[cig-commits] [commit] devel, master: moved filter_station_list.f90 to UTILS (2636d3b)

cig_noreply at geodynamics.org cig_noreply at geodynamics.org
Thu Nov 6 08:01:44 PST 2014

Repository : https://github.com/geodynamics/specfem3d_globe

On branches: devel,master
Link       : https://github.com/geodynamics/specfem3d_globe/compare/bc58e579b3b0838a0968725a076f5904845437ca...be63f20cbb6f462104e949894dbe205d2398cd7f


commit 2636d3b054ed5ce048dbdd78d8feadcff335d1a5
Author: Dimitri Komatitsch <komatitsch at lma.cnrs-mrs.fr>
Date:   Thu Feb 22 01:28:32 2007 +0000

    moved filter_station_list.f90 to UTILS


 filter_station_list.f90 | 93 -------------------------------------------------
 1 file changed, 93 deletions(-)

diff --git a/filter_station_list.f90 b/filter_station_list.f90
deleted file mode 100644
index f3462c7..0000000
--- a/filter_station_list.f90
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,93 +0,0 @@
-!          S p e c f e m 3 D  B a s i n  V e r s i o n  1 . 3
-!          --------------------------------------------------
-!                 Dimitri Komatitsch and Jeroen Tromp
-!    Seismological Laboratory - California Institute of Technology
-!         (c) California Institute of Technology July 2005
-!    A signed non-commercial agreement is required to use this program.
-!   Please check http://www.gps.caltech.edu/research/jtromp for details.
-!           Free for non-commercial academic research ONLY.
-!      This program is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY whatsoever.
-!      Do not redistribute this program without written permission.
-! program to filter the STATIONS file to include stations located in a given region only
-! Dimitri Komatitsch, University of Pau, France, May 2006
-  program station_filter
-  implicit none
-  include '../constants.h'
-! input
-  character(len=100),parameter :: filename='STATIONS',filtered_filename='STATIONS_FILTERED'
-! output
-  integer irec, nrec, nrec_filtered, ios
-  double precision stlat,stlon,stele,stbur
-  character(len=MAX_LENGTH_STATION_NAME) station_name
-  character(len=MAX_LENGTH_NETWORK_NAME) network_name
-  print *
-  print *,'program to filter the STATIONS file to include stations located in a given region only'
-  print *
-  print *,'enter LONGITUDE_MIN:'
-  read(*,*) LONGITUDE_MIN
-  print *
-  print *,'enter LONGITUDE_MAX:'
-  read(*,*) LONGITUDE_MAX
-  print *
-  if(LONGITUDE_MIN >= LONGITUDE_MAX) stop 'incorrect longitude range given'
-  print *,'enter LATITUDE_MIN:'
-  read(*,*) LATITUDE_MIN
-  print *
-  print *,'enter LATITUDE_MAX:'
-  read(*,*) LATITUDE_MAX
-  print *
-  if(LATITUDE_MIN >= LATITUDE_MAX) stop 'incorrect latitude range given'
-  nrec_filtered = 0
-  open(unit=IIN, file=trim(filename), status = 'old', iostat = ios)
-  if (ios /= 0) stop 'Input STATIONS file does not exist, exiting'
-  read(IIN, *) nrec
-  do irec = 1, nrec
-    read(IIN, *) station_name, network_name, stlat, stlon, stele, stbur
-    if(stlat >= LATITUDE_MIN .and. stlat <= LATITUDE_MAX .and. stlon >= LONGITUDE_MIN .and. stlon <= LONGITUDE_MAX) &
-          nrec_filtered = nrec_filtered + 1
-  enddo
-  close(IIN)
-    open(unit=IIN,file=trim(filename),status='old')
-    open(unit=IOUT,file=trim(filtered_filename),status='unknown')
-    read(IIN,*) nrec
-    write(IOUT,*) nrec_filtered
-    do irec = 1,nrec
-      read(IIN,*) station_name,network_name,stlat,stlon,stele,stbur
-      if(stlat >= LATITUDE_MIN .and. stlat <= LATITUDE_MAX .and. stlon >= LONGITUDE_MIN .and. stlon <= LONGITUDE_MAX) &
-            write(IOUT,*) trim(station_name),' ',trim(network_name),' ',sngl(stlat),' ',sngl(stlon), ' ',sngl(stele), ' ',sngl(stbur)
-    enddo
-    close(IIN)
-    close(IOUT)
-    print *
-    print *,'there are ',nrec,' stations in file ', trim(filename)
-    print *,'saving ',nrec_filtered,' stations inside the model in file ', trim(filtered_filename)
-    print *,'excluding ',nrec - nrec_filtered,' stations located outside the model'
-    print *
-  end program station_filter

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