[cig-commits] [commit] devel,master: tried to use the same notations in model_crust_1_0.f90 and model_crust_2_0.f90; also cleaned useless white spaces in all source files using a script (615d1f7)

cig_noreply at geodynamics.org cig_noreply at geodynamics.org
Thu Nov 6 08:16:35 PST 2014

Repository : https://github.com/geodynamics/specfem3d_globe

On branches: devel,master
Link       : https://github.com/geodynamics/specfem3d_globe/compare/bc58e579b3b0838a0968725a076f5904845437ca...be63f20cbb6f462104e949894dbe205d2398cd7f


commit 615d1f7927dcf8407b725c5be312ad1219948704
Author: Dimitri Komatitsch <komatitsch at lma.cnrs-mrs.fr>
Date:   Mon May 19 00:16:17 2014 +0200

    tried to use the same notations in model_crust_1_0.f90 and model_crust_2_0.f90;
    also cleaned useless white spaces in all source files using a script


 src/gpu/assemble_MPI_scalar_gpu.c          |   0
 src/gpu/assemble_MPI_vector_gpu.c          |   0
 src/gpu/check_fields_gpu.c                 |   0
 src/gpu/compute_add_sources_elastic_gpu.c  |   0
 src/gpu/compute_coupling_gpu.c             |   0
 src/gpu/compute_forces_crust_mantle_gpu.c  |   0
 src/gpu/compute_forces_inner_core_gpu.c    |   0
 src/gpu/compute_forces_outer_core_gpu.c    |   0
 src/gpu/compute_kernels_gpu.c              |   0
 src/gpu/compute_stacey_acoustic_gpu.c      |   0
 src/gpu/compute_stacey_elastic_gpu.c       |   0
 src/gpu/initialize_gpu.c                   |   0
 src/gpu/mesh_constants_gpu.h               |   0
 src/gpu/mesh_constants_ocl.h               |   0
 src/gpu/noise_tomography_gpu.c             |   0
 src/gpu/prepare_mesh_constants_gpu.c       |   0
 src/gpu/update_displacement_gpu.c          |   0
 src/gpu/write_seismograms_gpu.c            |   2 +-
 src/meshfem3D/compute_coordinates_grid.f90 |   0
 src/meshfem3D/meshfem3D_models.f90         |  14 +-
 src/meshfem3D/model_crust_1_0.f90          | 129 ++++++-----
 src/meshfem3D/model_crust_2_0.f90          | 348 ++++++++---------------------
 src/meshfem3D/model_crustmaps.f90          | 173 ++++++++++++++
 src/specfem3D/specfem3D_gpu_method_stubs.c |   0
 24 files changed, 333 insertions(+), 333 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/gpu/write_seismograms_gpu.c b/src/gpu/write_seismograms_gpu.c
index 2e0019d..78e4fdc 100644
--- a/src/gpu/write_seismograms_gpu.c
+++ b/src/gpu/write_seismograms_gpu.c
@@ -133,7 +133,7 @@ void write_seismograms_transfer_from_device (Mesh *mp,
-	}
+  }
   if (!GPU_ASYNC_COPY) {
diff --git a/src/meshfem3D/meshfem3D_models.f90 b/src/meshfem3D/meshfem3D_models.f90
index 60cb170..aa673a8 100644
--- a/src/meshfem3D/meshfem3D_models.f90
+++ b/src/meshfem3D/meshfem3D_models.f90
@@ -777,24 +777,14 @@
     case (ICRUST_CRUST2)
       ! default
       ! crust 2.0
-      call model_crust(lat,lon,r,vpc,vsc,rhoc,moho,found_crust,elem_in_crust)
+      call model_crust_2_0(lat,lon,r,vpc,vsc,rhoc,moho,found_crust,elem_in_crust)
       ! general crustmaps
       call model_crustmaps(lat,lon,r,vpc,vsc,rhoc,moho,found_crust,elem_in_crust)
     case (ICRUST_EPCRUST)
-!      call model_crust(lat,lon,r,vpc,vsc,rhoc,moho,found_crust,elem_in_crust)
-      ! within EPCRUST region
-!      if (lat >= EPCRUST_LAT_MIN .and. lat <= EPCRUST_LAT_MAX &
-!          .and. lon >= EPCRUST_LON_MIN .and. lon<=EPCRUST_LON_MAX ) then
-!          vpc=0.0d0
-!          vsc=0.0d0
-!          rhoc=0.0d0
-!          moho=0.0d0
-!          found_crust = .false.
