[cig-commits] [commit] devel, master: bug fixes combine_vol_data.F90 to be usable again with adios (0ebb7f4)

cig_noreply at geodynamics.org cig_noreply at geodynamics.org
Thu Nov 6 08:29:07 PST 2014

Repository : https://github.com/geodynamics/specfem3d_globe

On branches: devel,master
Link       : https://github.com/geodynamics/specfem3d_globe/compare/bc58e579b3b0838a0968725a076f5904845437ca...be63f20cbb6f462104e949894dbe205d2398cd7f


commit 0ebb7f4722762d88e82c79dcff5003cb87c335b1
Author: daniel peter <peterda at ethz.ch>
Date:   Thu Aug 21 20:38:02 2014 +0200

    bug fixes combine_vol_data.F90 to be usable again with adios


 Makefile.in                                     |  14 ++-
 src/auxiliaries/combine_vol_data.F90            | 160 ++++++++++++++----------
 src/auxiliaries/combine_vol_data_adios_impl.f90 | 159 ++++++++++++++++++-----
 src/auxiliaries/rules.mk                        |  16 +--
 4 files changed, 242 insertions(+), 107 deletions(-)

diff --git a/Makefile.in b/Makefile.in
index 31ae123..7114287 100644
--- a/Makefile.in
+++ b/Makefile.in
@@ -220,6 +220,13 @@ DEFAULT = \
 	xcreate_movie_GMT_global \
+ifeq ($(ADIOS), yes)
+DEFAULT += 	\
+	xcombine_vol_data_adios \
+	xcombine_vol_data_vtk_adios \
 all: default
 default: $(DEFAULT)
@@ -238,18 +245,21 @@ help:
 	@echo "usage: make [executable]"
 	@echo ""
 	@echo "supported executables:"
+	@echo "    xcreate_header_file"
 	@echo "    xmeshfem3D"
 	@echo "    xspecfem3D"
-	@echo "    xcreate_header_file"
 	@echo "    xcombine_vol_data"
 	@echo "    xcombine_vol_data_vtk"
+ifeq ($(ADIOS), yes)
 	@echo "    xcombine_vol_data_adios"
+	@echo "    xcombine_vol_data_vtk_adios"
 	@echo "    xcombine_surf_data"
 	@echo "    xcombine_AVS_DX"
-	@echo "    xcombine_paraview_strain_data"
 	@echo "    xconvolve_source_timefunction"
 	@echo "    xcreate_movie_AVS_DX"
 	@echo "    xcreate_movie_GMT_global"
+	@echo "    xcombine_paraview_strain_data"
 	@echo ""
 .PHONY: all default clean help
diff --git a/src/auxiliaries/combine_vol_data.F90 b/src/auxiliaries/combine_vol_data.F90
index 74494db..848637e 100644
--- a/src/auxiliaries/combine_vol_data.F90
+++ b/src/auxiliaries/combine_vol_data.F90
@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@
-program combine_vol_data_vtk
+program combine_vol_data
   ! outputs VTK files (ASCII format)
@@ -36,9 +36,6 @@ program combine_vol_data_vtk
   use adios_read_mod
   use combine_vol_data_adios_mod
-!!!!!!!! DK DK removed because this breaks the build system
-!!!!!!!! DK DK use calls to routines in src/shared/parallel.f90 instead
-!!!!!!!! DK DK   use mpi
   implicit none
@@ -46,25 +43,25 @@ program combine_vol_data_vtk
   include "OUTPUT_FILES/values_from_mesher.h"
   integer,parameter :: MAX_NUM_NODES = 2000
-  integer :: iregion, ir, irs, ire, ires
-  character(len=256) :: sline, arg(7), filename, in_topo_dir, in_file_dir, outdir
-  character(len=256) :: prname_topo, prname_file, dimension_file
+  integer :: ir, irs, ire, ires
+  character(len=256) :: arg(7), filename, outdir
