[cig-commits] [commit] devel: updates tomography routine and checks material definitions in nummaterial_velocity_file; fixes #302 (da71fd4)

cig_noreply at geodynamics.org cig_noreply at geodynamics.org
Wed Nov 26 08:10:29 PST 2014

Repository : https://github.com/geodynamics/specfem3d

On branch  : devel
Link       : https://github.com/geodynamics/specfem3d/compare/3813eeb2bf815bda9c5dd0395d9033bfb4d1383c...da71fd43c3c44e5c62b72b3c438becfd3f7659a6


commit da71fd43c3c44e5c62b72b3c438becfd3f7659a6
Author: daniel peter <peterda at ethz.ch>
Date:   Wed Nov 26 16:54:08 2014 +0100

    updates tomography routine and checks material definitions in nummaterial_velocity_file; fixes #302


 src/decompose_mesh/decompose_mesh.F90       | 260 +++++++++++-------
 src/generate_databases/model_default.f90    |   2 +-
 src/generate_databases/model_tomography.f90 | 394 ++++++++++++++--------------
 3 files changed, 350 insertions(+), 306 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/decompose_mesh/decompose_mesh.F90 b/src/decompose_mesh/decompose_mesh.F90
index dda9fdf..7c20376 100644
--- a/src/decompose_mesh/decompose_mesh.F90
+++ b/src/decompose_mesh/decompose_mesh.F90
@@ -182,17 +182,17 @@ module decompose_mesh
     integer(long) :: nspec_long
     integer :: inode
-  ! reads node coordinates
+    ! reads node coordinates
     open(unit=98, file=localpath_name(1:len_trim(localpath_name))//'/nodes_coords_file',&
           status='old', form='formatted', iostat = ier)
     if (ier /= 0) then
       print*,'could not open file:',localpath_name(1:len_trim(localpath_name))//'/nodes_coords_file'
-      stop 'error file open'
+      stop 'Error opening file nodes_coords_file'
     read(98,*) nnodes
-    if (nnodes < 1) stop 'error: nnodes < 1'
+    if (nnodes < 1) stop 'Error: nnodes < 1'
-    if (ier /= 0) stop 'error allocating array nodes_coords'
+    if (ier /= 0) stop 'Error allocating array nodes_coords'
     do inode = 1, nnodes
     ! format: #id_node #x_coordinate #y_coordinate #z_coordinate
       read(98,*) num_node, nodes_coords(1,num_node), nodes_coords(2,num_node), nodes_coords(3,num_node)
@@ -206,22 +206,22 @@ module decompose_mesh
     ! the global coordinate file "nodes_coords_file"; it doesn't tell you which point is connected with others)
     open(unit=98, file=localpath_name(1:len_trim(localpath_name))//'/mesh_file', &
           status='old', form='formatted',iostat=ier)
-    if (ier /= 0) stop 'error opening mesh_file'
+    if (ier /= 0) stop 'Error opening mesh_file'
     read(98,*) nspec_long
     ! debug check size limit
     if (nspec_long > 2147483646) then
       print *,'size exceeds integer 4-byte limit: ',nspec_long
       print*,'bit size fortran: ',bit_size(nspec)
-      stop 'error number of elements too large'
+      stop 'Error number of elements too large'
     ! sets number of elements (integer 4-byte)
     nspec = nspec_long
-    if (nspec < 1) stop 'error: nspec < 1'
+    if (nspec < 1) stop 'Error: nspec < 1'
-    if (ier /= 0) stop 'error allocating array elmnts'
+    if (ier /= 0) stop 'Error allocating array elmnts'
     do ispec = 1, nspec
       ! format: # element_id  #id_node1 ... #id_node8
       !      or # element_id  #id_node1 ... #id_node27
@@ -238,13 +238,13 @@ module decompose_mesh
       read(98,*,iostat=ier) num_elmnt,(elmnts(inode,num_elmnt), inode=1,NGNOD)
       if (ier /= 0) then
-        print *,'error while attempting to read ',NGNOD,'element data values from the mesh file'
+        print *,'Error while attempting to read ',NGNOD,'element data values from the mesh file'
         if (NGNOD == 8) print *,'check if your mesh file is indeed composed of HEX8 elements'
         if (NGNOD == 27) print *,'check if your mesh file is indeed composed of HEX27 elements'
-        stop 'error reading element data from the mesh file'
+        stop 'Error reading element data from the mesh file'
-      if ((num_elmnt > nspec) .or. (num_elmnt < 1))  stop "ERROR : Invalid mesh file."
+      if ((num_elmnt > nspec) .or. (num_elmnt < 1))  stop "Error : Invalid mesh_file"
@@ -254,15 +254,15 @@ module decompose_mesh
   ! reads material associations
     open(unit=98, file=localpath_name(1:len_trim(localpath_name))//'/materials_file', &
           status='old', form='formatted',iostat=ier)
-    if (ier /= 0) stop 'error opening materials_file'
+    if (ier /= 0) stop 'Error opening materials_file'
-    if (ier /= 0) stop 'error allocating array mat'
+    if (ier /= 0) stop 'Error allocating array mat'
     mat(:,:) = 0
     do ispec = 1, nspec
       ! format: #id_element #flag
       ! note: be aware that elements may not be sorted in materials_file
       read(98,*) num_mat,mat(1,num_mat)
-      if ((num_mat > nspec) .or. (num_mat < 1)) stop "ERROR : Invalid mat file."
+      if ((num_mat > nspec) .or. (num_mat < 1)) stop "Error : Invalid materials_file"
@@ -288,43 +288,62 @@ module decompose_mesh
     count_undef_mat = 0
     open(unit=98, file=localpath_name(1:len_trim(localpath_name))//'/nummaterial_velocity_file',&
           status='old', form='formatted',iostat=ier)
-    if (ier /= 0) stop 'error opening nummaterial_velocity_file'
+    if (ier /= 0) stop 'Error opening nummaterial_velocity_file'
-    ! note: format #material_domain_id #material_id #...
-    read(98,*,iostat=ier) idummy,num_mat
-    print *,'materials:'
     ! counts materials (defined/undefined)
+    print *,'materials:'
+    ier = 0
     do while (ier == 0)
-       print*, '  num_mat = ',num_mat
-       if (num_mat > 0) then
-          ! positive materials_id: velocity values will be defined
-          count_def_mat = count_def_mat + 1
-       else
-          ! negative materials_id: undefined material properties yet
-          count_undef_mat = count_undef_mat + 1
-       endif
-       read(98,*,iostat=ier) idummy,num_mat
+      ! note: format #material_domain_id #material_id #...
