[cig-commits] [commit] devel: got rid of ugly !axisym comments at the end of lines (2e882cf)

cig_noreply at geodynamics.org cig_noreply at geodynamics.org
Mon Mar 24 07:10:32 PDT 2014

Repository : ssh://shell.geodynamics.org/specfem2d

On branch  : devel
Link       : https://github.com/geodynamics/specfem2d/compare/130867d1ccbd0956208119fe2a5ceaf3fe01c386...4668df8719f238a2e940ff6c101231afa1f7d931


commit 2e882cfe49568876bcd7b502e681b2d341bbc1c9
Author: Dimitri Komatitsch <komatitsch at lma.cnrs-mrs.fr>
Date:   Mon Mar 24 15:09:43 2014 +0100

    got rid of ugly !axisym comments at the end of lines


 src/meshfem2D/meshfem2D.F90 | 70 ++++++++++++++++++++++-----------------------
 1 file changed, 35 insertions(+), 35 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/meshfem2D/meshfem2D.F90 b/src/meshfem2D/meshfem2D.F90
index 2103b40..d8587c1 100644
--- a/src/meshfem2D/meshfem2D.F90
+++ b/src/meshfem2D/meshfem2D.F90
@@ -804,43 +804,43 @@ program meshfem2D
-  if(AXISYM) then                                                                                                 !axisym
-    if ( read_external_mesh ) then  !! DK DK si maillage CUBIT externe                                            !axisym
-      call read_axial_elements_file(axial_elements_file)                                                          !axisym
-                                                                                                                  !axisym
-    else !! DK DK if the mesh has been made by the internal mesher                                                !axisym
-                                                                                                                  !axisym
+  if(AXISYM) then
+    if ( read_external_mesh ) then  !! DK DK si maillage CUBIT externe
+      call read_axial_elements_file(axial_elements_file)
+    else !! DK DK if the mesh has been made by the internal mesher
       if(xmin * xmax < 0) stop 'in axisymmetric mode xmin and xmax must have the same sign, they cannot cross the symmetry axis'
       if(xmin < 0) stop 'in axisymmetric mode, case of symmetry axis on the right edge instead of left not supported yet'
-                                                                                                                  !axisym
-      ! count the number of axial elements                                                                        !axisym
-      nelem_on_the_axis = 0                                                                                       !axisym
-                                                                                                                  !axisym
-      ! test if the left edge is on the symmetry axis                                                             !axisym
-      if(abs(xmin) < TINYVAL) then                                                                                !axisym
-                                                                                                                  !axisym
-        ! if the surface is absorbing, it cannot be axial at the same time                                        !axisym
-        if(absleft) stop 'in axisymmetric mode, the left edge cannot be both axial and absorbing'                 !axisym
-        !all the elements on the left edge are axial because that edge is vertical and located in x = 0           !axisym
-        nelem_on_the_axis = nzread                                                                                !axisym
-        allocate(ispec_of_axial_elements(nelem_on_the_axis))                                                      !axisym
-        i = 1                                                                                                     !axisym
-        do j = 1,nzread                                                                                           !axisym
-          ispec_of_axial_elements(j) = (j-1)*nxread + (i-1) + 1                                                   !axisym
-        enddo                                                                                                     !axisym
-                                                                                                                  !axisym
-      else ! no elements on the symmetry axis                                                                     !axisym
-        allocate(ispec_of_axial_elements(1))                                                                      !axisym
-      endif                                                                                                       !axisym
-                                                                                                                  !axisym
-    endif ! of if(read_external_mesh) then                                                                        !axisym
-                                                                                                                  !axisym
-  else ! of AXISYM                                                                                                !axisym
-                                                                                                                  !axisym
-    nelem_on_the_axis = 0                                                                                         !axisym
-    allocate(ispec_of_axial_elements(1))                                                                          !axisym
-                                                                                                                  !axisym
-  endif                                                                                                           !axisym
+      ! count the number of axial elements
+      nelem_on_the_axis = 0
+      ! test if the left edge is on the symmetry axis
+      if(abs(xmin) < TINYVAL) then
+        ! if the surface is absorbing, it cannot be axial at the same time
+        if(absleft) stop 'in axisymmetric mode, the left edge cannot be both axial and absorbing'
+        !all the elements on the left edge are axial because that edge is vertical and located in x = 0
+        nelem_on_the_axis = nzread
+        allocate(ispec_of_axial_elements(nelem_on_the_axis))
+        i = 1
+        do j = 1,nzread
+          ispec_of_axial_elements(j) = (j-1)*nxread + (i-1) + 1
+        enddo
+      else ! no elements on the symmetry axis
+        allocate(ispec_of_axial_elements(1))
+      endif
+    endif ! of if(read_external_mesh) then
+  else ! of AXISYM
+    nelem_on_the_axis = 0
+    allocate(ispec_of_axial_elements(1))
+  endif
   ! compute min and max of X and Z in the grid
   print *

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