool(i+di,j,k,ispec)
+              iglob3 = ibool(i+di,j+dj,k,ispec)
+              iglob4 = ibool(i,j+dj,k,ispec)
+              iglob5 = ibool(i,j,k+dk,ispec)
+              iglob6 = ibool(i+di,j,k+dk,ispec)
+              iglob7 = ibool(i+di,j+dj,k+dk,ispec)
+              iglob8 = ibool(i,j+dj,k+dk,ispec)
+              n1 = num_ibool(iglob1)+np-1
+              n2 = num_ibool(iglob2)+np-1
+              n3 = num_ibool(iglob3)+np-1
+              n4 = num_ibool(iglob4)+np-1
+              n5 = num_ibool(iglob5)+np-1
+              n6 = num_ibool(iglob6)+np-1
+              n7 = num_ibool(iglob7)+np-1
+              n8 = num_ibool(iglob8)+np-1
+              call write_integer_fd(efd,n1)
+              call write_integer_fd(efd,n2)
+              call write_integer_fd(efd,n3)
+              call write_integer_fd(efd,n4)
+              call write_integer_fd(efd,n5)
+              call write_integer_fd(efd,n6)
+              call write_integer_fd(efd,n7)
+              call write_integer_fd(efd,n8)
+              ! VTK
+              ! note: indices for vtk start at 0
+              total_dat_con(1,numpoin + ne) = n1
+              total_dat_con(2,numpoin + ne) = n2
+              total_dat_con(3,numpoin + ne) = n3
+              total_dat_con(4,numpoin + ne) = n4
+              total_dat_con(5,numpoin + ne) = n5
+              total_dat_con(6,numpoin + ne) = n6
+              total_dat_con(7,numpoin + ne) = n7
+              total_dat_con(8,numpoin + ne) = n8
+            enddo ! i
+          enddo ! j
+        enddo ! k
+      enddo ! ispec
+      np = np + npoint(it)
+      ne = ne + nelement(it)
+    enddo  ! all slices for points
+    if (np /= sum(npoint(1:num_node)))  stop 'Error: Number of total points are not consistent'
+    if (ne /= sum(nelement(1:num_node))) stop 'Error: Number of total elements are not consistent'
+    print *
+    print *, 'Total number of points: ', np
+    print *, 'Total number of elements: ', ne
+    print *
+    ! VTK
+    ! opens unstructured grid file
+    write(mesh_file,'(a,i1,a)') trim(outdir)//'/' // 'reg_',ir,'_'//trim(filename)//'.vtk'
+    open(IOVTK,file=mesh_file(1:len_trim(mesh_file)),status='unknown',iostat=ios)
+    if( ios /= 0 ) stop 'error opening vtk output file'
+    write(IOVTK,'(a)') '# vtk DataFile Version 3.1'
+    write(IOVTK,'(a)') 'material model VTK file'
+    write(IOVTK,'(a)') 'ASCII'
+    ! points
+    write(IOVTK, '(a,i16,a)') 'POINTS ', np, ' float'
+    do i = 1,np
+      write(IOVTK,'(3e18.6)') total_dat_xyz(1,i),total_dat_xyz(2,i),total_dat_xyz(3,i)
+    enddo
+    write(IOVTK,*) ""
+    ! cells
+    ! note: indices for vtk start at 0
+    write(IOVTK,'(a,i12,i12)') "CELLS ",ne,ne*9
+    do i = 1,ne
+      write(IOVTK,'(9i12)') 8,total_dat_con(1,i),total_dat_con(2,i),total_dat_con(3,i),total_dat_con(4,i), &
+                            total_dat_con(5,i),total_dat_con(6,i),total_dat_con(7,i),total_dat_con(8,i)
+    enddo
+    write(IOVTK,*) ""
+    ! VTK
+    ! type: hexahedrons
+    write(IOVTK,'(a,i12)') "CELL_TYPES ",ne
+    write(IOVTK,*) (12,it=1,ne)
+    write(IOVTK,*) ""
+    write(IOVTK,'(a,i12)') "POINT_DATA ",np
+    write(IOVTK,'(a)') "SCALARS "//trim(filename)//" float"
+    write(IOVTK,'(a)') "LOOKUP_TABLE default"
+    do i = 1,np
+        write(IOVTK,*) total_dat(i)
+    enddo
+    write(IOVTK,*) ""
+    close(IOVTK)
+    ! free arrays for this region
+    deallocate(total_dat,total_dat_xyz,total_dat_con)
+    print *,'written: ',trim(mesh_file)
+    print *
+    call close_file_fd(pfd)
+    call close_file_fd(efd)
+    ! add the critical piece: total number of points
+    call open_file_fd(trim(pt_mesh_file2)//char(0),pfd)
+    call write_integer_fd(pfd,np)
+    call close_file_fd(pfd)
+    command_name='cat '//trim(pt_mesh_file2)//' '//trim(pt_mesh_file1)//' '//trim(em_mesh_file)//' > '//trim(mesh_file)
+    print *, ' '
+    print *, 'cat mesh files: '
+    print *, trim(command_name)
+    call system(trim(command_name))
+  enddo
+  print *, 'Done writing mesh files'
+  print *, ' '
+end program combine_vol_data_vtk

Deleted: seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/src/auxiliaries/combine_vol_data.f90
--- seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/src/auxiliaries/combine_vol_data.f90	2014-01-02 16:00:41 UTC (rev 22985)
+++ seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/src/auxiliaries/combine_vol_data.f90	2014-01-02 16:00:49 UTC (rev 22986)
@@ -1,516 +0,0 @@
-!          S p e c f e m 3 D  G l o b e  V e r s i o n  6 . 0
-!          --------------------------------------------------
-!          Main authors: Dimitri Komatitsch and Jeroen Tromp
-!                        Princeton University, USA
-!             and CNRS / INRIA / University of Pau, France
-! (c) Princeton University and CNRS / INRIA / University of Pau
-!                            August 2013
-! This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-! it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-! the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-! (at your option) any later version.
-! This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-! but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-! GNU General Public License for more details.
-! You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
-! with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
-! 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
-program combine_vol_data
-  ! combines the database files on several slices.
-  ! the local database file needs to have been collected onto the frontend (copy_local_database.pl)
-  use constants
-  implicit none
-  include "OUTPUT_FILES/values_from_mesher.h"
-  integer,parameter :: MAX_NUM_NODES = 2000
-  integer :: iregion, ir, irs, ire, ires
-!!! .mesh specific !!!!!!!!!!!