-          call model_epcrust(lat,lon,r,vpc,vsc,rhoc,moho,found_crust,elem_in_crust)
-!      endif
+      call model_epcrust(lat,lon,r,vpc,vsc,rhoc,moho,found_crust,elem_in_crust)
     case default
       stop 'crustal model type not defined'
diff --git a/src/meshfem3D/model_crust_1_0.f90 b/src/meshfem3D/model_crust_1_0.f90
index b57112e..4e2f3d8 100644
--- a/src/meshfem3D/model_crust_1_0.f90
+++ b/src/meshfem3D/model_crust_1_0.f90
@@ -57,19 +57,16 @@
   ! crustal_model_constants
   ! crustal model parameters for crust1.0
-  integer, parameter :: CRUST1_NP  = 9
-  integer, parameter :: CRUST1_NLO = 360
-  integer, parameter :: CRUST1_NLA = 180
-  ! cap smoothing
-  integer, parameter :: NCAP_CRUST1 = 180
+  integer, parameter :: CRUST_NP  = 9
+  integer, parameter :: CRUST_NLO = 360
+  integer, parameter :: CRUST_NLA = 180
   ! model_crust_variables
   ! Vp, Vs and density
-  double precision, dimension(:,:,:),allocatable :: crust1_vp,crust1_vs,crust1_rho
+  double precision, dimension(:,:,:), allocatable :: crust_vp,crust_vs,crust_rho
   ! layer thickness
-  double precision, dimension(:,:,:),allocatable :: crust1_thk
+  double precision, dimension(:,:,:), allocatable :: crust_thickness
   end module model_crust_1_0_par
@@ -90,27 +87,27 @@
   integer :: ier
   ! allocate crustal arrays
-  allocate(crust1_vp(CRUST1_NP,CRUST1_NLA,CRUST1_NLO), &
-           crust1_vs(CRUST1_NP,CRUST1_NLA,CRUST1_NLO), &
-           crust1_rho(CRUST1_NP,CRUST1_NLA,CRUST1_NLO), &
-           crust1_thk(CRUST1_NP,CRUST1_NLA,CRUST1_NLO), &
+  allocate(crust_thickness(CRUST_NP,CRUST_NLA,CRUST_NLO), &
+           crust_vp(CRUST_NP,CRUST_NLA,CRUST_NLO), &
+           crust_vs(CRUST_NP,CRUST_NLA,CRUST_NLO), &
+           crust_rho(CRUST_NP,CRUST_NLA,CRUST_NLO), &
   if( ier /= 0 ) call exit_MPI(myrank,'error allocating crustal arrays')
   ! initializes
-  crust1_vp(:,:,:) = ZERO
-  crust1_vs(:,:,:) = ZERO
-  crust1_rho(:,:,:) = ZERO
-  crust1_thk(:,:,:) = ZERO
+  crust_vp(:,:,:) = ZERO
+  crust_vs(:,:,:) = ZERO
+  crust_rho(:,:,:) = ZERO
+  crust_thickness(:,:,:) = ZERO
   ! the variables read are declared and stored in structure model_crust_1_0_par
   if(myrank == 0) call read_crust_1_0_model()
   ! broadcast the information read on the master to the nodes
-  call bcast_all_dp(crust1_vp,CRUST1_NP*CRUST1_NLA*CRUST1_NLO)
-  call bcast_all_dp(crust1_vs,CRUST1_NP*CRUST1_NLA*CRUST1_NLO)
-  call bcast_all_dp(crust1_rho,CRUST1_NP*CRUST1_NLA*CRUST1_NLO)
-  call bcast_all_dp(crust1_thk,CRUST1_NP*CRUST1_NLA*CRUST1_NLO)
+  call bcast_all_dp(crust_thickness,CRUST_NP*CRUST_NLA*CRUST_NLO)
+  call bcast_all_dp(crust_vp,CRUST_NP*CRUST_NLA*CRUST_NLO)
+  call bcast_all_dp(crust_vs,CRUST_NP*CRUST_NLA*CRUST_NLO)
+  call bcast_all_dp(crust_rho,CRUST_NP*CRUST_NLA*CRUST_NLO)
   end subroutine model_crust_1_0_broadcast
@@ -128,13 +125,13 @@
   double precision,intent(in) :: lat,lon,x
   double precision,intent(out) :: vp,vs,rho,moho
   logical,intent(out) :: found_crust
-  logical,intent(in):: elem_in_crust
+  logical,intent(in) :: elem_in_crust
   ! local parameters
   double precision :: h_sed,h_uc
   double precision :: x3,x4,x5,x6,x7,x8
   double precision :: scaleval
-  double precision,dimension(CRUST1_NP):: vps,vss,rhos,thicks
+  double precision,dimension(CRUST_NP):: vps,vss,rhos,thicks
   ! initializes
   vp = ZERO
@@ -173,15 +170,15 @@
   ! checks moho value
   !moho = h_uc + thicks(6) + thicks(7)
-  !if( moho /= thicks(NLAYERS_CRUST) ) then
-  ! print*,'moho:',moho,thicks(NLAYERS_CRUST)
+  !if( moho /= thicks(CRUST_NP) ) then
+  ! print*,'moho:',moho,thicks(CRUST_NP)
   ! print*,'  lat/lon/x:',lat,lon,x
-  ! No matter found_crust true or false, output moho thickness
+  ! no matter found_crust true or false, output moho thickness
   moho = (h_uc+thicks(7)+thicks(8)) * scaleval
-  ! initializes
+  ! gets corresponding crustal velocities and density
   found_crust = .true.
   ! gets corresponding crustal velocities and density
@@ -265,7 +262,7 @@
   ! allocates temporary array
-  allocate(bnd(CRUST1_NP,CRUST1_NLA,CRUST1_NLO),stat=ier)
+  allocate(bnd(CRUST_NP,CRUST_NLA,CRUST_NLO),stat=ier)
   if( ier /= 0 ) call exit_MPI(0,'error allocating crustal arrays in read routine')
   ! initializes
@@ -297,12 +294,12 @@
   ! reads in data values
-  do j = 1,CRUST1_NLA
-    do i = 1,CRUST1_NLO
-      read(51,*)(crust1_vp(k,j,i),k=1,CRUST1_NP)
-      read(52,*)(crust1_vs(k,j,i),k=1,CRUST1_NP)
-      read(53,*)(crust1_rho(k,j,i),k=1,CRUST1_NP)
-      read(54,*)(bnd(k,j,i),k=1,CRUST1_NP)
+  do j = 1,CRUST_NLA
+    do i = 1,CRUST_NLO
+      read(51,*)(crust_vp(k,j,i),k=1,CRUST_NP)
+      read(52,*)(crust_vs(k,j,i),k=1,CRUST_NP)
+      read(53,*)(crust_rho(k,j,i),k=1,CRUST_NP)
+      read(54,*)(bnd(k,j,i),k=1,CRUST_NP)
@@ -313,10 +310,10 @@
   ! determines layer thickness
-  do j = 1,CRUST1_NLA
-    do i = 1,CRUST1_NLO
-      do k = 1,CRUST1_NP - 1
-        crust1_thk(k,j,i) = - (bnd(k+1,j,i) - bnd(k,j,i))
+  do j = 1,CRUST_NLA
+    do i = 1,CRUST_NLO
+      do k = 1,CRUST_NP - 1
