[cig-commits] [commit] devel, master: deleted old boundary_definition.py (19f0f4e)

cig_noreply at geodynamics.org cig_noreply at geodynamics.org
Wed Jun 18 16:53:53 PDT 2014

Repository : https://github.com/geodynamics/specfem3d

On branches: devel,master
Link       : https://github.com/geodynamics/specfem3d/compare/6026e367984905ab133865f62fa6293b343759b9...47f703851338234f96397e7da9fbff63d8178b8a


commit 19f0f4e956dbd72637d3ea5992b2c7cde9d1c5ec
Author: Dimitri Komatitsch <komatitsch at lma.cnrs-mrs.fr>
Date:   Fri Sep 20 18:19:25 2013 +0000

    deleted old boundary_definition.py


 .../boundary_definition.py                         | 401 ---------------------
 .../cubit2specfem3d.py                             |   2 +-
 2 files changed, 1 insertion(+), 402 deletions(-)

diff --git a/homogeneous_halfspace_HEX27_elastic_no_absorbing/boundary_definition.py b/homogeneous_halfspace_HEX27_elastic_no_absorbing/boundary_definition.py
deleted file mode 100644
index f511eb0..0000000
--- a/homogeneous_halfspace_HEX27_elastic_no_absorbing/boundary_definition.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,401 +0,0 @@
-# boundary_definition.py                                                    #
-# this file is part of GEOCUBIT                                             #
-#                                                                           #
-# Created by Emanuele Casarotti                                             #
-# Copyright (c) 2008 Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia         #
-#                                                                           #
-#                                                                           #
-# GEOCUBIT is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify          #
-# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by      #
-# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or         #
-# (at your option) any later version.                                       #
-#                                                                           #
-# GEOCUBIT is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,               #
-# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of            #
-# GNU General Public License for more details.                              #
-#                                                                           #
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License         #
-# along with GEOCUBIT.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.         #
-#                                                                           #
-def define_absorbing_surf():
-    """
-    define the absorbing surfaces for a layered topological box where boundary are surfaces parallel to the axis.
-    it returns absorbing_surf,absorbing_surf_xmin,absorbing_surf_xmax,absorbing_surf_ymin,absorbing_surf_ymax,absorbing_surf_bottom,topo_surf
-    where
-    absorbing_surf is the list of all the absorbing boundary surf
-    absorbing_surf_xmin is the list of the absorbing boundary surfaces that correnspond to x=xmin
-    ...
-    absorbing_surf_bottom is the list of the absorbing boundary surfaces that correspond to z=zmin
-    """
-    try:
-        cubit.cmd('comment')
-    except:
-        try:
-            import cubit
-            cubit.init([""])
-        except:
-            print 'error importing cubit'
-            import sys
-            sys.exit()
-    absorbing_surf=[]
-    absorbing_surf_xmin=[]
-    absorbing_surf_xmax=[]
-    absorbing_surf_ymin=[]
-    absorbing_surf_ymax=[]
-    absorbing_surf_bottom=[]
-    top_surf=[]
-    list_vol=cubit.parse_cubit_list("volume","all")
-    init_n_vol=len(list_vol)
-    zmax_box=cubit.get_total_bounding_box("volume",list_vol)[7]
-    zmin_box=cubit.get_total_bounding_box("volume",list_vol)[6] #it is the z_min of the box ... box= xmin,xmax,d,ymin,ymax,d,zmin...
-    xmin_box=cubit.get_total_bounding_box("volume",list_vol)[0]
-    xmax_box=cubit.get_total_bounding_box("volume",list_vol)[1]
-    ymin_box=cubit.get_total_bounding_box("volume",list_vol)[3]
-    ymax_box=cubit.get_total_bounding_box("volume",list_vol)[4]
-    list_surf=cubit.parse_cubit_list("surface","all")