   character(len=256) :: data_file, topo_file
   integer, dimension(MAX_NUM_NODES) :: node_list, nspec, nglob, npoint, nelement
-  integer iproc, num_node, i,j,k,ispec, ios, it, di, dj, dk
-  integer np, ne,  njunk
+  integer :: iproc, num_node, i,j,k,ispec, it, di, dj, dk
+  integer :: np, ne
+  integer :: ier
   real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL),dimension(NGLOB_CRUST_MANTLE) :: xstore, ystore, zstore
-  integer num_ibool(NGLOB_CRUST_MANTLE)
+  integer :: num_ibool(NGLOB_CRUST_MANTLE)
-  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL) x, y, z
-  real dat
-  integer numpoin, iglob, n1, n2, n3, n4, n5, n6, n7, n8
-  integer iglob1, iglob2, iglob3, iglob4, iglob5, iglob6, iglob7, iglob8
+  real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL) :: x, y, z
+  real :: dat
+  integer :: numpoin, iglob, n1, n2, n3, n4, n5, n6, n7, n8
+  integer :: iglob1, iglob2, iglob3, iglob4, iglob5, iglob6, iglob7, iglob8
   ! instead of taking the first value which appears for a global point, average the values
   ! if there are more than one GLL points for a global point (points on element corners, edges, faces)
   logical,parameter:: AVERAGE_GLOBALPOINTS = .false.
@@ -96,7 +93,6 @@ program combine_vol_data_vtk
 !!! .vtk specific !!!!!!!!!!!
   character(len=256) :: mesh_file
-  integer ier
   ! global point data
   real,dimension(:),allocatable :: total_dat
   real,dimension(:,:),allocatable :: total_dat_xyz
@@ -104,32 +100,51 @@ program combine_vol_data_vtk
-  integer :: sizeprocs, ierr, mpier
+  integer :: sizeprocs,myrank
   character(len=256) :: var_name, value_file_name, mesh_file_name
   integer(kind=8) :: value_handle, mesh_handle
+  integer :: iregion,njunk
+  character(len=256) :: prname_topo, prname_file, dimension_file
+  character(len=256) :: in_file_dir, in_topo_dir
+  character(len=256) :: sline
   ! starts here---------------------------------------------------------------
+  ! dummy initialization to avoid compiler warnings
+  ier = 0
+  ! ADIOS mpi initialization
-!!!!!!!! DK DK removed because this breaks the build system
-!!!!!!!! DK DK use calls to routines in src/shared/parallel.f90 instead
-!!!!!!!! DK DK added this
-  stop 'DK DK added this because this part of the code breaks the build system'
-!!!!!!!! DK DK removed because this breaks the build system  call MPI_Init(ierr)
-!!!!!!!! DK DK removed because this breaks the build system  call MPI_Comm_size(MPI_COMM_WORLD, sizeprocs, ierr)
-  print  *, sizeprocs, "procs"
+  ! starts mpi
+  call init_mpi()
+  call world_size(sizeprocs)
+  ! checks number of processes
+  ! note: must run as a single process with: mpirun -np 1 ..
   if (sizeprocs /= 1) then
-    print *, "sequential program. Only mpirun -np 1 ..."
-!!!!!!!! DK DK removed because this breaks the build system    call MPI_Abort(MPI_COMM_WORLD, mpier, ierr)
+    call world_rank(myrank)
+    ! usage info
+    if( myrank == 0 ) then
+      print *, "ADIOS requires MPI functionality. However, this program executes as sequential program."
