[cig-commits] [commit] devel: Combine duplicate get_global subroutines. (0d35ab5)

cig_noreply at geodynamics.org cig_noreply at geodynamics.org
Wed Jun 4 13:02:26 PDT 2014

Repository : https://github.com/geodynamics/specfem3d_globe

On branch  : devel
Link       : https://github.com/geodynamics/specfem3d_globe/compare/754300e5a26e2a5d17069e661645fe819a7857a1...cd83b686a7c6014e132933f685157d43151a665e


commit 0d35ab5f73fc93476daaf2b51297a6c683dd7426
Author: Elliott Sales de Andrade <esalesde at physics.utoronto.ca>
Date:   Sun Jun 1 01:06:04 2014 -0400

    Combine duplicate get_global subroutines.
    These are all the same save for one loop bound. But that nested loop can
    be re-written as a single loop that works for all cases.


 src/auxiliaries/create_movie_AVS_DX.f90  | 230 +------------------------------
 src/auxiliaries/rules.mk                 |   1 +
 src/meshfem3D/create_regions_mesh.F90    |   2 +-
 src/meshfem3D/rules.mk                   |   2 +-
 src/{meshfem3D => shared}/get_global.f90 | 189 +++++++++++++------------
 src/shared/rules.mk                      |   1 +
 6 files changed, 104 insertions(+), 321 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/auxiliaries/create_movie_AVS_DX.f90 b/src/auxiliaries/create_movie_AVS_DX.f90
index 5d93e71..5e8a0f2 100644
--- a/src/auxiliaries/create_movie_AVS_DX.f90
+++ b/src/auxiliaries/create_movie_AVS_DX.f90
@@ -610,7 +610,7 @@
     !--- sort the list based upon coordinates to get rid of multiples
     print *,'sorting list of points'
-    call get_global_AVS(nspectot_AVS_max,xp,yp,zp,iglob,locval,ifseg,nglob,npointot)
+    call get_global(npointot,xp,yp,zp,iglob,locval,ifseg,nglob)
     !--- print total number of points found
     print *
@@ -861,231 +861,3 @@
   end subroutine read_AVS_DX_parameters
-  subroutine get_global_AVS(nspec,xp,yp,zp,iglob,locval,ifseg,nglob,npointot)
-! this routine MUST be in double precision to avoid sensitivity
-! to roundoff errors in the coordinates of the points
-! leave sorting subroutines in same source file to allow for inlining
-  use constants
-  implicit none
-  integer npointot
-  integer iglob(npointot),locval(npointot)
-  logical ifseg(npointot)
-  double precision xp(npointot),yp(npointot),zp(npointot)
-  integer nspec,nglob
-  integer ispec,i,j
-  integer ieoff,ilocnum,nseg,ioff,iseg,ig
-! for dynamic memory allocation
-  integer ierror
-  integer, dimension(:), allocatable :: ind,ninseg,iwork
-  double precision, dimension(:), allocatable :: work
-  print *
-  print *,'Allocating arrays of size ',npointot
-  print *
-! dynamically allocate arrays
-  allocate(ind(npointot),stat=ierror)
-  if(ierror /= 0) stop 'error while allocating ind'
-  allocate(ninseg(npointot),stat=ierror)
-  if(ierror /= 0) stop 'error while allocating ninseg'
-  allocate(iwork(npointot),stat=ierror)
-  if(ierror /= 0) stop 'error while allocating iwork'
-  allocate(work(npointot),stat=ierror)
-  if(ierror /= 0) stop 'error while allocating work'
-! establish initial pointers
-  do ispec=1,nspec
-    ieoff=NGNOD2D_AVS_DX*(ispec-1)
-    do ilocnum=1,NGNOD2D_AVS_DX
-      locval(ieoff+ilocnum)=ieoff+ilocnum
-    enddo
-  enddo
-  ifseg(:)=.false.
-  nseg=1
-  ifseg(1)=.true.
