[cig-commits] [commit] master: add a color scale, update xyz2vtp.sh, rename grd2vtk.sh (133df13)

cig_noreply at geodynamics.org cig_noreply at geodynamics.org
Sat Mar 29 10:21:23 PDT 2014

Repository : ssh://shell.geodynamics.org/relax

On branch  : master
Link       : https://github.com/geodynamics/relax/compare/8d65de398a94ddbc15ba14a685392746f1bc7afc...133df1372f1e0f1323deaa1ed0b3d56ddadf29d2


commit 133df1372f1e0f1323deaa1ed0b3d56ddadf29d2
Author: Sylvain Barbot <sbarbot at ntu.edu.sg>
Date:   Sun Mar 30 01:21:13 2014 +0800

    add a color scale, update xyz2vtp.sh, rename grd2vtk.sh


 share/seis_inv.cpt |  14 +++++++
 util/grd2vtp.sh    | 109 -----------------------------------------------------
 util/xyz2vtp.sh    |   6 ++-
 3 files changed, 19 insertions(+), 110 deletions(-)

diff --git a/share/seis_inv.cpt b/share/seis_inv.cpt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..34222c2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/share/seis_inv.cpt
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+#       $Id: GMT_seis.cpt 9545 2011-07-27 19:31:54Z pwessel $
+# Colormap using in seismic tomographic images
+# Designed by Suzan van der Lee
+-1.00	0	0	205	-.777	0	80	255
+-.777	0	80	255	-.555	0	240	110
+-.555	0	240	110	-.333	90	255	30
+-.333	90	255	30	-.111	255	255	0
+-.111	255	255	0	.111	255	255	0
+.111	255	255	0	.333	255	170	0
+.333	255	170	0	.555	255	85	0
+.555	255	85	0	.777	255	0	0
+.777	255	0	0	1.00	170	0	0
diff --git a/util/grd2vtp.sh b/util/grd2vtp.sh
deleted file mode 100755
index 53a34f9..0000000
--- a/util/grd2vtp.sh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,109 +0,0 @@
-set -e
-self=$(basename $0)
-trap 'echo $self: Some errors occurred. Exiting.; exit' ERR
-	SX1=`grdinfo -C $GRDFILE | awk '{print $10}'`
-	SX2=`grdinfo -C $GRDFILE | awk '{print $11}'`
-	N=`echo $SX1 $SX2 | awk '{print $1*$2}'`
-	TITLE=`grdinfo -C $GRDFILE | awk '{print $1}'`
-	NPOLY=`echo $SX1 $SX2 | awk '{print ($1-1)*($2-1)*2}'`
-	NSIDE=`echo $SX1 $SX2 | awk '{print ($1-1)*($2-1)*2*4}'`
-	echo "# vtk DataFile Version 3.0"
-	echo $TITLE
-	echo "ASCII"
-	echo "POINTS $N float"
-	if [ "$tset" != "1" ]; then
-		grd2xyz $GRDFILE | awk -v d=$depth '{print $2,$1,d}'
-	else
-		grd2xyz $GRDFILE | awk -v d=$depth '{print $2,$1,d-$3}'
-	fi
-	echo ""
-	echo "" | awk -v SX1=$SX1 -v SX2=$SX2 '{ \
-		for (x2=1;x2<SX2;x2++){ \
-			for (x1=1;x1<SX1;x1++){ \
-				print 3,(x2-1)*SX1+x1-1,(x2-1)*SX1+x1,x2*SX1+x1; \
-				print 3,(x2-1)*SX1+x1-1,x2*SX1+x1-1,x2*SX1+x1 \
-			} \
-		} \
-	}'
-	echo ""
-	echo "POINT_DATA $N"
-	TITLE=`grdinfo -C $GRDFILE | awk '{print $1}'`
-	echo "SCALARS $(basename $TITLE .grd) float"
-	echo "LOOKUP_TABLE default"
-	grd2xyz $GRDFILE | awk '{print $3}'
-	echo "$self converts a list of grd files to a vtp polygon polydata file"
-	echo "in ASCII legacy format for visualization in Paraview."
-	echo ""
-	echo "usage: $self file.grd > file.vtp"
-	echo ""
-	echo "or"
-	echo ""
-	echo "       $self file1.grd file2.grd file3.grd > file.vtp"
-	echo ""
-	echo "options:"
-	echo "        -d depth provide the uniform depth of the VTK file (0)."
-	echo "        -t indicates that z-value is topography."
-	echo "           For multiple files, the first file contains the topography."
-	echo "           In combination with -d option, topography is shifted by depth."
-	echo ""
-	echo "note: in Paraview, the X axis is north, the Y axis is east,"
-	echo "      and the Z axis is depth, forming a right-handed system."
-	echo ""
-# print usage is no arguments are supplied or if redirection pipe is detected
-if [ ! -t 0 ] || [ $# -eq 0 ]; then
-	usage
-	exit
-# optional command-line parameters
-while getopts "d:t" flag
-  case "$flag" in
-    r) dset=1;depth=$OPTARG;;
-    t) tset=1;;
-  esac
-for item in $tset $Kset $Oset ;do
-	shift
-for item in $dset ;do
-	shift;shift
-if [ "$dset" != "1" ]; then
-	depth=0
-# loop over list of files to convert
-while [ $# -ne 0 ];do
-	if [ ! -e $GRDFILE ]; then
-		echo $self: could not find $GRDFILE. exiting. >&2
-		exit 2
-	fi
-	grd2vtp_footer
-	shift
diff --git a/util/xyz2vtp.sh b/util/xyz2vtp.sh
index 786dcfe..c06ac75 100755
--- a/util/xyz2vtp.sh
+++ b/util/xyz2vtp.sh
@@ -38,7 +38,11 @@ cat $XYZFILE | awk -v c=$com '
-		line=line " " $2" "$1" "$3;
+		if (NF<3){
+			line=line " " $2 " " $1 " 0";
+		}else{
+			line=line " " $2 " " $1 " "$3;
+		}

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