+      print *, "Invalid number of processes used: ", sizeprocs, " procs"
+      print *
+      print *, "Please run: mpirun -np 1 ./bin/xcombine_vol_data_**_adios"
+    endif
+    call abort_mpi()
+  ! checks array sizes
              stop 'This program needs that NSPEC_CRUST_MANTLE > NSPEC_OUTER_CORE and NSPEC_INNER_CORE'
+  ! reads input arguments
 #ifndef ADIOS_INPUT
   do i = 1, 7
     call get_command_argument(i,arg(i))
+    ! usage info
     if (i < 7 .and. len_trim(arg(i)) == 0) then
       print *, ' '
       print *, ' Usage: xcombine_vol_data slice_list filename input_topo_dir input_file_dir '
@@ -161,21 +176,23 @@ program combine_vol_data_vtk
   ! get slices id
   num_node = 0
-  open(unit = 20, file = trim(arg(1)), status = 'old',iostat = ios)
-  if (ios /= 0) then
+  open(unit = 20, file = trim(arg(1)), status = 'old',iostat = ier)
+  if (ier /= 0) then
     print*,'no file: ',trim(arg(1))
     stop 'Error opening slices file'
   do while (1 == 1)
-    read(20,'(a)',iostat=ios) sline
-    if (ios /= 0) exit
-    read(sline,*,iostat=ios) njunk
-    if (ios /= 0) exit
+    read(20,'(a)',iostat=ier) sline
+    if (ier /= 0) exit
+    read(sline,*,iostat=ier) njunk
+    if (ier /= 0) exit
     num_node = num_node + 1
     node_list(num_node) = njunk
+  ! output info
   print *, 'slice list: '
   print *, node_list(1:num_node)
   print *, ' '
@@ -191,6 +208,7 @@ program combine_vol_data_vtk
   ! resolution
   read(arg(6),*) ires
+  ! ADIOS input arguments
   do i = 1, 7
     call get_command_argument(i,arg(i))
@@ -199,9 +217,11 @@ program combine_vol_data_vtk
                        outdir, ires, irs, ire)
   filename = var_name
-print *, irs, ire
+  ! output info
+  print *, 'regions: start =', irs, ' to end =', ire
+  ! sets up loop increments
   di = 0
   dj = 0
   dk = 0
@@ -221,10 +241,12 @@ print *, irs, ire
     dj = int((NGLLY-1)/2.0)
     dk = int((NGLLZ-1)/2.0)
+  ! output info
-    print *, ' high resolution ', HIGH_RESOLUTION_MESH
+    print *, 'using mesh with: high resolution'
-    print *, ' low resolution ', HIGH_RESOLUTION_MESH
+    print *, 'using mesh with: low resolution'
   ! sets up ellipticity splines in order to remove ellipticity from point coordinates
@@ -261,9 +283,9 @@ print *, irs, ire
       write(prname_file,'(a,i6.6,a,i1,a)') trim(in_file_dir)//'/proc',iproc,'_reg',ir,'_'
       dimension_file = trim(prname_topo) //'solver_data.bin'
-      open(unit = 27,file = trim(dimension_file),status='old',action='read', iostat = ios, form='unformatted')
-      if (ios /= 0) then
-       print*,'error ',ios
+      open(unit = 27,file = trim(dimension_file),status='old',action='read', iostat = ier, form='unformatted')
+      if (ier /= 0) then
+       print*,'error ',ier
        stop 'Error opening file'
@@ -271,8 +293,8 @@ print *, irs, ire
       read(27) nglob(it)
-      call read_scalars_adios_mesh(mesh_handle, iproc, ir, &
-                                   nglob(it), nspec(it))
+      ! adios reading
+      call read_scalars_adios_mesh(mesh_handle, iproc, ir, nglob(it), nspec(it))
       ! check
@@ -328,48 +350,56 @@ print *, irs, ire
     ! write points information
     do it = 1, num_node
+      ! gets slice id (process id)
       iproc = node_list(it)
+      ! initializes data values
       data(:,:,:,:) = -1.e10
+      ! output info
       print *, ' '
       print *, 'Reading slice ', iproc
+      ! reads in kernel/data values
 #ifndef ADIOS_INPUT
       write(prname_topo,'(a,i6.6,a,i1,a)') trim(in_topo_dir)//'/proc',iproc,'_reg',ir,'_'
       write(prname_file,'(a,i6.6,a,i1,a)') trim(in_file_dir)//'/proc',iproc,'_reg',ir,'_'
       ! filename.bin
       data_file = trim(prname_file) // trim(filename) // '.bin'
