[cig-commits] [commit] Include_averaging_programs, master: Add time averaging programs (7ca97d3)

cig_noreply at geodynamics.org cig_noreply at geodynamics.org
Wed Jun 4 20:00:21 PDT 2014

Repository : https://github.com/geodynamics/calypso

On branches: Include_averaging_programs,master
Link       : https://github.com/geodynamics/calypso/compare/d3671756c9a8dc30cd0c89470f2e2f0599bbe718...1d20f55fd74b30f7715f875492f6a7b62f3b6274


commit 7ca97d37e5511892724978f5d55f9f4d16aa968b
Author: Hiroaki Matsui <h_kemono at mac.com>
Date:   Wed Apr 23 17:48:28 2014 -0700

    Add time averaging programs


 src/programs/Makefile                              |   2 +-
 src/programs/data_utilities/Makefile               |   3 +-
 .../data_utilities/TIME_HISTORIES/Makefile         |  67 ++++
 .../TIME_HISTORIES/cal_tave_sph_ene_spectr.f90     | 248 ++++++++++++
 .../TIME_HISTORIES/m_sph_ene_spectra.f90           | 442 +++++++++++++++++++++
 .../TIME_HISTORIES/m_tave_sph_ene_spectr.f90       | 280 +++++++++++++
 .../TIME_HISTORIES/t_average_sph_ene_spec.f90      | 123 ++++++
 .../TIME_HISTORIES/tave_picked_sph_spec_data.f90   | 171 ++++++++
 8 files changed, 1334 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/programs/Makefile b/src/programs/Makefile
index c09c2bd..0283bf2 100644
--- a/src/programs/Makefile
+++ b/src/programs/Makefile
@@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ target_task:
 	@echo 'parallels: sph_mhd'      \
 	>> $(MAKENAME)
 	@echo '' >> $(MAKENAME)
-	@echo 'utilities: data_utils mesh_utils' >> $(MAKENAME)
+	@echo 'utilities: data_utils mesh_utils sph_data_util' >> $(MAKENAME)
 	@echo '' >> $(MAKENAME)
 	@for dir in $(SUBDIRS); do \
 		( cd $${dir};  \
diff --git a/src/programs/data_utilities/Makefile b/src/programs/data_utilities/Makefile
index be9c44b..6be2ac8 100644
--- a/src/programs/data_utilities/Makefile
+++ b/src/programs/data_utilities/Makefile
@@ -5,7 +5,8 @@
diff --git a/src/programs/data_utilities/TIME_HISTORIES/Makefile b/src/programs/data_utilities/TIME_HISTORIES/Makefile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..259d683
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/programs/data_utilities/TIME_HISTORIES/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
+TARGET_TAVE_SPH_ENE_SPEC =   t_ave_sph_mean_square
+TARGET_T_AVE_PICK_SPH_SPEC = t_ave_picked_sph_coefs
+SOURCES = $(shell ls *.f90)
+t_average_sph_ene_spec.o \
+m_sph_ene_spectra.o \
+m_tave_sph_ene_spectr.o \
+#  ------------------------------------------------------------------
+	@echo 'SPH_UTILS_DIR = $(SPH_UTILS_DIR)'     >> $(MAKENAME)
+	>> $(MAKENAME)
+	>> $(MAKENAME)
+	@echo >> $(MAKENAME)
+	@echo sph_data_util: \
+	'$$(TARGET_MAX_SPH_ENE)  '    >> $(MAKENAME)
+	@echo >> $(MAKENAME)
+	>> $(MAKENAME)
+	@echo '	''$$(F90)' '$$(F90FLAGS)' -o '$$(TARGET_TAVE_SPH_ENE_SPEC)' \
+	'-L. $$(LIBS_SPH_MHD)' \
+	'$$(F90LIBS)' >> $(MAKENAME)
+	@echo '' >> $(MAKENAME)
+	>> $(MAKENAME)
+	@echo '	''$$(F90)' '$$(F90FLAGS)' -o '$$(TARGET_T_AVE_PICK_SPH_SPEC)' \
+	'$$(MOD_T_AVE_PICK_SPH)' \
+	'-L. $$(LIBS_SPH_MHD)' \
+	'$$(F90LIBS)' >> $(MAKENAME)
+	@echo '' >> $(MAKENAME)
+	@echo  MOD_TAVE_SPH_ENE_SPEC=  \\  >> $(MAKENAME)
+	@echo  $(MOD_TAVE_SPH_ENE_SPEC)    >> $(MAKENAME)
+	@echo  MOD_T_AVE_PICK_SPH=  \\     >> $(MAKENAME)
+	@echo  $(MOD_T_AVE_PICK_SPH)       >> $(MAKENAME)
diff --git a/src/programs/data_utilities/TIME_HISTORIES/cal_tave_sph_ene_spectr.f90 b/src/programs/data_utilities/TIME_HISTORIES/cal_tave_sph_ene_spectr.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..85f207e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/programs/data_utilities/TIME_HISTORIES/cal_tave_sph_ene_spectr.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,248 @@
+!>@file   cal_tave_sph_ene_spectr.f90
+!!        module cal_tave_sph_ene_spectr
+!! @author H. Matsui
+!! @date   Programmed in  May, 2008
+!> @brief Evaluate time average spherical harmonics spectrum data
+!!      subroutine sum_average_ene_sph
+!!      subroutine sum_deviation_ene_sph
+!!      subroutine divide_average_ene_sph
+!!      subroutine divide_deviation_ene_sph
+!!      subroutine output_tave_ene_sph_data
+!!      subroutine output_tsigma_ene_sph_data
+!!      subroutine count_degree_on_layer_data
+!!      subroutine count_degree_one_layer_data
+!!      subroutine count_degree_on_volume_data
+!!@n @param istep  time step number
+!!@n @param icou   counter for snapshots
+!!@n @param ierr   error flag
+      module cal_tave_sph_ene_spectr
+      use m_precision
+      use m_constants
+      use m_sph_ene_spectra
+      use m_tave_sph_ene_spectr
+      implicit none
+!   --------------------------------------------------------------------
+      contains
+!   --------------------------------------------------------------------
+      subroutine sum_average_ene_sph
+      integer(kind = kint) :: kr, nd, lth
+      real(kind= kreal) :: tmp, tmp_l, tmp_m, tmp_lm
+!$omp parallel private(kr,lth,nd,tmp,tmp_l,tmp_m,tmp_lm)
+      do kr = 1, nri_sph
+!$omp do
+        do nd = 1, ncomp_sph_spec
+          tmp = spectr_t(nd,kr)
+          ave_spec_t(nd,kr) = ave_spec_t(nd,kr)                         &
+     &           + half * (tmp + spectr_pre_t(nd,kr))                   &
+     &            * (time_sph + pre_time)
+          spectr_pre_t(nd,kr) = tmp
+        end do
+!$omp end do nowait
+        do lth = 0, ltr_sph
+!$omp do
+          do nd = 1, ncomp_sph_spec
+            tmp_l =  spectr_l(nd,lth,kr)
+            tmp_m =  spectr_m(nd,lth,kr)
+            tmp_lm = spectr_lm(nd,lth,kr)
+            ave_spec_l(nd,lth,kr) =  ave_spec_l(nd,lth,kr)              &
+     &           + half * (tmp_l + spectr_pre_l(nd,lth,kr))             &
+     &            * (time_sph + pre_time)