-  integer :: pfd, efd
-  character(len=256) :: sline, arg(7), filename, in_topo_dir, in_file_dir, outdir
-  character(len=256) :: prname_topo, prname_file, dimension_file
-!!! .mesh specific !!!!!!!!!!!
-  character(len=1038) :: command_name
-  character(len=256) :: pt_mesh_file1, pt_mesh_file2, mesh_file, em_mesh_file
-  character(len=256) :: data_file, topo_file
-  integer, dimension(MAX_NUM_NODES) :: node_list, nspec, nglob, npoint, nelement
-  integer iproc, num_node, i,j,k,ispec, ios, it, di, dj, dk
-  integer np, ne,  njunk
-  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL),dimension(NGLOB_CRUST_MANTLE) :: xstore, ystore, zstore
-  integer num_ibool(NGLOB_CRUST_MANTLE)
-  real x, y, z, dat
-  integer numpoin, iglob, n1, n2, n3, n4, n5, n6, n7, n8
-  integer iglob1, iglob2, iglob3, iglob4, iglob5, iglob6, iglob7, iglob8
-  ! instead of taking the first value which appears for a global point, average the values
-  ! if there are more than one gll points for a global point (points on element corners, edges, faces)
-  logical,parameter:: AVERAGE_GLOBALPOINTS = .false.
-  integer:: ibool_count(NGLOB_CRUST_MANTLE)
-  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL):: ibool_dat(NGLOB_CRUST_MANTLE)
-  ! note:
-  !  if one wants to remove the topography and ellipticity distortion, you would run the mesher again
-  !  but turning the flags: TOPOGRAPHY and ELLIPTICITY to .false.
-  !  then, use those as topo files: proc***_solver_data.bin
-  !  of course, this would also work by just turning ELLIPTICITY to .false. so that the CORRECT_ELLIPTICITY below
-  !  becomes unneccessary
-  !
-  ! puts point locations back into a perfectly spherical shape by removing the ellipticity factor;
-  ! useful for plotting spherical cuts at certain depths
-  logical,parameter:: CORRECT_ELLIPTICITY = .false.
-  integer :: nspl
-  double precision :: rspl(NR),espl(NR),espl2(NR)
-  logical,parameter :: ONE_CRUST = .false. ! if you want to correct a model with one layer only in PREM crust
-  integer, dimension(NSPEC_INNER_CORE) :: idoubling_inner_core ! to get rid of fictitious elements in central cube
-  ! starts here--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-  do i = 1, 7
-    call get_command_argument(i,arg(i))
-    if (i < 7 .and. len_trim(arg(i)) == 0) then
-      print *, ' '
-      print *, ' Usage: xcombine_vol_data slice_list filename input_topo_dir input_file_dir '
-      print *, '        output_dir high/low-resolution [region]'
-      print *, ' ***** Notice: now allow different input dir for topo and kernel files ******** '
-      print *, '   expect to have the topology and filename.bin(NGLLX,NGLLY,NGLLZ,nspec) '
-      print *, '   already collected to input_topo_dir and input_file_dir'
-      print *, '   output mesh files (filename_points.mesh, filename_elements.mesh) go to output_dir '
-      print *, '   give 0 for low resolution and 1 for high resolution'
-      print *, '   if region is not specified, all 3 regions will be collected, otherwise, only collect regions specified'
-      stop ' Reenter command line options'
-    endif
-  enddo
-             stop 'This program needs that NSPEC_CRUST_MANTLE > NSPEC_OUTER_CORE and NSPEC_INNER_CORE'
-  ! get region id
-  if (len_trim(arg(7)) == 0) then
-    iregion  = 0
-  else
-    read(arg(7),*) iregion
-  endif
-  if (iregion > 3 .or. iregion < 0) stop 'Iregion = 0,1,2,3'
-  if (iregion == 0) then
-    irs = 1
-    ire = 3
-  else
-    irs = iregion
-    ire = irs
-  endif
-  ! get slices id
-  num_node = 0
-  open(unit = 20, file = trim(arg(1)), status = 'old',iostat = ios)
-  if (ios /= 0) then
-    print*,'no file: ',trim(arg(1))
-    stop 'Error opening slices file'
-  endif
-  do while (1 == 1)
-    read(20,'(a)',iostat=ios) sline
-    if (ios /= 0) exit
-    read(sline,*,iostat=ios) njunk
-    if (ios /= 0) exit
-    num_node = num_node + 1
-    node_list(num_node) = njunk
-  enddo
-  close(20)
-  print *, 'slice list: '
-  print *, node_list(1:num_node)
-  print *, ' '
-  ! file to collect
-  filename = arg(2)
-  ! input and output dir
-  in_topo_dir= arg(3)
-  in_file_dir= arg(4)
-  outdir = arg(5)
-  ! resolution
-  read(arg(6),*) ires
-  di = 0
-  dj = 0
-  dk = 0
-  if (ires == 0) then
-    di = NGLLX-1
-    dj = NGLLY-1
-    dk = NGLLZ-1
-  else if( ires == 1 ) then
-    di = 1
-    dj = 1
-    dk = 1
-  else if( ires == 2 ) then
-    di = int((NGLLX-1)/2.0)
-    dj = int((NGLLY-1)/2.0)
-    dk = int((NGLLZ-1)/2.0)
-  endif
-    print *, ' high resolution ', HIGH_RESOLUTION_MESH
-  else
-    print *, ' low resolution ', HIGH_RESOLUTION_MESH
-  endif
-  ! sets up ellipticity splines in order to remove ellipticity from point coordinates
-  if( CORRECT_ELLIPTICITY ) call make_ellipticity(nspl,rspl,espl,espl2,ONE_CRUST)
-  do ir = irs, ire
-    print *, '----------- Region ', ir, '----------------'
-!!! .mesh specific !!!!!!!!!!!