+        crust_thickness(k,j,i) = - (bnd(k+1,j,i) - bnd(k,j,i))
@@ -327,8 +324,8 @@
   ! additional info
   if( DEBUG_FILE_OUTPUT ) then
     ! allocates temporary arrays
-    allocate(thc(CRUST1_NLA,CRUST1_NLO), &
-             ths(CRUST1_NLA,CRUST1_NLO), &
+    allocate(thc(CRUST_NLA,CRUST_NLO), &
+             ths(CRUST_NLA,CRUST_NLO), &
     if( ier /= 0 ) call exit_MPI(0,'error allocating crustal arrays in read routine')
@@ -344,28 +341,29 @@
     ! crustal thickness
     ! thickness = ice (layer index 2) + sediment (index 3+4+5) + crystalline crust (index 6+7+8)
-    do j = 1,CRUST1_NLA
-      do i = 1,CRUST1_NLO
+    do j = 1,CRUST_NLA
+      do i = 1,CRUST_NLO
         ! crustal thickness with ice
-        !thc(j,i) = crust1_thk(2,j,i) &
-        !         + crust1_thk(3,j,i) + crust1_thk(4,j,i) + crust1_thk(5,j,i)  &
-        !         + crust1_thk(6,j,i) + crust1_thk(7,j,i) + crust1_thk(8,j,i)
+        !thc(j,i) = crust_thickness(2,j,i) &
+        !         + crust_thickness(3,j,i) + crust_thickness(4,j,i) + crust_thickness(5,j,i)  &
+        !         + crust_thickness(6,j,i) + crust_thickness(7,j,i) + crust_thickness(8,j,i)
         ! sediment thickness
-        ths(j,i) = crust1_thk(3,j,i) + crust1_thk(4,j,i) + crust1_thk(5,j,i)
+        ths(j,i) = crust_thickness(3,j,i) + crust_thickness(4,j,i) + crust_thickness(5,j,i)
         ! crustal thickness without ice
         ! note: etopo1 has topography including ice ("ice surface" version) and at base of ice sheets ("bedrock" version)
         !       see: http://www.ngdc.noaa.gov/mgg/global/global.html
-        thc(j,i) = crust1_thk(3,j,i) + crust1_thk(4,j,i) + crust1_thk(5,j,i)  &
-                 + crust1_thk(6,j,i) + crust1_thk(7,j,i) + crust1_thk(8,j,i)
+        thc(j,i) = crust_thickness(3,j,i) + crust_thickness(4,j,i) + crust_thickness(5,j,i)  &
+                 + crust_thickness(6,j,i) + crust_thickness(7,j,i) + crust_thickness(8,j,i)
         ! limit moho thickness
         if(thc(j,i) > h_moho_max) h_moho_max = thc(j,i)
         if(thc(j,i) < h_moho_min) h_moho_min = thc(j,i)
-        write(77,*)(90.0-j+0.5),(-180.0+i-0.5),thc(j,i)+crust1_thk(2,j,i),thc(j,i),ths(j,i),crust1_thk(2,j,i)
+        write(77,*)(90.0-j+0.5),(-180.0+i-0.5),thc(j,i)+crust_thickness(2,j,i),thc(j,i),ths(j,i),crust_thickness(2,j,i)
@@ -381,10 +379,10 @@
     h_moho_max = -HUGEVAL
     ! smoothed version
-    do j = 1,CRUST1_NLA
-      lat = 90.d0 - j + 0.5
-      do i = 1,CRUST1_NLO
-        lon = -180.d0 + i - 0.5
+    do j = 1,CRUST_NLA
+      lat = 90.d0 - j + 0.5d0
+      do i = 1,CRUST_NLO
+        lon = -180.d0 + i - 0.5d0
         x = 1.0d0
         call model_crust_1_0(lat,lon,x,vp,vs,rho,moho,found_crust,.false.)
@@ -417,7 +415,7 @@
 ! crust1.0 gets smoothed with a cap of size CAP using NTHETA points
 ! in the theta direction and NPHI in the phi direction.
-! The cap is rotated to the North Pole.
+! The cap is first rotated to the North Pole for easier implementation.
   use constants
   use model_crust_1_0_par
@@ -430,7 +428,7 @@
   ! argument variables
   double precision :: lat,lon
-  double precision,dimension(CRUST1_NP) :: rho,thick,velp,vels
+  double precision,dimension(CRUST_NP) :: rho,thick,velp,vels
   ! work-around to avoid Jacobian problems when stretching mesh elements;
   ! one could also try to slightly change the shape of the doubling element bricks (which cause the problem)...
@@ -444,7 +442,7 @@
   ! local variables
   double precision :: xlon(NTHETA*NPHI),xlat(NTHETA*NPHI),weight(NTHETA*NPHI)
-  double precision :: rhol(CRUST1_NP),thickl(CRUST1_NP),velpl(CRUST1_NP),velsl(CRUST1_NP)
+  double precision :: rhol(CRUST_NP),thickl(CRUST_NP),velpl(CRUST_NP),velsl(CRUST_NP)
   double precision :: weightl,cap_degree
   double precision :: dist
@@ -480,7 +478,7 @@
-  ! gets smoothing points and weights (see routine in model_crust_2_0.f90)
+  ! gets smoothing points and weights
   call CAP_vardegree(lon,lat,xlon,xlat,weight,cap_degree,NTHETA,NPHI)
   ! initializes
@@ -548,7 +546,6 @@
   end subroutine crust_1_0_CAPsmoothed
@@ -560,19 +557,19 @@
   implicit none
   ! argument variables
-  integer,intent(in) :: icolat,ilon
-  double precision,intent(out) :: rhtyp(CRUST1_NP),thtp(CRUST1_NP)
-  double precision,intent(out) :: vptyp(CRUST1_NP),vstyp(CRUST1_NP)
+  integer, intent(in) :: icolat,ilon
+  double precision, intent(out) :: rhtyp(CRUST_NP),thtp(CRUST_NP)
+  double precision, intent(out) :: vptyp(CRUST_NP),vstyp(CRUST_NP)
-  ! sets vp,vs and rho for all layers
-  vptyp(:) = crust1_vp(:,icolat,ilon)
-  vstyp(:) = crust1_vs(:,icolat,ilon)
-  rhtyp(:) = crust1_rho(:,icolat,ilon)
-  thtp(:) = crust1_thk(:,icolat,ilon)
+  ! set vp,vs and rho for all layers
+  vptyp(:) = crust_vp(:,icolat,ilon)
+  vstyp(:) = crust_vs(:,icolat,ilon)
+  rhtyp(:) = crust_rho(:,icolat,ilon)
+  thtp(:) = crust_thickness(:,icolat,ilon)
   ! get distance to Moho from the bottom of the ocean or the ice
   ! value could be used for checking, but is unused so far...