+            ave_spec_m(nd,lth,kr) =  ave_spec_m(nd,lth,kr)              &
+     &           + half * (tmp_m + spectr_pre_l(nd,lth,kr))             &
+     &            * (time_sph + pre_time)
+            ave_spec_lm(nd,lth,kr) = ave_spec_lm(nd,lth,kr)             &
+     &           + half * (tmp_lm + spectr_pre_l(nd,lth,kr))            &
+     &            * (time_sph + pre_time)
+            spectr_pre_l(nd,lth,kr) =  tmp_l
+            spectr_pre_m(nd,lth,kr) =  tmp_m
+            spectr_pre_lm(nd,lth,kr) = tmp_lm
+          end do
+!$omp end do nowait
+        end do
+      end do
+!$omp end parallel
+      pre_time = time_sph
+      end subroutine sum_average_ene_sph
+!   --------------------------------------------------------------------
+      subroutine sum_deviation_ene_sph
+      integer(kind = kint) :: kr, nd, lth
+      real(kind= kreal) :: tmp, tmp_l, tmp_m, tmp_lm
+!$omp parallel private(kr,lth,nd,tmp,tmp_l,tmp_m,tmp_lm)
+      do kr = 1, nri_sph
+!$omp do
+        do nd = 1, ncomp_sph_spec
+          tmp = (spectr_t(nd,kr) - ave_spec_t(nd,kr))**2
+          sigma_spec_t(nd,kr) = sigma_spec_t(nd,kr)                     &
+     &           + half * (tmp + spectr_pre_t(nd,kr))                   &
+     &            * (time_sph + pre_time)
+          spectr_pre_t(nd,kr) = tmp
+        end do
+!$omp end do nowait
+        do lth = 0, ltr_sph
+!$omp do
+          do nd = 1, ncomp_sph_spec
+            tmp_l =  (spectr_l(nd,lth,kr) - ave_spec_l(nd,lth,kr))**2
+            tmp_m =  (spectr_m(nd,lth,kr) - ave_spec_m(nd,lth,kr))**2
+            tmp_lm = (spectr_lm(nd,lth,kr) - ave_spec_lm(nd,lth,kr))**2
+            sigma_spec_l(nd,lth,kr) =  sigma_spec_l(nd,lth,kr)          &
+     &           + half * (tmp_l + spectr_pre_l(nd,lth,kr))             &
+     &            * (time_sph + pre_time)
+            sigma_spec_m(nd,lth,kr) =  sigma_spec_m(nd,lth,kr)          &
+     &           + half * (tmp_m + spectr_pre_l(nd,lth,kr))             &
+     &            * (time_sph + pre_time)
+            sigma_spec_lm(nd,lth,kr) = sigma_spec_lm(nd,lth,kr)         &
+     &           + half * (tmp_lm + spectr_pre_l(nd,lth,kr))            &
+     &            * (time_sph + pre_time)
+            spectr_pre_l(nd,lth,kr) =  tmp_l
+            spectr_pre_m(nd,lth,kr) =  tmp_m
+            spectr_pre_lm(nd,lth,kr) = tmp_lm
+          end do
+!$omp end do nowait
+        end do
+      end do
+!$omp end parallel
+      pre_time = time_sph
+      end subroutine sum_deviation_ene_sph
+!   --------------------------------------------------------------------
+      subroutine divide_average_ene_sph
+      integer(kind = kint) :: kr, nd, lth
+!$omp parallel private(kr,lth,nd)
+      do kr = 1, nri_sph
+!$omp do
+        do nd = 1, ncomp_sph_spec
+          ave_spec_t(nd,kr) = ave_spec_t(nd,kr) / (time_sph - time_ini)
+        end do
+!$omp end do nowait
+        do lth = 0, ltr_sph
+!$omp do
+          do nd = 1, ncomp_sph_spec
+            ave_spec_l(nd,lth,kr) =  ave_spec_l(nd,lth,kr)              &
+     &                              /  (time_sph - time_ini)
+            ave_spec_m(nd,lth,kr) =  ave_spec_m(nd,lth,kr)              &
+     &                              /  (time_sph - time_ini)
+            ave_spec_lm(nd,lth,kr) = ave_spec_lm(nd,lth,kr)             &
+     &                              /  (time_sph - time_ini)
+          end do
+!$omp end do nowait
+        end do
+      end do
+!$omp end parallel
+      end subroutine divide_average_ene_sph
+!   --------------------------------------------------------------------
+      subroutine divide_deviation_ene_sph
+      integer(kind = kint) :: kr, nd, lth
+!$omp parallel private(kr,lth,nd)
+      do kr = 1, nri_sph
+!$omp do
+        do nd = 1, ncomp_sph_spec
+          sigma_spec_t(nd,kr) = sqrt(sigma_spec_t(nd,kr)                &
+     &                                 / (time_sph - time_ini))
+        end do
+!$omp end do nowait
+        do lth = 0, ltr_sph
+!$omp do
+          do nd = 1, ncomp_sph_spec
+            sigma_spec_l(nd,lth,kr)  =  sqrt(sigma_spec_l(nd,lth,kr)    &
+     &                                 / (time_sph - time_ini))
+            sigma_spec_m(nd,lth,kr)  =  sqrt(sigma_spec_m(nd,lth,kr)    &
+     &                                 / (time_sph - time_ini))
+            sigma_spec_lm(nd,lth,kr) =  sqrt(sigma_spec_lm(nd,lth,kr)   &
+     &                                 / (time_sph - time_ini))
+          end do
+!$omp end do nowait
+        end do
+      end do
+!$omp end parallel
+      end subroutine divide_deviation_ene_sph
+!   --------------------------------------------------------------------
+      subroutine output_tave_ene_sph_data
+      call open_tave_ene_spec_data
+      if(iflag_sph_ene_file .eq. 1) then
+        call write_tave_vol_sph_data(nri_sph, ltr_sph, ncomp_sph_spec,  &
+     &      ave_spec_t, ave_spec_l, ave_spec_m, ave_spec_lm)
+      else
+        call write_tave_layer_sph_data(nri_sph, ltr_sph,                &
+     &      ncomp_sph_spec, ave_spec_t, ave_spec_l, ave_spec_m,         &
+     &      ave_spec_lm)
+      end if
+      call close_ene_spec_data
+      end subroutine output_tave_ene_sph_data
+!   --------------------------------------------------------------------
+      subroutine output_tsigma_ene_sph_data
+      call open_tsigma_ene_spec_data
+      if(iflag_sph_ene_file .eq. 1) then
+        call write_tave_vol_sph_data(nri_sph, ltr_sph, ncomp_sph_spec,  &
+     &    sigma_spec_t, sigma_spec_l, sigma_spec_m, sigma_spec_lm)
+      else
+        call write_tave_layer_sph_data(nri_sph, ltr_sph,                &
+     &      ncomp_sph_spec, sigma_spec_t, sigma_spec_l, sigma_spec_m,   &
+     &      sigma_spec_lm)