-    ! open paraview output mesh file
-    write(pt_mesh_file1,'(a,i1,a)') trim(outdir)//'/' // 'reg_',ir,'_'//trim(filename)//'_point1.mesh'
-    write(pt_mesh_file2,'(a,i1,a)') trim(outdir)//'/' // 'reg_',ir,'_'//trim(filename)//'_point2.mesh'
-    write(mesh_file,'(a,i1,a)') trim(outdir)//'/' // 'reg_',ir,'_'//trim(filename)//'.mesh'
-    write(em_mesh_file,'(a,i1,a)') trim(outdir)//'/' // 'reg_',ir,'_'//trim(filename)//'_element.mesh'
-    call open_file_fd(trim(pt_mesh_file1)//char(0),pfd)
-    call open_file_fd(trim(em_mesh_file)//char(0),efd)
-    ! figure out total number of points and elements for high-res mesh
-    do it = 1, num_node
-      iproc = node_list(it)
-      print *, 'Reading slice ', iproc
-      write(prname_topo,'(a,i6.6,a,i1,a)') trim(in_topo_dir)//'/proc',iproc,'_reg',ir,'_'
-      write(prname_file,'(a,i6.6,a,i1,a)') trim(in_file_dir)//'/proc',iproc,'_reg',ir,'_'
-      dimension_file = trim(prname_topo) //'solver_data.bin'
-      open(unit = 27,file = trim(dimension_file),status='old',action='read', iostat = ios, form='unformatted')
-      if (ios /= 0) then
-       print*,'error ',ios
-       print*,'file:',trim(dimension_file)
-       stop 'Error opening file'
-      endif
-      read(27) nspec(it)
-      read(27) nglob(it)
-      close(27)
-      ! check
-      if( nspec(it) > NSPEC_CRUST_MANTLE ) stop 'error file nspec too big, please check compilation'
-      if( nglob(it) > NGLOB_CRUST_MANTLE ) stop 'error file nglob too big, please check compilation'
-      if (HIGH_RESOLUTION_MESH) then
-        npoint(it) = nglob(it)
-        nelement(it) = nspec(it) * (NGLLX-1) * (NGLLY-1) * (NGLLZ-1)
-      else if( ires == 0 ) then
-        nelement(it) = nspec(it)
-      else if (ires == 2 ) then
-        nelement(it) = nspec(it) * (NGLLX-1) * (NGLLY-1) * (NGLLZ-1) / 8
-      endif
-    enddo
-    print *, 'nspec(it) = ', nspec(1:num_node)
-    print *, 'nglob(it) = ', nglob(1:num_node)
-    print *, 'nelement(it) = ', nelement(1:num_node)
-    call write_integer_fd(efd,sum(nelement(1:num_node)))
-    np = 0
-    ne = 0
-    ! write points information
-    do it = 1, num_node
-      iproc = node_list(it)
-      data(:,:,:,:) = -1.e10
-      print *, ' '
-      print *, 'Reading slice ', iproc
-      write(prname_topo,'(a,i6.6,a,i1,a)') trim(in_topo_dir)//'/proc',iproc,'_reg',ir,'_'
-      write(prname_file,'(a,i6.6,a,i1,a)') trim(in_file_dir)//'/proc',iproc,'_reg',ir,'_'
-      ! filename.bin
-      data_file = trim(prname_file) // trim(filename) // '.bin'
-      open(unit = 27,file = trim(data_file),status='old',action='read', iostat = ios,form ='unformatted')
-      if (ios /= 0) then
-        print*,'error ',ios
-        print*,'file:',trim(data_file)
-        stop 'Error opening file'
-      endif
-      read(27,iostat=ios) data(:,:,:,1:nspec(it))
-      if( ios /= 0 ) then
-        print*,'read error ',ios
-        print*,'file:',trim(data_file)
-        stop 'error reading data'
-      endif
-      close(27)
-      print *,trim(data_file)
-      print *,'  min/max value: ',minval(data(:,:,:,1:nspec(it))),maxval(data(:,:,:,1:nspec(it)))
-      print *
-      ! topology file
-      topo_file = trim(prname_topo) // 'solver_data.bin'
-      open(unit = 28,file = trim(topo_file),status='old',action='read', iostat = ios, form='unformatted')
-      if (ios /= 0) then
-       print*,'error ',ios
-       print*,'file:',trim(topo_file)
-       stop 'Error opening file'
-      endif
-      xstore(:) = 0.0
-      ystore(:) = 0.0
-      zstore(:) = 0.0
-      ibool(:,:,:,:) = -1
-      read(28) nspec(it)
-      read(28) nglob(it)
-      read(28) xstore(1:nglob(it))
-      read(28) ystore(1:nglob(it))
-      read(28) zstore(1:nglob(it))
-      read(28) ibool(:,:,:,1:nspec(it))
-      if (ir==3) read(28) idoubling_inner_core(1:nspec(it)) ! flag that can indicate fictitious elements
-      close(28)
-      print *, trim(topo_file)
-      !average data on global points
-      ibool_count(:) = 0
-      ibool_dat(:) = 0.0
-      if( AVERAGE_GLOBALPOINTS ) then
-        do ispec=1,nspec(it)
-          ! checks if element counts
-          if (ir==3 ) then
-            ! inner core
-            ! nothing to do for fictitious elements in central cube
-            if( idoubling_inner_core(ispec) == IFLAG_IN_FICTITIOUS_CUBE) cycle
-          endif
-          ! counts and sums global point data
-          do k = 1, NGLLZ, dk
-            do j = 1, NGLLY, dj
-              do i = 1, NGLLX, di
-                iglob = ibool(i,j,k,ispec)
-                dat = data(i,j,k,ispec)
-                ibool_dat(iglob) = ibool_dat(iglob) + dat
-                ibool_count(iglob) = ibool_count(iglob) + 1
-              enddo
-            enddo
-          enddo
-        enddo
-        do iglob=1,nglob(it)
-          if( ibool_count(iglob) > 0 ) then
-            ibool_dat(iglob) = ibool_dat(iglob)/ibool_count(iglob)
-          endif
-        enddo
-      endif
-      mask_ibool(:) = .false.
-      num_ibool(:) = 0
-      numpoin = 0
-      ! write point file
-      do ispec=1,nspec(it)
-        ! checks if element counts
-        if (ir==3 ) then
-          ! inner core
-          ! nothing to do for fictitious elements in central cube
-          if( idoubling_inner_core(ispec) == IFLAG_IN_FICTITIOUS_CUBE) cycle
-        endif
-        ! writes out global point data
-        do k = 1, NGLLZ, dk
-          do j = 1, NGLLY, dj
-            do i = 1, NGLLX, di
-              iglob = ibool(i,j,k,ispec)
-              if( iglob == -1 ) cycle
-              ! takes the averaged data value for mesh
-              if( AVERAGE_GLOBALPOINTS ) then
-                if(.not. mask_ibool(iglob)) then
-                  numpoin = numpoin + 1
-                  x = xstore(iglob)
-                  y = ystore(iglob)
-                  z = zstore(iglob)
-                  ! remove ellipticity
-                  if( CORRECT_ELLIPTICITY ) call reverse_ellipticity(x,y,z,nspl,rspl,espl,espl2)
-                  !dat = data(i,j,k,ispec)
-                  dat = ibool_dat(iglob)
-!!! .mesh specific !!!!!!!!!!!
-                  call write_real_fd(pfd,x)
-                  call write_real_fd(pfd,y)
-                  call write_real_fd(pfd,z)
-                  call write_real_fd(pfd,dat)
-                  mask_ibool(iglob) = .true.
