[cig-commits] [commit] devel, master: added smoothed etopo-4 topo/bathy model, and modified routines accordingly (88e40a4)

cig_noreply at geodynamics.org cig_noreply at geodynamics.org
Thu Nov 6 08:00:26 PST 2014

Repository : https://github.com/geodynamics/specfem3d_globe

On branches: devel,master
Link       : https://github.com/geodynamics/specfem3d_globe/compare/bc58e579b3b0838a0968725a076f5904845437ca...be63f20cbb6f462104e949894dbe205d2398cd7f


commit 88e40a4634a749a7420aa69db6d0224115df5a80
Author: Dimitri Komatitsch <komatitsch at lma.cnrs-mrs.fr>
Date:   Sat Jul 17 23:50:35 2004 +0000

    added smoothed etopo-4 topo/bathy model, and modified routines accordingly


 topo_bathy/check_topo_bathy_PPM_image.f90          |  82 ---------
 ...2ascii.f90 => convert_etopo2_bin2ascii_Sun.f90} |   6 +-
 topo_bathy/filter_etopo_file.f90                   |  86 ---------
 topo_bathy/image_topo_bathy_no_smooth.jpg          | Bin 0 -> 587385 bytes
 topo_bathy/image_topo_bathy_smooth_10.jpg          | Bin 0 -> 306143 bytes
 topo_bathy/image_topo_bathy_smooth_7.jpg           | Bin 0 -> 325214 bytes
 topo_bathy/readme_etopo2.txt                       | 104 +++++++++++
 topo_bathy/smooth_topo_bathy_PPM_image.f90         | 193 +++++++++++++++++++++
 8 files changed, 300 insertions(+), 171 deletions(-)

diff --git a/topo_bathy/check_topo_bathy_PPM_image.f90 b/topo_bathy/check_topo_bathy_PPM_image.f90
deleted file mode 100644
index 0d6a5f8..0000000
--- a/topo_bathy/check_topo_bathy_PPM_image.f90
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,82 +0,0 @@
-!          S p e c f e m 3 D  G l o b e  V e r s i o n  3 . 2
-!          --------------------------------------------------
-!                 Dimitri Komatitsch and Jeroen Tromp
-!    Seismological Laboratory - California Institute of Technology
-!          (c) California Institute of Technology July 2002
-!    A signed non-commercial agreement is required to use this program.
-!   Please check http://www.gps.caltech.edu/research/jtromp for details.
-!           Free for non-commercial academic research ONLY.
-!      This program is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY whatsoever.
-!      Do not redistribute this program without written permission.
-  program check_topo_bathy_PPM_image
-!--- read topography and bathymetry ASCII file and create PPM image to check it
-!--- compile and link with file topo_bathy.f90 from main SEM code
-  implicit none
-  include "../../constants.h"
-! use integer array to store values
-  integer ibathy_topo(NX_BATHY,NY_BATHY)
-  integer grey(NX_BATHY,NY_BATHY)
-  integer ivalue,icurrent_rec,ix,iz
-! read the topography file
-  print *,'reading topo file'
-  print *,'file used has a resolution of ',RESOLUTION_TOPO_FILE
-  call read_topo_bathy_file(ibathy_topo)
-  print *,'min and max of topography = ',minval(ibathy_topo),maxval(ibathy_topo)
-! creating image with grey levels
-  grey = 255 * (ibathy_topo - minval(ibathy_topo)) / (maxval(ibathy_topo) - minval(ibathy_topo))
-  where(grey < 1) grey = 1
-  where(grey > 255) grey = 255
-! store image in PPM format with grey levels
-! creating the header
-  open(unit=27,file='____tutu1',status='unknown')
-  write(27,100)
-  write(27,101)
-  write(27,102) NX_BATHY,NY_BATHY
-  write(27,103)
-  close(27)
- 100 format('P5')
- 101 format('# creator DK')