-      open(unit = 27,file = trim(data_file),status='old',action='read', iostat = ios,form ='unformatted')
-      if (ios /= 0) then
-        print*,'error ',ios
+      open(unit = 27,file = trim(data_file),status='old',action='read', iostat = ier,form ='unformatted')
+      if (ier /= 0) then
+        print*,'error ',ier
         stop 'Error opening file'
-      read(27,iostat=ios) data(:,:,:,1:nspec(it))
-      if( ios /= 0 ) then
-        print*,'read error ',ios
+      read(27,iostat=ier) data(:,:,:,1:nspec(it))
+      if( ier /= 0 ) then
+        print*,'read error ',ier
         stop 'error reading data'
-    call read_values_adios(value_handle, var_name, iproc, ir, nspec(it), data)
+      ! adios reading
+      call read_values_adios(value_handle, var_name, iproc, ir, nspec(it), data)
+      data_file = trim(var_name)
+      ! output info
       print *,trim(data_file)
       print *,'  min/max value: ',minval(data(:,:,:,1:nspec(it))),maxval(data(:,:,:,1:nspec(it)))
       print *
       ! topology file
+      ! reads in mesh coordinates and local-to-global mapping (ibool)
 #ifndef ADIOS_INPUT
       topo_file = trim(prname_topo) // 'solver_data.bin'
-      open(unit = 28,file = trim(topo_file),status='old',action='read', iostat = ios, form='unformatted')
-      if (ios /= 0) then
-       print*,'error ',ios
-       print*,'file:',trim(topo_file)
-       stop 'Error opening file'
+      open(unit = 28,file = trim(topo_file),status='old',action='read', iostat = ier, form='unformatted')
+      if (ier /= 0) then
+        print*,'error ',ier
+        print*,'file:',trim(topo_file)
+        stop 'Error opening file'
       xstore(:) = 0.0
       ystore(:) = 0.0
@@ -384,9 +414,8 @@ print *, irs, ire
       if (ir==3) read(28) idoubling_inner_core(1:nspec(it)) ! flag that can indicate fictitious elements
-      call read_coordinates_adios_mesh(mesh_handle, iproc, ir, &
-                                       nglob(it), nspec(it),   &
-                                       xstore, ystore, zstore, ibool)
+      ! adios reading
+      call read_coordinates_adios_mesh(mesh_handle, iproc, ir, nglob(it), nspec(it), xstore, ystore, zstore, ibool)
       print *, trim(topo_file)
@@ -616,8 +645,8 @@ print *, irs, ire
     ! VTK
     ! opens unstructured grid file
     write(mesh_file,'(a,i1,a)') trim(outdir)//'/' // 'reg_',ir,'_'//trim(filename)//'.vtk'
-    open(IOUT_VTK,file=mesh_file(1:len_trim(mesh_file)),status='unknown',iostat=ios)
-    if( ios /= 0 ) stop 'error opening VTK output file'
+    open(IOUT_VTK,file=mesh_file(1:len_trim(mesh_file)),status='unknown',iostat=ier)
+    if( ier /= 0 ) stop 'error opening VTK output file'
     write(IOUT_VTK,'(a)') '# vtk DataFile Version 3.1'
     write(IOUT_VTK,'(a)') 'material model VTK file'
     write(IOUT_VTK,'(a)') 'ASCII'
@@ -678,11 +707,8 @@ print *, irs, ire
   call clean_adios(value_handle, mesh_handle)
-!!!!!!!! DK DK removed because this breaks the build system
-!!!!!!!! DK DK use calls to routines in src/shared/parallel.f90 instead
-!!!!!!!! DK DK added this
-  stop 'DK DK added this because this part of the code breaks the build system'
-!!!!!!!! DK DK removed because this breaks the build system  call MPI_Finalize(ierr)
+  ! shuts down mpi
+  call finalize_mpi()
@@ -690,4 +716,4 @@ print *, irs, ire
   print *, ' '
-end program combine_vol_data_vtk
+end program combine_vol_data
diff --git a/src/auxiliaries/combine_vol_data_adios_impl.f90 b/src/auxiliaries/combine_vol_data_adios_impl.f90
index 95a1895..a4b88f8 100644
--- a/src/auxiliaries/combine_vol_data_adios_impl.f90
+++ b/src/auxiliaries/combine_vol_data_adios_impl.f90
@@ -26,38 +26,45 @@
 module combine_vol_data_adios_mod
   use adios_read_mod
-  use mpi
   implicit none
 !> Print help message.