+      read(98,'(A)',iostat=ier) line
+      if (ier /= 0) exit
+      ! skip empty/comment lines
+      if (len_trim(line) == 0) cycle
+         if (line(1:1) == '#' .or. line(1:1) == '!') cycle
+      read(line,*,iostat=ier) idummy,num_mat
+      if (ier /= 0) exit
+      print*, '  num_mat = ',num_mat
+      ! checks non-zero material id
+      if (num_mat == 0) stop 'Error in nummaterial_velocity_file: material id 0 found. Material ids must be non-zero.'
+      if (num_mat > 0) then
+        ! positive materials_id: velocity values will be defined
+        count_def_mat = count_def_mat + 1
+      else
+        ! negative materials_id: undefined material properties yet
+        count_undef_mat = count_undef_mat + 1
+      endif
-    close(98)
     print*, '  defined = ',count_def_mat, 'undefined = ',count_undef_mat
     ! check with material flags
+    ! defined materials
     if (count_def_mat > 0 .and. maxval(mat(1,:)) > count_def_mat) then
-      print*,'error material definitions:'
+      print*,'Error material definitions:'
       print*,'  materials associated in materials_file:',maxval(mat(1,:))
       print*,'  larger than defined materials in nummaterial_velocity_file:',count_def_mat
-      stop 'error materials'
+      stop 'Error positive material id exceeds bounds for defined materials'
-    if (ier /= 0) stop 'error allocating array mat_prop'
-    allocate(undef_mat_prop(6,count_undef_mat),stat=ier)
-    if (ier /= 0) stop 'error allocating array undef_mat_prop'
+    if (ier /= 0) stop 'Error allocating array mat_prop'
     mat_prop(:,:) = 0.d0
+    ! undefined materials
+    if (count_undef_mat > 0 .and. minval(mat(1,:)) < -count_undef_mat) then
+      print*,'Error material definitions:'
+      print*,'  materials associated in materials_file:',minval(mat(1,:))
+      print*,'  larger than undefined materials in nummaterial_velocity_file:',count_undef_mat
+      stop 'Error negative material id exceeds bounds for undefined materials'
+    endif
+    allocate(undef_mat_prop(6,count_undef_mat),stat=ier)
+    if (ier /= 0) stop 'Error allocating array undef_mat_prop'
     undef_mat_prop(:,:) = ''
     ! reads in defined material properties
-    open(unit=98, file=localpath_name(1:len_trim(localpath_name))//'/nummaterial_velocity_file', &
-          status='old', form='formatted', iostat=ier)
-    if (ier /= 0) stop 'error opening nummaterial_velocity_file'
+    rewind(98,iostat=ier)
+    if (ier /= 0) stop 'Error rewinding nummaterial_velocity_file'
   ! modif to read poro parameters, added if loop on idomain_id
   ! note: format of nummaterial_poroelastic_file located in MESH must be
@@ -345,7 +364,7 @@ module decompose_mesh
     ! checks if we can use file
     if (ier /= 0) then
       use_poroelastic_file = .false.
-      !stop 'error opening nummaterial_poroelastic_file'
+      !stop 'Error opening nummaterial_poroelastic_file'
       use_poroelastic_file = .true.
       print*, '  poroelastic material file found'
@@ -363,9 +382,15 @@ module decompose_mesh
        num_mat = -1
        do while (num_mat < 0 .and. ier == 0)
          read(98,'(A)',iostat=ier) line
+         if (ier /= 0) exit
+         ! skip empty/comment lines
+         if (len_trim(line) == 0) cycle
+         if (line(1:1) == '#' .or. line(1:1) == '!') cycle
          read(line,*) idomain_id,num_mat
-       if (ier /= 0) stop 'error reading in defined materials in nummaterial_velocity_file'
+       if (ier /= 0) stop 'Error reading in defined materials in nummaterial_velocity_file'
        ! reads in defined material properties
        read(line,*) idomain_id,num_mat,rho,vp,vs,qkappa,qmu,aniso_flag
@@ -376,17 +401,18 @@ module decompose_mesh
        if (qmu <= 0.000001) qmu = 9999.
        ! checks material_id bounds
-       if (num_mat < 1 .or. num_mat > count_def_mat)  stop "ERROR : Invalid nummaterial_velocity_file file."
+       if (num_mat < 1 .or. num_mat > count_def_mat) &
+         stop "Error in nummaterial_velocity_file: material id invalid for defined materials."
        if (idomain_id == 1 .or. idomain_id == 2) then ! material is elastic or acoustic
          ! check that the S-wave velocity is zero if the material is acoustic
          if (idomain_id == 1 .and. vs >= 0.0001) &
-                stop 'acoustic material defined with a non-zero shear-wave velocity Vs, exiting...'
+           stop 'Error in nummaterial_velocity_file: acoustic material defined with a non-zero shear-wave velocity Vs.'
          ! check that the S-wave velocity is not zero if the material is elastic
          if (idomain_id == 2 .and. vs <= 0.0001) &
-                stop '(visco)elastic material defined with a zero shear-wave velocity Vs, exiting...'
+           stop 'Error in nummaterial_velocity_file: (visco)elastic material defined with a zero shear-wave velocity Vs.'
          mat_prop(1,num_mat) = rho
          mat_prop(2,num_mat) = vp
@@ -398,7 +424,8 @@ module decompose_mesh
        else if (idomain_id == 3) then ! material is poroelastic
-         if (use_poroelastic_file .eqv. .false.) stop 'error poroelastic material requires nummaterial_poroelastic_file'
+         if (use_poroelastic_file .eqv. .false.) &
+          stop 'Error in nummaterial_velocity_file: poroelastic material requires nummaterial_poroelastic_file'
          read(97,*) rhos,rhof,phi,tort,kxx,kxy,kxz,kyy,kyz,kzz,kappas,kappaf,kappafr,eta,mufr
          mat_prop(1,num_mat) = rhos
@@ -419,14 +446,17 @@ module decompose_mesh
          mat_prop(16,num_mat) = mufr
-         stop 'idomain_id must be 1, 2 or 3 for acoustic, elastic or poroelastic in nummaterial_velocity_file'
+         stop 'Error in nummaterial_velocity_file: idomain_id must be 1, 2 or 3 for acoustic, elastic or poroelastic domains'
        endif ! of if (idomain_id == ...)
+    ! back to the beginning of the file
+    rewind(98,iostat=ier)
+    if (ier /= 0) stop 'Error rewinding nummaterial_velocity_file'
     ! reads in undefined material properties
-    rewind(98,iostat=ier) ! back to the beginning of the file
     do imat=1,count_undef_mat
        !  undefined materials: have to be listed in decreasing order of material_id (start with -1, -2, etc...)
