[cig-commits] [commit] devel: updates interpolation tool by adding separate flags for separating elements on 410/650 and moho discontinuities (74780ef)

cig_noreply at geodynamics.org cig_noreply at geodynamics.org
Tue Nov 25 06:56:20 PST 2014

Repository : https://github.com/geodynamics/specfem3d_globe

On branch  : devel
Link       : https://github.com/geodynamics/specfem3d_globe/compare/0e5b55c6f30be94583639fd325373eecd6facc6d...8be3e0b0267c8d4cf5af3bc26e8903da17bc4fd1


commit 74780ef3fdf1a13fc083a7feb2c1a5e64d7b903a
Author: daniel peter <peterda at ethz.ch>
Date:   Wed Nov 19 15:59:47 2014 +0100

    updates interpolation tool by adding separate flags for separating elements on 410/650 and moho discontinuities


 src/tomography/interpolate_model.F90        | 178 +++++++++++++++++-----------
 src/tomography/interpolate_model_kdtree.f90 |  32 ++++-
 2 files changed, 134 insertions(+), 76 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/tomography/interpolate_model.F90 b/src/tomography/interpolate_model.F90
index a0d3279..699f5fe 100644
--- a/src/tomography/interpolate_model.F90
+++ b/src/tomography/interpolate_model.F90
@@ -98,6 +98,15 @@
   logical,parameter :: TREE_INTERNAL_GLL_POINTS = .true.
   logical,parameter :: TREE_MID_POINTS = .false.
+  ! special case for elements
+  ! around 410-km discontinuity where internal topography distorts meshes
+  logical,parameter :: DO_SEPARATION_410_650 = .true.
+  ! around surface (due to moho-stretching)
+  logical,parameter :: DO_SEPARATION_TOPO = .true.
+  ! use closest point value in case of large differences
+  logical,parameter :: USE_FALLBACK = .false.
   ! Gauss-Lobatto-Legendre points of integration and weights
@@ -375,13 +384,24 @@
     print*,'  model2   = ',NGLLX*NGLLY*NGLLZ*NSPEC_CRUST_MANTLE*nparams*dble(CUSTOM_REAL)/1024./1024.,'MB'
     print*,'total mpi processes: ',sizeprocs
+    print*
     if (DO_BRUTE_FORCE_SEARCH) then
       print*,'location search by : brute-force approach'
+      print*,'location search by : kd-tree search'
       if (USE_MIDPOINT_SEARCH) then
-        print*,'location search by : midpoint element search'
+        print*,'location search by : uses midpoints of elements only'
-        print*,'location search by : gll element search'
+        print*,'  uses internal gll points'
+      endif
+      if (DO_SEPARATION_410_650) then
+        print*,'  uses element separation for 410-km/650-km discontinuity'
+      endif
+      if (DO_SEPARATION_TOPO) then
+        print*,'  uses element separation for surface (moho) discontinuity'
+      endif
+      if (USE_FALLBACK) then
+        print*,'  uses fall-back to model value of closest point in case of large differences'
@@ -420,9 +440,9 @@
   ! model files
   allocate( model1(NGLLX,NGLLY,NGLLZ,nspec_max_old,nparams,0:nproc_chunk1-1),stat=ier )
-  if (ier /= 0) stop 'Error allocating model1'
+  if (ier /= 0) stop 'Error allocating initial model1'
   allocate( model2(NGLLX,NGLLY,NGLLZ,NSPEC_CRUST_MANTLE,nparams),stat=ier )
-  if (ier /= 0) stop 'Error allocating model2'
+  if (ier /= 0) stop 'Error allocating target model2'
   ! statistics
   allocate( model_maxdiff(nparams),stat=ier)
   if (ier /= 0) stop 'Error allocating model_maxdiff'
@@ -551,6 +571,10 @@
   ! user output
   if (myrank == 0) then
     print*, 'loading source model ... '
+    do iker = 1,nparams
+      print*, '  for parameter: ',trim(fname(iker))
+    enddo
+    print*
   ! reads in old model files
@@ -571,10 +595,8 @@
       ! reads in model slices