-  thtp(CRUST1_NP) = thtp(CRUST1_NP) - thtp(1) - thtp(2)
+  thtp(CRUST_NP) = thtp(CRUST_NP) - thtp(1) - thtp(2)
   end subroutine get_crust_1_0_structure
diff --git a/src/meshfem3D/model_crust_2_0.f90 b/src/meshfem3D/model_crust_2_0.f90
index 35bd78d..dbfff89 100644
--- a/src/meshfem3D/model_crust_2_0.f90
+++ b/src/meshfem3D/model_crust_2_0.f90
@@ -50,14 +50,18 @@
   ! crustal_model_constants
   ! crustal model parameters for crust2.0
-  integer, parameter :: NKEYS_CRUST = 359
-  integer, parameter :: NLAYERS_CRUST = 8
-  integer, parameter :: NCAP_CRUST = 180
+  integer, parameter :: CRUST_NP = 8
+  integer, parameter :: CRUST_NLO = 359
+  integer, parameter :: CRUST_NLA = 180
   ! model_crust_variables
-  double precision, dimension(:,:),allocatable :: thlr,velocp,velocs,dens
-  character(len=2) :: abbreviation(NCAP_CRUST/2,NCAP_CRUST)
-  character(len=2) :: code(NKEYS_CRUST)
+  ! Vp, Vs and density
+  double precision, dimension(:,:), allocatable :: crust_vp,crust_vs,crust_rho
+  character(len=2) :: abbreviation(CRUST_NLA/2,CRUST_NLA)
+  character(len=2) :: code(CRUST_NLO)
+  ! layer thickness
+  double precision, dimension(:,:), allocatable :: crust_thickness
   end module model_crust_2_0_par
@@ -78,24 +82,30 @@
   integer :: ier
   ! allocate crustal arrays
-  allocate(thlr(NLAYERS_CRUST,NKEYS_CRUST), &
-           velocp(NLAYERS_CRUST,NKEYS_CRUST), &
-           velocs(NLAYERS_CRUST,NKEYS_CRUST), &
-           dens(NLAYERS_CRUST,NKEYS_CRUST), &
+  allocate(crust_thickness(CRUST_NP,CRUST_NLO), &
+           crust_vp(CRUST_NP,CRUST_NLO), &
+           crust_vs(CRUST_NP,CRUST_NLO), &
+           crust_rho(CRUST_NP,CRUST_NLO), &
   if( ier /= 0 ) call exit_MPI(myrank,'error allocating crustal arrays')
+  ! initializes
+  crust_vp(:,:) = ZERO
+  crust_vs(:,:) = ZERO
+  crust_rho(:,:) = ZERO
+  crust_thickness(:,:) = ZERO
   ! the variables read are declared and stored in structure model_crust_2_0_par
-  if(myrank == 0) call read_crust_model()
+  if(myrank == 0) call read_crust_2_0_model()
   ! broadcast the information read on the master to the nodes
-  call bcast_all_dp(thlr,NKEYS_CRUST*NLAYERS_CRUST)
-  call bcast_all_dp(velocp,NKEYS_CRUST*NLAYERS_CRUST)
-  call bcast_all_dp(velocs,NKEYS_CRUST*NLAYERS_CRUST)
-  call bcast_all_dp(dens,NKEYS_CRUST*NLAYERS_CRUST)
+  call bcast_all_dp(crust_thickness,CRUST_NLO*CRUST_NP)
+  call bcast_all_dp(crust_vp,CRUST_NLO*CRUST_NP)
+  call bcast_all_dp(crust_vs,CRUST_NLO*CRUST_NP)
+  call bcast_all_dp(crust_rho,CRUST_NLO*CRUST_NP)
-  call bcast_all_ch_array2(abbreviation,NCAP_CRUST/2,NCAP_CRUST,2)
-  call bcast_all_ch_array(code,NKEYS_CRUST,2)
+  call bcast_all_ch_array2(abbreviation,CRUST_NLA/2,CRUST_NLA,2)
+  call bcast_all_ch_array(code,CRUST_NLO,2)
   end subroutine model_crust_2_0_broadcast
@@ -103,7 +113,7 @@
-  subroutine model_crust(lat,lon,x,vp,vs,rho,moho,found_crust,elem_in_crust)
+  subroutine model_crust_2_0(lat,lon,x,vp,vs,rho,moho,found_crust,elem_in_crust)
   use constants
   use model_crust_2_0_par
@@ -117,21 +127,25 @@
   ! local parameters
   double precision :: h_sed,h_uc
-  double precision :: x3,x4,x5,x6,x7,scaleval
-  double precision,dimension(NLAYERS_CRUST):: vps,vss,rhos,thicks
+  double precision :: x3,x4,x5,x6,x7
+  double precision :: scaleval
+  double precision,dimension(CRUST_NP):: vps,vss,rhos,thicks
   ! initializes
   vp = ZERO
   vs = ZERO
   rho = ZERO
+  moho = ZERO
-  ! gets smoothed crust2.0 structure
-  call crust_CAPsmoothed(lat,lon,vps,vss,rhos,thicks,abbreviation, &
-                        code,thlr,velocp,velocs,dens)
+  ! gets smoothed structure
+  call crust_2_0_CAPsmoothed(lat,lon,vps,vss,rhos,thicks,abbreviation, &
+                        code,crust_thickness,crust_vp,crust_vs,crust_rho)
+  ! non-dimensionalization factor
   scaleval = ONE / R_EARTH_KM
   ! non-dimensionalizes thickness (given in km)
+  ! upper sediment
   x3 = ONE - thicks(3) * scaleval
   h_sed = thicks(3) + thicks(4)
   x4 = ONE - h_sed * scaleval
@@ -142,24 +156,22 @@
   ! checks moho value
   !moho = h_uc + thicks(6) + thicks(7)
-  !if( moho /= thicks(NLAYERS_CRUST) ) then
-  ! print*,'moho:',moho,thicks(NLAYERS_CRUST)
+  !if( moho /= thicks(CRUST_NP) ) then
+  ! print*,'moho:',moho,thicks(CRUST_NP)
   ! print*,'  lat/lon/x:',lat,lon,x
-  ! No matter found_crust true or false, output moho thickness
+  ! no matter found_crust true or false, output moho thickness
   moho = (h_uc+thicks(6)+thicks(7)) * scaleval
   ! gets corresponding crustal velocities and density
   found_crust = .true.