        !  format:
@@ -442,13 +472,20 @@ module decompose_mesh
        num_mat = 1
        do while (num_mat >= 0 .and. ier == 0)
          read(98,'(A)',iostat=ier) line
+         if (ier /= 0) exit
+         ! skip empty/comment lines
+         if (len_trim(line) == 0) cycle
+         if (line(1:1) == '#' .or. line(1:1) == '!') cycle
          read(line,*) idomain_id,num_mat
-       if (ier /= 0) stop 'error reading in undefined materials in nummaterial_velocity_file'
+       if (ier /= 0) stop 'Error reading in undefined materials in nummaterial_velocity_file'
        ! checks if interface or tomography definition
        read(line,*) undef_mat_prop(6,imat),undef_mat_prop(1,imat),undef_mat_prop(2,imat)
        read(undef_mat_prop(1,imat),*) num_mat
        if (trim(undef_mat_prop(2,imat)) == 'interface') then
          ! line will have 5 arguments, e.g.: 2 -1 interface 1 2
          read(line,*) undef_mat_prop(6,imat),undef_mat_prop(1,imat),undef_mat_prop(2,imat),&
@@ -460,15 +497,22 @@ module decompose_mesh
          undef_mat_prop(5,imat) = "0" ! dummy value
-         stop "ERROR: invalid line in nummaterial_velocity_file for undefined material"
+         print*,'Error invalid type for undefined materials: ',trim(undef_mat_prop(2,imat))
+         stop 'Error in nummaterial_velocity_file: invalid line in for undefined material'
        ! checks material_id
        if (trim(undef_mat_prop(2,imat)) == 'interface' .or. trim(undef_mat_prop(2,imat)) == 'tomography') then
-          if (num_mat > 0 .or. -num_mat > count_undef_mat)  &
-               stop "ERROR : Invalid nummaterial_velocity_file for undefined materials."
-          if (num_mat /= -imat)  &
-               stop "ERROR : Invalid material_id in nummaterial_velocity_file for undefined materials."
+          if (num_mat /= -imat) then
+            print*,'Error undefined materials: invalid material id ',num_mat,' for undefined material',imat
+            print*,'Please check line: ',trim(line)
+            print*,'Note that material ids must be ordered in increasing (negative) order.'
+            stop 'Error in nummaterial_velocity_file: Invalid material id for undefined materials.'
+          endif
+          if (num_mat > 0) &
+            stop 'Error in nummaterial_velocity_file: Positive material id is invalid for undefined materials'
+          if (-num_mat > count_undef_mat)  &
+            stop 'Error in nummaterial_velocity_file: Negative material id exceeds bounds for undefined materials.'
        ! checks interface: flag_down/flag_up
@@ -478,24 +522,38 @@ module decompose_mesh
          if (num_mat > 0) then
           ! must point to a defined material
           if (num_mat > count_def_mat) &
-               stop "ERROR: invalid flag_down in interface definition in nummaterial_velocity_file"
+               stop "Error in nummaterial_velocity_file: invalid flag_down in interface definition"
           ! must point to an undefined material
           if (-num_mat > count_undef_mat) &
-               stop "ERROR: invalid flag_down in interface definition in nummaterial_velocity_file"
+               stop "Error in nummaterial_velocity_file: invalid flag_down in interface definition"
          ! flag_up
          read( undef_mat_prop(4,imat),*) num_mat
          if (num_mat > 0) then
           ! must point to a defined material
           if (num_mat > count_def_mat) &
-               stop "ERROR: invalid flag_up in interface definition in nummaterial_velocity_file"
+               stop "Error in nummaterial_velocity_file: invalid flag_up in interface definition"
           ! must point to an undefined material
           if (-num_mat > count_undef_mat) &
-               stop "ERROR: invalid flag_up in interface definition in nummaterial_velocity_file"
+               stop "Error in nummaterial_velocity_file: invalid flag_up in interface definition"
+       ! checks domain id
+       if (trim(undef_mat_prop(2,imat)) == 'tomography') then
+         ! poroelastic domains not supported yet
+         if (idomain_id /= 1 .and. idomain_id /= 2) &
+           stop "Error in nummaterial_velocity_file: invalid domain id for undefined material, only acoustic/elastic supported."
+         ! ignoring acoustic/elastic type name
+         ! acoustic domains
+         !if (idomain_id == 1 .and. trim(undef_mat_prop(3,imat)) /= 'acoustic') &
+         !  stop "Error in nummaterial_velocity_file: invalid acoustic definition for undefined material"
+         ! elastic domains
+         !if (idomain_id == 2 .and. trim(undef_mat_prop(3,imat)) /= 'elastic') &
+         !  stop "Error in nummaterial_velocity_file: invalid elastic definition for undefined material"
+       endif
     if (use_poroelastic_file) close(97)
@@ -515,7 +573,7 @@ module decompose_mesh
               mat(2,ispec) = 2
               ! shouldn't encounter this case
-              stop "error undefined material: type name not recognized"
+              stop "Error in nummaterial_velocity_file: type name not recognized for undefined material"
@@ -544,9 +602,9 @@ module decompose_mesh
 ! thus here the idea is that if some of the absorbing files do not exist because there are no absorbing
 ! conditions for this mesh then the array is created nonetheless, but with a dummy size of 0
-    if (ier /= 0) stop 'error allocating array ibelm_xmin'
+    if (ier /= 0) stop 'Error allocating array ibelm_xmin'
-    if (ier /= 0) stop 'error allocating array nodes_ibelm_xmin'
+    if (ier /= 0) stop 'Error allocating array nodes_ibelm_xmin'
     do ispec2D = 1,nspec2D_xmin
       ! format: #id_(element containing the face) #id_node1_face .. #id_node4_face
       ! note: ordering for CUBIT seems such that the normal of the face points outward of the element the face belongs to;