       do iker = 1,nparams
-        ! user output
-        if (myrank == 0) then
-          print *, '  for parameter: ',trim(fname(iker))
-        endif
+        ! debug user output
+        !if (myrank == 0) print *, '  for parameter: ',trim(fname(iker))
         ! opens model file
         write(m_file,'(a,i6.6,a)') trim(input_model_dir)//'proc',rank,'_reg1_'//trim(fname(iker))//'.bin'
@@ -833,7 +855,7 @@
         call get_model_values_kdtree(ispec,nspec,nglob,ibool2,x2,y2,z2,nparams,model2, &
                                      nspec_max_old,nglob_max_old,nproc_chunk1,ibool1,x1,y1,z1,model1, &
                                      iaddx,iaddy,iaddr,xigll,yigll,zigll,typical_size,myrank,model_maxdiff, &
-                                     USE_MIDPOINT_SEARCH)
+                                     USE_MIDPOINT_SEARCH,DO_SEPARATION_410_650,DO_SEPARATION_TOPO,USE_FALLBACK)
     enddo ! ispec
     if (myrank == 0) print*
@@ -1028,7 +1050,7 @@
   subroutine get_model_values_kdtree(ispec,nspec,nglob,ibool2,x2,y2,z2,nparams,model2, &
                                      nspec_max_old,nglob_max_old,nproc_chunk1,ibool1,x1,y1,z1,model1, &
                                      iaddx,iaddy,iaddr,xigll,yigll,zigll,typical_size,myrank,model_maxdiff, &
-                                     USE_MIDPOINT_SEARCH)
+                                     USE_MIDPOINT_SEARCH,DO_SEPARATION_410_650,DO_SEPARATION_TOPO,USE_FALLBACK)
@@ -1066,6 +1088,8 @@
   real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL),dimension(nparams),intent(inout) :: model_maxdiff
   logical,intent(in) :: USE_MIDPOINT_SEARCH
+  logical,intent(in) :: DO_SEPARATION_410_650,DO_SEPARATION_TOPO
+  logical,intent(in) :: USE_FALLBACK
   ! local parameters
   integer :: i,j,k,iglob,iker
@@ -1103,19 +1127,9 @@
   ! (s362ani: 650 topography perturbations have min/max ~ -14/+19 km)
   double precision,parameter :: R650_MARGIN = 50000.d0
-  !------------------------------------------------------
-  ! warn about large model value differences
+  ! debug warning about large model value differences
   logical,parameter :: DO_WARNING = .false.
-  ! special case for elements
-  ! e.g. around 410-km discontinuity and surface (due to moho-stretching) where internal topography distorts meshes
-  logical,parameter :: DO_SPECIAL_SEPARATION = .true.
-  ! use closest point value in case of large differences
-  logical,parameter :: USE_FALLBACK = .false.
-  !------------------------------------------------------
   ! checks given ispec
   if (ispec < 1 .or. ispec > nspec) then
     print*,'Error: rank ',myrank,' has invalid ispec'
@@ -1128,7 +1142,7 @@
   is_critical = .false.
   ! searches for element using mid-point
     iglob = ibool2(MIDX,MIDY,MIDZ,ispec)
     xyz_target(1) = x2(iglob)
@@ -1150,8 +1164,8 @@
     !if (myrank == 0 .and. iglob < 100) &
     !  print*,'dist_min kdtree midpoint: ',dist_min * R_EARTH_KM,'(km)',typical_size * R_EARTH_KM
-    ! special case for 410-km discontinuity
+    ! special case for 410-km/650-km discontinuity
+    if (DO_SEPARATION_410_650) then
       ! point radius
       r = sqrt(xyz_target(1)*xyz_target(1) + xyz_target(2)*xyz_target(2) + xyz_target(3)*xyz_target(3))
@@ -1172,23 +1186,35 @@
         ! elements within around 650 km depth
         is_critical = .true.
+    endif
-      if (is_critical) then
-        ! stores mid-point radius
-        mid_radius = r
-        ! element height: size along a vertical edge
-        ! top point
-        iglob = ibool2(1,1,NGLLZ,ispec)