-  ninseg(1)=npointot
-  do j=1,NDIM
-! sort within each segment
-  ioff=1
-  do iseg=1,nseg
-    if(j == 1) then
-      call rank(xp(ioff),ind,ninseg(iseg))
-    else if(j == 2) then
-      call rank(yp(ioff),ind,ninseg(iseg))
-    else
-      call rank(zp(ioff),ind,ninseg(iseg))
-    endif
-    call swap_all(locval(ioff),xp(ioff),yp(ioff),zp(ioff),iwork,work,ind,ninseg(iseg))
-    ioff=ioff+ninseg(iseg)
-  enddo
-! check for jumps in current coordinate
-! compare the coordinates of the points within a small tolerance
-  if(j == 1) then
-    do i=2,npointot
-      if(dabs(xp(i)-xp(i-1)) > SMALLVALTOL) ifseg(i)=.true.
-    enddo
-  else if(j == 2) then
-    do i=2,npointot
-      if(dabs(yp(i)-yp(i-1)) > SMALLVALTOL) ifseg(i)=.true.
-    enddo
-  else
-    do i=2,npointot
-      if(dabs(zp(i)-zp(i-1)) > SMALLVALTOL) ifseg(i)=.true.
-    enddo
-  endif
-! count up number of different segments
-  nseg=0
-  do i=1,npointot
-    if(ifseg(i)) then
-      nseg=nseg+1
-      ninseg(nseg)=1
-    else
-      ninseg(nseg)=ninseg(nseg)+1
-    endif
-  enddo
-  enddo
-! assign global node numbers (now sorted lexicographically)
-  ig=0
-  do i=1,npointot
-    if(ifseg(i)) ig=ig+1
-    iglob(locval(i))=ig
-  enddo
-  nglob=ig
-! deallocate arrays
-  deallocate(ind)
-  deallocate(ninseg)
-  deallocate(iwork)
-  deallocate(work)
-! -----------------------------------
-! get_global_AVS internal procedures follow
-! sorting routines put in same file to allow for inlining
-  contains
-! -----------------------------------
-  subroutine rank(A,IND,N)
-! Use Heap Sort (Numerical Recipes)
-  implicit none
-  integer n
-  double precision A(n)
-  integer IND(n)
-  integer i,j,l,ir,indx
-  double precision q
-  do j=1,n
-   IND(j)=j
-  enddo
-  if (n == 1) return
-  L=n/2+1
-  ir=n
-   IF (l>1) THEN
-      l=l-1
-      indx=ind(l)
-      q=a(indx)
-   ELSE
-      indx=ind(ir)
-      q=a(indx)
-      ind(ir)=ind(1)
-      ir=ir-1
-      if (ir == 1) then
-         ind(1)=indx
-         return
-      endif
-   endif
-   i=l
-   j=l+l
-  200    CONTINUE
-   IF (J <= IR) THEN
-      IF (J<IR) THEN
-         IF ( A(IND(j))<A(IND(j+1)) ) j=j+1
-      endif
-      IF (q<A(IND(j))) THEN
-         IND(I)=IND(J)
-         I=J
-         J=J+J
-      ELSE
-         J=IR+1
-      endif
-   goto 200
-   endif
-  goto 100
-  end subroutine rank
-! ------------------------------------------------------------------
-  subroutine swap_all(IA,A,B,C,IW,W,ind,n)
-! swap arrays IA, A, B and C according to addressing in array IND
-  implicit none
-  integer n
-  integer IND(n)
-  integer IA(n),IW(n)
-  double precision A(n),B(n),C(n),W(n)
-  integer i
-  IW(:) = IA(:)
-  W(:) = A(:)
-  do i=1,n
-    IA(i)=IW(ind(i))
-    A(i)=W(ind(i))
-  enddo
-  W(:) = B(:)
-  do i=1,n
-    B(i)=W(ind(i))
-  enddo
-  W(:) = C(:)
-  do i=1,n
-    C(i)=W(ind(i))
-  enddo
-  end subroutine swap_all
-! ------------------------------------------------------------------
-  end subroutine get_global_AVS
diff --git a/src/auxiliaries/rules.mk b/src/auxiliaries/rules.mk
index cb1d2e6..583b616 100644
--- a/src/auxiliaries/rules.mk
+++ b/src/auxiliaries/rules.mk
@@ -67,6 +67,7 @@ auxiliaries_SHARED_OBJECTS = \