-!  if(x > x3 .and. INCLUDE_SEDIMENTS_CRUST &
-!   .and. h_sed >= MINIMUM_SEDIMENT_THICKNESS) then
+  ! gets corresponding crustal velocities and density
   if(x > x3 .and. INCLUDE_SEDIMENTS_CRUST ) then
     vp = vps(3)
     vs = vss(3)
     rho = rhos(3)
-!  else if(x > x4 .and. INCLUDE_SEDIMENTS_CRUST &
-!   .and. h_sed >= MINIMUM_SEDIMENT_THICKNESS) then
   else if(x > x4 .and. INCLUDE_SEDIMENTS_CRUST ) then
     vp = vps(4)
     vs = vss(4)
@@ -195,13 +207,13 @@
     rho = rho * 1000.0d0 / RHOAV
- end subroutine model_crust
+ end subroutine model_crust_2_0
-  subroutine read_crust_model()
+  subroutine read_crust_2_0_model()
   use constants
   use model_crust_2_0_par
@@ -226,11 +238,11 @@
     write(IMAIN,*) 'error opening "', trim(CNtype2), '": ', ier
     call flush_IMAIN()
     ! stop
-    call exit_MPI(0, 'error model crust2.0')
+    call exit_MPI(0,'error model crust2.0')
-  do ila=1,NCAP_CRUST/2
-    read(1,*) icolat,(abbreviation(ila,i),i=1,NCAP_CRUST)
+  do ila=1,CRUST_NLA/2
+    read(1,*) icolat,(abbreviation(ila,i),i=1,CRUST_NLA)
@@ -238,44 +250,43 @@
   if ( ier /= 0 ) then
     write(IMAIN,*) 'error opening "', trim(CNtype2_key_modif), '": ', ier
-    call exit_MPI(0, 'error model crust2.0')
+    call exit_MPI(0,'error model crust2.0')
   h_moho_min = HUGEVAL
   h_moho_max = -HUGEVAL
-  do ikey=1,NKEYS_CRUST
+  do ikey=1,CRUST_NLO
     read (1,"(a2)") code(ikey)
-    read (1,*) (velocp(i,ikey),i=1,NLAYERS_CRUST)
-    read (1,*) (velocs(i,ikey),i=1,NLAYERS_CRUST)
-    read (1,*) (dens(i,ikey),i=1,NLAYERS_CRUST)
-    read (1,*) (thlr(i,ikey),i=1,NLAYERS_CRUST-1),thlr(NLAYERS_CRUST,ikey)
+    read (1,*) (crust_vp(i,ikey),i=1,CRUST_NP)
+    read (1,*) (crust_vs(i,ikey),i=1,CRUST_NP)
+    read (1,*) (crust_rho(i,ikey),i=1,CRUST_NP)
+    read (1,*) (crust_thickness(i,ikey),i=1,CRUST_NP-1),crust_thickness(CRUST_NP,ikey)
     ! limit moho thickness
-    if(thlr(NLAYERS_CRUST,ikey) > h_moho_max) h_moho_max = thlr(NLAYERS_CRUST,ikey)
-    if(thlr(NLAYERS_CRUST,ikey) < h_moho_min) h_moho_min = thlr(NLAYERS_CRUST,ikey)
+    if(crust_thickness(CRUST_NP,ikey) > h_moho_max) h_moho_max = crust_thickness(CRUST_NP,ikey)
+    if(crust_thickness(CRUST_NP,ikey) < h_moho_min) h_moho_min = crust_thickness(CRUST_NP,ikey)
-  if(h_moho_min == HUGEVAL .or. h_moho_max == -HUGEVAL) &
-    stop 'incorrect moho depths in read_crust_model'
+  if(h_moho_min == HUGEVAL .or. h_moho_max == -HUGEVAL) stop 'incorrect moho depths in read_crust_2_0_model'
-  end subroutine read_crust_model
+  end subroutine read_crust_2_0_model
-  subroutine crust_CAPsmoothed(lat,lon,velp,vels,rho,thick,abbreviation,code,thlr,velocp,velocs,dens)
+  subroutine crust_2_0_CAPsmoothed(lat,lon,velp,vels,rho,thick,abbreviation,code,crust_thickness,crust_vp,crust_vs,crust_rho)
 ! crustal vp and vs in km/s, layer thickness in km
-! crust2.0 is smoothed with a cap of size CAP using NTHETA points
+! crust2.0 gets smoothed with a cap of size CAP using NTHETA points
 ! in the theta direction and NPHI in the phi direction.