-        r = sqrt(x2(iglob)*x2(iglob) + y2(iglob)*y2(iglob) + z2(iglob)*z2(iglob))
-        ! bottom point
-        iglob = ibool2(1,1,1,ispec)
-        elem_height = r - sqrt(x2(iglob)*x2(iglob) + y2(iglob)*y2(iglob) + z2(iglob)*z2(iglob))
-        ! debug
-        !if (myrank == 0) print*,'element height: ',elem_height * R_EARTH_KM,'(km)','radius: ',mid_radius*R_EARTH_KM
+    ! special case for surface (moho) discontinuity
+    if (DO_SEPARATION_TOPO) then
+      ! point radius
+      r = sqrt(xyz_target(1)*xyz_target(1) + xyz_target(2)*xyz_target(2) + xyz_target(3)*xyz_target(3))
+      ! surface
+      if (r >= R220/R_EARTH) then
+        ! elements close to surface
+        is_critical = .true.
+    if (is_critical) then
+      ! stores mid-point radius
+      mid_radius = r
+      ! element height: size along a vertical edge
+      ! top point
+      iglob = ibool2(1,1,NGLLZ,ispec)
+      r = sqrt(x2(iglob)*x2(iglob) + y2(iglob)*y2(iglob) + z2(iglob)*z2(iglob))
+      ! bottom point
+      iglob = ibool2(1,1,1,ispec)
+      elem_height = r - sqrt(x2(iglob)*x2(iglob) + y2(iglob)*y2(iglob) + z2(iglob)*z2(iglob))
+      ! debug
+      !if (myrank == 0) print*,'element height: ',elem_height * R_EARTH_KM,'(km)','radius: ',mid_radius*R_EARTH_KM
+    endif
   ! loops over all element gll points
@@ -1205,54 +1231,64 @@
         ! kd-search for this single GLL point
         if (.not. USE_MIDPOINT_SEARCH) then
+          search_internal = .false.
           ! avoids getting values from "wrong" side on 410-km discontinuity,etc.
-          if (DO_SPECIAL_SEPARATION) then
+          if (DO_SEPARATION_410_650) then
             if (is_critical) then
               ! gll point radius
               r = sqrt(x_target*x_target + y_target*y_target + z_target*z_target)
               ! takes corresponding internal gll point for element search
-              search_internal = .false.
-              ! surface elements
-              if (r >= (RTOP - RTOP_MARGIN)/R_EARTH) search_internal = .true.
               ! 410-km discontinuity
               if (r >= (R410 - R410_MARGIN)/R_EARTH .and. r <= (R410 + R410_MARGIN)/R_EARTH) search_internal = .true.
               ! 650-km discontinuity
               if (r >= (R650 - R650_MARGIN)/R_EARTH .and. r <= (R650 + R650_MARGIN)/R_EARTH) search_internal = .true.
+            endif
+          endif
-              ! avoid using nodes at upper/lower/..outer surfaces
-              if (search_internal) then
-                ! new search point indices
-                ii = i
-                jj = j
-                kk = k
-                ! takes corresponding internal one for element search
-                if (i == 1) then
-                  ii = 2
-                else if (i == NGLLX) then
-                  ii = NGLLX - 1
-                endif
-                if (j == 1) then
-                  jj = 2
-                else if (j == NGLLY) then
-                  jj = NGLLY - 1
-                endif
-                if (k == 1) then
-                  kk = 2
-                else if (k == NGLLZ) then
-                  kk = NGLLZ - 1
-                endif
-                ! target point location
-                iglob = ibool2(ii,jj,kk,ispec)
-                x_target = x2(iglob)
-                y_target = y2(iglob)
-                z_target = z2(iglob)
-              endif
+          if (DO_SEPARATION_TOPO) then
+            if (is_critical) then
+              ! gll point radius
+              r = sqrt(x_target*x_target + y_target*y_target + z_target*z_target)