 subroutine print_usage_adios()
+  implicit none
   print *, 'Usage: '
   print *, '   xcombine_data slice_list varname var_file mesh_file ' // &
            'output_dir high/low-resolution region'
   print *
   print *, '* possible varnames are '
-  print *, '   rho, rho, kappastore, mustore, alpha_kernel, etc'
+  print *, '   rho, vp, vs, kappastore, mustore, alpha_kl, beta_kl, etc'
   print *
   print *, '   that are stored in the local directory as ' // &
            'real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL) varname(NGLLX,NGLLY,NGLLZ,NSPEC)  '
-  print *, '   in var_file.bp'
+  print *, '   in a datafile var_file.bp'
   print *
-  print *, '* mesh_files are used to link variable to the topology'
-  print *, '* output_dir indicates where var_name.vtk will be written'
+  print *, '* mesh_files: are used to link variable to the topology (e.g. DATABASES_MPI/solver_data.bp)'
+  print *, '* output_dir: indicates where var_name.vtk will be written'
   print *, '* give 0 for low resolution and 1 for high resolution'
   print *
   stop ' Reenter command line options'
 end subroutine print_usage_adios
 !> Interpret command line arguments
 subroutine read_args_adios(arg, MAX_NUM_NODES, node_list, num_node,   &
                            var_name, value_file_name, mesh_file_name, &
                            outdir, ires, irs, ire)
   implicit none
   ! Arguments
   character(len=*), intent(in) :: arg(:)
@@ -70,8 +77,7 @@ subroutine read_args_adios(arg, MAX_NUM_NODES, node_list, num_node,   &
   character(len=256) :: sline
   integer :: ios, njunk, iregion
-  if ((command_argument_count() == 6) &
-     .or. (command_argument_count() == 7)) then
+  if ((command_argument_count() == 6) .or. (command_argument_count() == 7)) then
     num_node = 0
     open(unit = 20, file = trim(arg(1)), status = 'unknown',iostat = ios)
     if (ios /= 0) then
@@ -84,8 +90,7 @@ subroutine read_args_adios(arg, MAX_NUM_NODES, node_list, num_node,   &
       read(sline,*,iostat=ios) njunk
       if (ios /= 0) exit
       num_node = num_node + 1
-      if( num_node > MAX_NUM_NODES ) &
-          stop 'error number of slices exceeds MAX_NUM_NODES...'
+      if( num_node > MAX_NUM_NODES ) stop 'error number of slices exceeds MAX_NUM_NODES...'
       node_list(num_node) = njunk
@@ -116,27 +121,36 @@ end subroutine read_args_adios
 !> Open ADIOS value and mesh files, read mode
-subroutine init_adios(value_file_name, mesh_file_name, &
-                      value_handle, mesh_handle)
+subroutine init_adios(value_file_name, mesh_file_name, value_handle, mesh_handle)
   implicit none
   ! Parameters
   character(len=*), intent(in) :: value_file_name, mesh_file_name
   integer(kind=8), intent(out) :: value_handle, mesh_handle
   ! Variables
   integer :: ier
+  integer :: comm
-  call adios_read_init_method(ADIOS_READ_METHOD_BP, MPI_COMM_WORLD, "verbose=1", ier)
+  call world_get_comm(comm)
+  call adios_read_init_method(ADIOS_READ_METHOD_BP, comm, "verbose=1", ier)
+  if( ier /= 0 ) stop 'error in adios_read_init_method()'
+  call adios_read_open_file(mesh_handle, trim(mesh_file_name), 0, comm, ier)
+  if( ier /= 0 ) stop 'error opening adios mesh file with adios_read_open_file()'
+  call adios_read_open_file(value_handle, trim(value_file_name), 0, comm, ier)
+  if( ier /= 0 ) stop 'error opening value file with adios_read_open_file()'
-  call adios_read_open_file(mesh_handle, trim(mesh_file_name), 0, &
-                            MPI_COMM_WORLD, ier)
-  call adios_read_open_file(value_handle, trim(value_file_name), 0, &
-                            MPI_COMM_WORLD, ier)
 end subroutine init_adios