+      end if
+      call close_ene_spec_data
+      end subroutine output_tsigma_ene_sph_data
+!   --------------------------------------------------------------------
+      end module cal_tave_sph_ene_spectr
diff --git a/src/programs/data_utilities/TIME_HISTORIES/m_sph_ene_spectra.f90 b/src/programs/data_utilities/TIME_HISTORIES/m_sph_ene_spectra.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c84354a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/programs/data_utilities/TIME_HISTORIES/m_sph_ene_spectra.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,442 @@
+!>@file   m_sph_ene_spectra.f90
+!!        module m_sph_ene_spectra
+!! @author H. Matsui
+!! @date   Programmed in  Nov., 2007
+!> @brief Time average spherical harmonics spectrum data
+!!      subroutine allocate_sph_espec_name
+!!      subroutine allocate_tave_sph_espec_data
+!!      subroutine deallocate_tave_sph_espec_data
+!!      subroutine select_sph_ene_spec_data_file
+!!      subroutine set_org_ene_spec_file_name
+!!      subroutine open_org_ene_spec_data
+!!      subroutine close_ene_spec_data
+!!      subroutine read_org_layer_ene_data(istep, ierr)
+!!      subroutine read_org_volume_ene_data(istep, ierr)
+      module m_sph_ene_spectra
+      use m_precision
+      use m_constants
+      implicit none
+      integer(kind = kint) :: ltr_sph, nri_sph
+      integer(kind = kint) :: ncomp_sph_spec, num_time_labels
+      character(len = kchara), allocatable :: ene_sph_spec_name(:)
+      integer(kind = kint) :: istep_st, istep_ed, istep_read
+      integer(kind = kint) :: ist_true, ied_true
+      real(kind = kreal) :: time_sph, time_ini
+      integer(kind = kint), allocatable :: kr_sph(:)
+      real(kind = kreal), allocatable :: spectr_t(:,:)
+      real(kind = kreal), allocatable :: spectr_l(:,:,:)
+      real(kind = kreal), allocatable :: spectr_m(:,:,:)
+      real(kind = kreal), allocatable :: spectr_lm(:,:,:)
+      real(kind = kreal), allocatable :: spectr_pre_t(:,:)
+      real(kind = kreal), allocatable :: spectr_pre_l(:,:,:)
+      real(kind = kreal), allocatable :: spectr_pre_m(:,:,:)
+      real(kind = kreal), allocatable :: spectr_pre_lm(:,:,:)
+      real(kind = kreal) :: pre_time
+      integer(kind = kint) :: iflag_sph_ene_file
+      integer(kind = kint) :: ilayer_sph_ene
+!     data file ID
+      integer(kind = kint), parameter :: id_file_rms_l =    31
+      integer(kind = kint), parameter :: id_file_rms_m =    32
+      integer(kind = kint), parameter :: id_file_rms_lm =   33
+      integer(kind = kint), parameter :: id_file_rms =      34
+!      data file name
+      character(len = kchara) :: fhead_rms_vol =    'sph_pwr_volume'
+      character(len = kchara) :: fhead_rms_layer =  'sph_pwr_layer'
+      character(len = kchara) :: fname_org_rms_l
+      character(len = kchara) :: fname_org_rms_m
+      character(len = kchara) :: fname_org_rms_lm
+      character(len = kchara) :: fname_org_rms
+      private :: fhead_rms_vol, fhead_rms_layer
+      private :: ilayer_sph_ene
+      private :: read_ene_spectr_header
+!   --------------------------------------------------------------------
+      contains
+!   --------------------------------------------------------------------
+      subroutine allocate_sph_espec_name
+      allocate( ene_sph_spec_name(ncomp_sph_spec+num_time_labels) )
+      end subroutine allocate_sph_espec_name
+!   --------------------------------------------------------------------
+      subroutine allocate_sph_espec_data
+      allocate( kr_sph(nri_sph) )
+      allocate( spectr_t(ncomp_sph_spec,nri_sph) )
+      allocate( spectr_l(ncomp_sph_spec,0:ltr_sph,nri_sph) )
+      allocate( spectr_m(ncomp_sph_spec,0:ltr_sph,nri_sph) )
+      allocate( spectr_lm(ncomp_sph_spec,0:ltr_sph,nri_sph) )
+      allocate( spectr_pre_t(ncomp_sph_spec,nri_sph) )
+      allocate( spectr_pre_l(ncomp_sph_spec,0:ltr_sph,nri_sph) )
+      allocate( spectr_pre_m(ncomp_sph_spec,0:ltr_sph,nri_sph) )
+      allocate( spectr_pre_lm(ncomp_sph_spec,0:ltr_sph,nri_sph) )
+      spectr_t =  zero
+      spectr_l =  zero
+      spectr_m =  zero
+      spectr_lm = zero
+      spectr_pre_t =  zero
+      spectr_pre_l =  zero
+      spectr_pre_m =  zero
+      spectr_pre_lm = zero
+      end subroutine allocate_sph_espec_data
+!   --------------------------------------------------------------------
+      subroutine deallocate_tave_sph_espec_data
+      deallocate(ene_sph_spec_name, kr_sph)
+      deallocate(spectr_t, spectr_l, spectr_m, spectr_lm)
+      deallocate(spectr_pre_t, spectr_pre_l)
+      deallocate(spectr_pre_m, spectr_pre_lm)
+      end subroutine deallocate_tave_sph_espec_data
+!   --------------------------------------------------------------------
+!   --------------------------------------------------------------------
+      subroutine select_sph_ene_spec_data_file
+      write(*,*) ' Choose data type to taking average'
+      write(*,*)  ' 1: volume average spectrum '
+      write(*,*)  ' 2: spectrum on each layer  '
+      write(*,*)  ' 3: spectrum on specific layer  '
+      read(*,*) iflag_sph_ene_file
+      write(*,*) 'enter file header for averaging'
+      if (iflag_sph_ene_file .eq. 1) then
+        read(*,*) fhead_rms_vol
+      else
+        read(*,*) fhead_rms_layer
+      end if
+      if (iflag_sph_ene_file .eq. 3) then
+        write(*,*) ' Choose layer number'
+        read(*,*) ilayer_sph_ene
+      end if
+      end subroutine select_sph_ene_spec_data_file
+!   --------------------------------------------------------------------
+      subroutine set_org_ene_spec_file_name
+      use set_parallel_file_name
+      character(len = kchara) :: fname_tmp
+      if (iflag_sph_ene_file .eq. 1) then
