[cig-commits] [commit] knepley/fix-faults-parallel: Fault: Removed faultBoundary, which was unused (91a41ca)

cig_noreply at geodynamics.org cig_noreply at geodynamics.org
Mon May 5 19:06:00 PDT 2014

Repository : ssh://geoshell/pylith

On branch  : knepley/fix-faults-parallel
Link       : https://github.com/geodynamics/pylith/compare/a1fd44820e1f694f0b6d94a72d2a969a30fa00eb...91a41ca5f30febe7837268273d5918eb2b6cdfaa


commit 91a41ca5f30febe7837268273d5918eb2b6cdfaa
Author: Matthew G. Knepley <knepley at gmail.com>
Date:   Mon May 5 21:05:55 2014 -0500

    Fault: Removed faultBoundary, which was unused


 libsrc/pylith/faults/CohesiveTopology.cc   | 491 -----------------------------
 libsrc/pylith/faults/CohesiveTopology.hh   |  34 +-
 libsrc/pylith/faults/FaultCohesive.cc      |  15 +-
 unittests/libtests/faults/TestFaultMesh.cc |  10 +-
 unittests/libtests/faults/TestSlipFn.cc    |   6 +-
 5 files changed, 11 insertions(+), 545 deletions(-)

diff --git a/libsrc/pylith/faults/CohesiveTopology.cc b/libsrc/pylith/faults/CohesiveTopology.cc
index 59ce5a1..a957034 100644
--- a/libsrc/pylith/faults/CohesiveTopology.cc
+++ b/libsrc/pylith/faults/CohesiveTopology.cc
@@ -32,7 +32,6 @@ extern "C" PetscErrorCode DMPlexMarkBoundaryFaces_Internal(DM, PetscInt, DMLabel
 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
 pylith::faults::CohesiveTopology::createFault(topology::Mesh* faultMesh,
-                                              PetscDM& faultBoundary,
                                               const topology::Mesh& mesh,
                                               PetscDMLabel groupField)
 { // createFault
@@ -63,7 +62,6 @@ pylith::faults::CohesiveTopology::createFault(topology::Mesh* faultMesh,
     err = DMPlexGetLabel(subdm, labelName, &label);PYLITH_CHECK_ERROR(err);
     err = DMPlexMarkBoundaryFaces_Internal(subdm, 1, label);PYLITH_CHECK_ERROR(err);
     err = DMPlexLabelComplete(subdm, label);PYLITH_CHECK_ERROR(err);
-    err = DMPlexCreateSubmesh(subdm, label, 1, &faultBoundary);PYLITH_CHECK_ERROR(err);
     std::string submeshLabel = "fault_" + std::string(groupName);
     faultMesh->dmMesh(subdm, submeshLabel.c_str());
   } else {
@@ -118,501 +116,14 @@ pylith::faults::CohesiveTopology::createFault(topology::Mesh* faultMesh,
     err = DMPlexCreateLabel(faultDMMesh, labelName);PYLITH_CHECK_ERROR(err);
     err = DMPlexGetLabel(faultDMMesh, labelName, &label);PYLITH_CHECK_ERROR(err);
     err = DMPlexMarkBoundaryFaces(faultDMMesh, label);PYLITH_CHECK_ERROR(err);
-    err = DMPlexCreateSubmesh(faultDMMesh, label, 1, &faultBoundary);PYLITH_CHECK_ERROR(err);
 } // createFault
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
 pylith::faults::CohesiveTopology::create(topology::Mesh* mesh,
-                                         const topology::Mesh& faultMesh,
-                                         DM faultBoundary,
-                                         DMLabel groupField,
-                                         const int materialId,
-                                         int& firstFaultVertex,
-                                         int& firstLagrangeVertex,
-                                         int& firstFaultCell,
-                                         const bool constraintCell)
-{ // create
-  assert(mesh);
-  const char    *groupName = NULL;
-  PetscMPIInt    rank;
-  PetscErrorCode err;
-  err = MPI_Comm_rank(mesh->comm(), &rank);PYLITH_CHECK_ERROR(err);
-  if (groupField) {err = DMLabelGetName(groupField, &groupName);PYLITH_CHECK_ERROR(err);}
-  /* DMPlex */
-  DM complexMesh = mesh->dmMesh();
-  DM faultDMMesh = faultMesh.dmMesh();
-  assert(complexMesh);assert(faultDMMesh);
-  PetscInt depth, cStart = 0, cEnd = 0;
-  err = DMPlexGetDepth(complexMesh, &depth);PYLITH_CHECK_ERROR(err);
-  err = DMPlexGetHeightStratum(complexMesh, 0, &cStart, &cEnd);PYLITH_CHECK_ERROR(err);
-  PetscInt faceSizeDM = 0;
-  int numFaultCorners = 0; // The number of vertices in a fault cell
-  PetscInt *indicesDM = NULL; // The indices of a face vertex set in a cell
-  const int debug = mesh->debug();
-  int oppositeVertex = 0;    // For simplices, the vertex opposite a given face
-  TopologyOps::PointArray origVertices;
-  TopologyOps::PointArray faceVertices;
-  TopologyOps::PointArray neighborVertices;