 !> Open ADIOS value and mesh files, read mode
 subroutine clean_adios(value_handle, mesh_handle)
   implicit none
   ! Parameters
   integer(kind=8), intent(in) :: value_handle, mesh_handle
@@ -150,7 +164,9 @@ end subroutine clean_adios
 subroutine read_scalars_adios_mesh(mesh_handle, iproc, ir, nglob, nspec)
   implicit none
   ! Parameters
   integer(kind=8), intent(in) :: mesh_handle
@@ -164,15 +180,26 @@ subroutine read_scalars_adios_mesh(mesh_handle, iproc, ir, nglob, nspec)
   write(reg_name, '(a,i1)') trim("reg"), ir
   call adios_selection_writeblock(sel, iproc)
-  call adios_schedule_read(mesh_handle, sel, trim(reg_name) // "/nglob", &
-                           0, 1, nglob, ier)
-  call adios_schedule_read(mesh_handle, sel, trim(reg_name) // "/nspec", &
-                           0, 1, nspec, ier)
+  call adios_schedule_read(mesh_handle, sel, trim(reg_name) // "/nglob", 0, 1, nglob, ier)
+  if( ier /= 0 ) then
+    print*
+    print* ,'error adios: could not read parameter: ',trim(reg_name) // "/nglob"
+    print* ,'             please check if your input mesh file is correct...'
+    print*
+    stop 'error adios adios_schedule_read() for nglob'
+  endif
+  call adios_schedule_read(mesh_handle, sel, trim(reg_name) // "/nspec", 0, 1, nspec, ier)
+  if( ier /= 0 ) stop 'error adios adios_schedule_read() for nspec'
   call adios_perform_reads(mesh_handle, ier)
+  if( ier /= 0 ) stop 'error adios: perform reading nglob and nspec failed'
 end subroutine read_scalars_adios_mesh
 subroutine read_coordinates_adios_mesh(mesh_handle, iproc, ir, nglob, nspec, &
                                        xstore, ystore, zstore, ibool)
   use constants
@@ -195,10 +222,22 @@ subroutine read_coordinates_adios_mesh(mesh_handle, iproc, ir, nglob, nspec, &
   call adios_schedule_read(mesh_handle, sel_scalar,          &
                            trim(reg_name) // "ibool/offset", &
                            0, 1, offset_ibool, ier)
+  if( ier /= 0 ) then
+    print*
+    print* ,'error adios: could not read parameter: ',trim(reg_name) // "ibool/offset"
+    print* ,'             please check if your input mesh file is correct...'
+    print*
+    stop 'error adios adios_schedule_read() for ibool/offset'
+  endif
   call adios_schedule_read(mesh_handle, sel_scalar,             &
                            trim(reg_name) // "x_global/offset", &
                            0, 1, offset_coord, ier)
+  if( ier /= 0 ) stop 'error adios: reading x_global/offset'
   call adios_perform_reads(mesh_handle, ier)
+  if( ier /= 0 ) stop 'error adios: perform reading mesh file offsets failed'
   start(1) = offset_ibool
   count_ad(1) = NGLLX * NGLLY * NGLLZ * nspec
@@ -224,8 +263,10 @@ end subroutine read_coordinates_adios_mesh
-subroutine read_values_adios(value_handle, var_name, iproc, ir, &
-                             nspec, data)
+!> reads in data from ADIOS value file
+subroutine read_values_adios(value_handle, var_name, iproc, ir, nspec, data)
   use constants
   implicit none
@@ -235,26 +276,84 @@ subroutine read_values_adios(value_handle, var_name, iproc, ir, &
   integer, intent(in) :: iproc, ir, nspec
   real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL), dimension(:,:,:,:), intent(inout) :: data
   ! Variables
-  character(len=256) :: reg_name
   integer(kind=8), dimension(1) :: start, count_ad
   integer(kind=8) :: sel
   integer :: offset, ier
+  character(len=256) :: data_name
+  character(len=8) :: reg_name
+  logical :: is_kernel
+  ! note: we can either visualize 
+  !         wavespeed arrays (in DATABASES_MPI/solver_meshfiles.bp)
+  !                          (e.g. rho,vp,vs,vph,vpv,vsh,..)