- 102 format(i6,' ',i6)
- 103 format('255')
-! create the PPM image
-  print *,'creating PPM image'
-  open(unit=27,file='____tutu2',status='unknown',access='direct',recl=1)
-  icurrent_rec = 1
-  do iz = 1,NY_BATHY
-  do ix = 1,NX_BATHY
-! write grey
-      write(27,rec=icurrent_rec) achar(grey(ix,iz))
-      icurrent_rec = icurrent_rec + 1
-  enddo
-  enddo
-  close(27)
-  call system('cat ____tutu1 ____tutu2 > image_topo_bathy.ppm ; rm -f ____tutu1 ____tutu2')
-  end program check_topo_bathy_PPM_image
diff --git a/topo_bathy/convert_etopo2_bin2ascii.f90 b/topo_bathy/convert_etopo2_bin2ascii_Sun.f90
similarity index 94%
rename from topo_bathy/convert_etopo2_bin2ascii.f90
rename to topo_bathy/convert_etopo2_bin2ascii_Sun.f90
index a18dbb1..5971520 100644
--- a/topo_bathy/convert_etopo2_bin2ascii.f90
+++ b/topo_bathy/convert_etopo2_bin2ascii_Sun.f90
@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
-!          S p e c f e m 3 D  G l o b e  V e r s i o n  3 . 2
+!          S p e c f e m 3 D  G l o b e  V e r s i o n  3 . 4
 !          --------------------------------------------------
 !                 Dimitri Komatitsch and Jeroen Tromp
 !    Seismological Laboratory - California Institute of Technology
-!          (c) California Institute of Technology July 2002
+!        (c) California Institute of Technology August 2003
 !    A signed non-commercial agreement is required to use this program.
 !   Please check http://www.gps.caltech.edu/research/jtromp for details.
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@
   program convert_etopo2_bin2ascii
-!---- convert etopo-2 raw binary Sun file to ASCII - use on Sun GPS machines
+!---- convert etopo-2 raw binary Sun file to ASCII - use on Sun GPS machines at Caltech
   implicit none
diff --git a/topo_bathy/filter_etopo_file.f90 b/topo_bathy/filter_etopo_file.f90
deleted file mode 100644
index f8176b2..0000000
--- a/topo_bathy/filter_etopo_file.f90
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,86 +0,0 @@
-  program filter_topo_file
-! smooth topo file using a window filter
-  implicit none
-  include "../../constants.h"
-! filter final surface using box filter
-  integer, parameter :: SIZE_FILTER_ONE_SIDE = 2
-! impose min and max of topography and bathymetry
-  integer, parameter :: MIN_TOPO = -5000
-  integer, parameter :: MAX_TOPO = +5000
-  integer ix,iy,ixconv,iyconv,i,ic,ixcount,iycount
-  integer ixbox,iybox,ixval,iyval
-  double precision rlon,rlat,rx,ry,a,b
-  double precision sumval,value,dist,sigma
-! use integer array to store values
-  integer itopo(NX_BATHY,NY_BATHY)
-  integer itopo_filtered(NX_BATHY,NY_BATHY)
-  integer itopo_x,itopo_y
-  print *
-  print *,'size of window filter is ',2*SIZE_FILTER_ONE_SIDE + 1
-  print *
-  print *,'imposing min and max of topography and bathymetry = ',MIN_TOPO,MAX_TOPO
-  print *
-  open(unit=13,file='topo_bathy_etopo5.dat',status='old')
-  do itopo_y=1,NY_BATHY
-    do itopo_x=1,NX_BATHY
-      read(13,*) itopo(itopo_x,itopo_y)
-    enddo
-  enddo
-  close(13)
-  print *,'min and max of original topo file is ',minval(itopo),maxval(itopo)
-! impose min and max values
-  do itopo_y=1,NY_BATHY
-    do itopo_x=1,NX_BATHY
-      if(itopo(itopo_x,itopo_y) < MIN_TOPO) itopo(itopo_x,itopo_y) = MIN_TOPO
-      if(itopo(itopo_x,itopo_y) > MAX_TOPO) itopo(itopo_x,itopo_y) = MAX_TOPO
-    enddo