+        write(fname_org_rms_l, '(a,a6)')                                &
+     &                        trim(fhead_rms_vol), '_l.dat'
+        write(fname_org_rms_m, '(a,a6)')                                &
+     &                        trim(fhead_rms_vol), '_m.dat'
+        write(fname_org_rms_lm,'(a,a7)')                                &
+     &                        trim(fhead_rms_vol), '_lm.dat'
+        call add_dat_extension(fhead_rms_vol, fname_org_rms)
+      else if (iflag_sph_ene_file .eq. 2) then
+        write(fname_org_rms_l, '(a,a6)')                                &
+     &                        trim(fhead_rms_layer), '_l.dat'
+        write(fname_org_rms_m, '(a,a6)')                                &
+     &                        trim(fhead_rms_layer), '_m.dat'
+        write(fname_org_rms_lm,'(a,a7)')                                &
+     &                        trim(fhead_rms_layer), '_lm.dat'
+        call add_dat_extension(fhead_rms_layer, fname_org_rms)
+      else if (iflag_sph_ene_file .eq. 3) then
+        write(fname_org_rms_l, '(a,a2)') fhead_rms_layer, '_l'
+        call add_int_suffix(ilayer_sph_ene,                             &
+     &      fname_org_rms_l, fname_tmp)
+        call add_dat_extension(fname_tmp, fname_org_rms_l)
+        write(fname_org_rms_m, '(a,a2)') fhead_rms_layer, '_m'
+        call add_int_suffix(ilayer_sph_ene,                             &
+     &      fname_org_rms_m, fname_tmp)
+        call add_dat_extension(fname_tmp, fname_org_rms_m)
+        write(fname_org_rms_lm, '(a,a3)') fhead_rms_layer, '_lm'
+        call add_int_suffix(ilayer_sph_ene,                             &
+     &      fname_org_rms_lm, fname_tmp)
+        call add_dat_extension(fname_tmp, fname_org_rms_lm)
+        write(fname_org_rms, '(a,a3)') fhead_rms_layer, '_lm'
+        call add_int_suffix(ilayer_sph_ene,                             &
+     &      fname_org_rms, fname_tmp)
+        call add_dat_extension(fname_tmp, fname_org_rms)
+      end if
+      end subroutine set_org_ene_spec_file_name
+!   --------------------------------------------------------------------
+      subroutine open_org_ene_spec_data
+      open(id_file_rms,   file=fname_org_rms)
+      open(id_file_rms_l, file=fname_org_rms_l)
+      open(id_file_rms_m, file=fname_org_rms_m)
+      open(id_file_rms_lm,file=fname_org_rms_lm)
+      call read_ene_spectr_header(id_file_rms,   ione)
+      call read_ene_spectr_header(id_file_rms_l, izero)
+      call read_ene_spectr_header(id_file_rms_m, izero)
+      call read_ene_spectr_header(id_file_rms_lm, izero)
+      end subroutine open_org_ene_spec_data
+!   --------------------------------------------------------------------
+      subroutine close_ene_spec_data
+      close(id_file_rms)
+      close(id_file_rms_l)
+      close(id_file_rms_m)
+      close(id_file_rms_lm)
+      end subroutine close_ene_spec_data
+!   --------------------------------------------------------------------
+!   --------------------------------------------------------------------
+      subroutine read_ene_spectr_header(id_file, iflag_total)
+      use skip_comment_f
+      integer(kind = kint), intent(in) :: id_file, iflag_total
+      character(len=255) :: character_4_read
+      integer(kind = kint) :: num, itmp, nfld, i
+      call skip_comment(character_4_read, id_file)
+      call skip_comment(character_4_read, id_file)
+      call skip_comment(character_4_read, id_file)
+      call skip_comment(character_4_read, id_file)
+      call skip_comment(character_4_read, id_file)
+      read(id_file,*) nfld, ncomp_sph_spec
+      read(id_file,*) (itmp,i=1,nfld)
+      num = size(ene_sph_spec_name) - iflag_total
+      read(id_file,*)  ene_sph_spec_name(1:num)
+      end subroutine read_ene_spectr_header
+!   --------------------------------------------------------------------
+!   --------------------------------------------------------------------
+      subroutine read_org_layer_ene_data(istep, ierr)
+      integer(kind = kint), intent(inout) :: istep, ierr
+      integer(kind = kint) :: itmp
+      integer(kind = kint) :: kr, lth
+      ierr = 0
+      do kr = 1, nri_sph
+        read(id_file_rms,*,err=99,end=99) istep, time_sph,              &
+     &         kr_sph(kr), spectr_t(1:ncomp_sph_spec,kr)
+        do lth = 0, ltr_sph
+          read(id_file_rms_l,*,err=99,end=99) istep, time_sph,          &
+     &         itmp, itmp, spectr_l(1:ncomp_sph_spec,lth,kr)
+          read(id_file_rms_m,*,err=99,end=99) istep, time_sph,          &
+     &         itmp, itmp, spectr_m(1:ncomp_sph_spec,lth,kr)
+          read(id_file_rms_lm,*,err=99,end=99) istep, time_sph,         &
+     &         itmp, itmp, spectr_lm(1:ncomp_sph_spec,lth,kr)
+        end do
+      end do
+      return
+   99 continue
+      ierr = 1
+      return
+      end subroutine read_org_layer_ene_data
+!   --------------------------------------------------------------------
+      subroutine read_org_volume_ene_data(istep, ierr)
+      integer(kind = kint), intent(inout) :: istep, ierr
+      integer(kind = kint) :: itmp
+      integer(kind = kint) :: lth
+      ierr = 0
+      read(id_file_rms,*,err=99,end=99) istep, time_sph,                &
+     &         spectr_t(1:ncomp_sph_spec,ione)
+      do lth = 0, ltr_sph
+          read(id_file_rms_l,*,err=99,end=99) istep, time_sph,          &
+     &         itmp, spectr_l(1:ncomp_sph_spec,lth,ione)
+          read(id_file_rms_m,*,err=99,end=99) istep, time_sph,          &
+     &         itmp, spectr_m(1:ncomp_sph_spec,lth,ione)
+          read(id_file_rms_lm,*,err=99,end=99) istep, time_sph,         &
+     &         itmp, spectr_lm(1:ncomp_sph_spec,lth,ione)
+      end do
+      return
