[cig-commits] [commit] devel: Modif HEX27 (7d2d571)

cig_noreply at geodynamics.org cig_noreply at geodynamics.org
Thu Nov 20 10:08:12 PST 2014

Repository : https://github.com/geodynamics/specfem3d

On branch  : devel
Link       : https://github.com/geodynamics/specfem3d/compare/b43c63c4cea034e3e6f647cebc591fb4c2ab3894...fb5ff57e01f82037a9b22ebd3c3c184e9e4f14f6


commit 7d2d5716e892a9483a247e2157e6dba4a4888ed8
Author: Clément Durochat <c.durochat at gmail.com>
Date:   Wed Nov 12 11:09:30 2014 +0100

    Modif HEX27


 src/meshfem3D/earth_chunk_HEX27_Mesher.f90 | 595 +----------------------------
 src/meshfem3D/earth_chunk_ReadIasp91.f90   |   5 +-
 2 files changed, 4 insertions(+), 596 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/meshfem3D/earth_chunk_HEX27_Mesher.f90 b/src/meshfem3D/earth_chunk_HEX27_Mesher.f90
index 2638757..4b276be 100644
--- a/src/meshfem3D/earth_chunk_HEX27_Mesher.f90
+++ b/src/meshfem3D/earth_chunk_HEX27_Mesher.f90
@@ -809,597 +809,4 @@
   end subroutine earth_chunk_HEX27_Mesher
-! compute the Euler angles and the associated rotation matrix
-  implicit none
-  !include "constants.h"
-  double precision rotation_matrix(3,3)
-  double precision alpha,beta,gamma
-  double precision sina,cosa,sinb,cosb,sing,cosg
-  double precision DEGREES_TO_RADIANS
-  DEGREES_TO_RADIANS = 3.141592653589793d0/180.d0
-! compute colatitude and longitude and convert to radians
-  sina = dsin(alpha)
-  cosa = dcos(alpha)
-  sinb = dsin(beta)
-  cosb = dcos(beta)
-  sing = dsin(gamma)
-  cosg = dcos(gamma)
-! define rotation matrix
-  rotation_matrix(1,1) = cosg*cosb*cosa-sing*sina
-  rotation_matrix(1,2) = -sing*cosb*cosa-cosg*sina
-  rotation_matrix(1,3) = sinb*cosa
-  rotation_matrix(2,1) = cosg*cosb*sina+sing*cosa
-  rotation_matrix(2,2) = -sing*cosb*sina+cosg*cosa
-  rotation_matrix(2,3) = sinb*sina
-  rotation_matrix(3,1) = -cosg*sinb
-  rotation_matrix(3,2) = sing*sinb
-  rotation_matrix(3,3) = cosb
-  end subroutine euler_angles
-  subroutine write_gllz_points(xstore,ystore,zstore,NGLLX,NGLLY,NGLLZ,current_layer,nel_depth,ilayer,iz,Ndepth)
-  implicit none
-  integer NGLLX,NGLLY,NGLLZ,nel_depth,iz,Ndepth
-  double precision xstore(NGLLX,NGLLY,NGLLZ),ystore(NGLLX,NGLLY,NGLLZ),zstore(NGLLX,NGLLY,NGLLZ)
-  double precision profondeur
-  integer current_layer(0:nel_depth-1),ilayer,k
-  !write(*,*) ilayer,  current_layer(iz)
-  !profondeur = dsqrt(xstore(1,1,k)**2 + ystore(1,1,k)**2 + (zstore(1,1,k) )**2 )
-  !write(27,*) profondeur/1000., ilayer
-  if (ilayer ==  current_layer(iz)) then
-     do k=2,NGLLZ
-        profondeur = dsqrt(xstore(1,1,k)**2 + ystore(1,1,k)**2 + (zstore(1,1,k) )**2 )
-        write(27,*) profondeur/1000., ilayer-1,1
-        Ndepth=Ndepth+1
-     enddo
-  else ! new layer
-     k=1
-     profondeur = dsqrt(xstore(1,1,k)**2 + ystore(1,1,k)**2 + (zstore(1,1,k) )**2 )