-                  num_ibool(iglob) = numpoin
-                endif
-              else
-                if(.not. mask_ibool(iglob)) then
-                  numpoin = numpoin + 1
-                  x = xstore(iglob)
-                  y = ystore(iglob)
-                  z = zstore(iglob)
-                  ! remove ellipticity
-                  if( CORRECT_ELLIPTICITY ) call reverse_ellipticity(x,y,z,nspl,rspl,espl,espl2)
-                  dat = data(i,j,k,ispec)
-!!! .mesh specific !!!!!!!!!!!
-                  call write_real_fd(pfd,x)
-                  call write_real_fd(pfd,y)
-                  call write_real_fd(pfd,z)
-                  call write_real_fd(pfd,dat)
-                  mask_ibool(iglob) = .true.
-                  num_ibool(iglob) = numpoin
-                endif
-              endif
-            enddo ! i
-          enddo ! j
-        enddo ! k
-      enddo !ispec
-      ! no way to check the number of points for low-res
-      if (HIGH_RESOLUTION_MESH ) then
-        if( ir==3 ) then
-          npoint(it) = numpoin
-        else if( numpoin /= npoint(it)) then
-          print*,'region:',ir
-          print*,'error number of points:',numpoin,npoint(it)
-          stop 'different number of points (high-res)'
-        endif
-      else if (.not. HIGH_RESOLUTION_MESH) then
-        npoint(it) = numpoin
-      endif
-      ! write elements file
-      numpoin = 0
-      do ispec = 1, nspec(it)
-        ! checks if element counts
-        if (ir==3 ) then
-          ! inner core
-          ! fictitious elements in central cube
-          if( idoubling_inner_core(ispec) == IFLAG_IN_FICTITIOUS_CUBE) then
-            ! connectivity must be given, otherwise element count would be wrong
-            ! maps "fictitious" connectivity, element is all with iglob = 1
-!!! .mesh specific !!!!!!!!!!!
-            do k = 1, NGLLZ-1, dk
-              do j = 1, NGLLY-1, dj
-                do i = 1, NGLLX-1, di
-                  call write_integer_fd(efd,1)
-                  call write_integer_fd(efd,1)
-                  call write_integer_fd(efd,1)
-                  call write_integer_fd(efd,1)
-                  call write_integer_fd(efd,1)
-                  call write_integer_fd(efd,1)
-                  call write_integer_fd(efd,1)
-                  call write_integer_fd(efd,1)
-                enddo ! i
-              enddo ! j
-            enddo ! k
-            ! takes next element
-            cycle
-          endif
-        endif
-        ! writes out element connectivity
-        do k = 1, NGLLZ-1, dk
-          do j = 1, NGLLY-1, dj
-            do i = 1, NGLLX-1, di
-              numpoin = numpoin + 1 ! counts elements
-              iglob1 = ibool(i,j,k,ispec)
-              iglob2 = ibool(i+di,j,k,ispec)
-              iglob3 = ibool(i+di,j+dj,k,ispec)
-              iglob4 = ibool(i,j+dj,k,ispec)
-              iglob5 = ibool(i,j,k+dk,ispec)
-              iglob6 = ibool(i+di,j,k+dk,ispec)
-              iglob7 = ibool(i+di,j+dj,k+dk,ispec)
-              iglob8 = ibool(i,j+dj,k+dk,ispec)
-              n1 = num_ibool(iglob1)+np-1
-              n2 = num_ibool(iglob2)+np-1
-              n3 = num_ibool(iglob3)+np-1
-              n4 = num_ibool(iglob4)+np-1
-              n5 = num_ibool(iglob5)+np-1
-              n6 = num_ibool(iglob6)+np-1
-              n7 = num_ibool(iglob7)+np-1
-              n8 = num_ibool(iglob8)+np-1
-!!! .mesh specific !!!!!!!!!!!
-              call write_integer_fd(efd,n1)
-              call write_integer_fd(efd,n2)
-              call write_integer_fd(efd,n3)
-              call write_integer_fd(efd,n4)
-              call write_integer_fd(efd,n5)
-              call write_integer_fd(efd,n6)
-              call write_integer_fd(efd,n7)
-              call write_integer_fd(efd,n8)
-            enddo ! i
-          enddo ! j
-        enddo ! k
-      enddo ! ispec
-      np = np + npoint(it)
-      ne = ne + nelement(it)
-    enddo  ! all slices for points
-    if (np /= sum(npoint(1:num_node)))  stop 'Error: Number of total points are not consistent'
-    if (ne /= sum(nelement(1:num_node))) stop 'Error: Number of total elements are not consistent'
-    print *
-    print *, 'Total number of points: ', np
-    print *, 'Total number of elements: ', ne
-    print *
-!!! .mesh specific !!!!!!!!!!!
-    call close_file_fd(pfd)
-    call close_file_fd(efd)
-    ! add the critical piece: total number of points
-    call open_file_fd(trim(pt_mesh_file2)//char(0),pfd)
-    call write_integer_fd(pfd,np)
-    call close_file_fd(pfd)
-    command_name='cat '//trim(pt_mesh_file2)//' '//trim(pt_mesh_file1)//' '//trim(em_mesh_file)//' > '//trim(mesh_file)
-    print *, ' '
-    print *, 'cat mesh files: '
-    print *, trim(command_name)
-    call system(trim(command_name))
-  enddo
-  print *, 'Done writing mesh files'
-  print *, ' '
-end program combine_vol_data

Deleted: seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/src/auxiliaries/combine_vol_data_vtk.f90
--- seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/src/auxiliaries/combine_vol_data_vtk.f90	2014-01-02 16:00:41 UTC (rev 22985)
+++ seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/src/auxiliaries/combine_vol_data_vtk.f90	2014-01-02 16:00:49 UTC (rev 22986)
@@ -1,627 +0,0 @@
-!          S p e c f e m 3 D  G l o b e  V e r s i o n  6 . 0
-!          --------------------------------------------------
-!          Main authors: Dimitri Komatitsch and Jeroen Tromp
-!                        Princeton University, USA
-!             and CNRS / INRIA / University of Pau, France
-! (c) Princeton University and CNRS / INRIA / University of Pau
-!                            August 2013
-! This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-! it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-! the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-! (at your option) any later version.
-! This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-! but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-! GNU General Public License for more details.
-! You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
-! with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
-! 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
-program combine_vol_data_vtk
-  ! outputs vtk-files (ascii format)
-  ! combines the database files on several slices.