+              ! takes corresponding internal gll point for element search
+              ! surface elements
+              if (r >= (RTOP - RTOP_MARGIN)/R_EARTH) search_internal = .true.
+          ! avoid using nodes at upper/lower/..outer surfaces
+          if (search_internal) then
+            ! new search point indices
+            ii = i
+            jj = j
+            kk = k
+            ! takes corresponding internal one for element search
+            if (i == 1) then
+              ii = 2
+            else if (i == NGLLX) then
+              ii = NGLLX - 1
+            endif
+            if (j == 1) then
+              jj = 2
+            else if (j == NGLLY) then
+              jj = NGLLY - 1
+            endif
+            if (k == 1) then
+              kk = 2
+            else if (k == NGLLZ) then
+              kk = NGLLZ - 1
+            endif
+            ! target point location
+            iglob = ibool2(ii,jj,kk,ispec)
+            x_target = x2(iglob)
+            y_target = y2(iglob)
+            z_target = z2(iglob)
+          endif
           ! kdtree search for each single GLL point
           xyz_target(1) = x_target
           xyz_target(2) = y_target
diff --git a/src/tomography/interpolate_model_kdtree.f90 b/src/tomography/interpolate_model_kdtree.f90
index 613a246..7d5a98e 100644
--- a/src/tomography/interpolate_model_kdtree.f90
+++ b/src/tomography/interpolate_model_kdtree.f90
@@ -578,7 +578,6 @@ contains
   ! local parameters
   double precision :: dist
-  double precision,dimension(3) :: xyz
   ! debug
   !if (node%idim == 0) then
@@ -596,8 +595,7 @@ contains
     if (node%ipoint < 1 ) stop 'Error searched node has wrong point index'
     ! squared distance to associated data point
-    xyz(:) = xyz_target(:) - points_data(:,node%ipoint)
-    dist = xyz(1) * xyz(1) + xyz(2)*xyz(2) + xyz(3)*xyz(3)
+    dist = get_distance_squared(xyz_target(:),points_data(:,node%ipoint))
     if (dist < dist_min) then
       ! debug
       !if (ipoint_min < 1 ) then
@@ -642,7 +640,7 @@ contains
     if (associated(node%right) ) then
       ! checks right node as a final node
       if (node%right%idim == 0 ) then
-        dist = sum((xyz_target(:) - points_data(:,node%right%ipoint))**2)
+        dist = get_distance_squared(xyz_target(:),points_data(:,node%right%ipoint))
         if (dist <= dist_min) then
           ! stores minimum point
           dist_min = dist
@@ -660,7 +658,7 @@ contains
     if (associated(node%left) ) then
       ! checks left node as a final node
       if (node%left%idim == 0 ) then
-        dist = sum((xyz_target(:) - points_data(:,node%left%ipoint))**2)
+        dist = get_distance_squared(xyz_target(:),points_data(:,node%left%ipoint))
         if (dist <= dist_min) then
           ! stores minimum point
           dist_min = dist
@@ -690,4 +688,28 @@ contains
   end subroutine kdtree_set_verbose
+  double precision function get_distance_squared(xyz0,xyz1)
+  implicit none
+  double precision,dimension(3),intent(in) :: xyz0,xyz1
+  ! local parameters
+  double precision :: dist
+  !double precision,dimension(3) :: xyz
+  ! calculates distance (squared) between 2 points
+  dist = sum((xyz0(:) - xyz1(:))**2)
+  ! explicit alternative calculation
+  !xyz(:) = xyz0(:) - xyz1(:)
+  !dist = xyz(1) * xyz(1) + xyz(2)*xyz(2) + xyz(3)*xyz(3)
+  ! returns distance squared
+  get_distance_squared = dist
+  end function get_distance_squared
 end module

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