@@ -570,9 +628,9 @@ module decompose_mesh
       read(98,*) nspec2D_xmax
-    if (ier /= 0) stop 'error allocating array ibelm_xmax'
+    if (ier /= 0) stop 'Error allocating array ibelm_xmax'
-    if (ier /= 0) stop 'error allocating array nodes_ibelm_xmax'
+    if (ier /= 0) stop 'Error allocating array nodes_ibelm_xmax'
     do ispec2D = 1,nspec2D_xmax
       ! format: #id_(element containing the face) #id_node1_face .. #id_node4_face
       read(98,*) ibelm_xmax(ispec2D), (nodes_ibelm_xmax(inode,ispec2D), inode=1,NGNOD2D)
@@ -589,9 +647,9 @@ module decompose_mesh
       read(98,*) nspec2D_ymin
-    if (ier /= 0) stop 'error allocating array ibelm_ymin'
+    if (ier /= 0) stop 'Error allocating array ibelm_ymin'
-    if (ier /= 0) stop 'error allocating array nodes_ibelm_ymin'
+    if (ier /= 0) stop 'Error allocating array nodes_ibelm_ymin'
     do ispec2D = 1,nspec2D_ymin
       ! format: #id_(element containing the face) #id_node1_face .. #id_node4_face
       read(98,*) ibelm_ymin(ispec2D), (nodes_ibelm_ymin(inode,ispec2D), inode=1,NGNOD2D)
@@ -608,9 +666,9 @@ module decompose_mesh
       read(98,*) nspec2D_ymax
-    if (ier /= 0) stop 'error allocating array ibelm_ymax'
+    if (ier /= 0) stop 'Error allocating array ibelm_ymax'
-    if (ier /= 0) stop 'error allocating array nodes_ibelm_ymax'
+    if (ier /= 0) stop 'Error allocating array nodes_ibelm_ymax'
     do ispec2D = 1,nspec2D_ymax
       ! format: #id_(element containing the face) #id_node1_face .. #id_node4_face
       read(98,*) ibelm_ymax(ispec2D), (nodes_ibelm_ymax(inode,ispec2D), inode=1,NGNOD2D)
@@ -627,9 +685,9 @@ module decompose_mesh
       read(98,*) nspec2D_bottom
-    if (ier /= 0) stop 'error allocating array ibelm_bottom'
+    if (ier /= 0) stop 'Error allocating array ibelm_bottom'
-    if (ier /= 0) stop 'error allocating array nodes_ibelm_bottom'
+    if (ier /= 0) stop 'Error allocating array nodes_ibelm_bottom'
     do ispec2D = 1,nspec2D_bottom
       ! format: #id_(element containing the face) #id_node1_face .. #id_node4_face
       read(98,*) ibelm_bottom(ispec2D), (nodes_ibelm_bottom(inode,ispec2D), inode=1,NGNOD2D)
@@ -646,9 +704,9 @@ module decompose_mesh
       read(98,*) nspec2D_top
-    if (ier /= 0) stop 'error allocating array ibelm_top'
+    if (ier /= 0) stop 'Error allocating array ibelm_top'
-    if (ier /= 0) stop 'error allocating array nodes_ibelm_top'
+    if (ier /= 0) stop 'Error allocating array nodes_ibelm_top'
     do ispec2D = 1,nspec2D_top
       ! format: #id_(element containing the face) #id_node1_face .. #id_node4_face
       read(98,*) ibelm_top(ispec2D), (nodes_ibelm_top(inode,ispec2D), inode=1,NGNOD2D)
@@ -667,7 +725,7 @@ module decompose_mesh
          status='old', form='formatted',iostat=ier)
 ! if the file does not exist but if there are PML_CONDITIONS then stop
     if (ier /= 0 .and. PML_CONDITIONS) &
-        stop 'error: PML_CONDITIONS is set to true but file absorbing_cpml_file does not exist'
+        stop 'Error: PML_CONDITIONS is set to true but file absorbing_cpml_file does not exist'
 ! if the file does not exist or if there are no PML_CONDITIONS then define the number of CPML elements as zero
     if (ier /= 0 .or. .not. PML_CONDITIONS) then
        nspec_cpml = 0
@@ -677,14 +735,14 @@ module decompose_mesh
 ! sanity check
     if (PML_CONDITIONS .and. nspec_cpml <= 0) &
-        stop 'error: PML_CONDITIONS is set to true but nspec_cpml <= 0 in file absorbing_cpml_file'
+        stop 'Error: PML_CONDITIONS is set to true but nspec_cpml <= 0 in file absorbing_cpml_file'
     ! C-PML spectral elements global indexing
-    if (ier /= 0) stop 'error allocating array CPML_to_spec'
+    if (ier /= 0) stop 'Error allocating array CPML_to_spec'
     ! C-PML regions (see below)
-    if (ier /= 0) stop 'error allocating array CPML_regions'
+    if (ier /= 0) stop 'Error allocating array CPML_regions'
     do ispec_CPML=1,nspec_cpml
        ! elements are stored with #id_cpml_regions increasing order:
@@ -704,7 +762,7 @@ module decompose_mesh
     ! sets mask of C-PML elements for all elements in this partition
-    if (ier /= 0) stop 'error allocating array is_CPML'
+    if (ier /= 0) stop 'Error allocating array is_CPML'
     is_CPML(:) = .false.
     do ispec_CPML=1,nspec_cpml
        if ((CPML_regions(ispec_CPML)>=1) .and. (CPML_regions(ispec_CPML)<=7)) then
@@ -721,9 +779,9 @@ module decompose_mesh
       read(98,*) nspec2D_moho
-    if (ier /= 0) stop 'error allocating array ibelm_moho'
+    if (ier /= 0) stop 'Error allocating array ibelm_moho'
-    if (ier /= 0) stop 'error allocating array nodes_ibelm_moho'
+    if (ier /= 0) stop 'Error allocating array nodes_ibelm_moho'
     do ispec2D = 1,nspec2D_moho
       ! format: #id_(element containing the face) #id_node1_face .. #id_node4_face
       read(98,*) ibelm_moho(ispec2D), (nodes_ibelm_moho(inode,ispec2D), inode=1,NGNOD2D)
@@ -749,9 +807,9 @@ module decompose_mesh
     ! allocates temporary arrays
-    if (ier /= 0) stop 'error allocating array mask_nodes_elmnts'
+    if (ier /= 0) stop 'Error allocating array mask_nodes_elmnts'
-    if (ier /= 0) stop 'error allocating array used_nodes_elmnts'
+    if (ier /= 0) stop 'Error allocating array used_nodes_elmnts'
     mask_nodes_elmnts(:) = .false.
     used_nodes_elmnts(:) = 0
@@ -768,7 +826,7 @@ module decompose_mesh
     do inode = 1, nnodes
       if (.not. mask_nodes_elmnts(inode)) then
-        stop 'ERROR: found some unused nodes (weird, but not necessarily fatal; your mesher may have created extra nodes).'
+        stop 'Error: found some unused nodes (weird, but not necessarily fatal; your mesher may have created extra nodes).'