-  ! the local database file needs to have been collected onto the frontend (copy_local_database.pl)
-  use constants
-  implicit none
-  include "OUTPUT_FILES/values_from_mesher.h"
-  integer,parameter :: MAX_NUM_NODES = 2000
-  integer :: iregion, ir, irs, ire, ires
-  character(len=256) :: sline, arg(7), filename, in_topo_dir, in_file_dir, outdir
-  character(len=256) :: prname_topo, prname_file, dimension_file
-  character(len=256) :: data_file, topo_file
-  integer, dimension(MAX_NUM_NODES) :: node_list, nspec, nglob, npoint, nelement
-  integer iproc, num_node, i,j,k,ispec, ios, it, di, dj, dk
-  integer np, ne,  njunk
-  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL),dimension(NGLOB_CRUST_MANTLE) :: xstore, ystore, zstore
-  integer num_ibool(NGLOB_CRUST_MANTLE)
-  real x, y, z, dat
-  integer numpoin, iglob, n1, n2, n3, n4, n5, n6, n7, n8
-  integer iglob1, iglob2, iglob3, iglob4, iglob5, iglob6, iglob7, iglob8
-  ! instead of taking the first value which appears for a global point, average the values
-  ! if there are more than one gll points for a global point (points on element corners, edges, faces)
-  logical,parameter:: AVERAGE_GLOBALPOINTS = .false.
-  integer:: ibool_count(NGLOB_CRUST_MANTLE)
-  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL):: ibool_dat(NGLOB_CRUST_MANTLE)
-  ! note:
-  !  if one wants to remove the topography and ellipticity distortion, you would run the mesher again
-  !  but turning the flags: TOPOGRAPHY and ELLIPTICITY to .false.
-  !  then, use those as topo files: proc***_solver_data.bin
-  !  of course, this would also work by just turning ELLIPTICITY to .false. so that the CORRECT_ELLIPTICITY below
-  !  becomes unneccessary
-  !
-  ! puts point locations back into a perfectly spherical shape by removing the ellipticity factor;
-  ! useful for plotting spherical cuts at certain depths
-  logical,parameter:: CORRECT_ELLIPTICITY = .false.
-  integer :: nspl
-  double precision :: rspl(NR),espl(NR),espl2(NR)
-  logical,parameter :: ONE_CRUST = .false. ! if you want to correct a model with one layer only in PREM crust
-  integer, dimension(NSPEC_INNER_CORE) :: idoubling_inner_core ! to get rid of fictitious elements in central cube
-!!! .mesh specific !!!!!!!!!!!
-  integer :: pfd, efd
-  character(len=1038) :: command_name
-  character(len=256) :: pt_mesh_file1, pt_mesh_file2, mesh_file, em_mesh_file
-!!! .vtk specific !!!!!!!!!!!
-  character(len=256) :: mesh_file
-  integer ier
-  ! global point data
-  real,dimension(:),allocatable :: total_dat
-  real,dimension(:,:),allocatable :: total_dat_xyz
-  integer,dimension(:,:),allocatable :: total_dat_con
-  ! starts here--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-  do i = 1, 7
-    call get_command_argument(i,arg(i))
-    if (i < 7 .and. len_trim(arg(i)) == 0) then
-      print *, ' '
-      print *, ' Usage: xcombine_vol_data slice_list filename input_topo_dir input_file_dir '
-      print *, '        output_dir high/low-resolution [region]'
-      print *, ' ***** Notice: now allow different input dir for topo and kernel files ******** '
-      print *, '   expect to have the topology and filename.bin(NGLLX,NGLLY,NGLLZ,nspec) '
-      print *, '   already collected to input_topo_dir and input_file_dir'
-      print *, '   output mesh files (filename_points.mesh, filename_elements.mesh) go to output_dir '
-      print *, '   give 0 for low resolution and 1 for high resolution'
-      print *, '   if region is not specified, all 3 regions will be collected, otherwise, only collect regions specified'
-      stop ' Reenter command line options'
-    endif
-  enddo
-             stop 'This program needs that NSPEC_CRUST_MANTLE > NSPEC_OUTER_CORE and NSPEC_INNER_CORE'
-  ! get region id
-  if (len_trim(arg(7)) == 0) then
-    iregion  = 0
-  else
-    read(arg(7),*) iregion
-  endif
-  if (iregion > 3 .or. iregion < 0) stop 'Iregion = 0,1,2,3'
-  if (iregion == 0) then
-    irs = 1
-    ire = 3
-  else
-    irs = iregion
-    ire = irs
-  endif
-  ! get slices id
-  num_node = 0
-  open(unit = 20, file = trim(arg(1)), status = 'old',iostat = ios)
-  if (ios /= 0) then
-    print*,'no file: ',trim(arg(1))
-    stop 'Error opening slices file'
-  endif
-  do while (1 == 1)
-    read(20,'(a)',iostat=ios) sline
-    if (ios /= 0) exit
-    read(sline,*,iostat=ios) njunk
-    if (ios /= 0) exit
-    num_node = num_node + 1
-    node_list(num_node) = njunk
-  enddo
-  close(20)
-  print *, 'slice list: '
-  print *, node_list(1:num_node)
-  print *, ' '
-  ! file to collect
-  filename = arg(2)
-  ! input and output dir
-  in_topo_dir= arg(3)
-  in_file_dir= arg(4)
-  outdir = arg(5)
-  ! resolution
-  read(arg(6),*) ires
-  di = 0
-  dj = 0
-  dk = 0
-  if (ires == 0) then
-    di = NGLLX-1
-    dj = NGLLY-1
-    dk = NGLLZ-1
-  else if( ires == 1 ) then
-    di = 1
-    dj = 1
-    dk = 1
-  else if( ires == 2 ) then
-    di = int((NGLLX-1)/2.0)
-    dj = int((NGLLY-1)/2.0)
-    dk = int((NGLLZ-1)/2.0)
-  endif
-    print *, ' high resolution ', HIGH_RESOLUTION_MESH
-  else
-    print *, ' low resolution ', HIGH_RESOLUTION_MESH
-  endif
-  ! sets up ellipticity splines in order to remove ellipticity from point coordinates
-  if( CORRECT_ELLIPTICITY ) call make_ellipticity(nspl,rspl,espl,espl2,ONE_CRUST)
-  do ir = irs, ire
-    print *, '----------- Region ', ir, '----------------'
-!!! .mesh specific !!!!!!!!!!!