-  PetscInt *origVerticesDM = NULL;
-  PetscInt *faceVerticesDM = NULL;
-  PetscInt cellDim, numCornersDM = 0;
-  err = DMPlexGetDimension(complexMesh, &cellDim);PYLITH_CHECK_ERROR(err);
-  if (!rank) {
-    err = DMPlexGetConeSize(complexMesh, cStart, &numCornersDM);PYLITH_CHECK_ERROR(err);
-    err = DMPlexGetNumFaceVertices(complexMesh, cellDim, numCornersDM, &faceSizeDM);PYLITH_CHECK_ERROR(err);
-    err = PetscMalloc(faceSizeDM * sizeof(PetscInt), &indicesDM);PYLITH_CHECK_ERROR(err);
-    /* TODO: Do we need faceSize at all? Blaise was using a nice criterion */
-    PetscInt fStart, numFaultCornersDM;
-    err = DMPlexGetHeightStratum(faultDMMesh, 1, &fStart, NULL);PYLITH_CHECK_ERROR(err);
-    err = DMPlexGetConeSize(faultDMMesh, fStart, &numFaultCornersDM);PYLITH_CHECK_ERROR(err);
-    numFaultCorners = numFaultCornersDM;
-  }
-  // Add new shadow vertices and possibly Lagrange multipler vertices
-  IS              fVertexIS   = NULL;
-  const PetscInt *fVerticesDM = NULL;
-  PetscInt        numFaultVerticesDM = 0, vStart, vEnd;
-  if (groupField) {
-    err = DMLabelGetStratumIS(groupField, 1, &fVertexIS);PYLITH_CHECK_ERROR(err);
-    err = ISGetLocalSize(fVertexIS, &numFaultVerticesDM);PYLITH_CHECK_ERROR(err);
-    err = ISGetIndices(fVertexIS, &fVerticesDM);PYLITH_CHECK_ERROR(err);
-  }
-  err = DMPlexGetDepthStratum(complexMesh, 0, &vStart, &vEnd);PYLITH_CHECK_ERROR(err);
-  std::map<point_type,point_type> vertexRenumber;
-  std::map<point_type,point_type> vertexLagrangeRenumber;
-  std::map<point_type,point_type> cellRenumber;
-  std::map<point_type,point_type> vertexRenumberDM;
-  std::map<point_type,point_type> vertexLagrangeRenumberDM;
-  std::map<point_type,point_type> cellRenumberDM;
-  PetscInt ffStart, ffEnd, numFaultFacesDM, fvtStart, fvtEnd;
-  PetscInt faultVertexOffsetDM, firstFaultVertexDM, firstLagrangeVertexDM, firstFaultCellDM, extraVertices, extraCells;
-  err = DMPlexGetDepthStratum(faultDMMesh, 0, &fvtStart, &fvtEnd);PYLITH_CHECK_ERROR(err);
-  err = DMPlexGetHeightStratum(faultDMMesh, 1, &ffStart, &ffEnd);PYLITH_CHECK_ERROR(err);
-  numFaultFacesDM = ffEnd - ffStart;
-  /* TODO This will have to change for multiple faults */
-  PetscInt numNormalCells, numCohesiveCells, numNormalVertices, numShadowVertices, numLagrangeVertices;
-  extraVertices         = numFaultVerticesDM * (constraintCell ? 2 : 1); /* Total number of fault vertices on this fault (shadow + Lagrange) */
-  extraCells            = numFaultFacesDM;                               /* Total number of fault cells */
-  firstFaultVertexDM    = vEnd + extraCells;
-  firstLagrangeVertexDM = firstFaultVertexDM + numFaultVerticesDM * (constraintCell ? 1 : 0);
-  firstFaultCellDM      = cEnd;
-  mesh->getPointTypeSizes(&numNormalCells, &numCohesiveCells, &numNormalVertices, &numShadowVertices, &numLagrangeVertices);
-  faultVertexOffsetDM   = numCohesiveCells;
-  if (!numNormalCells) {
-    mesh->setPointTypeSizes(cEnd-cStart, extraCells, vEnd-vStart, firstLagrangeVertex, constraintCell ? firstLagrangeVertex : 0);
-  } else {
-    mesh->setPointTypeSizes(numNormalCells, numCohesiveCells+extraCells, numNormalVertices, numShadowVertices+firstLagrangeVertex, constraintCell ? numLagrangeVertices+firstLagrangeVertex : 0);
-  }
-  if (firstFaultVertex == 0) {
-    PetscInt pStart, pEnd;
-    err = DMPlexGetChart(complexMesh, &pStart, &pEnd);PYLITH_CHECK_ERROR(err);
-    firstFaultVertex     = pEnd - pStart;
-    firstLagrangeVertex += firstFaultVertex;
-    firstFaultCell      += firstFaultVertex;
-  }
-  /* DMPlex */
-  DM        newMesh;
-  PetscInt *newCone = NULL;
-  PetscInt  dim, maxConeSize = 0;
-  err = DMCreate(mesh->comm(), &newMesh);PYLITH_CHECK_ERROR(err);
-  err = DMSetType(newMesh, DMPLEX);PYLITH_CHECK_ERROR(err);
-  err = DMPlexGetDimension(complexMesh, &dim);PYLITH_CHECK_ERROR(err);
-  err = DMPlexSetDimension(newMesh, dim);PYLITH_CHECK_ERROR(err);
-  err = DMPlexSetChart(newMesh, 0, firstFaultVertexDM + extraVertices);PYLITH_CHECK_ERROR(err);
-  for(PetscInt c = cStart; c < cEnd; ++c) {
-    PetscInt coneSize;
-    err = DMPlexGetConeSize(complexMesh, c, &coneSize);PYLITH_CHECK_ERROR(err);
-    err = DMPlexSetConeSize(newMesh, c, coneSize);PYLITH_CHECK_ERROR(err);
-    maxConeSize = PetscMax(maxConeSize, coneSize);