 	$O/count_points.shared.o \
 	$O/create_serial_name_database.shared.o \
 	$O/define_all_layers.shared.o \
+	$O/get_global.shared.o \
 	$O/get_model_parameters.shared.o \
 	$O/get_timestep_and_layers.shared.o \
 	$O/get_value_parameters.shared.o \
diff --git a/src/meshfem3D/create_regions_mesh.F90 b/src/meshfem3D/create_regions_mesh.F90
index 89c605d..ba8b783 100644
--- a/src/meshfem3D/create_regions_mesh.F90
+++ b/src/meshfem3D/create_regions_mesh.F90
@@ -1187,7 +1187,7 @@
-  call get_global(nspec,xp,yp,zp,ibool,locval,ifseg,nglob,npointot)
+  call get_global(npointot,xp,yp,zp,ibool,locval,ifseg,nglob)
diff --git a/src/meshfem3D/rules.mk b/src/meshfem3D/rules.mk
index 8c3ee5d..500fc69 100644
--- a/src/meshfem3D/rules.mk
+++ b/src/meshfem3D/rules.mk
@@ -62,7 +62,6 @@ meshfem3D_OBJECTS = \
 	$O/fix_non_blocking_flags.check.o \
 	$O/get_absorb.check.o \
 	$O/get_ellipticity.check.o \
-	$O/get_global.check.o \
 	$O/get_jacobian_boundaries.check.o \
 	$O/get_jacobian_discontinuities.check.o \
 	$O/get_model.check.o \
@@ -165,6 +164,7 @@ meshfem3D_SHARED_OBJECTS = \
 	$O/euler_angles.shared.o \
 	$O/exit_mpi.shared.o \
 	$O/force_ftz.cc.o \
+	$O/get_global.shared.o \
 	$O/get_model_parameters.shared.o \
 	$O/get_timestep_and_layers.shared.o \
 	$O/get_value_parameters.shared.o \
diff --git a/src/meshfem3D/get_global.f90 b/src/shared/get_global.f90
similarity index 84%
rename from src/meshfem3D/get_global.f90
rename to src/shared/get_global.f90
index ee356ef..1d3e294 100644
--- a/src/meshfem3D/get_global.f90
+++ b/src/shared/get_global.f90
@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@
-  subroutine get_global(nspec,xp,yp,zp,iglob,locval,ifseg,nglob,npointot)
+  subroutine get_global(npointot,xp,yp,zp,iglob,locval,ifseg,nglob)
 ! this routine MUST be in double precision to avoid sensitivity
 ! to roundoff errors in the coordinates of the points
@@ -39,7 +39,7 @@
   implicit none
   ! input parameters
-  integer, intent(in) :: npointot,nspec
+  integer, intent(in) :: npointot
   double precision, dimension(npointot), intent(in) :: xp,yp,zp
@@ -50,23 +50,25 @@
   ! local variables
   double precision, dimension(:), allocatable :: work
   integer, dimension(:), allocatable :: ind,ninseg,iwork
-  integer :: ispec,i,j,ier
+  integer :: i,j,ier
   integer :: ieoff,ilocnum,nseg,ioff,iseg,ig
   ! dynamically allocate arrays
-  allocate(ind(npointot), &
-          ninseg(npointot), &
-          iwork(npointot), &
-          work(npointot), &
-          stat=ier)
-  if( ier /= 0 ) stop 'error allocating local array in get_global'
+  allocate(ind(npointot),stat=ier)
+  if (ier /= 0) stop 'error while allocating ind'
+  allocate(ninseg(npointot),stat=ier)
+  if (ier /= 0) stop 'error while allocating ninseg'
+  allocate(iwork(npointot),stat=ier)
+  if (ier /= 0) stop 'error while allocating iwork'
+  allocate(work(npointot),stat=ier)
+  if (ier /= 0) stop 'error while allocating work'
   ! establish initial pointers
-  do ispec=1,nspec
-    ieoff=NGLLX * NGLLY * NGLLZ * (ispec-1)
-    do ilocnum=1,NGLLX * NGLLY * NGLLZ
-      locval(ilocnum+ieoff)=ilocnum+ieoff
-    enddo
+  do i=1,npointot
+    locval(i) = i
   ifseg(:) = .false.
