[cig-commits] [commit] devel, master: better format for the output of Roland_Sylvain gravity integrals, added output of the norm of the g vector, and added an exit message if the solver is run with ROLAND_SYLVAIN = .true. (only the mesher is needed in that case, since we compute some integrals on the mesh and then we are done, no need for a time-domain solver) (c33bf42)

cig_noreply at geodynamics.org cig_noreply at geodynamics.org
Thu Nov 6 08:14:17 PST 2014

Repository : https://github.com/geodynamics/specfem3d_globe

On branches: devel,master
Link       : https://github.com/geodynamics/specfem3d_globe/compare/bc58e579b3b0838a0968725a076f5904845437ca...be63f20cbb6f462104e949894dbe205d2398cd7f


commit c33bf4291b15482505f1a8d569d6891a531c820c
Author: Dimitri Komatitsch <komatitsch at lma.cnrs-mrs.fr>
Date:   Wed May 7 02:04:35 2014 +0200

    better format for the output of Roland_Sylvain gravity integrals, added output of the norm of the g vector, and added an exit message if the solver is run with ROLAND_SYLVAIN = .true. (only the mesher is needed in that case, since we compute some integrals on the mesh and then we are done, no need for a time-domain solver)


 setup/constants.h.in                       |   3 +-
 src/meshfem3D/compute_coordinates_grid.f90 |  29 ++++---
 src/meshfem3D/finalize_mesher.f90          | 121 +++++++++++++++++++++++++----
 src/meshfem3D/meshfem3D_par.f90            |   2 +
 src/specfem3D/initialize_simulation.f90    |   5 +-
 5 files changed, 131 insertions(+), 29 deletions(-)