+   99 continue
+      ierr = 1
+      return
+      end subroutine read_org_volume_ene_data
+!   --------------------------------------------------------------------
+!   --------------------------------------------------------------------
+      subroutine count_degree_on_layer_data
+      use skip_comment_f
+      character(len=255) :: character_4_read
+      integer(kind = kint) :: num, itmp, nfld, i
+      open (id_file_rms_l,file=fname_org_rms_l)
+      call skip_comment(character_4_read, id_file_rms_l)
+      read(id_file_rms_l,*) nri_sph, ltr_sph
+      write(*,*) 'ltr_sph', ltr_sph
+      write(*,*) 'nri_sph', nri_sph
+      call skip_comment(character_4_read, id_file_rms_l)
+      call skip_comment(character_4_read, id_file_rms_l)
+      call skip_comment(character_4_read, id_file_rms_l)
+      read(id_file_rms_l,*) nfld, ncomp_sph_spec
+      num_time_labels = 4
+      write(*,*) 'ncomp_sph_spec', ncomp_sph_spec
+      call allocate_sph_espec_name
+      read(id_file_rms_l,*) (itmp,i=1,nfld)
+      num = size(ene_sph_spec_name)
+      write(*,*) 'num vector', num
+      read(id_file_rms_l,*)  ene_sph_spec_name(1:num)
+      do i = 1, NUM
+        write(*,*) i, trim(ene_sph_spec_name(i))
+      end  do
+      close(id_file_rms_l)
+      end subroutine count_degree_on_layer_data
+!   --------------------------------------------------------------------
+      subroutine count_degree_one_layer_data
+      use skip_comment_f
+      character(len=255) :: character_4_read
+      integer(kind = kint) :: num, itmp, nfld, i
+      open (id_file_rms_l,file=fname_org_rms_l)
+      call skip_comment(character_4_read, id_file_rms_l)
+      read(id_file_rms_l,*) nri_sph, ltr_sph
+      nri_sph = 1
+      write(*,*) 'ltr_sph', ltr_sph
+      write(*,*) 'nri_sph', nri_sph
+      call skip_comment(character_4_read, id_file_rms_l)
+      call skip_comment(character_4_read, id_file_rms_l)
+      call skip_comment(character_4_read, id_file_rms_l)
+      read(id_file_rms_l,*) nfld, ncomp_sph_spec
+      num_time_labels = 4
+      write(*,*) 'ncomp_sph_spec', ncomp_sph_spec
+      call allocate_sph_espec_name
+      read(id_file_rms_l,*) (itmp,i=1,nfld)
+      num = size(ene_sph_spec_name)
+      write(*,*) 'num vector', num
+      read(id_file_rms_l,*)  ene_sph_spec_name(1:num)
+      do i = 1, NUM
+        write(*,*) i, trim(ene_sph_spec_name(i))
+      end  do
+      close(id_file_rms_l)
+      end subroutine count_degree_one_layer_data
+!   --------------------------------------------------------------------
+      subroutine count_degree_on_volume_data
+      use skip_comment_f
+      character(len=255) :: character_4_read
+      integer(kind = kint) :: num, itmp, nfld, i
+      open (id_file_rms_l,file=fname_org_rms_l)
+      call skip_comment(character_4_read, id_file_rms_l)
+      read(id_file_rms_l,*) itmp, ltr_sph
+      write(*,*) 'ltr_sph', ltr_sph
+      call skip_comment(character_4_read, id_file_rms_l)
+      call skip_comment(character_4_read, id_file_rms_l)
+      call skip_comment(character_4_read, id_file_rms_l)
+      read(id_file_rms_l,*) nfld, ncomp_sph_spec
+      num_time_labels = 3
+      nri_sph = 1
+      write(*,*) 'ncomp_sph_spec', ncomp_sph_spec
+      write(*,*) 'nri_sph', nri_sph
+      call allocate_sph_espec_name
+      read(id_file_rms_l,*) (itmp,i=1,nfld)
+      num = size(ene_sph_spec_name)
+      write(*,*) 'num v', num
+      read(id_file_rms_l,*)  ene_sph_spec_name(1:num)
+      DO I = 1, NUM
+        write(*,*) i, trim(ene_sph_spec_name(i))
+      end  do
+      close(id_file_rms_l)
+      end subroutine count_degree_on_volume_data
+!   --------------------------------------------------------------------
+      end module m_sph_ene_spectra
diff --git a/src/programs/data_utilities/TIME_HISTORIES/m_tave_sph_ene_spectr.f90 b/src/programs/data_utilities/TIME_HISTORIES/m_tave_sph_ene_spectr.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ea13a17
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/programs/data_utilities/TIME_HISTORIES/m_tave_sph_ene_spectr.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,280 @@
+!>@file   m_tave_sph_ene_spectr.f90
+!!        module m_tave_sph_ene_spectr
+!! @author H. Matsui
+!! @date   Programmed in  Nov., 2007
+!> @brief Time average spherical harmonics spectrum data
+!!      subroutine allocate_tave_sph_espec_data
+!!      subroutine deallocate_tave_sph_espec_data
+!!      subroutine reset_tave_sph_espec_data
+!!      subroutine reset_tsigma_sph_espec_data
+!!      subroutine open_tave_ene_spec_data
+!!      subroutine open_tsigma_ene_spec_data
+!!      subroutine write_tave_vol_sph_data(nri, ltr, ncomp,             &
+!!     &          spec, spec_l, spec_m, spec_lm)
+!!      subroutine write_tave_layer_sph_data(nri, ltr, ncomp,           &
+!!     &          spec, spec_l, spec_m, spec_lm)
+      module m_tave_sph_ene_spectr
+      use m_precision
+      use m_constants
+      implicit none
+      real(kind = kreal), allocatable :: ave_spec_t(:,:)
+      real(kind = kreal), allocatable :: ave_spec_l(:,:,:)
+      real(kind = kreal), allocatable :: ave_spec_m(:,:,:)
+      real(kind = kreal), allocatable :: ave_spec_lm(:,:,:)
+      real(kind = kreal), allocatable :: sigma_spec_t(:,:)
+      real(kind = kreal), allocatable :: sigma_spec_l(:,:,:)
+      real(kind = kreal), allocatable :: sigma_spec_m(:,:,:)
+      real(kind = kreal), allocatable :: sigma_spec_lm(:,:,:)
+!     data file ID
+      integer(kind = kint), parameter :: id_tave_rms_l =    31
+      integer(kind = kint), parameter :: id_tave_rms_m =    32
+      integer(kind = kint), parameter :: id_tave_rms_lm =   33
+      integer(kind = kint), parameter :: id_tave_rms =      34
+      private :: write_average_ene_sph_head