 ! The cap is first rotated to the North Pole for easier implementation.
   use constants
-  use model_crust_2_0_par,only: NLAYERS_CRUST,NKEYS_CRUST,NCAP_CRUST
+  use model_crust_2_0_par,only: CRUST_NP,CRUST_NLO,CRUST_NLA
   implicit none
@@ -285,11 +296,11 @@
   ! argument variables
   double precision :: lat,lon
-  double precision,dimension(NLAYERS_CRUST) :: rho,thick,velp,vels
-  double precision,dimension(NLAYERS_CRUST,NKEYS_CRUST) :: thlr,velocp,velocs,dens
+  double precision,dimension(CRUST_NP) :: rho,thick,velp,vels
+  double precision,dimension(CRUST_NP,CRUST_NLO) :: crust_thickness,crust_vp,crust_vs,crust_rho
-  character(len=2) :: code(NKEYS_CRUST)
-  character(len=2) :: abbreviation(NCAP_CRUST/2,NCAP_CRUST)
+  character(len=2) :: code(CRUST_NLO)
+  character(len=2) :: abbreviation(CRUST_NLA/2,CRUST_NLA)
   ! work-around to avoid Jacobian problems when stretching mesh elements;
@@ -304,9 +315,10 @@
   ! local variables
   double precision :: xlon(NTHETA*NPHI),xlat(NTHETA*NPHI),weight(NTHETA*NPHI)
-  double precision :: rhol(NLAYERS_CRUST),thickl(NLAYERS_CRUST),velpl(NLAYERS_CRUST),velsl(NLAYERS_CRUST)
+  double precision :: rhol(CRUST_NP),thickl(CRUST_NP),velpl(CRUST_NP),velsl(CRUST_NP)
-  double precision :: weightl,cap_degree,dist
+  double precision :: weightl,cap_degree
+  double precision :: dist
   double precision :: h_sed
   integer :: i,icolat,ilon
   character(len=2) :: crustaltype
@@ -317,15 +329,17 @@
   ! fill in the hash table
   crustalhash_to_key = -1
-  do i=1,NKEYS_CRUST
+  do i=1,CRUST_NLO
     call hash_crustal_type(code(i), ihash)
-    if (crustalhash_to_key(ihash) /= -1) stop 'error in crust_CAPsmoothed: hash table collision'
+    if (crustalhash_to_key(ihash) /= -1) stop 'error in crust_2_0_CAPsmoothed: hash table collision'
     crustalhash_to_key(ihash) = i
   ! checks latitude/longitude
-  if(lat > 90.0d0 .or. lat < -90.0d0 .or. lon > 180.0d0 .or. lon < -180.0d0) &
-    stop 'error in latitude/longitude range in crust'
+  if(lat > 90.0d0 .or. lat < -90.0d0 .or. lon > 180.0d0 .or. lon < -180.0d0) then
+    print*,'error in lat/lon:',lat,lon
+    stop 'error in latitude/longitude range in crust2.0'
+  endif
   ! makes sure lat/lon are within crust2.0 range
   if(lat==90.0d0) lat=89.9999d0
@@ -361,7 +375,7 @@
   ! loops over weight points
   do i=1,NTHETA*NPHI
-    ! gets crust values
+    ! gets lat/lon indices
     call icolat_ilon(xlat(i),xlon(i),icolat,ilon)
     crustaltype = abbreviation(icolat,ilon)
@@ -370,8 +384,9 @@
     crustalkey = crustalhash_to_key(ihash)
     if(crustalkey == -1) stop 'error in retrieving crust type key'
-    call get_crust_structure(crustalkey,velpl,velsl,rhol,thickl, &
-                            thlr,velocp,velocs,dens)
+    ! gets crust values
+    call get_crust_2_0_structure(crustalkey,velpl,velsl,rhol,thickl, &
+                            crust_thickness,crust_vp,crust_vs,crust_rho)
     ! sediment thickness
     h_sed = thickl(3) + thickl(4)
@@ -396,214 +411,39 @@
     vels(:) = vels(:) + weightl*velsl(:)
-  end subroutine crust_CAPsmoothed
-! hash table to define the crustal type using an integer instead of characters
-! because working with integers in the rest of the routines results in much faster code
-  subroutine hash_crustal_type(crustaltype, ihash)
-    implicit none
-    character(len=2), intent(in) :: crustaltype
-    integer, intent(out) :: ihash
-    ihash = iachar(crustaltype(1:1)) + 128*iachar(crustaltype(2:2)) + 1
-  end subroutine hash_crustal_type
-  subroutine icolat_ilon(xlat,xlon,icolat,ilon)
-  implicit none
-! argument variables
-  double precision :: xlat,xlon
-  integer :: icolat,ilon
-  if(xlat > 90.0d0 .or. xlat < -90.0d0 .or. xlon > 180.0d0 .or. xlon < -180.0d0) &
-    stop 'error in latitude/longitude range in icolat_ilon'
-  icolat = int(1+( (90.d0-xlat)*0.5d0 ))
-  if(icolat == 91) icolat = 90
-  ilon = int(1+( (180.d0+xlon)*0.5d0 ))
-  if(ilon == 181) ilon = 1
-  if(icolat>90 .or. icolat<1) stop 'error in routine icolat_ilon'
-  if(ilon<1 .or. ilon>180) stop 'error in routine icolat_ilon'
-  end subroutine icolat_ilon
+  end subroutine crust_2_0_CAPsmoothed
-  subroutine get_crust_structure(ikey,vptyp,vstyp,rhtyp,thtp,thlr,velocp,velocs,dens)
+  subroutine get_crust_2_0_structure(ikey,vptyp,vstyp,rhtyp,thtp,crust_thickness,crust_vp,crust_vs,crust_rho)
-  use model_crust_2_0_par,only: NLAYERS_CRUST,NKEYS_CRUST
+  use model_crust_2_0_par,only: CRUST_NP,CRUST_NLO
   implicit none
   ! argument variables
-  double precision :: rhtyp(NLAYERS_CRUST),thtp(NLAYERS_CRUST)
-  double precision :: vptyp(NLAYERS_CRUST),vstyp(NLAYERS_CRUST)
-  double precision :: thlr(NLAYERS_CRUST,NKEYS_CRUST),velocp(NLAYERS_CRUST,NKEYS_CRUST)
-  double precision :: velocs(NLAYERS_CRUST,NKEYS_CRUST),dens(NLAYERS_CRUST,NKEYS_CRUST)
-  integer :: ikey
+  integer, intent(in) :: ikey
+  double precision, intent(out) :: rhtyp(CRUST_NP),thtp(CRUST_NP)
+  double precision, intent(out) :: vptyp(CRUST_NP),vstyp(CRUST_NP)
+  double precision :: crust_thickness(CRUST_NP,CRUST_NLO),crust_vp(CRUST_NP,CRUST_NLO)
+  double precision :: crust_vs(CRUST_NP,CRUST_NLO),crust_rho(CRUST_NP,CRUST_NLO)
   ! local variables
   integer :: i
-    vptyp(i)=velocp(i,ikey)
-    vstyp(i)=velocs(i,ikey)
-    rhtyp(i)=dens(i,ikey)
-  enddo
-  do i=1,NLAYERS_CRUST-1
-    thtp(i)=thlr(i,ikey)
+  ! set vp,vs and rho for all layers
+  do i=1,CRUST_NP
+    vptyp(i)=crust_vp(i,ikey)
+    vstyp(i)=crust_vs(i,ikey)
+    rhtyp(i)=crust_rho(i,ikey)
+    thtp(i)=crust_thickness(i,ikey)
   ! get distance to Moho from the bottom of the ocean or the ice
-  thtp(NLAYERS_CRUST) = thlr(NLAYERS_CRUST,ikey) - thtp(1) - thtp(2)
-  end subroutine get_crust_structure
-  subroutine CAP_vardegree(lon,lat,xlon,xlat,weight,CAP_DEGREE,NTHETA,NPHI)
-! calculates weighting points to smooth around lon/lat location with
-! a smoothing range of CAP_DEGREE
-! The cap is rotated to the North Pole.