-  enddo
-! filter final surface using box filter
-    print *,'filtering topography data file using box filter'
-    do iy = 1,NY_BATHY
-      print *,'doing iy = ',iy,' out of ',NY_BATHY
-      do ix = 1,NX_BATHY
-        sumval = 0.d0
-          do ixbox = ix-SIZE_FILTER_ONE_SIDE,ix+SIZE_FILTER_ONE_SIDE
-            ixval = ixbox
-            iyval = iybox
-            if(ixval < 1) ixval = NX_BATHY - abs(ixval)
-            if(iyval < 1) iyval = NY_BATHY - abs(iyval)
-            if(ixval > NX_BATHY) ixval = ixval - NX_BATHY
-            if(iyval > NY_BATHY) iyval = iyval - NY_BATHY
-            sumval = sumval + dble(itopo(ixval,iyval))
-          enddo
-        enddo
-        itopo_filtered(ix,iy) = nint(sumval/dble((2*SIZE_FILTER_ONE_SIDE+1)**2))
-      enddo
-    enddo
-  print *,'min and max of filtered topo file is ',minval(itopo_filtered),maxval(itopo_filtered)
-  open(unit=13,file='topo_bathy_etopo5_filtered.dat',status='unknown')
-  do itopo_y=1,NY_BATHY
-    do itopo_x=1,NX_BATHY
-      write(13,*) itopo_filtered(itopo_x,itopo_y)
-    enddo
-  enddo
-  close(13)
-  end program filter_topo_file
diff --git a/topo_bathy/image_topo_bathy_no_smooth.jpg b/topo_bathy/image_topo_bathy_no_smooth.jpg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e54c273
Binary files /dev/null and b/topo_bathy/image_topo_bathy_no_smooth.jpg differ
diff --git a/topo_bathy/image_topo_bathy_smooth_10.jpg b/topo_bathy/image_topo_bathy_smooth_10.jpg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..042804b
Binary files /dev/null and b/topo_bathy/image_topo_bathy_smooth_10.jpg differ
diff --git a/topo_bathy/image_topo_bathy_smooth_7.jpg b/topo_bathy/image_topo_bathy_smooth_7.jpg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..54e17b2
Binary files /dev/null and b/topo_bathy/image_topo_bathy_smooth_7.jpg differ
diff --git a/topo_bathy/readme_etopo2.txt b/topo_bathy/readme_etopo2.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3bc49f0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/topo_bathy/readme_etopo2.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,104 @@
+ETOPO2 Global 2-Minute Gridded Elevation Data Volume E1, 8/30/2001
+      Topography for the entire world, including oceans, continents, and polar
+      regions at a 2 minute resolution (~4 km) in meters.
+      This data set is included in the grdraster dataset for ease of plotting
+File Format:
+     The raw data is in etopo2.raw
+     The file is a raw header-less binary stored as
+     2-byte (16 bit) signed integers
+     10800 columns and 5400 rows
+Raw to Gridded Data:
+    xyz2grd etopo2.raw -R-180/-90/-90/90 -I2m -Getopo2.grd -F -ZTLh -V
+    grd2xyz etopo2.grd -bo > etopo2.xyz
+Data Sources:
+     For information about where the data originated check out
+     et2src.htm and startet2.htm
+This CD-ROM contains several elements: Software, Data, and Images:
+GEODAS (GEOphysical DAta System) is an interactive database management
+system developed by the National Geophysical Data Center (NGDC) for use
+in the assimilation, storage and retrieval of geophysical data. The
+GEODAS software is being used with several types of data including
+marine trackline geophysical data, hydrographic (bathymetric) survey
+data, aeromagnetic survey data, multibeam bathymetric data, and coastal
+relief model bathymetric gridded data.