diff --git a/setup/constants.h.in b/setup/constants.h.in
index 49eacd8..164fe1b 100644
--- a/setup/constants.h.in
+++ b/setup/constants.h.in
@@ -420,7 +420,8 @@
 ! number of points in each horizontal direction of the observation grid of each cubed-sphere chunk
 ! at the altitude of the observation point
-  integer, parameter :: NX_OBSERVATION = 500
+!! DK DK 2 is a fictitious value used to save memory when the ROLAND_SYLVAIN option is off
+  integer, parameter :: NX_OBSERVATION = 2 ! 500
   integer, parameter :: NY_OBSERVATION = NX_OBSERVATION
 ! the code will display sample output values at this particular point as a check
diff --git a/src/meshfem3D/compute_coordinates_grid.f90 b/src/meshfem3D/compute_coordinates_grid.f90
index 7ddd5ab..35626d2 100644
--- a/src/meshfem3D/compute_coordinates_grid.f90
+++ b/src/meshfem3D/compute_coordinates_grid.f90
@@ -331,7 +331,8 @@
   use constants
-  use meshfem3D_par, only: myrank,x_observation,y_observation,z_observation,ELLIPTICITY,TOPOGRAPHY,OUTPUT_FILES
+  use meshfem3D_par, only: myrank,x_observation,y_observation,z_observation,lon_observation,lat_observation, &
+                                     ELLIPTICITY,TOPOGRAPHY,OUTPUT_FILES 
   use meshfem3D_models_par, only: nspl,rspl,espl,espl2,ibathy_topo
@@ -420,20 +421,26 @@
       ! add ellipticity
       if(ELLIPTICITY) call get_ellipticity_single_point(x_top,y_top,z_top,nspl,rspl,espl,espl2)
-      ! add topography
-      if(TOPOGRAPHY) then
-        ! converts geocentric coordinates x/y/z to geographic radius/latitude/longitude (in degrees)
-        call xyz_2_rlatlon_dble(x_top,y_top,z_top,r,lat,lon)
+      ! converts geocentric coordinates x/y/z to geographic radius/latitude/longitude (in degrees)
+      call xyz_2_rlatlon_dble(x_top,y_top,z_top,r,lat,lon)
-        ! compute elevation at current point
+      ! compute elevation at current point
+      if(TOPOGRAPHY) then
         call get_topo_bathy(lat,lon,elevation,ibathy_topo)
+      else
+        elevation = ZERO
+      endif
-        ! store the values obtained for future display with GMT
-        if(myrank == 0) then
-          if( lon > 180.0d0 ) lon = lon - 360.0d0
-          write(IOUT,*) lon,lat,elevation
-        endif
+      ! store the values obtained for future display with GMT
+      if(myrank == 0) then
+        if( lon > 180.0d0 ) lon = lon - 360.0d0
+        write(IOUT,*) lon,lat,elevation
+        lon_observation(ix,iy,ichunk) = lon
+        lat_observation(ix,iy,ichunk) = lat
+      endif
+      ! add topography
+      if(TOPOGRAPHY) then
         ! non-dimensionalize the elevation, which is in meters
         elevation = elevation / R_EARTH
diff --git a/src/meshfem3D/finalize_mesher.f90 b/src/meshfem3D/finalize_mesher.f90
index e04623b..5870b77 100644
--- a/src/meshfem3D/finalize_mesher.f90
+++ b/src/meshfem3D/finalize_mesher.f90
@@ -128,28 +128,28 @@
       write(IMAIN,*) 'maxval of norm of g vector on whole observation surface = ',maxval(temporary_array_for_sum),' m.s-2'
-      write(IMAIN,*) 'minval of abs(G_xx) on whole observation surface = ',minval(abs(G_xx)),' Eotvos'
-      write(IMAIN,*) 'maxval of abs(G_xx) on whole observation surface = ',maxval(abs(G_xx)),' Eotvos'
+      write(IMAIN,*) 'minval of G_xx on whole observation surface = ',minval(G_xx),' Eotvos'
+      write(IMAIN,*) 'maxval of G_xx on whole observation surface = ',maxval(G_xx),' Eotvos'
-      write(IMAIN,*) 'minval of abs(G_yy) on whole observation surface = ',minval(abs(G_yy)),' Eotvos'
-      write(IMAIN,*) 'maxval of abs(G_yy) on whole observation surface = ',maxval(abs(G_yy)),' Eotvos'
+      write(IMAIN,*) 'minval of G_yy on whole observation surface = ',minval(G_yy),' Eotvos'
+      write(IMAIN,*) 'maxval of G_yy on whole observation surface = ',maxval(G_yy),' Eotvos'
-      write(IMAIN,*) 'minval of abs(G_zz) on whole observation surface = ',minval(abs(G_zz)),' Eotvos'
-      write(IMAIN,*) 'maxval of abs(G_zz) on whole observation surface = ',maxval(abs(G_zz)),' Eotvos'