-    ! open paraview output mesh file
-    write(pt_mesh_file1,'(a,i1,a)') trim(outdir)//'/' // 'reg_',ir,'_'//trim(filename)//'_point1.mesh'
-    write(pt_mesh_file2,'(a,i1,a)') trim(outdir)//'/' // 'reg_',ir,'_'//trim(filename)//'_point2.mesh'
-    write(mesh_file,'(a,i1,a)') trim(outdir)//'/' // 'reg_',ir,'_'//trim(filename)//'.mesh'
-    write(em_mesh_file,'(a,i1,a)') trim(outdir)//'/' // 'reg_',ir,'_'//trim(filename)//'_element.mesh'
-    call open_file_fd(trim(pt_mesh_file1)//char(0),pfd)
-    call open_file_fd(trim(em_mesh_file)//char(0),efd)
-    ! figure out total number of points and elements for high-res mesh
-    do it = 1, num_node
-      iproc = node_list(it)
-      print *, 'Reading slice ', iproc
-      write(prname_topo,'(a,i6.6,a,i1,a)') trim(in_topo_dir)//'/proc',iproc,'_reg',ir,'_'
-      write(prname_file,'(a,i6.6,a,i1,a)') trim(in_file_dir)//'/proc',iproc,'_reg',ir,'_'
-      dimension_file = trim(prname_topo) //'solver_data.bin'
-      open(unit = 27,file = trim(dimension_file),status='old',action='read', iostat = ios, form='unformatted')
-      if (ios /= 0) then
-       print*,'error ',ios
-       print*,'file:',trim(dimension_file)
-       stop 'Error opening file'
-      endif
-      read(27) nspec(it)
-      read(27) nglob(it)
-      close(27)
-      ! check
-      if( nspec(it) > NSPEC_CRUST_MANTLE ) stop 'error file nspec too big, please check compilation'
-      if( nglob(it) > NGLOB_CRUST_MANTLE ) stop 'error file nglob too big, please check compilation'
-      if (HIGH_RESOLUTION_MESH) then
-        npoint(it) = nglob(it)
-        nelement(it) = nspec(it) * (NGLLX-1) * (NGLLY-1) * (NGLLZ-1)
-      else if( ires == 0 ) then
-!!! .vtk specific !!!!!!!!!!!
-        npoint(it) = nglob(it)
-        nelement(it) = nspec(it)
-      else if (ires == 2 ) then
-!!! .vtk specific !!!!!!!!!!!
-        npoint(it) = nglob(it)
-        nelement(it) = nspec(it) * (NGLLX-1) * (NGLLY-1) * (NGLLZ-1) / 8
-      endif
-    enddo
-    print *, 'nspec(it) = ', nspec(1:num_node)
-    print *, 'nglob(it) = ', nglob(1:num_node)
-    print *, 'nelement(it) = ', nelement(1:num_node)
-    call write_integer_fd(efd,sum(nelement(1:num_node)))
-    ! VTK
-    print *
-    print *,'vtk inital total points: ',sum(npoint(1:num_node))
-    print *,'vkt inital total elements: ',sum(nelement(1:num_node))
-    print *
-    ! creates array to hold point data
-    allocate(total_dat(sum(npoint(1:num_node))),stat=ier)
-    if( ier /= 0 ) stop 'error allocating total_dat array'
-    total_dat(:) = 0.0
-    allocate(total_dat_xyz(3,sum(npoint(1:num_node))),stat=ier)
-    if( ier /= 0 ) stop 'error allocating total_dat_xyz array'
-    total_dat_xyz(:,:) = 0.0
-    allocate(total_dat_con(8,sum(nelement(1:num_node))),stat=ier)
-    if( ier /= 0 ) stop 'error allocating total_dat_con array'
-    total_dat_con(:,:) = 0
-    np = 0
-    ne = 0
-    ! write points information
-    do it = 1, num_node
-      iproc = node_list(it)
-      data(:,:,:,:) = -1.e10
-      print *, ' '
-      print *, 'Reading slice ', iproc
-      write(prname_topo,'(a,i6.6,a,i1,a)') trim(in_topo_dir)//'/proc',iproc,'_reg',ir,'_'
-      write(prname_file,'(a,i6.6,a,i1,a)') trim(in_file_dir)//'/proc',iproc,'_reg',ir,'_'
-      ! filename.bin
-      data_file = trim(prname_file) // trim(filename) // '.bin'
-      open(unit = 27,file = trim(data_file),status='old',action='read', iostat = ios,form ='unformatted')
-      if (ios /= 0) then
-        print*,'error ',ios
-        print*,'file:',trim(data_file)
-        stop 'Error opening file'
-      endif
-      read(27,iostat=ios) data(:,:,:,1:nspec(it))
-      if( ios /= 0 ) then
-        print*,'read error ',ios
-        print*,'file:',trim(data_file)
-        stop 'error reading data'
-      endif
-      close(27)
-      print *,trim(data_file)
-      print *,'  min/max value: ',minval(data(:,:,:,1:nspec(it))),maxval(data(:,:,:,1:nspec(it)))
-      print *
-      ! topology file
-      topo_file = trim(prname_topo) // 'solver_data.bin'
-      open(unit = 28,file = trim(topo_file),status='old',action='read', iostat = ios, form='unformatted')
-      if (ios /= 0) then
-       print*,'error ',ios
-       print*,'file:',trim(topo_file)
-       stop 'Error opening file'
-      endif
-      xstore(:) = 0.0
-      ystore(:) = 0.0
-      zstore(:) = 0.0
-      ibool(:,:,:,:) = -1
-      read(28) nspec(it)
-      read(28) nglob(it)
-      read(28) xstore(1:nglob(it))
-      read(28) ystore(1:nglob(it))
-      read(28) zstore(1:nglob(it))
-      read(28) ibool(:,:,:,1:nspec(it))
-      if (ir==3) read(28) idoubling_inner_core(1:nspec(it)) ! flag that can indicate fictitious elements
-      close(28)
-      print *, trim(topo_file)
-      !average data on global points
-      ibool_count(:) = 0
-      ibool_dat(:) = 0.0
-      if( AVERAGE_GLOBALPOINTS ) then
-        do ispec=1,nspec(it)
-          ! checks if element counts
-          if (ir==3 ) then
-            ! inner core
-            ! nothing to do for fictitious elements in central cube
-            if( idoubling_inner_core(ispec) == IFLAG_IN_FICTITIOUS_CUBE) cycle
-          endif
-          ! counts and sums global point data
-          do k = 1, NGLLZ, dk
-            do j = 1, NGLLY, dj
-              do i = 1, NGLLX, di
-                iglob = ibool(i,j,k,ispec)
-                dat = data(i,j,k,ispec)
-                ibool_dat(iglob) = ibool_dat(iglob) + dat
-                ibool_count(iglob) = ibool_count(iglob) + 1
-              enddo
-            enddo
-          enddo
-        enddo
-        do iglob=1,nglob(it)
-          if( ibool_count(iglob) > 0 ) then
-            ibool_dat(iglob) = ibool_dat(iglob)/ibool_count(iglob)
-          endif
-        enddo
-      endif
-      mask_ibool(:) = .false.