@@ -79,9 +81,9 @@
     ! sort within each segment
     do iseg=1,nseg
-      if(j == 1) then
+      if (j == 1) then
         call rank(xp(ioff),ind,ninseg(iseg))
-      else if(j == 2) then
+      else if (j == 2) then
         call rank(yp(ioff),ind,ninseg(iseg))
         call rank(zp(ioff),ind,ninseg(iseg))
@@ -94,24 +96,24 @@
     ! check for jumps in current coordinate
     ! compare the coordinates of the points within a small tolerance
-    if(j == 1) then
+    if (j == 1) then
       do i=2,npointot
-        if(dabs(xp(i)-xp(i-1)) > SMALLVALTOL) ifseg(i)=.true.
+        if (dabs(xp(i)-xp(i-1)) > SMALLVALTOL) ifseg(i)=.true.
-    else if(j == 2) then
+    else if (j == 2) then
       do i=2,npointot
-        if(dabs(yp(i)-yp(i-1)) > SMALLVALTOL) ifseg(i)=.true.
+        if (dabs(yp(i)-yp(i-1)) > SMALLVALTOL) ifseg(i)=.true.
       do i=2,npointot
-        if(dabs(zp(i)-zp(i-1)) > SMALLVALTOL) ifseg(i)=.true.
+        if (dabs(zp(i)-zp(i-1)) > SMALLVALTOL) ifseg(i)=.true.
     ! count up number of different segments
     do i=1,npointot
-      if(ifseg(i)) then
+      if (ifseg(i)) then
@@ -123,7 +125,7 @@
   ! assign global node numbers (now sorted lexicographically)
   do i=1,npointot
-    if(ifseg(i)) ig=ig+1
+    if (ifseg(i)) ig=ig+1
@@ -132,75 +134,18 @@
   ! deallocate arrays
-  end subroutine get_global
-  subroutine get_global_indirect_addressing(nspec,nglob,ibool)
-!- we can create a new indirect addressing to reduce cache misses
-! (put into this subroutine but compiler keeps on complaining that it can't vectorize loops...)
-  use constants
-  implicit none
-  integer,intent(in) :: nspec,nglob
-  integer, dimension(NGLLX,NGLLY,NGLLZ,nspec) :: ibool
-  ! local parameters
-  ! mask to sort ibool
-  integer, dimension(:), allocatable :: mask_ibool
-  integer, dimension(:,:,:,:), allocatable :: copy_ibool_ori
-  integer :: inumber
-  integer:: i,j,k,ispec,ier
-  ! copies original array
-  allocate(copy_ibool_ori(NGLLX,NGLLY,NGLLZ,nspec), &
-          mask_ibool(nglob), &
-          stat=ier)
-  if(ier /= 0) stop 'error allocating local arrays in get_global_indirect_addressing'
+! ------------------------------------------------------------------
-  ! initializes arrays
-  mask_ibool(:) = -1
-  copy_ibool_ori(:,:,:,:) = ibool(:,:,:,:)
+! get_global internal procedures follow
-  ! reduces misses
-  inumber = 0
-  do ispec=1,nspec
-    do k=1,NGLLZ
-      do j=1,NGLLY
-        do i=1,NGLLX
-          if(mask_ibool(copy_ibool_ori(i,j,k,ispec)) == -1) then
-            ! creates a new point
-            inumber = inumber + 1
-            ibool(i,j,k,ispec) = inumber
-            mask_ibool(copy_ibool_ori(i,j,k,ispec)) = inumber
-          else
-            ! uses an existing point created previously
-            ibool(i,j,k,ispec) = mask_ibool(copy_ibool_ori(i,j,k,ispec))
-          endif
-        enddo
-      enddo
-    enddo
-  enddo
-  ! cleanup
-  deallocate(copy_ibool_ori,stat=ier); if(ier /= 0) stop 'error in deallocate'
-  deallocate(mask_ibool,stat=ier); if(ier /= 0) stop 'error in deallocate'
+! sorting routines put in same file to allow for inlining
-  end subroutine get_global_indirect_addressing
+  contains
-! sorting routines put in same file to allow for inlining
   subroutine rank(A,IND,N)
 ! Use Heap Sort (Numerical Recipes)
@@ -224,9 +169,9 @@
   L = n/2 + 1
   ir = n
-  do while( .true. )
+  do while (.true.)