-! returns: xlon,xlat,weight
-  use constants
-  implicit none
-  ! sampling rate
-  integer :: NTHETA
-  integer :: NPHI
-  ! smoothing size (in degrees)
-  double precision :: CAP_DEGREE
-  ! argument variables
-  double precision :: lat,lon
-  double precision,dimension(NTHETA*NPHI) :: xlon,xlat,weight
-  ! local variables
-  double precision :: CAP
-  double precision :: theta,phi,sint,cost,sinp,cosp,wght,total
-  double precision :: r_rot,theta_rot,phi_rot
-  double precision :: rotation_matrix(3,3),x(3),xc(3)
-  double precision :: dtheta,dphi,cap_area,dweight,pi_over_nphi
-  integer :: i,j,k,itheta,iphi
-  ! initializes
-  xlon(:) = ZERO
-  xlat(:) = ZERO
-  weight(:) = ZERO
-  ! checks cap degree size
-  if( CAP_DEGREE < TINYVAL ) then
-    ! no cap smoothing
-    print*,'error cap:',CAP_DEGREE
-    print*,'  lat/lon:',lat,lon
-    stop 'error cap_degree too small'
-  endif
-  ! pre-compute parameters
-  dtheta = 0.5d0 * CAP / dble(NTHETA)
-  dphi = TWO_PI / dble(NPHI)
-  cap_area = TWO_PI * ( ONE - dcos(CAP) )
-  dweight = CAP / dble(NTHETA) * dphi / cap_area
-  pi_over_nphi = PI/dble(NPHI)
-  ! colatitude/longitude in radian
-  theta = (90.0d0 - lat ) * DEGREES_TO_RADIANS
-  phi = lon * DEGREES_TO_RADIANS
-  sint = dsin(theta)
-  cost = dcos(theta)
-  sinp = dsin(phi)
-  cosp = dcos(phi)
-  ! set up rotation matrix to go from cap at North pole to cap around point of interest
-  rotation_matrix(1,1) = cosp*cost
-  rotation_matrix(1,2) = -sinp
-  rotation_matrix(1,3) = cosp*sint
-  rotation_matrix(2,1) = sinp*cost
-  rotation_matrix(2,2) = cosp
-  rotation_matrix(2,3) = sinp*sint
-  rotation_matrix(3,1) = -sint
-  rotation_matrix(3,2) = ZERO
-  rotation_matrix(3,3) = cost
-  ! calculates points over a cap at the North pole and rotates them to specified lat/lon point
-  i = 0
-  total = ZERO
-  do itheta = 1,NTHETA
-    theta = dble(2*itheta-1)*dtheta
-    cost = dcos(theta)
-    sint = dsin(theta)
-    wght = sint*dweight
-    do iphi = 1,NPHI
-      i = i+1
-      ! get the weight associated with this integration point (same for all phi)
-      weight(i) = wght
-      total = total + weight(i)
-      phi = dble(2*iphi-1)*pi_over_nphi
-      cosp = dcos(phi)
-      sinp = dsin(phi)
-      ! x,y,z coordinates of integration point in cap at North pole
-      xc(1) = sint*cosp
-      xc(2) = sint*sinp
-      xc(3) = cost
-      ! get x,y,z coordinates in cap around point of interest
-      do j=1,3
-        x(j) = ZERO
-        do k=1,3
-          x(j) = x(j)+rotation_matrix(j,k)*xc(k)
-        enddo
-      enddo
-      ! get latitude and longitude (degrees) of integration point
-      call xyz_2_rthetaphi_dble(x(1),x(2),x(3),r_rot,theta_rot,phi_rot)
-      call reduce(theta_rot,phi_rot)
-      xlat(i) = (PI_OVER_TWO - theta_rot) * RADIANS_TO_DEGREES
-      xlon(i) = phi_rot * RADIANS_TO_DEGREES
-      if(xlon(i) > 180.0d0) xlon(i) = xlon(i) - 360.0d0
-    enddo
-  enddo
-  if(abs(total - ONE) > 0.001d0) then
-    print*,'error cap:',total,CAP_DEGREE
-    stop 'error in cap integration for variable degree'
-  endif
+  ! value could be used for checking, but is unused so far...