-  }
-  for(PetscInt c = cEnd; c < cEnd+numFaultFacesDM; ++c) {
-    err = DMPlexSetConeSize(newMesh, c, constraintCell ? faceSizeDM*3 : faceSizeDM*2);PYLITH_CHECK_ERROR(err);
-  }
-  err = DMSetUp(newMesh);PYLITH_CHECK_ERROR(err);
-  err = PetscMalloc(maxConeSize * sizeof(PetscInt), &newCone);PYLITH_CHECK_ERROR(err);
-  for(PetscInt c = cStart; c < cEnd; ++c) {
-    const PetscInt *cone = NULL;
-    PetscInt        coneSize, cp;
-    err = DMPlexGetCone(complexMesh, c, &cone);PYLITH_CHECK_ERROR(err);
-    err = DMPlexGetConeSize(complexMesh, c, &coneSize);PYLITH_CHECK_ERROR(err);
-    for(cp = 0; cp < coneSize; ++cp) {
-      newCone[cp] = cone[cp] + extraCells;
-    }
-    err = DMPlexSetCone(newMesh, c, newCone);PYLITH_CHECK_ERROR(err);
-  }
-  err = PetscFree(newCone);PYLITH_CHECK_ERROR(err);
-  PetscInt cMax, vMax;
-  err = DMPlexGetHybridBounds(complexMesh, &cMax, NULL, NULL, &vMax);PYLITH_CHECK_ERROR(err);
-  if (cMax < 0) {
-  } else {
-  }
-  if (vMax < 0) {
-    err = DMPlexSetHybridBounds(newMesh, PETSC_DETERMINE, PETSC_DETERMINE, PETSC_DETERMINE, firstLagrangeVertexDM);PYLITH_CHECK_ERROR(err);
-  } else {
-    err = DMPlexSetHybridBounds(newMesh, PETSC_DETERMINE, PETSC_DETERMINE, PETSC_DETERMINE, vMax+extraCells);PYLITH_CHECK_ERROR(err);
-  }
-  // TODO: Use DMPlexGetLabels(): Renumber labels
-  PetscInt    numLabels;
-  std::string skip = "depth";
-  err = DMPlexGetNumLabels(complexMesh, &numLabels);PYLITH_CHECK_ERROR(err);
-  for (PetscInt l = 0; l < numLabels; ++l) {
-    const char     *lname = NULL;
-    IS              idIS = NULL;
-    PetscInt        n;
-    const PetscInt *ids = NULL;
-    err = DMPlexGetLabelName(complexMesh, l, &lname);PYLITH_CHECK_ERROR(err);
-    if (std::string(lname) == skip) continue;
-    err = DMPlexGetLabelSize(complexMesh, lname, &n);PYLITH_CHECK_ERROR(err);
-    err = DMPlexGetLabelIdIS(complexMesh, lname, &idIS);PYLITH_CHECK_ERROR(err);
-    err = ISGetIndices(idIS, &ids);PYLITH_CHECK_ERROR(err);
-    for(PetscInt i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
-      const PetscInt  id = ids[i];
-      const PetscInt *points = NULL;
-      IS              sIS = NULL;
-      PetscInt        size;
-      err = DMPlexGetStratumSize(complexMesh, lname, id, &size);PYLITH_CHECK_ERROR(err);
-      err = DMPlexGetStratumIS(complexMesh, lname, id, &sIS);PYLITH_CHECK_ERROR(err);
-      err = ISGetIndices(sIS, &points);PYLITH_CHECK_ERROR(err);
-      for(PetscInt s = 0; s < size; ++s) {
-        if ((points[s] >= vStart) && (points[s] < vEnd)) {
-          err = DMPlexSetLabelValue(newMesh, lname, points[s]+extraCells, id);PYLITH_CHECK_ERROR(err);
-        } else {
-          err = DMPlexSetLabelValue(newMesh, lname, points[s], id);PYLITH_CHECK_ERROR(err);
-        }
-      }
-      err = ISRestoreIndices(sIS, &points);PYLITH_CHECK_ERROR(err);
-      err = ISDestroy(&sIS);PYLITH_CHECK_ERROR(err);
-    }
-    err = ISRestoreIndices(idIS, &ids);PYLITH_CHECK_ERROR(err);
-    err = ISDestroy(&idIS);PYLITH_CHECK_ERROR(err);
-  } // for
-  // Add fault vertices to groups and construct renumberings
-  std::string skipA = "depth";
-  std::string skipB = "material-id";
-  err = DMPlexGetNumLabels(complexMesh, &numLabels);PYLITH_CHECK_ERROR(err);
-  for (PetscInt fv = 0; fv < numFaultVerticesDM; ++fv, ++firstFaultVertexDM) {
-    const PetscInt v    = fVerticesDM[fv];
-    const PetscInt vnew = v+extraCells;
-    vertexRenumberDM[vnew] = firstFaultVertexDM;
-    err = DMPlexSetLabelValue(newMesh, groupName, firstFaultVertexDM, 1);PYLITH_CHECK_ERROR(err);
-    if (constraintCell) {
-      vertexLagrangeRenumberDM[vnew] = firstLagrangeVertexDM;
-      err = DMPlexSetLabelValue(newMesh, groupName, firstLagrangeVertexDM, 1);PYLITH_CHECK_ERROR(err);
-      ++firstLagrangeVertexDM;
-    } // if
-    // Add shadow vertices to other groups, don't add constraint
-    // vertices (if they exist) because we don't want BC, etc to act
-    // on constraint vertices
-    for (PetscInt l = 0; l < numLabels; ++l) {
-      const char *name = NULL;
-      PetscInt    value;
-      err = DMPlexGetLabelName(complexMesh, l, &name);PYLITH_CHECK_ERROR(err);
-      if (std::string(name) == skipA) continue;
-      if (std::string(name) == skipB) continue;
-      err = DMPlexGetLabelValue(newMesh, name, vnew, &value);PYLITH_CHECK_ERROR(err);