-      num_ibool(:) = 0
-      numpoin = 0
-      ! write point file
-      do ispec=1,nspec(it)
-        ! checks if element counts
-        if (ir==3 ) then
-          ! inner core
-          ! nothing to do for fictitious elements in central cube
-          if( idoubling_inner_core(ispec) == IFLAG_IN_FICTITIOUS_CUBE) cycle
-        endif
-        ! writes out global point data
-        do k = 1, NGLLZ, dk
-          do j = 1, NGLLY, dj
-            do i = 1, NGLLX, di
-              iglob = ibool(i,j,k,ispec)
-              if( iglob == -1 ) cycle
-              ! takes the averaged data value for mesh
-              if( AVERAGE_GLOBALPOINTS ) then
-                if(.not. mask_ibool(iglob)) then
-                  numpoin = numpoin + 1
-                  x = xstore(iglob)
-                  y = ystore(iglob)
-                  z = zstore(iglob)
-                  ! remove ellipticity
-                  if( CORRECT_ELLIPTICITY ) call reverse_ellipticity(x,y,z,nspl,rspl,espl,espl2)
-                  !dat = data(i,j,k,ispec)
-                  dat = ibool_dat(iglob)
-                  call write_real_fd(pfd,x)
-                  call write_real_fd(pfd,y)
-                  call write_real_fd(pfd,z)
-                  call write_real_fd(pfd,dat)
-                  ! VTK
-                  total_dat(np+numpoin) = dat
-                  total_dat_xyz(1,np+numpoin) = x
-                  total_dat_xyz(2,np+numpoin) = y
-                  total_dat_xyz(3,np+numpoin) = z
-                  mask_ibool(iglob) = .true.
-                  num_ibool(iglob) = numpoin
-                endif
-              else
-                if(.not. mask_ibool(iglob)) then
-                  numpoin = numpoin + 1
-                  x = xstore(iglob)
-                  y = ystore(iglob)
-                  z = zstore(iglob)
-                  ! remove ellipticity
-                  if( CORRECT_ELLIPTICITY ) call reverse_ellipticity(x,y,z,nspl,rspl,espl,espl2)
-                  dat = data(i,j,k,ispec)
-                  call write_real_fd(pfd,x)
-                  call write_real_fd(pfd,y)
-                  call write_real_fd(pfd,z)
-                  call write_real_fd(pfd,dat)
-                  ! VTK
-                  total_dat(np+numpoin) = dat
-                  total_dat_xyz(1,np+numpoin) = x
-                  total_dat_xyz(2,np+numpoin) = y
-                  total_dat_xyz(3,np+numpoin) = z
-                  mask_ibool(iglob) = .true.
-                  num_ibool(iglob) = numpoin
-                endif
-              endif
-            enddo ! i
-          enddo ! j
-        enddo ! k
-      enddo !ispec
-      ! no way to check the number of points for low-res
-      if (HIGH_RESOLUTION_MESH ) then
-        if( ir==3 ) then
-          npoint(it) = numpoin
-        else if( numpoin /= npoint(it)) then
-          print*,'region:',ir
-          print*,'error number of points:',numpoin,npoint(it)
-          stop 'different number of points (high-res)'
-        endif
-      else if (.not. HIGH_RESOLUTION_MESH) then
-        npoint(it) = numpoin
-      endif
-      ! write elements file
-      numpoin = 0
-      do ispec = 1, nspec(it)
-        ! checks if element counts
-        if (ir==3 ) then
-          ! inner core
-          ! fictitious elements in central cube
-          if( idoubling_inner_core(ispec) == IFLAG_IN_FICTITIOUS_CUBE) then
-            ! connectivity must be given, otherwise element count would be wrong
-            ! maps "fictitious" connectivity, element is all with iglob = 1
-#ifndef USE_VTK_INSTEAD_OF_MESH            
-            do k = 1, NGLLZ-1, dk
-              do j = 1, NGLLY-1, dj
-                do i = 1, NGLLX-1, di
-                  call write_integer_fd(efd,1)
-                  call write_integer_fd(efd,1)
-                  call write_integer_fd(efd,1)
-                  call write_integer_fd(efd,1)
-                  call write_integer_fd(efd,1)
-                  call write_integer_fd(efd,1)
-                  call write_integer_fd(efd,1)
-                  call write_integer_fd(efd,1)
-                enddo ! i
-              enddo ! j
-            enddo ! k
-            ! takes next element
-            cycle
-          endif
-        endif
-        ! writes out element connectivity
-        do k = 1, NGLLZ-1, dk
-          do j = 1, NGLLY-1, dj
-            do i = 1, NGLLX-1, di
-              numpoin = numpoin + 1 ! counts elements
-              iglob1 = ibool(i,j,k,ispec)
-              iglob2 = ibool(i+di,j,k,ispec)
-              iglob3 = ibool(i+di,j+dj,k,ispec)
-              iglob4 = ibool(i,j+dj,k,ispec)
-              iglob5 = ibool(i,j,k+dk,ispec)
-              iglob6 = ibool(i+di,j,k+dk,ispec)
-              iglob7 = ibool(i+di,j+dj,k+dk,ispec)
-              iglob8 = ibool(i,j+dj,k+dk,ispec)
-              n1 = num_ibool(iglob1)+np-1
-              n2 = num_ibool(iglob2)+np-1
-              n3 = num_ibool(iglob3)+np-1
-              n4 = num_ibool(iglob4)+np-1
-              n5 = num_ibool(iglob5)+np-1
-              n6 = num_ibool(iglob6)+np-1
-              n7 = num_ibool(iglob7)+np-1
-              n8 = num_ibool(iglob8)+np-1
-              call write_integer_fd(efd,n1)
-              call write_integer_fd(efd,n2)
-              call write_integer_fd(efd,n3)