+      write(IMAIN,*) 'minval of G_zz on whole observation surface = ',minval(G_zz),' Eotvos'
+      write(IMAIN,*) 'maxval of G_zz on whole observation surface = ',maxval(G_zz),' Eotvos'
-      write(IMAIN,*) 'minval of abs(G_xy) on whole observation surface = ',minval(abs(G_xy)),' Eotvos'
-      write(IMAIN,*) 'maxval of abs(G_xy) on whole observation surface = ',maxval(abs(G_xy)),' Eotvos'
+      write(IMAIN,*) 'minval of G_xy on whole observation surface = ',minval(G_xy),' Eotvos'
+      write(IMAIN,*) 'maxval of G_xy on whole observation surface = ',maxval(G_xy),' Eotvos'
-      write(IMAIN,*) 'minval of abs(G_xz) on whole observation surface = ',minval(abs(G_xz)),' Eotvos'
-      write(IMAIN,*) 'maxval of abs(G_xz) on whole observation surface = ',maxval(abs(G_xz)),' Eotvos'
+      write(IMAIN,*) 'minval of G_xz on whole observation surface = ',minval(G_xz),' Eotvos'
+      write(IMAIN,*) 'maxval of G_xz on whole observation surface = ',maxval(G_xz),' Eotvos'
-      write(IMAIN,*) 'minval of abs(G_yz) on whole observation surface = ',minval(abs(G_yz)),' Eotvos'
-      write(IMAIN,*) 'maxval of abs(G_yz) on whole observation surface = ',maxval(abs(G_yz)),' Eotvos'
+      write(IMAIN,*) 'minval of G_yz on whole observation surface = ',minval(G_yz),' Eotvos'
+      write(IMAIN,*) 'maxval of G_yz on whole observation surface = ',maxval(G_yz),' Eotvos'
       write(IMAIN,*) 'Minval and maxval of trace of G, which in principle should be zero:'
@@ -196,14 +196,103 @@
       write(IMAIN,*) 'computed G_yz = ',G_yz(ixr,iyr,ichunkr),' Eotvos'
       ! for future GMT display
-      open(unit=IOUT,file=trim(OUTPUT_FILES)//'/results_g_and_G_for_GMT.txt',status='unknown',action='write')
       ! loop on all the chunks and then on all the observation nodes in each chunk
+      open(unit=IOUT,file=trim(OUTPUT_FILES)//'/results_g_x_for_GMT.txt',status='unknown',action='write')
       do ichunkval = 1,NCHUNKS_MAX
         do iyval = 1,NY_OBSERVATION
           do ixval = 1,NX_OBSERVATION
-            write(IOUT,*) g_x(ixval,iyval,ichunkval),g_y(ixval,iyval,ichunkval),g_z(ixval,iyval,ichunkval), &
-                          G_xx(ixval,iyval,ichunkval),G_yy(ixval,iyval,ichunkval),G_zz(ixval,iyval,ichunkval), &
-                          G_xy(ixval,iyval,ichunkval),G_xz(ixval,iyval,ichunkval),G_yz(ixval,iyval,ichunkval)
+            write(IOUT,*) lon_observation(ixval,iyval,ichunkval),lat_observation(ixval,iyval,ichunkval),g_x(ixval,iyval,ichunkval)
+          enddo
+        enddo
+      enddo
+      close(unit=IOUT)
+      open(unit=IOUT,file=trim(OUTPUT_FILES)//'/results_g_y_for_GMT.txt',status='unknown',action='write')
+      do ichunkval = 1,NCHUNKS_MAX
+        do iyval = 1,NY_OBSERVATION
+          do ixval = 1,NX_OBSERVATION
+            write(IOUT,*) lon_observation(ixval,iyval,ichunkval),lat_observation(ixval,iyval,ichunkval),g_y(ixval,iyval,ichunkval)
+          enddo
+        enddo
+      enddo
+      close(unit=IOUT)
+      open(unit=IOUT,file=trim(OUTPUT_FILES)//'/results_g_z_for_GMT.txt',status='unknown',action='write')
+      do ichunkval = 1,NCHUNKS_MAX
+        do iyval = 1,NY_OBSERVATION
+          do ixval = 1,NX_OBSERVATION
+            write(IOUT,*) lon_observation(ixval,iyval,ichunkval),lat_observation(ixval,iyval,ichunkval),g_z(ixval,iyval,ichunkval)
+          enddo
+        enddo
+      enddo
+      close(unit=IOUT)
+      open(unit=IOUT,file=trim(OUTPUT_FILES)//'/results_norm_of_g_for_GMT.txt',status='unknown',action='write')
+      do ichunkval = 1,NCHUNKS_MAX
+        do iyval = 1,NY_OBSERVATION
+          do ixval = 1,NX_OBSERVATION
+            write(IOUT,*) lon_observation(ixval,iyval,ichunkval),lat_observation(ixval,iyval,ichunkval), &
+                             sqrt(g_x(ixval,iyval,ichunkval)**2 + g_y(ixval,iyval,ichunkval)**2 + g_z(ixval,iyval,ichunkval)**2)
+          enddo
+        enddo
+      enddo
+      close(unit=IOUT)
+      open(unit=IOUT,file=trim(OUTPUT_FILES)//'/results_G_xx_for_GMT.txt',status='unknown',action='write')