-      if (value != -1) {
-        err = DMPlexSetLabelValue(newMesh, name, vertexRenumberDM[vnew], value);PYLITH_CHECK_ERROR(err);
-      }
-    }
-  } // for
-  // Split the mesh along the fault mesh and create cohesive elements
-  const PetscInt firstCohesiveCellDM = firstFaultCellDM;
-  TopologyOps::PointSet replaceCells;
-  TopologyOps::PointSet noReplaceCells;
-  TopologyOps::PointSet replaceVerticesDM;
-  PetscInt       *cohesiveCone = NULL;
-  IS              subpointIS = NULL;
-  const PetscInt *subpointMap = NULL;
-  err = DMPlexCreateSubpointIS(faultDMMesh, &subpointIS);PYLITH_CHECK_ERROR(err);
-  if (subpointIS) {err = ISGetIndices(subpointIS, &subpointMap);PYLITH_CHECK_ERROR(err);}
-  err = PetscMalloc3(faceSizeDM,&origVerticesDM,faceSizeDM,&faceVerticesDM,faceSizeDM*3,&cohesiveCone);PYLITH_CHECK_ERROR(err);
-  for (PetscInt faceDM = ffStart; faceDM < ffEnd; ++faceDM, ++firstFaultCell, ++firstFaultCellDM) {
-    if (debug) std::cout << "Considering fault face " << faceDM << std::endl;
-    const PetscInt *support;
-    err = DMPlexGetSupport(faultDMMesh, faceDM, &support);PYLITH_CHECK_ERROR(err);
-    // Transform to original mesh cells
-    point_type cell      = subpointMap[support[0]];
-    point_type otherCell = subpointMap[support[1]];
-    if (debug) std::cout << "  Checking orientation against cell " << cell << std::endl;
-    PetscInt *faceConeDM = NULL, closureSize, coneSizeDM = 0;
-    err = DMPlexGetTransitiveClosure(faultDMMesh, faceDM, PETSC_TRUE, &closureSize, &faceConeDM);PYLITH_CHECK_ERROR(err);
-    for (PetscInt c = 0; c < closureSize*2; c += 2) {
-      if ((faceConeDM[c] >= fvtStart) && (faceConeDM[c] < fvtEnd)) {
-        // TODO After everything works, I will reform the subpointMap with new original vertices
-        faceConeDM[coneSizeDM++] = subpointMap[faceConeDM[c]];
-      }
-    }
-    int coneSize;
-    bool found = true;
-    err = DMPlexGetOrientedFace(complexMesh, cell, coneSizeDM, faceConeDM, numCornersDM, indicesDM, origVerticesDM, faceVerticesDM, NULL);PYLITH_CHECK_ERROR(err);
-    if (numFaultCorners == 0) {
-      found = false;
-    } else if (numFaultCorners == 2) {
-      if (faceVerticesDM[0] != faceConeDM[0])
-        found = false;
-    } else {
-      int v = 0;
-      // Locate first vertex
-      while((v < numFaultCorners) && (faceVerticesDM[v] != faceConeDM[0]))
-        ++v;
-      for(int c = 0; c < coneSizeDM; ++c, ++v) {
-        if (debug) std::cout << "    Checking " << faceConeDM[c] << " against " << faceVerticesDM[v%numFaultCorners] << std::endl;
-        if (faceVerticesDM[v%numFaultCorners] != faceConeDM[c]) {
-          found = false;
-          break;
-        } // if
-      } // for
-    } // if/else
-    if (found) {
-      if (debug) std::cout << "  Choosing other cell" << std::endl;
-      point_type tmpCell = otherCell;
-      otherCell = cell;
-      cell = tmpCell;
-    } else {
-      if (debug) std::cout << "  Verifing reverse orientation" << std::endl;
-      found = true;
-      int v = 0;
-      if (numFaultCorners > 0) {
-        // Locate first vertex
-        while((v < numFaultCorners) && (faceVerticesDM[v] != faceConeDM[coneSizeDM-1]))
-          ++v;
-        for(int c = coneSizeDM-1; c >= 0; --c, ++v) {
-          if (debug) std::cout << "    Checking " << faceConeDM[c] << " against " << faceVerticesDM[v%numFaultCorners] << std::endl;
-          if (faceVerticesDM[v%numFaultCorners] != faceConeDM[c]) {
-            found = false;
-            break;
-          } // if
-        } // for
-      } // if
-      if (!found) {
-        std::cout << "Considering fault face " << faceDM << std::endl;
-        std::cout << "  bordered by cells " << cell << " and " << otherCell << std::endl;
-        for(int c = 0; c < coneSizeDM; ++c) {
-          std::cout << "    Checking " << faceConeDM[c] << " against " << faceVerticesDM[c] << std::endl;
-        } // for
-      } // if
-      assert(found);
-    } // else
-    noReplaceCells.insert(otherCell);
-    replaceCells.insert(cell);
-    replaceVerticesDM.insert(faceConeDM, &faceConeDM[coneSizeDM]);
-    cellRenumber[cell]   = firstFaultCell;
-    cellRenumberDM[cell] = firstFaultCellDM;
-    // Adding cohesive cell (not interpolated)
-    PetscInt newv = 0;