+!   --------------------------------------------------------------------
+      contains
+!   --------------------------------------------------------------------
+      subroutine allocate_tave_sph_espec_data
+      use m_sph_ene_spectra
+      allocate( ave_spec_t(ncomp_sph_spec,nri_sph) )
+      allocate( ave_spec_l(ncomp_sph_spec,0:ltr_sph,nri_sph) )
+      allocate( ave_spec_m(ncomp_sph_spec,0:ltr_sph,nri_sph) )
+      allocate( ave_spec_lm(ncomp_sph_spec,0:ltr_sph,nri_sph) )
+      allocate( sigma_spec_t(ncomp_sph_spec,nri_sph) )
+      allocate( sigma_spec_l(ncomp_sph_spec,0:ltr_sph,nri_sph) )
+      allocate( sigma_spec_m(ncomp_sph_spec,0:ltr_sph,nri_sph) )
+      allocate( sigma_spec_lm(ncomp_sph_spec,0:ltr_sph,nri_sph) )
+      ave_spec_t =  0.0d0
+      ave_spec_l =  0.0d0
+      ave_spec_m =  0.0d0
+      ave_spec_lm = 0.0d0
+      sigma_spec_t =  0.0d0
+      sigma_spec_l =  0.0d0
+      sigma_spec_m =  0.0d0
+      sigma_spec_lm = 0.0d0
+      end subroutine allocate_tave_sph_espec_data
+!   --------------------------------------------------------------------
+      subroutine deallocate_tave_sph_espec_data
+      deallocate(ave_spec_t, ave_spec_l, ave_spec_m, ave_spec_lm)
+      deallocate(sigma_spec_l, sigma_spec_m)
+      deallocate(sigma_spec_t, sigma_spec_lm)
+      end subroutine deallocate_tave_sph_espec_data
+!   --------------------------------------------------------------------
+      subroutine reset_tave_sph_espec_data
+      use m_sph_ene_spectra
+      sigma_spec_t =  0.0d0
+      sigma_spec_l =  0.0d0
+      sigma_spec_m =  0.0d0
+      sigma_spec_lm = 0.0d0
+      end subroutine reset_tave_sph_espec_data
+!   --------------------------------------------------------------------
+      subroutine reset_tsigma_sph_espec_data
+      sigma_spec_t =  0.0d0
+      sigma_spec_l =  0.0d0
+      sigma_spec_m =  0.0d0
+      sigma_spec_lm = 0.0d0
+      end subroutine reset_tsigma_sph_espec_data
+!   --------------------------------------------------------------------
+!   --------------------------------------------------------------------
+      subroutine open_tave_ene_spec_data
+      use m_sph_ene_spectra
+      character(len = kchara) :: fname_tave_rms_l
+      character(len = kchara) :: fname_tave_rms_m
+      character(len = kchara) :: fname_tave_rms_lm
+      character(len = kchara) :: fname_tave_rms
+      write(fname_tave_rms_l, '(a6,a)')                                 &
+     &        't_ave_', trim(fname_org_rms_l)
+      write(fname_tave_rms_m, '(a6,a)')                                 &
+     &        't_ave_', trim(fname_org_rms_m)
+      write(fname_tave_rms_lm,'(a6,a)')                                 &
+     &        't_ave_', trim(fname_org_rms_lm)
+      write(fname_tave_rms,   '(a6,a)')                                 &
+     &        't_ave_', trim(fname_org_rms)
+      open(id_tave_rms,   file=fname_tave_rms)
+      open(id_tave_rms_l, file=fname_tave_rms_l)
+      open(id_tave_rms_m, file=fname_tave_rms_m)
+      open(id_tave_rms_lm,file=fname_tave_rms_lm)
+      call write_average_ene_sph_head
+      end subroutine open_tave_ene_spec_data
+!   --------------------------------------------------------------------
+      subroutine open_tsigma_ene_spec_data
+      use m_sph_ene_spectra
+      character(len = kchara) :: fname_tave_rms_l
+      character(len = kchara) :: fname_tave_rms_m
+      character(len = kchara) :: fname_tave_rms_lm
+      character(len = kchara) :: fname_tave_rms
+      write(fname_tave_rms_l, '(a8,a)')                                 &
+     &        't_sigma_', trim(fname_org_rms_l)
+      write(fname_tave_rms_m, '(a8,a)')                                 &
+     &        't_sigma_', trim(fname_org_rms_m)
+      write(fname_tave_rms_lm,'(a8,a)')                                 &
+     &        't_sigma_', trim(fname_org_rms_lm)
+      write(fname_tave_rms,   '(a8,a)')                                 &
+     &        't_sigma_', trim(fname_org_rms)
+      open(id_tave_rms,   file=fname_tave_rms)
+      open(id_tave_rms_l, file=fname_tave_rms_l)
+      open(id_tave_rms_m, file=fname_tave_rms_m)
+      open(id_tave_rms_lm,file=fname_tave_rms_lm)
+      call write_average_ene_sph_head
+      end subroutine open_tsigma_ene_spec_data
+!   --------------------------------------------------------------------
+!   --------------------------------------------------------------------
+      subroutine write_average_ene_sph_head
+      use m_sph_ene_spectra
+      use write_field_labels
+      integer(kind = kint) :: num
+      num = ncomp_sph_spec + num_time_labels
+      write(ene_sph_spec_name(num_time_labels),'(a)') 'degree'
+      call write_multi_labels(id_tave_rms, num, ene_sph_spec_name)
+      call write_multi_labels(id_tave_rms_l, num, ene_sph_spec_name)
+      write(ene_sph_spec_name(num_time_labels),'(a)') 'order'
+      call write_multi_labels(id_tave_rms_m, num, ene_sph_spec_name)
+      write(ene_sph_spec_name(num_time_labels),'(a)')                   &
+     &                                           'diff_deg_order'
+      call write_multi_labels(id_tave_rms_lm, num, ene_sph_spec_name)
+      write(id_tave_rms,*   )
+      write(id_tave_rms_l,* )
+      write(id_tave_rms_m,* )
+      write(id_tave_rms_lm,*)
+      end subroutine write_average_ene_sph_head
+!   --------------------------------------------------------------------
+      subroutine write_tave_vol_sph_data(nri, ltr, ncomp,               &
+     &          spec, spec_l, spec_m, spec_lm)
+      use m_sph_ene_spectra
+      integer(kind = kint), intent(in) :: nri, ltr, ncomp
+      real(kind = kreal), intent(inout) :: spec(ncomp,nri)
+      real(kind = kreal), intent(inout) :: spec_l(ncomp,0:ltr,nri)