@@ -790,7 +848,7 @@ module decompose_mesh
     if (sup_neighbour > 2147483646) then
       print *,'size exceeds integer 4-byte limit: ',sup_neighbour,nsize
       print *,'bit size fortran: ',bit_size(sup_neighbour)
-      stop 'ERROR: sup_neighbour is too large'
+      stop 'Error: sup_neighbour is too large'
     ! checks that no underestimation
@@ -816,13 +874,13 @@ module decompose_mesh
     ! determines maximum neighbors based on 1 common node
-    if (ier /= 0) stop 'error allocating array xadj'
+    if (ier /= 0) stop 'Error allocating array xadj'
-    if (ier /= 0) stop 'error allocating array adjncy'
+    if (ier /= 0) stop 'Error allocating array adjncy'
-    if (ier /= 0) stop 'error allocating array nnodes_elmnts'
+    if (ier /= 0) stop 'Error allocating array nnodes_elmnts'
-    if (ier /= 0) stop 'error allocating array nodes_elmnts'
+    if (ier /= 0) stop 'Error allocating array nodes_elmnts'
 !!!! DK DK added this in Oct 2012 to see if we first do 4 and then 1
@@ -852,17 +910,17 @@ module decompose_mesh
     ! allocates & initializes partioning of elements
-    if (ier /= 0) stop 'error allocating array part'
+    if (ier /= 0) stop 'Error allocating array part'
     part(:) = -1
     ! initializes
     ! elements load array
-    if (ier /= 0) stop 'error allocating array elmnts_load'
+    if (ier /= 0) stop 'Error allocating array elmnts_load'
     ! gets materials id associations
-    if (ier /= 0) stop 'error allocating array num_material'
+    if (ier /= 0) stop 'Error allocating array num_material'
     ! note: num_material can be negative for tomographic material elements
     !       (which are counted then as elastic elements)
     num_material(:) = mat(1,:)
@@ -919,17 +977,17 @@ module decompose_mesh
     call scotchfstratinit (scotchstrat(1), ier)
      if (ier /= 0) then
-       stop 'ERROR : MAIN : Cannot initialize strategy'
+       stop 'Error : MAIN : Cannot initialize strategy'
     !call scotchfstratgraphmap (scotchstrat(1), trim(scotch_strategy), ier)
     ! if (ier /= 0) then
-    !   stop 'ERROR : MAIN : Cannot build strategy'
+    !   stop 'Error : MAIN : Cannot build strategy'
     call scotchfgraphinit (scotchgraph (1), ier)
     if (ier /= 0) then
-       stop 'ERROR : MAIN : Cannot initialize graph'
+       stop 'Error : MAIN : Cannot initialize graph'
     ! fills graph structure : see user manual (scotch_user5.1.pdf, page 72/73)
@@ -945,27 +1003,27 @@ module decompose_mesh
                           adjncy (1), ier)
     if (ier /= 0) then
-       stop 'ERROR : MAIN : Cannot build graph'
+       stop 'Error : MAIN : Cannot build graph'
     call scotchfgraphcheck (scotchgraph (1), ier)
     if (ier /= 0) then
-       stop 'ERROR : MAIN : Invalid check'
+       stop 'Error : MAIN : Invalid check'
     call scotchfgraphpart (scotchgraph (1), nparts, scotchstrat(1),part(1),ier)
     if (ier /= 0) then
-       stop 'ERROR : MAIN : Cannot part graph'
+       stop 'Error : MAIN : Cannot part graph'
     call scotchfgraphexit (scotchgraph (1), ier)
     if (ier /= 0) then
-       stop 'ERROR : MAIN : Cannot destroy graph'
+       stop 'Error : MAIN : Cannot destroy graph'
     call scotchfstratexit (scotchstrat(1), ier)
     if (ier /= 0) then
-       stop 'ERROR : MAIN : Cannot destroy strategy'
+       stop 'Error : MAIN : Cannot destroy strategy'
@@ -1053,9 +1111,9 @@ module decompose_mesh
     integer :: ier
-    if (ier /= 0) stop 'error allocating array my_interfaces'
+    if (ier /= 0) stop 'Error allocating array my_interfaces'
-    if (ier /= 0) stop 'error allocating array my_nb_interfaces'
+    if (ier /= 0) stop 'Error allocating array my_nb_interfaces'
     if (COUPLE_WITH_EXTERNAL_CODE) open(124,file='Numglob2loc_elmn.txt')
@@ -1067,10 +1125,10 @@ module decompose_mesh
             status='unknown', action='write', form='unformatted', iostat = ier)
        if (ier /= 0) then
-        print*,'error file open:',outputpath_name(1:len_trim(outputpath_name))//'/proc'//prname
+        print*,'Error file open:',outputpath_name(1:len_trim(outputpath_name))//'/proc'//prname
         print*,'check if path exists:',outputpath_name(1:len_trim(outputpath_name))
-        stop 'error file open Database'
+        stop 'Error file open Database'
        ! gets number of nodes
@@ -1149,7 +1207,7 @@ module decompose_mesh
                status='replace', action='write', form='unformatted', iostat = ier)
           if (ier /= 0) then
-            print*,'error file open:',outputpath_name(1:len_trim(outputpath_name))//'/proc'//prname
+            print*,'Error file open:',outputpath_name(1:len_trim(outputpath_name))//'/proc'//prname
             print*,'check if path exists:',outputpath_name(1:len_trim(outputpath_name))
@@ -1169,9 +1227,9 @@ module decompose_mesh
     ! cleanup
-    deallocate(CPML_to_spec,stat=ier); if (ier /= 0) stop 'error deallocating array CPML_to_spec'
-    deallocate(CPML_regions,stat=ier); if (ier /= 0) stop 'error deallocating array CPML_regions'
-    deallocate(is_CPML,stat=ier); if (ier /= 0) stop 'error deallocating array is_CPML'
+    deallocate(CPML_to_spec,stat=ier); if (ier /= 0) stop 'Error deallocating array CPML_to_spec'
+    deallocate(CPML_regions,stat=ier); if (ier /= 0) stop 'Error deallocating array CPML_regions'
+    deallocate(is_CPML,stat=ier); if (ier /= 0) stop 'Error deallocating array is_CPML'
     if (COUPLE_WITH_EXTERNAL_CODE) close(124)
diff --git a/src/generate_databases/model_default.f90 b/src/generate_databases/model_default.f90
index c9373e7..2bac1a7 100644
--- a/src/generate_databases/model_default.f90
+++ b/src/generate_databases/model_default.f90
@@ -194,7 +194,7 @@
       !idomain_id = IDOMAIN_ELASTIC    ! forces to be elastic domain
     case default
-      print*,'Error: material definition = ',imaterial_def,'not recognized'
+      print*,'Error: material id ',imaterial_id,' has material definition ',imaterial_def,' which is not recognized'
       stop 'Error material definition: unknown material definition'
     end select
diff --git a/src/generate_databases/model_tomography.f90 b/src/generate_databases/model_tomography.f90
index 191fa56..9c9d239 100644
--- a/src/generate_databases/model_tomography.f90
+++ b/src/generate_databases/model_tomography.f90
@@ -319,9 +319,6 @@ end subroutine init_tomography_files
       read(undef_mat_prop(4,iundef),*) filename
-    ! counter
-    imat = imat + 1
     ! sets filename with path (e.g. "DATA/tomo_files/" + "tomo.xyz")
     ! corrects the path and filename of tomography model
     if (TOMOGRAPHY_PATH(len_trim(TOMOGRAPHY_PATH):len_trim(TOMOGRAPHY_PATH)) == "/") then
@@ -330,18 +327,19 @@ end subroutine init_tomography_files
       tomo_filename = TOMOGRAPHY_PATH(1:len_trim(TOMOGRAPHY_PATH)) // '/' // trim(filename)
+    ! counter
+    imat = imat + 1
     ! user output
     if (myrank_tomo == 0) then
-       write(IMAIN,*) '     reading: ',trim(tomo_filename)
+       write(IMAIN,*) '     material id: ',-imat
+       write(IMAIN,*) '     file       : ',trim(tomo_filename)
        call flush_IMAIN()
     ! opens file for reading
-    if (ier /= 0) call exit_MPI(myrank_tomo,'error reading tomography file')
-    rewind(unit=IIN,iostat=ier)
-    if (ier /= 0) call exit_MPI(myrank_tomo,'error rewinding tomography file')
+    if (ier /= 0) call exit_MPI(myrank_tomo,'Error opening tomography file')
     ! header infos
@@ -471,7 +469,7 @@ end subroutine init_tomography_files
   logical,intent(out) :: has_tomo_value
   ! local parameters
-  integer :: ix,iy,iz,imat,iundef
+  integer :: ix,iy,iz,imat
   integer :: p0,p1,p2,p3,p4,p5,p6,p7
   double precision :: spac_x,spac_y,spac_z
@@ -483,231 +481,219 @@ end subroutine init_tomography_files
   real(kind=CUSTOM_REAL), dimension(NFILES_TOMO) :: vp_final,vs_final,rho_final
-  integer :: nmaterials,imaterial
   ! initializes flag
   has_tomo_value = .false.