-    if (debug) std::cout << "  Creating cohesive cell " << firstFaultCell << std::endl;
-    for (int c = 0; c < coneSizeDM; ++c) {
-      if (debug) std::cout << "    vertex " << faceConeDM[c] << std::endl;
-      cohesiveCone[newv++] = faceConeDM[c] + extraCells;
-    } // for
-    for (int c = 0; c < coneSizeDM; ++c) {
-      if (debug) std::cout << "    shadow vertex " << vertexRenumberDM[faceConeDM[c] + extraCells] << std::endl;
-      cohesiveCone[newv++] = vertexRenumberDM[faceConeDM[c] + extraCells];
-    } // for
-    if (constraintCell) {
-      for (int c = 0; c < coneSizeDM; ++c) {
-        if (debug) std::cout << "    Lagrange vertex " << vertexLagrangeRenumberDM[faceConeDM[c] + extraCells] << std::endl;
-        cohesiveCone[newv++] = vertexLagrangeRenumberDM[faceConeDM[c] + extraCells];
-      } // for
-    } // if
-    err = DMPlexSetCone(newMesh, firstFaultCellDM, cohesiveCone);PYLITH_CHECK_ERROR(err);
-    err = DMPlexSetLabelValue(newMesh, "material-id", firstFaultCellDM, materialId);PYLITH_CHECK_ERROR(err);
-    err = DMPlexRestoreTransitiveClosure(faultDMMesh, faceDM, PETSC_TRUE, &closureSize, &faceConeDM);PYLITH_CHECK_ERROR(err);
-  } // for over fault faces
-  // This completes the set of cells scheduled to be replaced
-  TopologyOps::PointSet faultBdVertices;
-  IS              bdSubpointIS;
-  const PetscInt *points;
-  PetscInt        bfvStart, bfvEnd;
-  assert(faultBoundary);
-  err = DMPlexGetDepthStratum(faultBoundary, 0, &bfvStart, &bfvEnd);PYLITH_CHECK_ERROR(err);
-  err = DMPlexCreateSubpointIS(faultBoundary, &bdSubpointIS);PYLITH_CHECK_ERROR(err);
-  if (bdSubpointIS) {err = ISGetIndices(bdSubpointIS, &points);PYLITH_CHECK_ERROR(err);}
-  for (PetscInt v = bfvStart; v < bfvEnd; ++v) {
-    faultBdVertices.insert(subpointMap[points[v]]);
-  }
-  if (bdSubpointIS) {err = ISRestoreIndices(bdSubpointIS, &points);PYLITH_CHECK_ERROR(err);}
-  err = ISDestroy(&bdSubpointIS);PYLITH_CHECK_ERROR(err);
-  if (subpointIS) {err = ISRestoreIndices(subpointIS, &subpointMap);PYLITH_CHECK_ERROR(err);}
-  err = ISDestroy(&subpointIS);PYLITH_CHECK_ERROR(err);
-  // Classify cells by side of the fault
-  TopologyOps::PointSet::const_iterator rVerticesEnd = replaceVerticesDM.end();
-  for (TopologyOps::PointSet::const_iterator v_iter = replaceVerticesDM.begin(); v_iter != rVerticesEnd; ++v_iter) {
-    if (faultBdVertices.find(*v_iter) != faultBdVertices.end())
-      continue;
-    TopologyOps::classifyCellsDM(complexMesh, *v_iter, depth, faceSizeDM, firstCohesiveCellDM, replaceCells, noReplaceCells, debug);
-  } // for
-  const TopologyOps::PointSet::const_iterator fbdVerticesEnd = faultBdVertices.end();
-  for (TopologyOps::PointSet::const_iterator v_iter = faultBdVertices.begin(); v_iter != fbdVerticesEnd; ++v_iter) {
-    TopologyOps::classifyCellsDM(complexMesh, *v_iter, depth, faceSizeDM, firstCohesiveCellDM, replaceCells, noReplaceCells, debug);
-  } // for
-  // Insert replaced vertices into cones (could use DMPlexInsertCone())
-  TopologyOps::PointSet::const_iterator rVerticesDMEnd = replaceVerticesDM.end();
-  for(PetscInt cell = cStart; cell < cEnd; ++cell) {
-    const PetscInt *cone;
-    PetscInt        coneSize;
-    err = DMPlexGetCone(complexMesh, cell, &cone);PYLITH_CHECK_ERROR(err);
-    err = DMPlexGetConeSize(complexMesh, cell, &coneSize);PYLITH_CHECK_ERROR(err);
-    if (replaceCells.find(cell) != replaceCells.end()) {
-      for(PetscInt c = 0; c < coneSize; ++c) {
-        PetscBool replaced = PETSC_FALSE;
-        for(TopologyOps::PointSet::const_iterator v_iter = replaceVerticesDM.begin(); v_iter != rVerticesDMEnd; ++v_iter) {
-          if (cone[c] == *v_iter) {
-            cohesiveCone[c] = vertexRenumberDM[cone[c] + extraCells];
-            replaced        = PETSC_TRUE;
-            break;
-          }
-        }
-        if (!replaced) {
-          cohesiveCone[c] = cone[c] + extraCells;
-        }
-      }
-    } else {
-      for(PetscInt c = 0; c < coneSize; ++c) {
-        cohesiveCone[c] = cone[c] + extraCells;
-      }
-    }
-    err = DMPlexSetCone(newMesh, cell, cohesiveCone);PYLITH_CHECK_ERROR(err);
-  }
-  err = PetscFree3(origVerticesDM, faceVerticesDM, cohesiveCone);PYLITH_CHECK_ERROR(err);
-  /* DMPlex */
-  err = DMPlexSymmetrize(newMesh);PYLITH_CHECK_ERROR(err);