+      real(kind = kreal), intent(inout) :: spec_m(ncomp,0:ltr,nri)
+      real(kind = kreal), intent(inout) :: spec_lm(ncomp,0:ltr,nri)
+      integer(kind = kint) :: lth
+      write(id_tave_rms,'(i10,1pE25.15e3,i10,1p255E25.15e3)')           &
+     &         ied_true, time_sph, izero, spec(1:ncomp,1)
+      do lth = 0, ltr
+        write(id_tave_rms_l,'(i10,1pE25.15e3,i10,1p255E25.15e3)')       &
+     &         ied_true, time_sph, lth, spec_l(1:ncomp,lth,1)
+        write(id_tave_rms_m,'(i10,1pE25.15e3,i10,1p255E25.15e3)')       &
+     &         ied_true, time_sph, lth, spec_m(1:ncomp,lth,1)
+        write(id_tave_rms_lm,'(i10,1pE25.15e3,i10,1p255E25.15e3)')      &
+     &         ied_true, time_sph, lth, spec_lm(1:ncomp,lth,1)
+      end do
+      end subroutine write_tave_vol_sph_data
+!   --------------------------------------------------------------------
+      subroutine write_tave_layer_sph_data(nri, ltr, ncomp,             &
+     &          spec, spec_l, spec_m, spec_lm)
+      use m_sph_ene_spectra
+      integer(kind = kint), intent(in) :: nri, ltr, ncomp
+      real(kind = kreal), intent(inout) :: spec(ncomp,nri)
+      real(kind = kreal), intent(inout) :: spec_l(ncomp,0:ltr,nri)
+      real(kind = kreal), intent(inout) :: spec_m(ncomp,0:ltr,nri)
+      real(kind = kreal), intent(inout) :: spec_lm(ncomp,0:ltr,nri)
+      integer(kind = kint) :: kr, lth
+      do kr = 1, nri
+        write(id_tave_rms,'(i10,1pE25.15e3,2i10,1p255E25.15e3)')        &
+     &         ied_true, time_sph, kr_sph(kr), izero,                   &
+     &         spec(1:ncomp,kr)
+        do lth = 0, ltr
+          write(id_tave_rms_l,'(i10,1pE25.15e3,2i10,1p255E25.15e3)')    &
+     &         ied_true, time_sph, kr_sph(kr), lth,                     &
+     &         spec_l(1:ncomp,lth,kr)
+          write(id_tave_rms_m,'(i10,1pE25.15e3,2i10,1p255E25.15e3)')    &
+     &         ied_true, time_sph, kr_sph(kr), lth,                     &
+     &         spec_m(1:ncomp,lth,kr)
+          write(id_tave_rms_lm,'(i10,1pE25.15e3,2i10,1p255E25.15e3)')   &
+     &         ied_true, time_sph, kr_sph(kr), lth,                     &
+     &         spec_lm(1:ncomp,lth,kr)
+        end do
+      end do
+      end subroutine write_tave_layer_sph_data
+!   --------------------------------------------------------------------
+      end module m_tave_sph_ene_spectr
diff --git a/src/programs/data_utilities/TIME_HISTORIES/t_average_sph_ene_spec.f90 b/src/programs/data_utilities/TIME_HISTORIES/t_average_sph_ene_spec.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bc7694b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/programs/data_utilities/TIME_HISTORIES/t_average_sph_ene_spec.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,123 @@
+!>@file   t_average_sph_ene_spec.f90
+!!        program t_average_sph_ene_spec
+!! @author H. Matsui
+!! @date   Programmed in  Nov., 2007
+!> @brief Evaluate time average and standard deviation 
+!!        from spherical harmonics spectrum data
+      program t_average_sph_ene_spec
+      use m_precision
+      use m_tave_sph_ene_spectr
+      use cal_tave_sph_ene_spectr
+      implicit none
+      integer(kind = kint) :: ierr
+      integer(kind = kint) :: icou, istep
+      real(kind = kreal) :: start_time, end_time
+      call select_sph_ene_spec_data_file
+      call set_org_ene_spec_file_name
+      write(*,*) 'Input start and end time'
+      read(*,*) start_time, end_time
+      if(iflag_sph_ene_file .eq. 1) then
+        call count_degree_on_volume_data
+      else  if(iflag_sph_ene_file .eq. 2) then
+        call count_degree_on_layer_data
+      else
+        call count_degree_one_layer_data
+      end if
+      call allocate_sph_espec_data
+      call allocate_tave_sph_espec_data
+!    Evaluate time average
+      call open_org_ene_spec_data
+      ist_true = -1
+      icou = 0
+      do
+        if(iflag_sph_ene_file .eq. 1) then
+          call read_org_volume_ene_data(istep, ierr)
+        else
+          call read_org_layer_ene_data(istep, ierr)
+        end if
+        if(ierr.gt.0) go to 99
+        if (time_sph .ge. start_time) then
+          if (ist_true .eq. -1) then
+            ist_true = istep
+          end if
+          icou = icou + 1
+          ied_true = istep
+          call sum_average_ene_sph
+          if (icou .eq. 1) then
+            time_ini = time_sph
+            call reset_tave_sph_espec_data
+          end if
+        end if
+        if (time_sph .ge. end_time) exit
+        write(*,*) 'step', istep, 'averaging finished. Count: ', icou
+      end do
+   99 continue
+      call close_ene_spec_data
+      call divide_average_ene_sph
+      call output_tave_ene_sph_data
+      call close_ene_spec_data
+!  Evaluate standard deviation
+      call open_org_ene_spec_data
+      ist_true = -1
+      icou = 0
+      do
+        if(iflag_sph_ene_file .eq. 1) then
+          call read_org_volume_ene_data(istep, ierr)
+        else
+          call read_org_layer_ene_data(istep, ierr)
+        end if
+        if(ierr.gt.0) go to 98
+        if (time_sph .ge. start_time) then
+          if (ist_true .eq. -1) then
+            ist_true = istep
+          end if
+          icou = icou + 1
+          ied_true = istep
+          call sum_deviation_ene_sph
+          if (icou .eq. 1) then
+            time_ini = time_sph
+            call reset_tsigma_sph_espec_data
+          end if
+        end if
+        if (time_sph .ge. end_time) exit
+        write(*,*) 'step', istep, 'deviation finished. Count: ', icou
+      end do
+   98 continue
+      call close_ene_spec_data
+      call divide_deviation_ene_sph
+      call output_tsigma_ene_sph_data
+      stop