-#    for k in list_surf:
-#        center_point = cubit.get_center_point("surface", k)
-#        if abs((center_point[0] - xmin_box)/xmin_box) <= 0.005:
-#             absorbing_surf_xmin.append(k)
-#             absorbing_surf.append(k)
-#        elif abs((center_point[0] - xmax_box)/xmax_box) <= 0.005:
-#             absorbing_surf_xmax.append(k)
-#             absorbing_surf.append(k)
-#        elif abs((center_point[1] - ymin_box)/ymin_box) <= 0.005:
-#             absorbing_surf_ymin.append(k)
-#             absorbing_surf.append(k)
-#        elif abs((center_point[1] - ymax_box)/ymax_box) <= 0.005:
-#             absorbing_surf_ymax.append(k)
-#             absorbing_surf.append(k)
-#        elif abs((center_point[2] - zmin_box)/zmin_box) <= 0.005:
-#             absorbing_surf_bottom.append(k)
-#             absorbing_surf.append(k)
-#        else:
-#            sbox=cubit.get_bounding_box('surface',k)
-#            dz=abs((sbox[7] - zmax_box)/zmax_box)
-#            normal=cubit.get_surface_normal(k)
-#            zn=normal[2]
-#            dn=abs(zn-1)
-#            if dz <= 0.001 and dn < 0.2:
-#                top_surf.append(k)
-    #box lengths
-    x_len = abs( xmax_box - xmin_box)
-    y_len = abs( ymax_box - ymin_box)
-    z_len = abs( zmax_box - zmin_box)
-    print '##boundary box: '
-    print '##  x length: ' + str(x_len)
-    print '##  y length: ' + str(y_len)
-    print '##  z length: ' + str(z_len)
-    # tolerance parameters
-    absorbing_surface_distance_tolerance=0.005
-    topographic_surface_distance_tolerance=0.001
-    topographic_surface_normal_tolerance=0.2
-    for k in list_surf:
-        center_point = cubit.get_center_point("surface", k)
-        if abs((center_point[0] - xmin_box)/x_len) <= absorbing_surface_distance_tolerance:
-             absorbing_surf_xmin.append(k)
-             absorbing_surf.append(k)
-        elif abs((center_point[0] - xmax_box)/x_len) <= absorbing_surface_distance_tolerance:
-             absorbing_surf_xmax.append(k)
-             absorbing_surf.append(k)
-        elif abs((center_point[1] - ymin_box)/y_len) <= absorbing_surface_distance_tolerance:
-             absorbing_surf_ymin.append(k)
-             absorbing_surf.append(k)
-        elif abs((center_point[1] - ymax_box)/y_len) <= absorbing_surface_distance_tolerance:
-             absorbing_surf_ymax.append(k)
-             absorbing_surf.append(k)
-        elif abs((center_point[2] - zmin_box)/z_len) <= absorbing_surface_distance_tolerance:
-             absorbing_surf_bottom.append(k)
-             absorbing_surf.append(k)
-        else:
-            sbox=cubit.get_bounding_box('surface',k)
-            dz=abs((sbox[7] - zmax_box)/z_len)
-            normal=cubit.get_surface_normal(k)
-            zn=normal[2]
-            dn=abs(zn-1)
-            if dz <= topographic_surface_distance_tolerance and dn < topographic_surface_normal_tolerance:
-                top_surf.append(k)
-    return absorbing_surf,absorbing_surf_xmin,absorbing_surf_xmax,absorbing_surf_ymin,absorbing_surf_ymax,absorbing_surf_bottom,top_surf
-def define_absorbing_surf_nopar():
-    """
-    define the absorbing surfaces for a layered topological box where boundary surfaces are not parallel to the axis.
-    it returns absorbing_surf,topo_surf
-    where
-    absorbing_surf is the list of all the absorbing boundary surf
-    """
-    try:
-        cubit.cmd('comment')
-    except:
-        try:
-            import cubit
-            cubit.init([""])
-        except:
-            print 'error importing cubit'
-            import sys
-            sys.exit()
-    from sets import Set
-    def product(*args, **kwds):
-        # product('ABCD', 'xy') --> Ax Ay Bx By Cx Cy Dx Dy
-        # product(range(2), repeat=3) --> 000 001 010 011 100 101 110 111
-        pools = map(tuple, args) * kwds.get('repeat', 1)
-        result = [[]]
-        for pool in pools:
-            result = [x+[y] for x in result for y in pool]
-        return result
-    absorbing_surf=[]
-    absorbing_surf_xmin=[]
-    absorbing_surf_xmax=[]
-    absorbing_surf_ymin=[]
-    absorbing_surf_ymax=[]
-    absorbing_surf_bottom=[]
-    top_surf=[]