-  err = DMPlexStratify(newMesh);PYLITH_CHECK_ERROR(err);
-  if (!rank) {
-    err = PetscFree(indicesDM);PYLITH_CHECK_ERROR(err);
-  }
-  // Fix coordinates
-  PetscSection coordSection, newCoordSection;
-  Vec          coordinatesVec, newCoordinatesVec;
-  PetscScalar *coords, *newCoords;
-  PetscInt     numComp = 0, coordSize = 0;
-  err = DMGetCoordinateSection(complexMesh, &coordSection);PYLITH_CHECK_ERROR(err);
-  err = DMGetCoordinateSection(newMesh,     &newCoordSection);PYLITH_CHECK_ERROR(err);
-  err = PetscSectionSetNumFields(newCoordSection, 1);PYLITH_CHECK_ERROR(err);
-  if (vEnd > vStart) {err = PetscSectionGetDof(coordSection, vStart, &numComp);PYLITH_CHECK_ERROR(err);}
-  err = PetscSectionSetFieldComponents(newCoordSection, 0, numComp);PYLITH_CHECK_ERROR(err);
-  err = DMGetCoordinatesLocal(complexMesh, &coordinatesVec);PYLITH_CHECK_ERROR(err);
-  err = PetscSectionSetChart(newCoordSection, vStart+extraCells, vEnd+extraCells+extraVertices);PYLITH_CHECK_ERROR(err);
-  for(PetscInt v = vStart; v < vEnd; ++v) {
-    PetscInt dof;
-    err = PetscSectionGetDof(coordSection, v, &dof);PYLITH_CHECK_ERROR(err);
-    err = PetscSectionSetDof(newCoordSection, v+extraCells, dof);PYLITH_CHECK_ERROR(err);
-    err = PetscSectionSetFieldDof(newCoordSection, v+extraCells, 0, dof);PYLITH_CHECK_ERROR(err);
-  }
-  for (PetscInt fv = 0; fv < numFaultVerticesDM; ++fv) {
-    PetscInt v    = fVerticesDM[fv];
-    PetscInt vnew = v+extraCells;
-    PetscInt dof;
-    err = PetscSectionGetDof(coordSection, v, &dof);PYLITH_CHECK_ERROR(err);
-    err = PetscSectionSetDof(newCoordSection, vertexRenumberDM[vnew], dof);PYLITH_CHECK_ERROR(err);
-    err = PetscSectionSetFieldDof(newCoordSection, vertexRenumberDM[vnew], 0, dof);PYLITH_CHECK_ERROR(err);
-    if (constraintCell) {
-      err = PetscSectionSetDof(newCoordSection, vertexLagrangeRenumberDM[vnew], dof);PYLITH_CHECK_ERROR(err);
-      err = PetscSectionSetFieldDof(newCoordSection, vertexLagrangeRenumberDM[vnew], 0, dof);PYLITH_CHECK_ERROR(err);
-    }
-  } // for
-  err = PetscSectionSetUp(newCoordSection);PYLITH_CHECK_ERROR(err);
-  err = PetscSectionGetStorageSize(newCoordSection, &coordSize);PYLITH_CHECK_ERROR(err);
-  err = VecCreate(mesh->comm(), &newCoordinatesVec);PYLITH_CHECK_ERROR(err);
-  err = VecSetSizes(newCoordinatesVec, coordSize, PETSC_DETERMINE);PYLITH_CHECK_ERROR(err);
-  err = VecSetFromOptions(newCoordinatesVec);PYLITH_CHECK_ERROR(err);
-  err = VecGetArray(coordinatesVec, &coords);PYLITH_CHECK_ERROR(err);
-  err = VecGetArray(newCoordinatesVec, &newCoords);PYLITH_CHECK_ERROR(err);
-  for(PetscInt v = vStart; v < vEnd; ++v) {
-    PetscInt vnew = v+extraCells;
-    PetscInt dof, off, newoff, d;
-    err = PetscSectionGetDof(coordSection, v, &dof);PYLITH_CHECK_ERROR(err);
-    err = PetscSectionGetOffset(coordSection, v, &off);PYLITH_CHECK_ERROR(err);
-    err = PetscSectionGetOffset(newCoordSection, vnew, &newoff);PYLITH_CHECK_ERROR(err);
-    for(PetscInt d = 0; d < dof; ++d) {
-      newCoords[newoff+d] = coords[off+d];
-    }
-  }
-  for (PetscInt fv = 0; fv < numFaultVerticesDM; ++fv) {
-    PetscInt v    = fVerticesDM[fv];
-    PetscInt vnew = v+extraCells;
-    PetscInt dof, off, newoff, d;
-    err = PetscSectionGetDof(coordSection, v, &dof);PYLITH_CHECK_ERROR(err);
-    err = PetscSectionGetOffset(coordSection, v, &off);PYLITH_CHECK_ERROR(err);
-    err = PetscSectionGetOffset(newCoordSection, vertexRenumberDM[vnew], &newoff);PYLITH_CHECK_ERROR(err);
-    for(PetscInt d = 0; d < dof; ++d) {
-      newCoords[newoff+d] = coords[off+d];
-    }
-    if (constraintCell) {
-      err = PetscSectionGetOffset(newCoordSection, vertexLagrangeRenumberDM[vnew], &newoff);PYLITH_CHECK_ERROR(err);
-      for(PetscInt d = 0; d < dof; ++d) {
-        newCoords[newoff+d] = coords[off+d];
-      }
-    } // if
-  } // for
-  err = VecRestoreArray(coordinatesVec, &coords);PYLITH_CHECK_ERROR(err);
-  err = VecRestoreArray(newCoordinatesVec, &newCoords);PYLITH_CHECK_ERROR(err);
-  err = DMSetCoordinatesLocal(newMesh, newCoordinatesVec);PYLITH_CHECK_ERROR(err);
-  err = VecDestroy(&newCoordinatesVec);PYLITH_CHECK_ERROR(err);
-  if (fVertexIS) {err = ISRestoreIndices(fVertexIS, &fVerticesDM);PYLITH_CHECK_ERROR(err);}
-  err = ISDestroy(&fVertexIS);PYLITH_CHECK_ERROR(err);