+  thtp(CRUST_NP) = thtp(CRUST_NP) - thtp(1) - thtp(2)
-  end subroutine CAP_vardegree
+  end subroutine get_crust_2_0_structure
diff --git a/src/meshfem3D/model_crustmaps.f90 b/src/meshfem3D/model_crustmaps.f90
index 6935dbb..f365415 100644
--- a/src/meshfem3D/model_crustmaps.f90
+++ b/src/meshfem3D/model_crustmaps.f90
@@ -552,3 +552,176 @@
   end subroutine ibilinearmap
+! hash table to define the crustal type using an integer instead of characters
+! because working with integers in the rest of the routines results in much faster code
+  subroutine hash_crustal_type(crustaltype, ihash)
+    implicit none
+    character(len=2), intent(in) :: crustaltype
+    integer, intent(out) :: ihash
+    ihash = iachar(crustaltype(1:1)) + 128*iachar(crustaltype(2:2)) + 1
+  end subroutine hash_crustal_type
+  subroutine icolat_ilon(xlat,xlon,icolat,ilon)
+  implicit none
+! argument variables
+  double precision :: xlat,xlon
+  integer :: icolat,ilon
+  if(xlat > 90.0d0 .or. xlat < -90.0d0 .or. xlon > 180.0d0 .or. xlon < -180.0d0) &
+    stop 'error in latitude/longitude range in icolat_ilon'
+  icolat = int(1+( (90.d0-xlat)*0.5d0 ))
+  if(icolat == 91) icolat = 90
+  ilon = int(1+( (180.d0+xlon)*0.5d0 ))
+  if(ilon == 181) ilon = 1
+  if(icolat>90 .or. icolat<1) stop 'error in routine icolat_ilon'
+  if(ilon<1 .or. ilon>180) stop 'error in routine icolat_ilon'
+  end subroutine icolat_ilon
+  subroutine CAP_vardegree(lon,lat,xlon,xlat,weight,CAP_DEGREE,NTHETA,NPHI)
+! calculates weighting points to smooth around lon/lat location with
+! a smoothing range of CAP_DEGREE
+! The cap is rotated to the North Pole.
+! returns: xlon,xlat,weight
+  use constants
+  implicit none
+  ! sampling rate
+  integer :: NTHETA
+  integer :: NPHI
+  ! smoothing size (in degrees)
+  double precision :: CAP_DEGREE
+  ! argument variables
+  double precision :: lat,lon
+  double precision,dimension(NTHETA*NPHI) :: xlon,xlat,weight
+  ! local variables
+  double precision :: CAP
+  double precision :: theta,phi,sint,cost,sinp,cosp,wght,total
+  double precision :: r_rot,theta_rot,phi_rot
+  double precision :: rotation_matrix(3,3),x(3),xc(3)
+  double precision :: dtheta,dphi,cap_area,dweight,pi_over_nphi
+  integer :: i,j,k,itheta,iphi
+  ! initializes
+  xlon(:) = ZERO
+  xlat(:) = ZERO
+  weight(:) = ZERO
+  ! checks cap degree size
+  if( CAP_DEGREE < TINYVAL ) then
+    ! no cap smoothing
+    print*,'error cap:',CAP_DEGREE
+    print*,'  lat/lon:',lat,lon
+    stop 'error cap_degree too small'
+  endif
+  ! pre-compute parameters
+  dtheta = 0.5d0 * CAP / dble(NTHETA)
+  dphi = TWO_PI / dble(NPHI)
+  cap_area = TWO_PI * ( ONE - dcos(CAP) )
+  dweight = CAP / dble(NTHETA) * dphi / cap_area
+  pi_over_nphi = PI/dble(NPHI)
+  ! colatitude/longitude in radian
+  theta = (90.0d0 - lat ) * DEGREES_TO_RADIANS
+  phi = lon * DEGREES_TO_RADIANS
+  sint = dsin(theta)
+  cost = dcos(theta)
+  sinp = dsin(phi)
+  cosp = dcos(phi)
+  ! set up rotation matrix to go from cap at North pole to cap around point of interest
+  rotation_matrix(1,1) = cosp*cost
+  rotation_matrix(1,2) = -sinp
+  rotation_matrix(1,3) = cosp*sint
+  rotation_matrix(2,1) = sinp*cost
+  rotation_matrix(2,2) = cosp
+  rotation_matrix(2,3) = sinp*sint
+  rotation_matrix(3,1) = -sint
+  rotation_matrix(3,2) = ZERO
+  rotation_matrix(3,3) = cost
+  ! calculates points over a cap at the North pole and rotates them to specified lat/lon point
+  i = 0
+  total = ZERO
+  do itheta = 1,NTHETA
+    theta = dble(2*itheta-1)*dtheta
+    cost = dcos(theta)
+    sint = dsin(theta)
+    wght = sint*dweight
+    do iphi = 1,NPHI
+      i = i+1
+      ! get the weight associated with this integration point (same for all phi)
+      weight(i) = wght
+      total = total + weight(i)
+      phi = dble(2*iphi-1)*pi_over_nphi
+      cosp = dcos(phi)
+      sinp = dsin(phi)
+      ! x,y,z coordinates of integration point in cap at North pole
+      xc(1) = sint*cosp
+      xc(2) = sint*sinp
+      xc(3) = cost
+      ! get x,y,z coordinates in cap around point of interest
+      do j=1,3
+        x(j) = ZERO
+        do k=1,3
+          x(j) = x(j)+rotation_matrix(j,k)*xc(k)
+        enddo
+      enddo
+      ! get latitude and longitude (degrees) of integration point
+      call xyz_2_rthetaphi_dble(x(1),x(2),x(3),r_rot,theta_rot,phi_rot)
+      call reduce(theta_rot,phi_rot)
+      xlat(i) = (PI_OVER_TWO - theta_rot) * RADIANS_TO_DEGREES
+      xlon(i) = phi_rot * RADIANS_TO_DEGREES
+      if(xlon(i) > 180.0d0) xlon(i) = xlon(i) - 360.0d0
+    enddo
+  enddo
+  if(abs(total - ONE) > 0.001d0) then
+    print*,'error cap:',total,CAP_DEGREE
+    stop 'error in cap integration for variable degree'
+  endif
+  end subroutine CAP_vardegree

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