[cig-commits] [commit] devel, master: added utils/BuildBot/test_suite_for_BuildBot.py (e21ea2f)

cig_noreply at geodynamics.org cig_noreply at geodynamics.org
Thu Nov 6 08:27:15 PST 2014

Repository : https://github.com/geodynamics/specfem3d_globe

On branches: devel,master
Link       : https://github.com/geodynamics/specfem3d_globe/compare/bc58e579b3b0838a0968725a076f5904845437ca...be63f20cbb6f462104e949894dbe205d2398cd7f


commit e21ea2ffe05127e06dc547229fa9617f7f56559c
Author: Dimitri Komatitsch <komatitsch at lma.cnrs-mrs.fr>
Date:   Wed Jul 23 11:18:56 2014 +0200

    added utils/BuildBot/test_suite_for_BuildBot.py


 utils/BuildBot/test_suite_for_BuildBot.py | 160 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 160 insertions(+)

diff --git a/utils/BuildBot/test_suite_for_BuildBot.py b/utils/BuildBot/test_suite_for_BuildBot.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f5c65bf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/utils/BuildBot/test_suite_for_BuildBot.py
@@ -0,0 +1,160 @@
+#! /usr/bin/env python3
+### Author: Kevin Pouget, Grenoble, France, July 2014
+import queue
+import sh
+SOURCE_DIR = "/home/kevin/cl-specfem3d/SPECFEM3D_GLOBE"
+BUILD_DIR = "/home/kevin/specfem-testsuite"
+PAR_FILE = "DATA/Par_file"
+DEBUG = False
+to_import = ("cd", "mkdir", "make", "sed", "grep", "gnuplot", "{}/configure".format(SOURCE_DIR))
+def process_output(line):
+    print(line)
+def bake_echo(name):
+    def echo(*kwargs):
+        print("| {} {}".format(name, " ".join(kwargs)))
+        return "(running {} {})".format(name, " ".join(kwargs))
+    return echo
+for imp in to_import:
+    name = imp.rpartition("/")[-1]
+    globals()[name] = sh.__getattr__(imp) if not DEBUG else bake_echo(name)
+def lst_to_ctes(*lst):
+    for cte in lst:
+        globals()[cte.upper()] = cte
+    return lst
+CUDA_CONF = ["CUDA_INC=/usr/local/cuda-5.5.22/include/", "CUDA_LIB=/usr/local/cuda-5.5.22/lib64"]
+    OPENCL: ["--with-opencl"],
+    CUDA: ["--with-cuda=cuda5"] + CUDA_CONF,
+    BOTH: ["--with-opencl", "--with-cuda=cuda5"] + CUDA_CONF
+    }
+RUNTIMES = lst_to_ctes("opencl", "cuda", "both")
+    "GPU_MODE": ".true.",
+    "GPU_RUNTIME": "0",
+    "GPU_DEVICE": "Tesla"
+    }
+    OPENCL: "2",
+    CUDA: "1",
+    BOTH: "0"
+    }
+def analyze_results(scenarii):
+    cd(BUILD_DIR)
+    return
+    to_plot = []
+    seismo_glob = "{}/inout/OUTPUT_FILES/*.ascii".format(VERSIONS_TO_TEST[0])
+    to_plot.append("set terminal pdf")
+    to_plot.append("set output 'out.pdf'")
+    for seismo in sh.glob(seismo_glob):
+        plot = "plot "
+        for i, version in enumerate(VERSIONS_TO_TEST):
+            right_seismo = seismo.replace(VERSIONS_TO_TEST[0], version)
+            plot += "'{}' using 1:2 {}".format(right_seismo, "" if i == len(VERSIONS_TO_TEST) - 1 else ", ")
+        to_plot.append(plot)
+    to_plot.append("quit")
+    plotter = gnuplot(_in=[p+"\n" for p in to_plot])
+def set_config_options(options=CONFFILE_DEFAULT_OPT):
+    for opt, val in options.items():
+        sed("-i", "/{}/d".format(opt), PAR_FILE)
+        if DEBUG:
+            print("(add to {}: {} = {})".format(PAR_FILE, opt, val))
+            continue
+        with open(PAR_FILE, "a+") as par_file:
+            print("{} = {}".format(opt, val), file=par_file)
+class Scenario:
+    built_runtimes = []
+    scenarii = []
+    cpt = 0
+    def __init__(self, runtime, make_flags=[], config_options={}):
+        self.uid = Scenario.cpt
+        Scenario.cpt += 1
+        self.runtime = runtime
+        self.make_flags = make_flags
+        self.config_options = config_options
+        Scenario.scenarii.append(self)
+    def run(self):
+        print("------<Test #{}>----------".format(Scenario.cpt))
+        scenario.initialize_build_dir()
+        scenario.setup_environment()
+        scenario.run_execution()
+        print("------</Test #{}>----------\n".format(Scenario.cpt))
+    def initialize_build_dir(self):
+        if self.runtime in Scenario.built_runtimes:
+            set_config_options()
+            return
+        cd(BUILD_DIR)
+        mkdir("{}".format(self.runtime), "-p")
+        cd("{}".format(self.runtime))
+        print("Configure {}".format(self.runtime))
+        print(configure(CONFIGURE_OPT[self.runtime]))
+        set_config_options()
+        Scenario.built_runtimes.append(self.runtime)
+    def setup_environment(self):
+        print("prepare the example")
+        make("prepare-example")
+        set_config_options(self.config_options)
+        print("building the example")
+        cflags = "'{}'".format(" ".join(["-D{}".format(flag) for flag in self.make_flags])) if self.make_flags else ""
+        print(make("CFLAGS={}".format(cflags), _out=process_output, _err=process_output))
+        print(make("build-example", _out=process_output, _err=process_output))
+    def run_execution(self):
+        print("run the example")
+        print(make("run-example"))
+    def save_results(self):
+        print("save the results (TODO)")
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    mkdir(BUILD_DIR, "-p")
+    for rt in RUNTIMES:
+        if rt == OPENCL: continue
+        if rt == BOTH:
+            for each in (OPENCL, CUDA):
+                Scenario(rt, config_options={"GPU_RUNTIME" : GPU_RUNTIME_OPT[each]})
+            continue
+        Scenario(rt)
+        for flag in FLAGS:
+            Scenario(rt, [flag])
+    for scenario in Scenario.scenarii:
+        scenario.run()
+    analyze_results(Scenario.scenarii)

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