-  PetscReal lengthScale = 1.0;
-  err = DMPlexGetScale(complexMesh, PETSC_UNIT_LENGTH, &lengthScale);PYLITH_CHECK_ERROR(err);
-  err = DMPlexSetScale(newMesh, PETSC_UNIT_LENGTH, lengthScale);PYLITH_CHECK_ERROR(err);
-  mesh->dmMesh(newMesh);
-} // create
-pylith::faults::CohesiveTopology::createInterpolated(topology::Mesh* mesh,
 						     const topology::Mesh& faultMesh,
-						     PetscDM faultBoundary,
                              PetscDMLabel faultBdLabel,
 						     const int materialId,
 						     int& firstFaultVertex,
@@ -621,7 +132,6 @@ pylith::faults::CohesiveTopology::createInterpolated(topology::Mesh* mesh,
 						     const bool constraintCell)
 { // createInterpolated
-  assert(faultBoundary);
   PetscDM        sdm = NULL;
   PetscDM        dm  = mesh->dmMesh();assert(dm);
   PetscDMLabel   subpointMap = NULL, label = NULL, mlabel = NULL;
@@ -637,7 +147,6 @@ pylith::faults::CohesiveTopology::createInterpolated(topology::Mesh* mesh,
   err = DMLabelDuplicate(subpointMap, &label);PYLITH_CHECK_ERROR(err);
   err = DMLabelClearStratum(label, mesh->dimension());PYLITH_CHECK_ERROR(err);
   // Completes the set of cells scheduled to be replaced
-  //   Have to do internal fault vertices before fault boundary vertices, and this is the only thing I use faultBoundary for
   err = DMPlexLabelCohesiveComplete(dm, label, faultBdLabel, PETSC_FALSE, faultMesh.dmMesh());PYLITH_CHECK_ERROR(err);
   err = DMPlexConstructCohesiveCells(dm, label, &sdm);PYLITH_CHECK_ERROR(err);
diff --git a/libsrc/pylith/faults/CohesiveTopology.hh b/libsrc/pylith/faults/CohesiveTopology.hh
index 9c7c47d..9e2fd09 100644
--- a/libsrc/pylith/faults/CohesiveTopology.hh
+++ b/libsrc/pylith/faults/CohesiveTopology.hh
@@ -45,18 +45,16 @@ public :
   /** Create the fault mesh.
    * @param faultMesh Finite-element mesh of fault (output).
-   * @param faultBoundary Finite-element mesh of fault boundary (output).
    * @param mesh Finite-element mesh of domain.
    * @param groupdField Group of vertices assocated with faces of
    *   cells defining fault surface
   void createFault(topology::Mesh* faultMesh,
-		   DM& faultBoundary,
 		   const topology::Mesh& mesh,
 		   DMLabel groupField);
-  /** Create cohesive cells.
+  /** Create cohesive cells in an interpolated mesh.
    * If firstFaultVertex == 0, then firstFaultVertex is set to the first point
    * not currently used in the mesh, and firstFaultCell is incremented with this
@@ -72,40 +70,14 @@ public :
   void create(topology::Mesh* mesh,
-	      const topology::Mesh& faultMesh,
-              DM faultBoundary,
-              DMLabel groupField,
+              const topology::Mesh& faultMesh,
+              PetscDMLabel faultBdLabel,
               const int materialId,
               int& firstFaultVertex,
               int& firstLagrangeVertex,
               int& firstFaultCell,
               const bool constraintCell = false);
-  /** Create cohesive cells in an interpolated mesh.
-   *
-   * If firstFaultVertex == 0, then firstFaultVertex is set to the first point
-   * not currently used in the mesh, and firstFaultCell is incremented with this
-   * point. These values are updated as new fault vertices and cells are added.
-   *
-   * @param fault Finite-element mesh of fault (output)
-   * @param mesh Finite-element mesh
-   * @param materialId Material id for cohesive elements.
-   * @param firstFaultVertex The first point eligible to become a new fault vertex
-   * @param firstFaultCell The first point eligible to become a new fault cell
-   * @param constraintCell True if creating cells constrained with 
-   *   Lagrange multipliers that require extra vertices, false otherwise
-   */
-  static
-  void createInterpolated(topology::Mesh* mesh,
-                          const topology::Mesh& faultMesh,
-                          PetscDM faultBoundary,
-                          PetscDMLabel faultBdLabel,
-                          const int materialId,
-                          int& firstFaultVertex,
-                          int& firstLagrangeVertex,
-                          int& firstFaultCell,
-                          const bool constraintCell = false);
   /** Create (distributed) fault mesh from cohesive cells.
    * @param faultMesh Finite-element mesh of fault (output).