-     if (ilayer==0) then
-        ilayer =  current_layer(iz)
-        write(27,*)  profondeur/1000., ilayer-1,1
-        Ndepth=Ndepth+1
-     else
-        ilayer =  current_layer(iz)
-        write(27,*)  profondeur/1000., ilayer-1,-1
-        Ndepth=Ndepth+1
-     endif
-     do k=2,NGLLZ ! on duplique le dernier point
-        profondeur = dsqrt(xstore(1,1,k)**2 + ystore(1,1,k)**2 + (zstore(1,1,k) )**2 )
-        write(27,*)  profondeur/1000., ilayer-1,1
-        Ndepth=Ndepth+1
-     enddo
-  endif
-  end subroutine write_gllz_points
-  subroutine write_recdepth_dsm(Ndepth,R_EARTH,MESH)
-  implicit none
-  integer Ndepth,i
-  double precision R_EARTH,prof
-  double precision, allocatable :: z(:)
-  integer, allocatable :: zindex(:),ziflag(:)
-  integer ilayer,flag
-  character(len=10) MESH
-  open(27,file=trim(MESH)//'.recdepth')
-  allocate(zindex(Ndepth),ziflag(Ndepth))
-  allocate(z(Ndepth))
-  do i=1,Ndepth
-     read(27,*) prof,ilayer,flag
-     z(Ndepth-i+1)=R_EARTH/1000.d0-prof
-     zindex(Ndepth-i+1)=ilayer
-     ziflag(Ndepth-i+1)=flag
-  enddo
-  close(27)
-  open(27,file=trim(MESH)//'recdepth')
-  write(27,*) Ndepth
-  i=1
-  write(27,*) z(i),zindex(i),ziflag(i)
-  do i=2,Ndepth-1
-     if (ziflag(i-1) == -1 ) then
-        write(27,*) z(i),zindex(i),-1
-     else
-         write(27,*) z(i),zindex(i),1
-     endif
-  enddo
-  i=Ndepth
-  write(27,*) z(i),zindex(i),ziflag(i)
-end subroutine write_recdepth_dsm
-  subroutine write_stxmin(xstore,ystore,zstore,NGLLX,NGLLY,NGLLZ,rotation_matrix,test)
-  implicit none
-  integer NDIM,NGLLX,NGLLY,NGLLZ,jgll,i,j,NGLLY_eff
-  double precision xstore(NGLLX,NGLLY,NGLLZ),ystore(NGLLX,NGLLY,NGLLZ),zstore(NGLLX,NGLLY,NGLLZ)
-  double precision rotation_matrix(3,3)
-  double precision vector_ori(3),vector_rotated(3)
-  double precision rayon,x,y,z,deg2rad,long,lati
-  logical test
-  deg2rad=3.141592653589793d0/180.d0
-  NDIM=3
-  if (test) then
-     NGLLY_eff = NGLLY
-  else
-     NGLLY_eff = NGLLY - 1
-  endif
-  do jgll=1,NGLLY_eff
-     vector_ori(1)=xstore(1,jgll,NGLLZ)
-     vector_ori(2)=ystore(1,jgll,NGLLZ)
-     vector_ori(3)=zstore(1,jgll,NGLLZ)
-     do i = 1,NDIM
-        vector_rotated(i) = 0.d0
-        do j = 1,NDIM
-           vector_rotated(i) = vector_rotated(i) + rotation_matrix(i,j)*vector_ori(j)
-        enddo
-     enddo
-     x=vector_rotated(1);y=vector_rotated(2);z=vector_rotated(3)
-     rayon = dsqrt(vector_rotated(1)**2 + vector_rotated(2)**2 + vector_rotated(3)**2)
-      long=atan2(y,x)
-      lati=asin(z/rayon)
-      ! passage de geocentique à géographique
-      !!theta = PI/2.D0 - lati
-      ! convert the geocentric colatitude to a geographic colatitude
-      !!colat = PI/2.0d0 - datan(1.006760466d0*dcos(theta)/dmax1(TINYVAL,dsin(theta)))