+      end program t_average_sph_ene_spec
diff --git a/src/programs/data_utilities/TIME_HISTORIES/tave_picked_sph_spec_data.f90 b/src/programs/data_utilities/TIME_HISTORIES/tave_picked_sph_spec_data.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f28d0d9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/programs/data_utilities/TIME_HISTORIES/tave_picked_sph_spec_data.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,171 @@
+!      program tave_picked_sph_spec_data
+!        programmed by H.Matsui on Dec., 2012
+      program tave_picked_sph_spec_data
+      use m_precision
+      use m_constants
+      use m_pickup_sph_spectr_data
+      implicit  none
+      real(kind = kreal), allocatable :: prev_spec(:,:)
+      real(kind = kreal), allocatable :: ave_spec(:,:)
+      real(kind = kreal), allocatable :: sdev_spec(:,:)
+      character(len=kchara) :: evo_header
+      character(len=kchara) :: tave_header
+      character(len=kchara) :: sdev_header
+      integer(kind = kint), parameter :: id_pick = 15
+      integer(kind = kint) :: i_step, ierr, num, icou, ipick, nd
+      integer(kind = kint) :: istep_start
+      real(kind = kreal) :: acou, time, prev_time
+      real(kind = kint) :: start_time, end_time, true_start
+      write(*,*) 'Input picked spectr evolution file header'
+      read(5,*) evo_header
+      pickup_sph_head = evo_header
+      write(tave_header,'(a6,a)') 't_ave_', trim(evo_header)
+      write(sdev_header,'(a8,a)') 't_sigma_', trim(evo_header)
+      write(*,*) 'Input start and end time'
+      read(5,*) start_time, end_time
+      call open_sph_spec_read_monitor(id_pick)
+      num = ntot_pick_sph_mode*num_pick_layer
+      allocate( prev_spec(ntot_comp_pick_sph,num) )
+      allocate( ave_spec(ntot_comp_pick_sph,num) )
+      allocate( sdev_spec(ntot_comp_pick_sph,num) )
+      prev_spec =  0.0d0
+      ave_spec =   0.0d0
+      sdev_spec =  0.0d0
+!       Evaluate time average
+      icou = 0
+      do
+        call read_sph_spec_4_monitor(id_pick, i_step, time, ierr)
+        if(ierr .gt. 0) exit
+        if(time .ge. start_time) then
+          do ipick = 1, num_pick_sph_mode*num_pick_layer
+            do nd = 1, ntot_comp_pick_sph
+              prev_spec(nd,ipick) = d_rj_pick_sph_gl(nd,ipick)
+            end do
+          end do
+          if(icou .eq. 0) then
+            true_start = time
+          else
+            do ipick = 1, num_pick_sph_mode*num_pick_layer
+              do nd = 1, ntot_comp_pick_sph
+                ave_spec(nd,ipick) = ave_spec(nd,ipick) + half          &
+     &            * (d_rj_pick_sph_gl(nd,ipick) + prev_spec(nd,ipick))  &
+     &            * (time - prev_time)
+              end do
+            end do
+          end if
+          icou = icou + 1
+          write(*,*) 'step ', i_step,                                   &
+     &        ' is added for time average: count is  ', icou
+        end if
+        prev_time = time
+        if(time .ge. end_time) exit
+      end do
+      close(id_pick)
+      acou = one / (end_time - true_start)
+      do ipick = 1, num_pick_sph_mode*num_pick_layer
+        do nd = 1, ntot_comp_pick_sph
+          ave_spec(nd,ipick) = ave_spec(nd,ipick) * acou
+        end do
+      end do
+      call deallocate_pick_sph_monitor
+      call deallocate_num_pick_layer
+!       Evaluate standard deviation
+      call open_sph_spec_read_monitor(id_pick)
+      icou = 0
+      do
+        call read_sph_spec_4_monitor(id_pick, i_step, time, ierr)
+        if(ierr .gt. 0) exit
+        if(time .ge. start_time) then
+          do ipick = 1, num_pick_sph_mode*num_pick_layer
+            do nd = 1, ntot_comp_pick_sph
+              prev_spec(nd,ipick)                                       &
+     &          = (d_rj_pick_sph_gl(nd,ipick) - ave_spec(nd,ipick))**2
+            end do
+          end do
+          if(icou .eq. 0) then
+            true_start = time
+          else
+            do ipick = 1, num_pick_sph_mode*num_pick_layer
+              do nd = 1, ntot_comp_pick_sph
+                sdev_spec(nd,ipick) = sdev_spec(nd,ipick) + half        &
+     &            * ((d_rj_pick_sph_gl(nd,ipick)-ave_spec(nd,ipick))**2 &
+     &             + prev_spec(nd,ipick)) * (time - prev_time)
+              end do
+            end do
+          end if
+          icou = icou + 1
+          write(*,*) 'step ', i_step,                                   &
+     &        ' is added for standard deviation: count is  ', icou
+        end if
+        prev_time = time
+        if(time .ge. end_time) exit
+      end do
+      close(id_pick)
+      acou = one / (end_time - true_start)
+      do ipick = 1, num_pick_sph_mode*num_pick_layer
+        do nd = 1, ntot_comp_pick_sph
+          sdev_spec(nd,ipick) = sqrt(sdev_spec(nd,ipick)) * acou
+        end do
+      end do
+!    output time average
+      do ipick = 1, num_pick_sph_mode*num_pick_layer
+        do nd = 1, ntot_comp_pick_sph
+          d_rj_pick_sph_gl(nd,ipick) = ave_spec(nd,ipick)
+        end do
+      end do
+      pickup_sph_head = tave_header
+      call write_sph_spec_4_monitor(izero, i_step, time)
+!    output standard deviation
+      do ipick = 1, num_pick_sph_mode*num_pick_layer
+        do nd = 1, ntot_comp_pick_sph
+          d_rj_pick_sph_gl(nd,ipick) = sdev_spec(nd,ipick)
+        end do
+      end do
+      pickup_sph_head = sdev_header
+      call write_sph_spec_4_monitor(izero, i_step, time)
+      call deallocate_pick_sph_monitor
+      call deallocate_num_pick_layer
+      deallocate(prev_spec, ave_spec, sdev_spec)
+      write(*,*) '***** program finished *****'
+      stop
+      end program tave_picked_sph_spec_data

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