diff --git a/libsrc/pylith/faults/FaultCohesive.cc b/libsrc/pylith/faults/FaultCohesive.cc
index 140944b..4f0540b 100644
--- a/libsrc/pylith/faults/FaultCohesive.cc
+++ b/libsrc/pylith/faults/FaultCohesive.cc
@@ -119,7 +119,6 @@ pylith::faults::FaultCohesive::adjustTopology(topology::Mesh* const mesh,
   try {
     topology::Mesh faultMesh;
-    PetscDM faultBoundary = NULL;
     // Get group of vertices associated with fault
     PetscDM dmMesh = mesh->dmMesh();assert(dmMesh);
@@ -145,17 +144,11 @@ pylith::faults::FaultCohesive::adjustTopology(topology::Mesh* const mesh,
       err = DMPlexGetDepth(dmMesh, &depth);PYLITH_CHECK_ERROR(err);
       err = MPI_Allreduce(&depth, &gdepth, 1, MPIU_INT, MPI_MAX, mesh->comm());PYLITH_CHECK_ERROR(err);
       err = DMPlexGetLabel(dmMesh, charlabel, &groupField);PYLITH_CHECK_ERROR(err);
-      CohesiveTopology::createFault(&faultMesh, faultBoundary, *mesh, groupField);
+      CohesiveTopology::createFault(&faultMesh, *mesh, groupField);
+      PetscDMLabel faultBdLabel = NULL;
-      if (dim > 1 && dim == gdepth) {
-        PetscDMLabel faultBdLabel = NULL;
-        if (edge()) {err = DMPlexGetLabel(dmMesh, edge(), &faultBdLabel);PYLITH_CHECK_ERROR(err);}
-        CohesiveTopology::createInterpolated(mesh, faultMesh, faultBoundary, faultBdLabel, id(), *firstFaultVertex, *firstLagrangeVertex, *firstFaultCell, useLagrangeConstraints());
-      } else {
-        CohesiveTopology::create(mesh, faultMesh, faultBoundary, groupField, id(), *firstFaultVertex, *firstLagrangeVertex, *firstFaultCell, useLagrangeConstraints());
-      }
-      err = DMDestroy(&faultBoundary);PYLITH_CHECK_ERROR(err);
+      if (edge()) {err = DMPlexGetLabel(dmMesh, edge(), &faultBdLabel);PYLITH_CHECK_ERROR(err);}
+      CohesiveTopology::create(mesh, faultMesh, faultBdLabel, id(), *firstFaultVertex, *firstLagrangeVertex, *firstFaultCell, useLagrangeConstraints());
     } else {
       const int faultDim = 2;
       assert(3 == mesh->dimension());
diff --git a/unittests/libtests/faults/TestFaultMesh.cc b/unittests/libtests/faults/TestFaultMesh.cc
index a709255..533f775 100644
--- a/unittests/libtests/faults/TestFaultMesh.cc
+++ b/unittests/libtests/faults/TestFaultMesh.cc
@@ -41,7 +41,6 @@ pylith::faults::TestFaultMesh::createFaultMesh(topology::Mesh* faultMesh,
     PetscInt firstLagrangeVertex = 0, firstFaultCell = 0;
     PetscDMLabel groupField = NULL;
     const bool useLagrangeConstraints = true;
-    PetscDM faultBoundary = NULL;
     PetscDM dmMesh = mesh->dmMesh();CPPUNIT_ASSERT(dmMesh);
     err = DMPlexGetStratumSize(dmMesh, faultLabel, 1, &firstLagrangeVertex);PYLITH_CHECK_ERROR(err);
@@ -52,13 +51,8 @@ pylith::faults::TestFaultMesh::createFaultMesh(topology::Mesh* faultMesh,
     err = DMPlexGetDepth(dmMesh, &depth);PYLITH_CHECK_ERROR(err);
     err = DMPlexGetLabel(dmMesh, faultLabel, &groupField);PYLITH_CHECK_ERROR(err);
-    CohesiveTopology::createFault(faultMesh, faultBoundary, *mesh, groupField);
-    if (mesh->dimension() > 1 && mesh->dimension() == depth) {
-      CohesiveTopology::createInterpolated(mesh, *faultMesh, faultBoundary, NULL, faultId, firstFaultVertex, firstLagrangeVertex, firstFaultCell, useLagrangeConstraints);
-    } else {
-      CohesiveTopology::create(mesh, *faultMesh, faultBoundary, groupField, faultId, firstFaultVertex, firstLagrangeVertex, firstFaultCell, useLagrangeConstraints);
-    }
-    err = DMDestroy(&faultBoundary);PYLITH_CHECK_ERROR(err);
+    CohesiveTopology::createFault(faultMesh, *mesh, groupField);
+    CohesiveTopology::create(mesh, *faultMesh, NULL, faultId, firstFaultVertex, firstLagrangeVertex, firstFaultCell, useLagrangeConstraints);
   } // Create mesh
diff --git a/unittests/libtests/faults/TestSlipFn.cc b/unittests/libtests/faults/TestSlipFn.cc
index 905598b..35f59a2 100644
--- a/unittests/libtests/faults/TestSlipFn.cc
+++ b/unittests/libtests/faults/TestSlipFn.cc
@@ -41,7 +41,6 @@ pylith::faults::TestSlipFn::_createFaultMesh(topology::Mesh* faultMesh,
     PetscInt firstLagrangeVertex = 0, firstFaultCell = 0;
     PetscDMLabel groupField = NULL;
     const bool useLagrangeConstraints = true;
-    PetscDM faultBoundary = NULL;
     PetscDM dmMesh = mesh->dmMesh();CPPUNIT_ASSERT(dmMesh);
     err = DMPlexGetStratumSize(dmMesh, faultLabel, 1, &firstLagrangeVertex);PYLITH_CHECK_ERROR(err);
@@ -51,9 +50,8 @@ pylith::faults::TestSlipFn::_createFaultMesh(topology::Mesh* faultMesh,
     } // if
     err = DMPlexGetLabel(dmMesh, faultLabel, &groupField);PYLITH_CHECK_ERROR(err);
-    CohesiveTopology::createFault(faultMesh, faultBoundary, *mesh, groupField);
-    CohesiveTopology::create(mesh, *faultMesh, faultBoundary, groupField, faultId, firstFaultVertex, firstLagrangeVertex, firstFaultCell, useLagrangeConstraints);
-    err = DMDestroy(&faultBoundary);PYLITH_CHECK_ERROR(err);
+    CohesiveTopology::createFault(faultMesh, *mesh, groupField);
+    CohesiveTopology::create(mesh, *faultMesh, groupField, faultId, firstFaultVertex, firstLagrangeVertex, firstFaultCell, useLagrangeConstraints);
   } // Create mesh
   { // Need to copy coordinates from mesh to fault mesh since we are not

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