-      !!lati =   PI/2.0d0 - colat
-      !write(28,*) xstore(1,jgll,NGLLZ), ystore(1,jgll,NGLLZ), zstore(1,jgll,NGLLZ)!x,y !long/deg2rad,lati/deg2rad
-      write(28,*) long/deg2rad,lati/deg2rad !,rayon/1000
-      !write(38,'()') 1,(NGLLY-1)*jy_elm+jgll
-       write(49,*)
-       write(49,*)     vector_ori(:)
-       write(49,*)     vector_rotated(:)
-  enddo
-  end subroutine write_stxmin
-  subroutine write_stxmax(xstore,ystore,zstore,NGLLX,NGLLY,NGLLZ,rotation_matrix,test)
-  implicit none
-  integer NDIM,NGLLX,NGLLY,NGLLZ,jgll,i,j,NGLLY_eff
-  double precision xstore(NGLLX,NGLLY,NGLLZ),ystore(NGLLX,NGLLY,NGLLZ),zstore(NGLLX,NGLLY,NGLLZ)
-  double precision rotation_matrix(3,3)
-  double precision vector_ori(3),vector_rotated(3)
-  double precision rayon,x,y,z,deg2rad,long,lati
-  logical test
-  if (test) then
-     NGLLY_eff = NGLLY
-  else
-     NGLLY_eff = NGLLY - 1
-  endif
-  deg2rad=3.141592653589793d0/180.d0
-  NDIM=3
-  do jgll=1,NGLLY_eff
-     vector_ori(1)=xstore(NGLLX,jgll,NGLLZ)
-     vector_ori(2)=ystore(NGLLX,jgll,NGLLZ)
-     vector_ori(3) =zstore(NGLLX,jgll,NGLLZ)
-     do i = 1,NDIM
-        vector_rotated(i) = 0.d0
-        do j = 1,NDIM
-           vector_rotated(i) = vector_rotated(i) + rotation_matrix(i,j)*vector_ori(j)
-        enddo
-     enddo
-     x=vector_rotated(1);y=vector_rotated(2);z=vector_rotated(3)
-     rayon = dsqrt(vector_rotated(1)**2 + vector_rotated(2)**2 + vector_rotated(3)**2)
-      long=atan2(y,x)
-      lati=asin(z/rayon)
-      ! passage de geocentique à géographique
-      !!theta = PI/2.D0 - lati
-      ! convert the geocentric colatitude to a geographic colatitude
-      !!colat = PI/2.0d0 - datan(1.006760466d0*dcos(theta)/dmax1(TINYVAL,dsin(theta)))
-      !!lati =   PI/2.0d0 - colat
-      !write(28,*) xstore(1,jgll,NGLLZ), ystore(1,jgll,NGLLZ), zstore(1,jgll,NGLLZ)!x,y !long/deg2rad,lati/deg2rad
-      write(29,*) long/deg2rad,lati/deg2rad !,rayon/1000
-  enddo
-  end subroutine write_stxmax
-  subroutine write_stymin(xstore,ystore,zstore,NGLLX,NGLLY,NGLLZ,rotation_matrix,test)
-  implicit none
-  integer NDIM,NGLLX,NGLLY,NGLLZ,jgll,i,j,NGLLX_eff
-  double precision xstore(NGLLX,NGLLY,NGLLZ),ystore(NGLLX,NGLLY,NGLLZ),zstore(NGLLX,NGLLY,NGLLZ)
-  double precision rotation_matrix(3,3)
-  double precision vector_ori(3),vector_rotated(3)
-  double precision rayon,x,y,z,deg2rad,long,lati
-  logical test
-  deg2rad=3.141592653589793d0/180.d0
-  NDIM=3
-   if (test) then
-     NGLLX_eff = NGLLX
-  else
-     NGLLX_eff = NGLLX - 1
-  endif
-  do jgll=1,NGLLX_eff
-     vector_ori(1)=xstore(jgll,1,NGLLZ)
-     vector_ori(2)=ystore(jgll,1,NGLLZ)
-     vector_ori(3) =zstore(jgll,1,NGLLZ)
-     do i = 1,NDIM
-        vector_rotated(i) = 0.d0
-        do j = 1,NDIM
-           vector_rotated(i) = vector_rotated(i) + rotation_matrix(i,j)*vector_ori(j)