-  ! sets number of materials to loop over
-  nmaterials = nundefMat_ext_mesh
-  ! sets material number
-  imaterial = abs(imaterial_id)
   ! checks if we over-impose a tomography model by Par_file setting: MODEL = tomo
   if (nundefMat_ext_mesh == 0 .and. IMODEL == IMODEL_TOMO) then
-    nmaterials = 1
-    imaterial = 1
+    ! sets material number
+    imat = 1
     ! checks if material is a tomographic material (negative id)
     if (imaterial_id >= 0) return
-    ! checks if associated type is a tomography model
-    if (trim(undef_mat_prop(2,abs(imaterial_id))) /= 'tomography') return
-  endif
-  ! loops over all undefined materials
-  imat = 0
-  do iundef = 1, nmaterials
-    ! counter
-    imat = imat + 1
-    if (imat /= imaterial) cycle
+    ! sets material number
+    imat = abs(imaterial_id)
-    ! determine spacing and cell for linear interpolation
-    spac_x = (xmesh - ORIG_X(imat)) / SPACING_X(imat)
-    spac_y = (ymesh - ORIG_Y(imat)) / SPACING_Y(imat)
-    spac_z = (zmesh - ORIG_Z(imat)) / SPACING_Z(imat)
+    ! checks if associated type is a tomography model
+    if (trim(undef_mat_prop(2,imat)) /= 'tomography') return
-    ix = int(spac_x)
-    iy = int(spac_y)
-    iz = int(spac_z)
+    ! checks material
+    if (imat < 1 .or. imat > nundefMat_ext_mesh) then
+      print*,'Error tomography model: unknown material id ',imaterial_id,' for ',nundefMat_ext_mesh,' undefined materials'
+      stop 'Error unknown material id in tomography model'
+    endif
+  endif
-    gamma_interp_x = spac_x - dble(ix)
-    gamma_interp_y = spac_y - dble(iy)
+  ! determine spacing and cell for linear interpolation
+  spac_x = (xmesh - ORIG_X(imat)) / SPACING_X(imat)
+  spac_y = (ymesh - ORIG_Y(imat)) / SPACING_Y(imat)
+  spac_z = (zmesh - ORIG_Z(imat)) / SPACING_Z(imat)
-    ! suppress edge effects for points outside of the model SPOSTARE DOPO
-    if (ix < 0) then
-       ix = 0
-       gamma_interp_x = 0.d0
-    endif
-    if (ix > NX(imat)-2) then
-       ix = NX(imat)-2
-       gamma_interp_x = 1.d0
-    endif
+  ix = int(spac_x)
+  iy = int(spac_y)
+  iz = int(spac_z)
-    if (iy < 0) then
-       iy = 0
-       gamma_interp_y = 0.d0
-    endif
-    if (iy > NY(imat)-2) then
-       iy = NY(imat)-2
-       gamma_interp_y = 1.d0
-    endif
+  gamma_interp_x = spac_x - dble(ix)
+  gamma_interp_y = spac_y - dble(iy)
-    if (iz < 0) then
-       iz = 0
-       !   gamma_interp_z = 0.d0
-    endif
-    if (iz > NZ(imat)-2) then
-       iz = NZ(imat)-2
-       !  gamma_interp_z = 1.d0
-    endif
+  ! suppress edge effects for points outside of the model SPOSTARE DOPO
+  if (ix < 0) then
+     ix = 0
+     gamma_interp_x = 0.d0
+  endif
+  if (ix > NX(imat)-2) then
+     ix = NX(imat)-2
+     gamma_interp_x = 1.d0
+  endif
+  if (iy < 0) then
+     iy = 0
+     gamma_interp_y = 0.d0
+  endif
+  if (iy > NY(imat)-2) then
+     iy = NY(imat)-2
+     gamma_interp_y = 1.d0
+  endif
-    ! define 8 corners of interpolation element
-    p0 = ix+iy*NX(imat)+iz*(NX(imat)*NY(imat))
-    p1 = (ix+1)+iy*NX(imat)+iz*(NX(imat)*NY(imat))
-    p2 = (ix+1)+(iy+1)*NX(imat)+iz*(NX(imat)*NY(imat))
-    p3 = ix+(iy+1)*NX(imat)+iz*(NX(imat)*NY(imat))
-    p4 = ix+iy*NX(imat)+(iz+1)*(NX(imat)*NY(imat))
-    p5 = (ix+1)+iy*NX(imat)+(iz+1)*(NX(imat)*NY(imat))
-    p6 = (ix+1)+(iy+1)*NX(imat)+(iz+1)*(NX(imat)*NY(imat))
-    p7 = ix+(iy+1)*NX(imat)+(iz+1)*(NX(imat)*NY(imat))
-    if (p0 < 0 .or. p1 < 0 .or. p2 < 0 .or. p3 < 0 .or. p4 < 0 .or. p5 < 0 .or. p6 < 0 .or. p7 < 0) then
-       print*,'model: ',imat
-       print*,'error rank: ',myrank_tomo
-       print*,'corner index: ',p0,p1,p2,p3,p4,p5,p6,p7
-       print*,'location: ',sngl(xmesh),sngl(ymesh),sngl(zmesh)
-       print*,'origin: ',sngl(ORIG_X(imat)),sngl(ORIG_Y(imat)),sngl(ORIG_Z(imat))
-       call exit_MPI(myrank_tomo,'error corner index in tomography routine')
-    endif
+  if (iz < 0) then
+     iz = 0
+     !   gamma_interp_z = 0.d0
+  endif
+  if (iz > NZ(imat)-2) then
+     iz = NZ(imat)-2
+     !  gamma_interp_z = 1.d0
+  endif
-    if (z_tomography(imat,p4+1) == z_tomography(imat,p0+1)) then