-    list_vol=cubit.parse_cubit_list("volume","all")
-    init_n_vol=len(list_vol)
-    zmax_box=cubit.get_total_bounding_box("volume",list_vol)[7]
-    zmin_box=cubit.get_total_bounding_box("volume",list_vol)[6] #it is the z_min of the box ... box= xmin,xmax,d,ymin,ymax,d,zmin...
-    xmin_box=cubit.get_total_bounding_box("volume",list_vol)[0]
-    xmax_box=cubit.get_total_bounding_box("volume",list_vol)[1]
-    ymin_box=cubit.get_total_bounding_box("volume",list_vol)[3]
-    ymax_box=cubit.get_total_bounding_box("volume",list_vol)[4]
-    list_surf=cubit.parse_cubit_list("surface","all")
-    lv=[]
-    for k in list_surf:
-            sbox=cubit.get_bounding_box('surface',k)
-            dzmax=abs((sbox[7] - zmax_box)/zmax_box)
-            dzmin=abs((sbox[6] - zmin_box)/zmin_box)
-            normal=cubit.get_surface_normal(k)
-            zn=normal[2]
-            if dzmax <= 0.001 and zn > 0.7:
-                top_surf.append(k)
-                list_vertex=cubit.get_relatives('surface',k,'vertex')
-                for v in list_vertex:
-                    valence=cubit.get_valence(v)
-                    if valence <= 4: #valence 3 is a corner, 4 is a vertex between 2 volumes, > 4 is a vertex not in the boundaries
-                        lv.append(v)
-            elif dzmin <= 0.001 and zn < -0.7:
-                absorbing_surf.append(k)
-    lp=[]
-    combs=product(lv,lv)
-    for comb in combs:
-        v1=comb[0]
-        v2=comb[1]
-        c=Set(cubit.get_relatives("vertex",v1,"curve")) & Set(cubit.get_relatives("vertex",v2,"curve"))
-        if len(c) == 1:
-            p=cubit.get_center_point("curve",list(c)[0])
-            lp.append(p)
-    for k in list_surf:
-        center_point = cubit.get_center_point("surface", k)
-        for p in lp:
-            if abs((center_point[0] - p[0])/p[0]) <= 0.005 and abs((center_point[1] - p[1])/p[1]) <= 0.005:
-             absorbing_surf.append(k)
-             break
-    return absorbing_surf,top_surf
-def define_absorbing_surf_sphere():
-    try:
-        cubit.cmd('comment')
-    except:
-        try:
-            import cubit
-            cubit.init([""])
-        except:
-            print 'error importing cubit'
-            import sys
-            sys.exit()
-    surf=[]
-    list_surf=cubit.parse_cubit_list("surface","all")
-    for s in list_surf:
-       v=cubit.get_relatives('surface',s,'volume')
-       if len(v) == 1:
-           surf.append(s)
-    return surf
-def define_block():
-    try:
-            cubit.cmd('comment')
-    except:
-            try:
-                import cubit
-                cubit.init([""])
-            except:
-                print 'error importing cubit'
-                import sys
-                sys.exit()
-    list_vol=cubit.parse_cubit_list("volume","all")
-    init_n_vol=len(list_vol)
-    list_name=map(lambda x: 'vol'+x,map(str,list_vol))
-    return list_vol,list_name
-def build_block(vol_list,name):
-    from sets import Set
-    try:
-            cubit.cmd('comment')
-    except:
-            try:
-                import cubit
-                cubit.init([""])
-            except:
-                print 'error importing cubit'
-                import sys
-                sys.exit()
-    block_list=cubit.get_block_id_list()
-    if len(block_list) > 0:
-        id_block=max(block_list)
-    else:
-        id_block=0
-    for v,n in zip(vol_list,name):
-       id_block+=1
-       v_other=Set(vol_list)-Set([v])
-       #command= 'block '+str(id_block)+' hex in node in vol '+str(v)+' except hex in vol '+str(list(v_other))
-       command= 'block '+str(id_block)+' hex in vol '+str(v)
-       command = command.replace("["," ").replace("]"," ")
-       cubit.cmd(command)
-       command = "block "+str(id_block)+" name '"+n+"'"
-       cubit.cmd(command)
-def build_block_side(surf_list,name,obj='surface'):
-    try:
-            cubit.cmd('comment')
-    except:
-            try:
-                import cubit
-                cubit.init([""])
-            except:
-                print 'error importing cubit'
-                import sys
-                sys.exit()
-    id_nodeset=cubit.get_next_nodeset_id()
-    id_block=cubit.get_next_block_id()