-        enddo
-     enddo
-     x=vector_rotated(1);y=vector_rotated(2);z=vector_rotated(3)
-     rayon = dsqrt(vector_rotated(1)**2 + vector_rotated(2)**2 + vector_rotated(3)**2)
-      long=atan2(y,x)
-      lati=asin(z/rayon)
-      ! passage de geocentique à géographique
-      !!theta = PI/2.D0 - lati
-      ! convert the geocentric colatitude to a geographic colatitude
-      !!colat = PI/2.0d0 - datan(1.006760466d0*dcos(theta)/dmax1(TINYVAL,dsin(theta)))
-      !!lati =   PI/2.0d0 - colat
-      !write(28,*) xstore(1,jgll,NGLLZ), ystore(1,jgll,NGLLZ), zstore(1,jgll,NGLLZ)!x,y !long/deg2rad,lati/deg2rad
-      write(30,*) long/deg2rad,lati/deg2rad !,rayon/1000
-  enddo
-  end subroutine write_stymin
-  subroutine write_stymax(xstore,ystore,zstore,NGLLX,NGLLY,NGLLZ,rotation_matrix,test)
-  implicit none
-  integer NDIM,NGLLX,NGLLY,NGLLZ,jgll,i,j,NGLLX_eff
-  double precision xstore(NGLLX,NGLLY,NGLLZ),ystore(NGLLX,NGLLY,NGLLZ),zstore(NGLLX,NGLLY,NGLLZ)
-  double precision rotation_matrix(3,3)
-  double precision vector_ori(3),vector_rotated(3)
-  double precision rayon,x,y,z,deg2rad,long,lati
-  logical test
-  if (test) then
-     NGLLX_eff = NGLLX
-  else
-     NGLLX_eff = NGLLX - 1
-  endif
-  deg2rad=3.141592653589793d0/180.d0
-  NDIM=3
-  do jgll=1,NGLLX_eff
-     vector_ori(1)=xstore(jgll,NGLLY,NGLLZ)
-     vector_ori(2)=ystore(jgll,NGLLY,NGLLZ)
-     vector_ori(3) =zstore(jgll,NGLLY,NGLLZ)
-     do i = 1,NDIM
-        vector_rotated(i) = 0.d0
-        do j = 1,NDIM
-           vector_rotated(i) = vector_rotated(i) + rotation_matrix(i,j)*vector_ori(j)
-        enddo
-     enddo
-     x=vector_rotated(1);y=vector_rotated(2);z=vector_rotated(3)
-     rayon = dsqrt(vector_rotated(1)**2 + vector_rotated(2)**2 + vector_rotated(3)**2)
-      long=atan2(y,x)
-      lati=asin(z/rayon)
-      ! passage de geocentique à géographique
-      !!theta = PI/2.D0 - lati
-      ! convert the geocentric colatitude to a geographic colatitude
-      !!colat = PI/2.0d0 - datan(1.006760466d0*dcos(theta)/dmax1(TINYVAL,dsin(theta)))
-      !!lati =   PI/2.0d0 - colat
-      !write(28,*) xstore(1,jgll,NGLLZ), ystore(1,jgll,NGLLZ), zstore(1,jgll,NGLLZ)!x,y !long/deg2rad,lati/deg2rad
-      write(31,*) long/deg2rad,lati/deg2rad !,rayon/1000
-  enddo
-  end subroutine write_stymax
-  subroutine store_zmin_points(xstore,ystore,zstore,NGLLX,NGLLY,NGLLZ,rotation_matrix,&
-             lon_zmin,lat_zmin,nlon_dsm,nlat_dsm,ilon,ilat)
-  implicit none
-  integer NDIM,NGLLX,NGLLY,NGLLZ,igll,jgll,i,j
-  integer ilon,ilat,iglob,jglob,nlat_dsm,nlon_dsm
-  double precision xstore(NGLLX,NGLLY,NGLLZ),ystore(NGLLX,NGLLY,NGLLZ),zstore(NGLLX,NGLLY,NGLLZ)
-  double precision rotation_matrix(3,3)
-  double precision vector_ori(3),vector_rotated(3)
-  double precision rayon,x,y,z,deg2rad,long,lati