+The GEODAS software which comes with this CD includes:
+   Browser access to grids -- open startet2.htm in your browser after
+       installing the GEODAS software from the "setup" directory
+   NGDC Grid Translator Program
+   Hydro-Plot Grid viewer Program
+   Raw 2' grids in big-endian (ETOPO2.RAW) and little-endian (ETOPO2.dos)
+        formats
+        (16-bit signed integers, 10800 columns x 5400 rows)
+   See Major Sources of Data" on startet2.htm for details
+   For Geographic Information System (GIS) users, see the "ArcView Grids" link
+        in the GEODAS Help Index
+   4000x2000 color shaded relief JPEG image (grdet2.jpg)
+   and 45-degree shaded relief image tiles with 2' or 5' pixels (1350x1350 pixels
+   or 512x512 pixels), accessed through the STARTET2.HTM browser page (any browser
+   and computer type)
+MS Windows 95/98/NT:
+To install see /setup/windows/readme.txt
+UNIX Xwindows:
+To install see /setup/xwindows/readme.txt
+Macintosh users must have a PC emulation program to use the GEODAS features;
+   the image display features of the STARTET2.HTM page work on any platform.
+*** Technical Assistance ***
+Dan Metzger
+Dan.R.Metzger at noaa.gov
+Peter Sloss
+Peter.W.Sloss at noaa.gov
+Dave Divins
+David.Divins at noaa.gov
+Get the latest version of the software at our web site:
diff --git a/topo_bathy/smooth_topo_bathy_PPM_image.f90 b/topo_bathy/smooth_topo_bathy_PPM_image.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..38ea367
--- /dev/null
+++ b/topo_bathy/smooth_topo_bathy_PPM_image.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,193 @@
+!          S p e c f e m 3 D  G l o b e  V e r s i o n  3 . 4
+!          --------------------------------------------------
+!                 Dimitri Komatitsch and Jeroen Tromp
+!    Seismological Laboratory - California Institute of Technology
+!        (c) California Institute of Technology August 2003
+!    A signed non-commercial agreement is required to use this program.
+!   Please check http://www.gps.caltech.edu/research/jtromp for details.
+!           Free for non-commercial academic research ONLY.
+!      This program is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY whatsoever.
+!      Do not redistribute this program without written permission.
+  program smooth_topo_bathy_PPM_image
+!--- read topography and bathymetry ASCII file, smooth it and create PNM image to check it
+!! DK DK this program uses a very simple window filter
+!! DK DK it works fine because the model has a very high resolution
+!! DK DK in principle it would be better to use a circular cap to take
+!! DK DK the notion of angular distance between points into account in the filter
+!! DK DK in practice though this simple filter works perfectly fine
+  implicit none
+  include "../../constants.h"
+! filter final surface using box filter
+  logical, parameter :: SMOOTH_THE_MODEL = .true.
+  integer, parameter :: SIZE_FILTER_ONE_SIDE = 7
+! use integer array to store values
+  integer ibathy_topo(NX_BATHY,NY_BATHY)
+  integer ibathy_topo_ori(NX_BATHY,NY_BATHY)
+  integer ivalue,icurrent_rec,ix,iy
+  integer minvalue,maxvalue
+  integer ix_current,iy_current,ix_min,ix_max,iy_min,iy_max,ix_value,iy_value
+  double precision value_sum,area_window
+! read the topography file
+  print *,'file used has a resolution of ',RESOLUTION_TOPO_FILE,' minutes'
+  print *
+  print *,'reading topo file'
+  open(unit=13,file='topo_bathy_etopo4_ori_from_etopo2_subsampled.dat',status='old')