-    if obj == 'hex':
-        txt='hex in node in surface'
-        txt1='block '+str(id_block)+ ' '+ txt +' '+str(list(surf_list))
-        txt2="block "+str(id_block)+" name '"+name+"'"
-        txt1=txt1.replace("["," ").replace("]"," ")
-    elif obj == 'node':
-         txt=obj+' in surface'
-         txt1= 'nodeset '+str(id_nodeset)+ ' '+ txt +' '+str(list(surf_list))
-         txt1 = txt1.replace("["," ").replace("]"," ")
-         txt2 = "nodeset "+str(id_nodeset)+" name '"+name+"'"
-    elif obj == 'face' or obj == 'edge':
-        txt=obj+' in surface'
-        txt1= 'block '+str(id_block)+ ' '+ txt +' '+str(list(surf_list))
-        txt1 = txt1.replace("["," ").replace("]"," ")
-        txt2 = "block "+str(id_block)+" name '"+name+"'"
-    else:
-        txt1=''
-        # do not execute: block id might be wrong
-        print "##block "+str(id_block)+" name '"+name+"_notsupported (only hex,face,edge,node)'"
-        txt2=''
-    cubit.cmd(txt1)
-    cubit.cmd(txt2)
-def define_bc(*args,**keys):
-    parallel=keys.get('parallel',True)
-    closed=keys.get('closed',False)
-    if not closed:
-        print "##open region"
-        # model with parallel sides (e.g. a block)
-        if parallel:
-            surf,xmin,xmax,ymin,ymax,bottom,topo=define_absorbing_surf()
-        else:
-            # arbitrary geometry
-            surf,topo=define_absorbing_surf_nopar()
-        v_list,name_list=define_block()
-        build_block(v_list,name_list)
-        entities=args[0]
-        print entities
-        for entity in entities:
-            print "##entity: "+str(entity)
-            # block for free surface (w/ topography)
-            build_block_side(topo,entity+'_topo',obj=entity)
-            # model has parallel sides (e.g. a block model )
-            if parallel:
-                # blocks for each side
-                build_block_side(xmin,entity+'_abs_xmin',obj=entity)
-                build_block_side(xmax,entity+'_abs_xmax',obj=entity)
-                build_block_side(ymin,entity+'_abs_ymin',obj=entity)
-                build_block_side(ymax,entity+'_abs_ymax',obj=entity)
-                build_block_side(bottom,entity+'_abs_bottom',obj=entity)
-                # block for all sides together
-                # NOTE:
-                #    this might fail in some CUBIT versions, when elements are already
-                #    assigned to other blocks
-                build_block_side(surf,entity+'_abs',obj=entity)
-            else:
-                # arbitrary geometry
-                # puts all elements in single block
-                build_block_side(surf,entity+'_abs',obj=entity)
-    else:
-        print "##closed region"
-        # model without absorbing boundaries, only one surface, e.g. a sphere
-        surf=define_absorbing_surf_sphere()
-        v_list,name_list=define_block()
-        build_block(v_list,name_list)
-        entities=args[0]
-        for entity in entities:
-            # puts all elements in single block
-            build_block_side(surf,entity+'_closedvol',obj=entity)
-## calling example:
-## block material assigning example:
-#block 1  attribute count 5
-#block 2  attribute count 0
-#block 2  name '/prova/interface1'
-#block 2  attribute count 3
-#block 3  attribute count 5
-#block 1  attribute index 2 1500
-#block 1  attribute count 2
-#block 3  attribute index 1 2
-#block 3  attribute index 2 5800
-#block 3  attribute index 3 3900
-#block 3  attribute index 4 1500
-#block 3  attribute index 5 3.5
-#block 1  name 'top'
-#block 3  name 'bottom'
-#block 2  attribute index 1 -1
-#block 2  attribute index 2 2
-#block 2  attribute count 4
-#block 2  attribute index 2 1
-#block 2  attribute index 3 2
diff --git a/homogeneous_halfspace_HEX27_elastic_no_absorbing/cubit2specfem3d.py b/homogeneous_halfspace_HEX27_elastic_no_absorbing/cubit2specfem3d.py
index 4062a6b..f70980c 120000
--- a/homogeneous_halfspace_HEX27_elastic_no_absorbing/cubit2specfem3d.py
+++ b/homogeneous_halfspace_HEX27_elastic_no_absorbing/cubit2specfem3d.py
@@ -1 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
\ No newline at end of file

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