-  double precision lon_zmin(nlon_dsm,nlat_dsm),lat_zmin(nlon_dsm,nlat_dsm)
-  deg2rad=3.141592653589793d0/180.d0
-  NDIM=3
-  do jgll=1,NGLLY
-     do igll=1,NGLLX
-        vector_ori(1)=xstore(igll,jgll,1)
-        vector_ori(2)=ystore(igll,jgll,1)
-        vector_ori(3) =zstore(igll,jgll,1)
-        do i = 1,NDIM
-           vector_rotated(i) = 0.d0
-           do j = 1,NDIM
-              vector_rotated(i) = vector_rotated(i) + rotation_matrix(i,j)*vector_ori(j)
-           enddo
-        enddo
-        x=vector_rotated(1);y=vector_rotated(2);z=vector_rotated(3)
-        rayon = dsqrt(vector_rotated(1)**2 + vector_rotated(2)**2 + vector_rotated(3)**2)
-        long=atan2(y,x)
-        lati=asin(z/rayon)
-      ! passage de geocentique à géographique
-      !!theta = PI/2.D0 - lati
-      ! convert the geocentric colatitude to a geographic colatitude
-      !!colat = PI/2.0d0 - datan(1.006760466d0*dcos(theta)/dmax1(TINYVAL,dsin(theta)))
-      !!lati =   PI/2.0d0 - colat
-      !write(28,*) xstore(1,jgll,NGLLZ), ystore(1,jgll,NGLLZ), zstore(1,jgll,NGLLZ)!x,y !long/deg2rad,lati/deg2rad
-      !write(31,*) long/deg2rad,lati/deg2rad !,rayon/1000
-        iglob=(ilon)*(NGLLX-1)+igll
-        jglob=(ilat)*(NGLLY-1)+jgll
-        lon_zmin(iglob,jglob)= long/deg2rad
-        lat_zmin(iglob,jglob)= lati/deg2rad
-        !write(32,'(3f20.10)') xstore(igll,jgll,1)/1000.d0, ystore(igll,jgll,1)/1000.d0,zstore(igll,jgll,1)/1000.d0
-        !write(32,*) xstore(igll,jgll,NGLLZ), ystore(igll,igll,NGLLZ),zstore(igll,jgll,NGLLZ)
-     enddo
-  enddo
-  end subroutine store_zmin_points
-  subroutine write_stzmin(x,y,nx,ny,MESH)
-  implicit none
-  integer i,j,nx,ny
-  double precision x(nx,ny),y(nx,ny)
-  character(len=10) MESH
-  open(27,file=trim(MESH)//'stzmin')
-  write(27,*) nx*ny
-  do j=1,ny
-     do i=1,nx
-        write(27,*) x(i,j),y(i,j)
-     enddo
-  enddo
-  close(27)
-  end subroutine write_stzmin
-  subroutine write_Igm_file(iunit,ispec2D,NGLL1,NGLL2,ie,je,js,il)
-  implicit none
-  integer iunit,ispec2D,NGLL1,NGLL2,ie,je,js,il
-  integer i,j
-  do j=1,NGLL2
-     do i=1,NGLL1
-        write(iunit,*) i,j,ispec2D,(NGLL1-1)*ie+i,(NGLL2-1)*je+j+js,il
-     enddo
-  enddo
-  end subroutine write_Igm_file
-  subroutine  compute_rotation_matrix(rotation_matrix, lon_center_chunk,lat_center_chunk, chunk_azi)
-  implicit none
-  double precision rotation_matrix(3,3),lon_center_chunk,lat_center_chunk, chunk_azi
-  double precision R0(3,3),R1(3,3),R2(3,3),axe_rotation(3),R00(3,3)
-  ! je met le chunk en 0,0
-  axe_rotation(1)=0.d0; axe_rotation(2)=1.d0; axe_rotation(3)=0.d0
-  call rotation_matrix_axe(R00,axe_rotation,90.d0)  ! je ramene le chunk en (0,0)
-  ! rotation de l'azimuth du chunk
-  axe_rotation(1)=1.d0; axe_rotation(2)=0.d0; axe_rotation(3)=0.d0