+  do iy=1,NY_BATHY
+    do ix=1,NX_BATHY
+      read(13,*) ibathy_topo_ori(ix,iy)
+    enddo
+  enddo
+  close(13)
+!! DK DK compute min and max before smoothing
+  minvalue = minval(ibathy_topo_ori)
+  maxvalue = maxval(ibathy_topo_ori)
+  print *,'min and max of topography before smoothing = ',minvalue,maxvalue
+!! DK DK smooth topography/bathymetry model
+  if(SMOOTH_THE_MODEL) then
+  print *
+  print *,'smoothing topo file'
+  if(SIZE_FILTER_ONE_SIDE < 1) stop 'SIZE_FILTER_ONE_SIDE must be greater than 1 for filter'
+  print *,'size of window filter is ',2*SIZE_FILTER_ONE_SIDE+1,' x ',2*SIZE_FILTER_ONE_SIDE+1
+  area_window = dble((2*SIZE_FILTER_ONE_SIDE+1)**2)
+  do iy_current = 1,NY_BATHY
+   if(mod(iy_current,10) == 0) print *,'smoothing line ',iy_current,' out of ',NY_BATHY
+    do ix_current = 1,NX_BATHY
+      value_sum = 0.d0
+! compute min and max of window
+      ix_min = ix_current - SIZE_FILTER_ONE_SIDE
+      ix_max = ix_current + SIZE_FILTER_ONE_SIDE
+      iy_min = iy_current - SIZE_FILTER_ONE_SIDE
+      iy_max = iy_current + SIZE_FILTER_ONE_SIDE
+! loop on points in window to compute sum
+      do iy = iy_min,iy_max
+      do ix = ix_min,ix_max
+! copy current value
+        ix_value = ix
+        iy_value = iy
+! avoid edge effects, use periodic boundary
+      if(ix_value < 1) ix_value = ix_value + NX_BATHY
+      if(ix_value > NX_BATHY) ix_value = ix_value - NX_BATHY
+      if(iy_value < 1) iy_value = iy_value + NY_BATHY
+      if(iy_value > NY_BATHY) iy_value = iy_value - NY_BATHY
+! compute sum
+      value_sum = value_sum + dble(ibathy_topo_ori(ix_value,iy_value))
+      enddo
+      enddo
+! assign mean value to filtered point
+      ibathy_topo(ix_current,iy_current) = nint(value_sum / area_window)
+    enddo
+  enddo
+  else
+! no smoothing
+    ibathy_topo = ibathy_topo_ori
+  endif
+!! DK DK compute min and max after smoothing
+  minvalue = minval(ibathy_topo)
+  maxvalue = maxval(ibathy_topo)
+  print *,'min and max of topography after smoothing = ',minvalue,maxvalue
+!! DK DK save the smoothed model
+  if(SMOOTH_THE_MODEL) then
+    print *
+    print *,'saving the smoothed model'
+    open(unit=13,file='topo_bathy_etopo4_smoothed_window7.dat',status='unknown')
+    do iy=1,NY_BATHY
+      do ix=1,NX_BATHY
+        write(13,*) ibathy_topo(ix,iy)
+      enddo
+    enddo
+    close(13)
+    print *,'can suppress white spaces in filtered model to save space if needed'
+  endif
+! create image with grey levels
+  do iy = 1,NY_BATHY
+    do ix = 1,NX_BATHY
+      ibathy_topo(ix,iy) = 255 * (ibathy_topo(ix,iy) - minvalue) / (maxvalue - minvalue)
+      if(ibathy_topo(ix,iy) < 1) ibathy_topo(ix,iy) = 1
+      if(ibathy_topo(ix,iy) > 255) ibathy_topo(ix,iy) = 255
+    enddo
+  enddo
+! store image in PNM format with grey levels
+! create the PNM image
+  print *
+  print *,'creating PNM image'
+! creating the header
+  open(unit=27,file='image_topo_bathy.pnm',status='unknown')
+  write(27,100)
+  write(27,101)
+  write(27,102) NX_BATHY,NY_BATHY
+  write(27,103)
+ 100 format('P3')
+ 101 format('# creator DK')
+ 102 format(i6,' ',i6)
+ 103 format('255')
+ 104 format(i3)
+  do iy = 1,NY_BATHY
+  do ix = 1,NX_BATHY
+! write data value (red = green = blue to produce grey levels)
+      write(27,104) ibathy_topo(ix,iy)
+      write(27,104) ibathy_topo(ix,iy)
+      write(27,104) ibathy_topo(ix,iy)
+  enddo
+  enddo
+  close(27)
+  end program smooth_topo_bathy_PPM_image

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