-              call write_integer_fd(efd,n4)
-              call write_integer_fd(efd,n5)
-              call write_integer_fd(efd,n6)
-              call write_integer_fd(efd,n7)
-              call write_integer_fd(efd,n8)
-              ! VTK
-              ! note: indices for vtk start at 0
-              total_dat_con(1,numpoin + ne) = n1
-              total_dat_con(2,numpoin + ne) = n2
-              total_dat_con(3,numpoin + ne) = n3
-              total_dat_con(4,numpoin + ne) = n4
-              total_dat_con(5,numpoin + ne) = n5
-              total_dat_con(6,numpoin + ne) = n6
-              total_dat_con(7,numpoin + ne) = n7
-              total_dat_con(8,numpoin + ne) = n8
-            enddo ! i
-          enddo ! j
-        enddo ! k
-      enddo ! ispec
-      np = np + npoint(it)
-      ne = ne + nelement(it)
-    enddo  ! all slices for points
-    if (np /= sum(npoint(1:num_node)))  stop 'Error: Number of total points are not consistent'
-    if (ne /= sum(nelement(1:num_node))) stop 'Error: Number of total elements are not consistent'
-    print *
-    print *, 'Total number of points: ', np
-    print *, 'Total number of elements: ', ne
-    print *
-    ! VTK
-    ! opens unstructured grid file
-    write(mesh_file,'(a,i1,a)') trim(outdir)//'/' // 'reg_',ir,'_'//trim(filename)//'.vtk'
-    open(IOVTK,file=mesh_file(1:len_trim(mesh_file)),status='unknown',iostat=ios)
-    if( ios /= 0 ) stop 'error opening vtk output file'
-    write(IOVTK,'(a)') '# vtk DataFile Version 3.1'
-    write(IOVTK,'(a)') 'material model VTK file'
-    write(IOVTK,'(a)') 'ASCII'
-    ! points
-    write(IOVTK, '(a,i16,a)') 'POINTS ', np, ' float'
-    do i = 1,np
-      write(IOVTK,'(3e18.6)') total_dat_xyz(1,i),total_dat_xyz(2,i),total_dat_xyz(3,i)
-    enddo
-    write(IOVTK,*) ""
-    ! cells
-    ! note: indices for vtk start at 0
-    write(IOVTK,'(a,i12,i12)') "CELLS ",ne,ne*9
-    do i = 1,ne
-      write(IOVTK,'(9i12)') 8,total_dat_con(1,i),total_dat_con(2,i),total_dat_con(3,i),total_dat_con(4,i), &
-                            total_dat_con(5,i),total_dat_con(6,i),total_dat_con(7,i),total_dat_con(8,i)
-    enddo
-    write(IOVTK,*) ""
-    ! VTK
-    ! type: hexahedrons
-    write(IOVTK,'(a,i12)') "CELL_TYPES ",ne
-    write(IOVTK,*) (12,it=1,ne)
-    write(IOVTK,*) ""
-    write(IOVTK,'(a,i12)') "POINT_DATA ",np
-    write(IOVTK,'(a)') "SCALARS "//trim(filename)//" float"
-    write(IOVTK,'(a)') "LOOKUP_TABLE default"
-    do i = 1,np
-        write(IOVTK,*) total_dat(i)
-    enddo
-    write(IOVTK,*) ""
-    close(IOVTK)
-    ! free arrays for this region
-    deallocate(total_dat,total_dat_xyz,total_dat_con)
-    print *,'written: ',trim(mesh_file)
-    print *
-    call close_file_fd(pfd)
-    call close_file_fd(efd)
-    ! add the critical piece: total number of points
-    call open_file_fd(trim(pt_mesh_file2)//char(0),pfd)
-    call write_integer_fd(pfd,np)
-    call close_file_fd(pfd)
-    command_name='cat '//trim(pt_mesh_file2)//' '//trim(pt_mesh_file1)//' '//trim(em_mesh_file)//' > '//trim(mesh_file)
-    print *, ' '
-    print *, 'cat mesh files: '
-    print *, trim(command_name)
-    call system(trim(command_name))
-  enddo
-  print *, 'Done writing mesh files'
-  print *, ' '
-end program combine_vol_data_vtk

Modified: seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/src/auxiliaries/rules.mk
--- seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/src/auxiliaries/rules.mk	2014-01-02 16:00:41 UTC (rev 22985)
+++ seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE/trunk/src/auxiliaries/rules.mk	2014-01-02 16:00:49 UTC (rev 22986)
@@ -94,8 +94,8 @@
 ${E}/xcombine_vol_data: $(auxiliaries_SHARED_OBJECTS) $O/combine_vol_data.auxsolver.o $O/write_c_binary.cc.o $O/combine_vol_data_shared.aux.o
 	${FCCOMPILE_CHECK} -o ${E}/xcombine_vol_data $(auxiliaries_SHARED_OBJECTS) $O/combine_vol_data.auxsolver.o $O/write_c_binary.cc.o $O/combine_vol_data_shared.aux.o
-${E}/xcombine_vol_data_vtk: $(auxiliaries_SHARED_OBJECTS) $O/combine_vol_data_vtk.auxsolver.o $O/write_c_binary.cc.o $O/combine_vol_data_shared.aux.o
-	${FCCOMPILE_CHECK} -o ${E}/xcombine_vol_data_vtk $(auxiliaries_SHARED_OBJECTS) $O/combine_vol_data_vtk.auxsolver.o $O/write_c_binary.cc.o $O/combine_vol_data_shared.aux.o
+${E}/xcombine_vol_data_vtk: $(auxiliaries_SHARED_OBJECTS) $O/combine_vol_data.auxsolver_vtk.o $O/write_c_binary.cc.o $O/combine_vol_data_shared.aux.o
+	${FCCOMPILE_CHECK} -o ${E}/xcombine_vol_data_vtk $(auxiliaries_SHARED_OBJECTS) $O/combine_vol_data.auxsolver_vtk.o $O/write_c_binary.cc.o $O/combine_vol_data_shared.aux.o
 ${E}/xcombine_surf_data: $(auxiliaries_SHARED_OBJECTS) $O/combine_surf_data.auxsolver.o $O/write_c_binary.cc.o
 	${FCCOMPILE_CHECK} -o ${E}/xcombine_surf_data $(auxiliaries_SHARED_OBJECTS) $O/combine_surf_data.auxsolver.o $O/write_c_binary.cc.o
@@ -128,4 +128,8 @@
 $O/%.auxsolver.o: $S/%.f90 ${OUTPUT}/values_from_mesher.h $O/shared_par.shared_module.o
 	${FCCOMPILE_CHECK} ${FCFLAGS_f90} -c -o $@ $<
+$O/%.auxsolver.o: $S/%.F90 ${OUTPUT}/values_from_mesher.h $O/shared_par.shared_module.o
+	${FCCOMPILE_CHECK} ${FCFLAGS_f90} -c -o $@ $<
+$O/%.auxsolver_vtk.o: $S/%.F90 ${OUTPUT}/values_from_mesher.h $O/shared_par.shared_module.o

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