+  !       or
+  !         sensitivity kernels (in OUTPUT_FILES/kernels.bp)
+  !                             (e.g. rho_kl,alpha_kl,beta_kl,alphah_kl,alphav_kl,betah_kl,..)
+  !
+  !       unfortunately, they have different naming conventions for different Earth regions:
+  !        - wavespeed arrays: reg1/vp/, reg2/vp/, reg3/vp/, ..
+  !        - kernels: alpha_kl_crust_mantle/, alpha_kl_outer_core/, alpha_kl_inner_core/,..
+  ! here we try to estimate the type by the ending of the variable name given by the user, 
+  ! i.e. if the ending is "_kl" we assume it is a kernel name
+  !
+  is_kernel = .false.
+  if( len_trim(var_name) > 3 ) then
+    if( var_name(len_trim(var_name)-2:len_trim(var_name)) == '_kl' ) then
+      is_kernel = .true.
+    endif
+  endif
-  write(reg_name, '(a,i1, a)') trim("reg"), ir, "/"
+  ! determines full data array name
+  if( is_kernel ) then
+    ! for kernel name: alpha_kl, .. , **_kl only:
+    ! adds region name to get kernel_name
+    ! for example: var_name = "alpha_kl" -> alpha_kl_crust_mantle
+    !
+    ! note: this must match the naming convention used
+    !       in file save_kernels_adios.F90
+    select case( ir )
+      data_name = trim(var_name) // "_crust_mantle"
+      data_name = trim(var_name) // "_outer_core"
+      data_name = trim(var_name) // "_inner_core"
+    case default
+      stop 'error wrong region code in read_values_adios() routine'
+    end select
+  else
+    ! for wavespeed name: rho,vp,..
+    ! adds region name: var_name = "rho" -> reg1/rho
+    write(reg_name, '(a,i1, a)') trim("reg"), ir, "/"
+    data_name = trim(reg_name) // trim(var_name)
+  endif
+  ! reads in data offset
   call adios_selection_writeblock(sel, iproc)
-  call adios_schedule_read(value_handle, sel,                             &
-                           trim(reg_name) // trim(var_name) // "/offset", &
-                           0, 1, offset, ier)
+  call adios_schedule_read(value_handle, sel, trim(data_name) // "/offset", 0, 1, offset, ier)
+  if( ier /= 0 ) then
+    print*
+    print* ,'error adios: could not read parameter: ',trim(data_name) // "/offset"
+    print* ,'             please check if your input data file is correct...'