-       gamma_interp_z1 = 1.d0
-    else
-       gamma_interp_z1 = (zmesh-z_tomography(imat,p0+1))/(z_tomography(imat,p4+1)-z_tomography(imat,p0+1))
-    endif
-    if (gamma_interp_z1 > 1.d0) then
-       gamma_interp_z1 = 1.d0
-    endif
-    if (gamma_interp_z1 < 0.d0) then
-       gamma_interp_z1 = 0.d0
-    endif
+  ! define 8 corners of interpolation element
+  p0 = ix+iy*NX(imat)+iz*(NX(imat)*NY(imat))
+  p1 = (ix+1)+iy*NX(imat)+iz*(NX(imat)*NY(imat))
+  p2 = (ix+1)+(iy+1)*NX(imat)+iz*(NX(imat)*NY(imat))
+  p3 = ix+(iy+1)*NX(imat)+iz*(NX(imat)*NY(imat))
+  p4 = ix+iy*NX(imat)+(iz+1)*(NX(imat)*NY(imat))
+  p5 = (ix+1)+iy*NX(imat)+(iz+1)*(NX(imat)*NY(imat))
+  p6 = (ix+1)+(iy+1)*NX(imat)+(iz+1)*(NX(imat)*NY(imat))
+  p7 = ix+(iy+1)*NX(imat)+(iz+1)*(NX(imat)*NY(imat))
+  if (p0 < 0 .or. p1 < 0 .or. p2 < 0 .or. p3 < 0 .or. p4 < 0 .or. p5 < 0 .or. p6 < 0 .or. p7 < 0) then
+     print*,'model: ',imat
+     print*,'error rank: ',myrank_tomo
+     print*,'corner index: ',p0,p1,p2,p3,p4,p5,p6,p7
+     print*,'location: ',sngl(xmesh),sngl(ymesh),sngl(zmesh)
+     print*,'origin: ',sngl(ORIG_X(imat)),sngl(ORIG_Y(imat)),sngl(ORIG_Z(imat))
+     call exit_MPI(myrank_tomo,'error corner index in tomography routine')
+  endif
-    if (z_tomography(imat,p5+1) == z_tomography(imat,p1+1)) then
-       gamma_interp_z2 = 1.d0
-    else
-       gamma_interp_z2 = (zmesh-z_tomography(imat,p1+1))/(z_tomography(imat,p5+1)-z_tomography(imat,p1+1))
-    endif
-    if (gamma_interp_z2 > 1.d0) then
-       gamma_interp_z2 = 1.d0
-    endif
-    if (gamma_interp_z2 < 0.d0) then
-       gamma_interp_z2 = 0.d0
-    endif
+  if (z_tomography(imat,p4+1) == z_tomography(imat,p0+1)) then
+     gamma_interp_z1 = 1.d0
+  else
+     gamma_interp_z1 = (zmesh-z_tomography(imat,p0+1))/(z_tomography(imat,p4+1)-z_tomography(imat,p0+1))
+  endif
+  if (gamma_interp_z1 > 1.d0) then
+     gamma_interp_z1 = 1.d0
+  endif
+  if (gamma_interp_z1 < 0.d0) then
+     gamma_interp_z1 = 0.d0
+  endif
-    if (z_tomography(imat,p6+1) == z_tomography(imat,p2+1)) then
-       gamma_interp_z3 = 1.d0
-    else
-       gamma_interp_z3 = (zmesh-z_tomography(imat,p2+1))/(z_tomography(imat,p6+1)-z_tomography(imat,p2+1))
-    endif
-    if (gamma_interp_z3 > 1.d0) then
-       gamma_interp_z3 = 1.d0
-    endif
-    if (gamma_interp_z3 < 0.d0) then
-       gamma_interp_z3 = 0.d0
-    endif
+  if (z_tomography(imat,p5+1) == z_tomography(imat,p1+1)) then
+     gamma_interp_z2 = 1.d0
+  else
+     gamma_interp_z2 = (zmesh-z_tomography(imat,p1+1))/(z_tomography(imat,p5+1)-z_tomography(imat,p1+1))
+  endif
+  if (gamma_interp_z2 > 1.d0) then
+     gamma_interp_z2 = 1.d0
+  endif
+  if (gamma_interp_z2 < 0.d0) then
+     gamma_interp_z2 = 0.d0
+  endif
-    if (z_tomography(imat,p7+1) == z_tomography(imat,p3+1)) then
-       gamma_interp_z4 = 1.d0
-    else
-       gamma_interp_z4 = (zmesh-z_tomography(imat,p3+1))/(z_tomography(imat,p7+1)-z_tomography(imat,p3+1))
-    endif
-    if (gamma_interp_z4 > 1.d0) then
-       gamma_interp_z4 = 1.d0
-    endif
-    if (gamma_interp_z4 < 0.d0) then
-       gamma_interp_z4 = 0.d0
-    endif
+  if (z_tomography(imat,p6+1) == z_tomography(imat,p2+1)) then
+     gamma_interp_z3 = 1.d0
+  else
+     gamma_interp_z3 = (zmesh-z_tomography(imat,p2+1))/(z_tomography(imat,p6+1)-z_tomography(imat,p2+1))
+  endif
+  if (gamma_interp_z3 > 1.d0) then
+     gamma_interp_z3 = 1.d0
+  endif
+  if (gamma_interp_z3 < 0.d0) then
+     gamma_interp_z3 = 0.d0
+  endif
-    gamma_interp_z5 = 1.d0 - gamma_interp_z1
-    gamma_interp_z6 = 1.d0 - gamma_interp_z2
-    gamma_interp_z7 = 1.d0 - gamma_interp_z3
-    gamma_interp_z8 = 1.d0 - gamma_interp_z4
-    vp1 = vp_tomography(imat,p0+1)
-    vp2 = vp_tomography(imat,p1+1)
-    vp3 = vp_tomography(imat,p2+1)
-    vp4 = vp_tomography(imat,p3+1)
-    vp5 = vp_tomography(imat,p4+1)
-    vp6 = vp_tomography(imat,p5+1)
-    vp7 = vp_tomography(imat,p6+1)
-    vp8 = vp_tomography(imat,p7+1)
-    vs1 = vs_tomography(imat,p0+1)
-    vs2 = vs_tomography(imat,p1+1)
-    vs3 = vs_tomography(imat,p2+1)