-    IF ( l > 1 ) THEN
+    IF (l > 1) THEN
       l = l-1
       indx = ind(l)
       q = a(indx)
@@ -246,11 +191,11 @@
     i = l
     j = l+l
-    do while( J <= IR )
-      IF ( J < IR ) THEN
-        IF ( A(IND(j)) < A(IND(j+1)) ) j=j+1
+    do while (J <= IR)
+      IF (J < IR) THEN
+        IF (A(IND(j)) < A(IND(j+1))) j=j+1
-      IF ( q < A(IND(j)) ) THEN
+      IF (q < A(IND(j))) THEN
         IND(I) = IND(J)
         I = J
         J = J+J
@@ -304,3 +249,67 @@
   end subroutine swap_all
+! ------------------------------------------------------------------
+  end subroutine get_global
+  subroutine get_global_indirect_addressing(nspec,nglob,ibool)
+!- we can create a new indirect addressing to reduce cache misses
+! (put into this subroutine but compiler keeps on complaining that it can't vectorize loops...)
+  use constants
+  implicit none
+  integer,intent(in) :: nspec,nglob
+  integer, dimension(NGLLX,NGLLY,NGLLZ,nspec) :: ibool
+  ! local parameters
+  ! mask to sort ibool
+  integer, dimension(:), allocatable :: mask_ibool
+  integer, dimension(:,:,:,:), allocatable :: copy_ibool_ori
+  integer :: inumber
+  integer:: i,j,k,ispec,ier
+  ! copies original array
+  allocate(copy_ibool_ori(NGLLX,NGLLY,NGLLZ,nspec), &
+          mask_ibool(nglob), &
+          stat=ier)
+  if(ier /= 0) stop 'error allocating local arrays in get_global_indirect_addressing'
+  ! initializes arrays
+  mask_ibool(:) = -1
+  copy_ibool_ori(:,:,:,:) = ibool(:,:,:,:)
+  ! reduces misses
+  inumber = 0
+  do ispec=1,nspec
+    do k=1,NGLLZ
+      do j=1,NGLLY
+        do i=1,NGLLX
+          if(mask_ibool(copy_ibool_ori(i,j,k,ispec)) == -1) then
+            ! creates a new point
+            inumber = inumber + 1
+            ibool(i,j,k,ispec) = inumber
+            mask_ibool(copy_ibool_ori(i,j,k,ispec)) = inumber
+          else
+            ! uses an existing point created previously
+            ibool(i,j,k,ispec) = mask_ibool(copy_ibool_ori(i,j,k,ispec))
+          endif
+        enddo
+      enddo
+    enddo
+  enddo
+  ! cleanup
+  deallocate(copy_ibool_ori,stat=ier); if(ier /= 0) stop 'error in deallocate'
+  deallocate(mask_ibool,stat=ier); if(ier /= 0) stop 'error in deallocate'
+  end subroutine get_global_indirect_addressing
diff --git a/src/shared/rules.mk b/src/shared/rules.mk
index 97738d9..2f89a97 100644
--- a/src/shared/rules.mk
+++ b/src/shared/rules.mk
@@ -45,6 +45,7 @@ shared_OBJECTS = \
 	$O/euler_angles.shared.o \
 	$O/exit_mpi.shared.o \
 	$O/force_ftz.cc.o \
+	$O/get_global.shared.o \
 	$O/get_model_parameters.shared.o \
 	$O/get_timestep_and_layers.shared.o \
 	$O/get_value_parameters.shared.o \

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