-  call rotation_matrix_axe(R0,axe_rotation,90.-chunk_azi)
-  ! on met le chunk a la bonne latitude
-  axe_rotation(1)=0.d0; axe_rotation(2)=-1.d0; axe_rotation(3)=0.d0
-  call rotation_matrix_axe(R1,axe_rotation,lat_center_chunk)
-  ! on met le chunk a la bonne longitude
-  axe_rotation(1)=0.d0; axe_rotation(2)=0.d0; axe_rotation(3)=1.d0
-  call rotation_matrix_axe(R2,axe_rotation, lon_center_chunk)
-  ! rotation resultante
-  call compose4matrix(rotation_matrix,R00,R0,R1,R2)
-  end subroutine compute_rotation_matrix
-! Vadim Monteiller Mars 2013
-! matrice de rotation 3D d'axe "axe" et d'angle theta (d°)
-! cette matrice est en complexe
-  subroutine rotation_matrix_axe(R,axe,theta)
-  implicit none
-  double precision axe(3),theta,pi,deg2rad
-  double precision R(3,3)
-  double precision c,s,ux,uy,uz,norme_axe
-  pi=3.1415926535897932d0
-  deg2rad = pi / 180.d0
-  ! on normalise l'axe
-  norme_axe=dsqrt(axe(1)**2 + axe(2)**2 + axe(3)**2)
-  ! composantes de l'axe
-  ux=axe(1)/norme_axe
-  uy=axe(2)/norme_axe
-  uz=axe(3)/norme_axe
-  ! on calcule le cos et sin
-  c=dcos(deg2rad * theta);s=dsin(deg2rad * theta)
-  ! matrice de rotation complexe
-  R(1,1)=(ux**2 + (1.d0-ux**2)*c)
-  R(1,2)=(ux*uy*(1.d0-c)-uz*s)
-  R(1,3)=(ux*uy*(1.d0-c)+uy*s)
-  R(2,1)=(ux*uy*(1.d0-c)+uz*s)
-  R(2,2)=(uy**2+(1.d0-uy**2)*c)
-  R(2,3)=(uy*uz*(1.d0-c)-ux*s)
-  R(3,1)=(ux*uz*(1.d0-c)-uy*s)
-  R(3,2)=(uy*uz*(1.d0-c)+ux*s)
-  R(3,3)=(uz**2+(1.d0-uz**2)*c)
-  write(49,*) ' MATRICE ROTATION '
-  write(49,*) R(1,:)
-  write(49,*) R(2,:)
-  write(49,*) R(3,:)
-  write(49,*)
-  end subroutine rotation_matrix_axe
-! R=R2*R1*R0
-  subroutine compose4matrix(R,R00,R0,R1,R2)
-  implicit none
-  double precision R(3,3),R0(3,3),R1(3,3),R2(3,3),R00(3,3),Rtmp(3,3)
-  integer i,j,k
-  R(:,:)=0.d0
-  ! multiplication R=R0*R00
-  do j=1,3
-     do i=1,3
-        do k=1,3
-           R(i,j)=R(i,j) + R0(i,k)*R00(k,j)
-        enddo
-     enddo
-  enddo
-  ! multiplication R=R1*R
-  Rtmp=R
-  R(:,:)=0.d0
-  do j=1,3
-     do i=1,3
-        do k=1,3
-           R(i,j)=R(i,j) + R1(i,k)*Rtmp(k,j)
-        enddo
-     enddo
-  enddo
-  ! multiplication R=R2*R
-  Rtmp=R
-  R(:,:)=0.d0
-  do j=1,3
-     do i=1,3
-        do k=1,3
-           R(i,j)=R(i,j) + R2(i,k)*Rtmp(k,j)
-        enddo
-     enddo
-  enddo
-  write(49,*) R(1,:)
-  write(49,*) R(2,:)
-  write(49,*) R(3,:)
-  write(49,*)
-  end subroutine compose4matrix
-! rotation pour passer d'un repere local a un autre
diff --git a/src/meshfem3D/earth_chunk_ReadIasp91.f90 b/src/meshfem3D/earth_chunk_ReadIasp91.f90
index 7762da7..20c0994 100644
--- a/src/meshfem3D/earth_chunk_ReadIasp91.f90
+++ b/src/meshfem3D/earth_chunk_ReadIasp91.f90
@@ -141,8 +141,9 @@
   end subroutine Read_dsm_model
 subroutine Lyfnd(r,rb,n,i)

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