+      do ichunkval = 1,NCHUNKS_MAX
+        do iyval = 1,NY_OBSERVATION
+          do ixval = 1,NX_OBSERVATION
+            write(IOUT,*) lon_observation(ixval,iyval,ichunkval),lat_observation(ixval,iyval,ichunkval),G_xx(ixval,iyval,ichunkval)
+          enddo
+        enddo
+      enddo
+      close(unit=IOUT)
+      open(unit=IOUT,file=trim(OUTPUT_FILES)//'/results_G_yy_for_GMT.txt',status='unknown',action='write')
+      do ichunkval = 1,NCHUNKS_MAX
+        do iyval = 1,NY_OBSERVATION
+          do ixval = 1,NX_OBSERVATION
+            write(IOUT,*) lon_observation(ixval,iyval,ichunkval),lat_observation(ixval,iyval,ichunkval),G_yy(ixval,iyval,ichunkval)
+          enddo
+        enddo
+      enddo
+      close(unit=IOUT)
+      open(unit=IOUT,file=trim(OUTPUT_FILES)//'/results_G_zz_for_GMT.txt',status='unknown',action='write')
+      do ichunkval = 1,NCHUNKS_MAX
+        do iyval = 1,NY_OBSERVATION
+          do ixval = 1,NX_OBSERVATION
+            write(IOUT,*) lon_observation(ixval,iyval,ichunkval),lat_observation(ixval,iyval,ichunkval),G_zz(ixval,iyval,ichunkval)
+          enddo
+        enddo
+      enddo
+      close(unit=IOUT)
+      open(unit=IOUT,file=trim(OUTPUT_FILES)//'/results_G_xy_for_GMT.txt',status='unknown',action='write')
+      do ichunkval = 1,NCHUNKS_MAX
+        do iyval = 1,NY_OBSERVATION
+          do ixval = 1,NX_OBSERVATION
+            write(IOUT,*) lon_observation(ixval,iyval,ichunkval),lat_observation(ixval,iyval,ichunkval),G_xy(ixval,iyval,ichunkval)
+          enddo
+        enddo
+      enddo
+      close(unit=IOUT)
+      open(unit=IOUT,file=trim(OUTPUT_FILES)//'/results_G_xz_for_GMT.txt',status='unknown',action='write')
+      do ichunkval = 1,NCHUNKS_MAX
+        do iyval = 1,NY_OBSERVATION
+          do ixval = 1,NX_OBSERVATION
+            write(IOUT,*) lon_observation(ixval,iyval,ichunkval),lat_observation(ixval,iyval,ichunkval),G_xz(ixval,iyval,ichunkval)
+          enddo
+        enddo
+      enddo
+      close(unit=IOUT)
+      open(unit=IOUT,file=trim(OUTPUT_FILES)//'/results_G_yz_for_GMT.txt',status='unknown',action='write')
+      do ichunkval = 1,NCHUNKS_MAX
+        do iyval = 1,NY_OBSERVATION
+          do ixval = 1,NX_OBSERVATION
+            write(IOUT,*) lon_observation(ixval,iyval,ichunkval),lat_observation(ixval,iyval,ichunkval),G_yz(ixval,iyval,ichunkval)
diff --git a/src/meshfem3D/meshfem3D_par.f90 b/src/meshfem3D/meshfem3D_par.f90
index dcdc493..c3dfc76 100644
--- a/src/meshfem3D/meshfem3D_par.f90
+++ b/src/meshfem3D/meshfem3D_par.f90
@@ -167,6 +167,8 @@
+  double precision, dimension(NX_OBSERVATION,NY_OBSERVATION,NCHUNKS_MAX) :: lon_observation,lat_observation
   ! arrays containing the computed fields for Roland_Sylvain integrals at the observation points
   ! the 1D equivalenced versions are for the FORCE_VECTORIZATION version of the loops
   double precision, dimension(NX_OBSERVATION,NY_OBSERVATION,NCHUNKS_MAX) :: g_x,g_y,g_z,G_xx,G_yy,G_zz,G_xy,G_xz,G_yz, &
diff --git a/src/specfem3D/initialize_simulation.f90 b/src/specfem3D/initialize_simulation.f90
index fa62b7c..e9a6518 100644
--- a/src/specfem3D/initialize_simulation.f90
+++ b/src/specfem3D/initialize_simulation.f90
@@ -44,6 +44,9 @@
   call world_size(sizeprocs)
   call world_rank(myrank)
+!! DK DK for Roland_Sylvain
+  if(ROLAND_SYLVAIN) call exit_MPI(myrank,'no need to run the solver to compute Roland_Sylvain integrals, only the mesher')
   if (myrank == 0) then
     ! read the parameter file and compute additional parameters
     call read_compute_parameters()
@@ -55,7 +58,7 @@
   ! check that the code is running with the requested nb of processes
   if( sizeprocs /= NPROCTOT ) then
     print*,'error: rank ',myrank,' - wrong number of MPI processes',sizeprocs,NPROCTOT
-    call exit_MPI(myrank,'wrong number of MPI processes(initialization specfem)')
+    call exit_MPI(myrank,'wrong number of MPI processes in the initialization of SPECFEM')
   ! synchronizes processes

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