+    print*
+    stop 'error adios adios_schedule_read() for data offset'
+  endif
   call adios_perform_reads(value_handle, ier)
+  if( ier /= 0 ) stop 'error adios: perform reading data offset failed'
+  ! reads in data array
   start(1) = offset
   count_ad(1) = NGLLX * NGLLY * NGLLZ * nspec
   call adios_selection_boundingbox (sel , 1, start, count_ad)
-  call adios_schedule_read(value_handle, sel, &
-                           trim(reg_name) // trim(var_name) // "/array", 0, 1,&
-                           data, ier)
+  call adios_schedule_read(value_handle, sel, trim(data_name) // "/array", 0, 1, data, ier)
+  if( ier /= 0 ) stop 'error adios reading data array'
   call adios_perform_reads(value_handle, ier)
+  if( ier /= 0 ) stop 'error adios perform reading of data array'
 end subroutine read_values_adios
 end module combine_vol_data_adios_mod
diff --git a/src/auxiliaries/rules.mk b/src/auxiliaries/rules.mk
index 9f3df67..cbdde73 100644
--- a/src/auxiliaries/rules.mk
+++ b/src/auxiliaries/rules.mk
@@ -104,10 +104,10 @@ ${E}/xcombine_paraview_strain_data: $(auxiliaries_SHARED_OBJECTS) $O/combine_par
 ${E}/xcombine_vol_data: $(auxiliaries_SHARED_OBJECTS) $O/combine_vol_data.auxsolver.o $O/binary_c_io.cc.o $O/combine_vol_data_shared.aux.o
 	${FCCOMPILE_CHECK} -o $@ $+
-${E}/xcombine_vol_data_adios: $(auxiliaries_SHARED_OBJECTS) $O/combine_vol_data_adios_impl.auxmpi.o $O/combine_vol_data.auxadios.o $O/binary_c_io.cc.o $O/combine_vol_data_shared.aux.o
+${E}/xcombine_vol_data_adios: $(auxiliaries_SHARED_OBJECTS) $O/combine_vol_data_adios_impl.auxmpi.o $O/combine_vol_data.auxadios.o $O/binary_c_io.cc.o $O/combine_vol_data_shared.aux.o $O/parallel.sharedmpi.o
-${E}/xcombine_vol_data_vtk_adios: $(auxiliaries_SHARED_OBJECTS) $O/combine_vol_data_adios_impl.auxmpi.o $O/combine_vol_data.auxadios_vtk.o $O/binary_c_io.cc.o $O/combine_vol_data_shared.aux.o
+${E}/xcombine_vol_data_vtk_adios: $(auxiliaries_SHARED_OBJECTS) $O/combine_vol_data_adios_impl.auxmpi.o $O/combine_vol_data.auxadios_vtk.o $O/binary_c_io.cc.o $O/combine_vol_data_shared.aux.o $O/parallel.sharedmpi.o
 ${E}/xcombine_vol_data_vtk: $(auxiliaries_SHARED_OBJECTS) $O/combine_vol_data.auxsolver_vtk.o $O/binary_c_io.cc.o $O/combine_vol_data_shared.aux.o
@@ -151,8 +151,8 @@ $O/%.aux.o: $S/%.f90 $O/shared_par.shared_module.o ${OUTPUT}/values_from_mesher.
 $O/%.auxsolver.o: $S/%.f90 ${OUTPUT}/values_from_mesher.h $O/shared_par.shared_module.o
 	${FCCOMPILE_CHECK} ${FCFLAGS_f90} -c -o $@ $<
-$O/%.auxmpi.o: $S/%.f90 ${OUTPUT}/values_from_mesher.h $O/shared_par.shared_module.o
-	${MPIFCCOMPILE_CHECK} ${FCFLAGS_f90} -c -o $@ $<
+$O/%.auxmpi.o: $S/%.f90 ${OUTPUT}/values_from_mesher.h $O/shared_par.shared_module.o $O/parallel.sharedmpi.o
+	${FCCOMPILE_CHECK} ${FCFLAGS_f90} -c -o $@ $<
 $O/%.auxsolver.o: $S/%.F90 ${OUTPUT}/values_from_mesher.h $O/shared_par.shared_module.o
 	${FCCOMPILE_CHECK} ${FCFLAGS_f90} -c -o $@ $<
@@ -160,8 +160,8 @@ $O/%.auxsolver.o: $S/%.F90 ${OUTPUT}/values_from_mesher.h $O/shared_par.shared_m
 $O/%.auxsolver_vtk.o: $S/%.F90 ${OUTPUT}/values_from_mesher.h $O/shared_par.shared_module.o
-$O/%.auxadios.o: $S/%.F90 ${OUTPUT}/values_from_mesher.h $O/shared_par.shared_module.o
+$O/%.auxadios.o: $S/%.F90 ${OUTPUT}/values_from_mesher.h $O/shared_par.shared_module.o $O/parallel.sharedmpi.o
-$O/%.auxadios_vtk.o: $S/%.F90 ${OUTPUT}/values_from_mesher.h $O/shared_par.shared_module.o
+$O/%.auxadios_vtk.o: $S/%.F90 ${OUTPUT}/values_from_mesher.h $O/shared_par.shared_module.o $O/parallel.sharedmpi.o

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