-    vs4 = vs_tomography(imat,p3+1)
-    vs5 = vs_tomography(imat,p4+1)
-    vs6 = vs_tomography(imat,p5+1)
-    vs7 = vs_tomography(imat,p6+1)
-    vs8 = vs_tomography(imat,p7+1)
-    rho1 = rho_tomography(imat,p0+1)
-    rho2 = rho_tomography(imat,p1+1)
-    rho3 = rho_tomography(imat,p2+1)
-    rho4 = rho_tomography(imat,p3+1)
-    rho5 = rho_tomography(imat,p4+1)
-    rho6 = rho_tomography(imat,p5+1)
-    rho7 = rho_tomography(imat,p6+1)
-    rho8 = rho_tomography(imat,p7+1)
-    ! use trilinear interpolation in cell to define Vp Vs and rho
-    vp_final(imat) = &
-         vp1*(1.-gamma_interp_x)*(1.-gamma_interp_y)*(1.-gamma_interp_z1) + &
-         vp2*gamma_interp_x*(1.-gamma_interp_y)*(1.-gamma_interp_z2) + &
-         vp3*gamma_interp_x*gamma_interp_y*(1.-gamma_interp_z3) + &
-         vp4*(1.-gamma_interp_x)*gamma_interp_y*(1.-gamma_interp_z4) + &
-         vp5*(1.-gamma_interp_x)*(1.-gamma_interp_y)*gamma_interp_z1 + &
-         vp6*gamma_interp_x*(1.-gamma_interp_y)*gamma_interp_z2 + &
-         vp7*gamma_interp_x*gamma_interp_y*gamma_interp_z3 + &
-         vp8*(1.-gamma_interp_x)*gamma_interp_y*gamma_interp_z4
-    vs_final(imat) = &
-         vs1*(1.-gamma_interp_x)*(1.-gamma_interp_y)*(1.-gamma_interp_z1) + &
-         vs2*gamma_interp_x*(1.-gamma_interp_y)*(1.-gamma_interp_z2) + &
-         vs3*gamma_interp_x*gamma_interp_y*(1.-gamma_interp_z3) + &
-         vs4*(1.-gamma_interp_x)*gamma_interp_y*(1.-gamma_interp_z4) + &
-         vs5*(1.-gamma_interp_x)*(1.-gamma_interp_y)*gamma_interp_z1 + &
-         vs6*gamma_interp_x*(1.-gamma_interp_y)*gamma_interp_z2 + &
-         vs7*gamma_interp_x*gamma_interp_y*gamma_interp_z3 + &
-         vs8*(1.-gamma_interp_x)*gamma_interp_y*gamma_interp_z4
-    rho_final(imat) = &
-         rho1*(1.-gamma_interp_x)*(1.-gamma_interp_y)*(1.-gamma_interp_z1) + &
-         rho2*gamma_interp_x*(1.-gamma_interp_y)*(1.-gamma_interp_z2) + &
-         rho3*gamma_interp_x*gamma_interp_y*(1.-gamma_interp_z3) + &
-         rho4*(1.-gamma_interp_x)*gamma_interp_y*(1.-gamma_interp_z4) + &
-         rho5*(1.-gamma_interp_x)*(1.-gamma_interp_y)*gamma_interp_z1 + &
-         rho6*gamma_interp_x*(1.-gamma_interp_y)*gamma_interp_z2 + &
-         rho7*gamma_interp_x*gamma_interp_y*gamma_interp_z3 + &
-         rho8*(1.-gamma_interp_x)*gamma_interp_y*gamma_interp_z4
-    ! impose minimum and maximum velocity and density if needed
-    if (vp_final(imat) < VP_MIN(imat)) vp_final(imat) = VP_MIN(imat)
-    if (vp_final(imat) > VP_MAX(imat)) vp_final(imat) = VP_MAX(imat)
-    if (vs_final(imat) < VS_MIN(imat)) vs_final(imat) = VS_MIN(imat)
-    if (vs_final(imat) > VS_MAX(imat)) vs_final(imat) = VS_MAX(imat)
-    if (rho_final(imat) > RHO_MAX(imat)) rho_final(imat) = RHO_MAX(imat)
-    if (rho_final(imat) < RHO_MIN(imat)) rho_final(imat) = RHO_MIN(imat)
-  enddo
+  if (z_tomography(imat,p7+1) == z_tomography(imat,p3+1)) then
+     gamma_interp_z4 = 1.d0
+  else
+     gamma_interp_z4 = (zmesh-z_tomography(imat,p3+1))/(z_tomography(imat,p7+1)-z_tomography(imat,p3+1))
+  endif
+  if (gamma_interp_z4 > 1.d0) then
+     gamma_interp_z4 = 1.d0
+  endif
+  if (gamma_interp_z4 < 0.d0) then
+     gamma_interp_z4 = 0.d0
+  endif
-  ! checks that material was found
-  if (imat /= imaterial) stop 'Error specified tomographic material id was not found'
+  gamma_interp_z5 = 1.d0 - gamma_interp_z1
+  gamma_interp_z6 = 1.d0 - gamma_interp_z2
+  gamma_interp_z7 = 1.d0 - gamma_interp_z3
+  gamma_interp_z8 = 1.d0 - gamma_interp_z4
+  vp1 = vp_tomography(imat,p0+1)
+  vp2 = vp_tomography(imat,p1+1)
+  vp3 = vp_tomography(imat,p2+1)
+  vp4 = vp_tomography(imat,p3+1)
+  vp5 = vp_tomography(imat,p4+1)
+  vp6 = vp_tomography(imat,p5+1)
+  vp7 = vp_tomography(imat,p6+1)
+  vp8 = vp_tomography(imat,p7+1)
+  vs1 = vs_tomography(imat,p0+1)
+  vs2 = vs_tomography(imat,p1+1)
+  vs3 = vs_tomography(imat,p2+1)
+  vs4 = vs_tomography(imat,p3+1)
+  vs5 = vs_tomography(imat,p4+1)
+  vs6 = vs_tomography(imat,p5+1)
+  vs7 = vs_tomography(imat,p6+1)
+  vs8 = vs_tomography(imat,p7+1)
+  rho1 = rho_tomography(imat,p0+1)
+  rho2 = rho_tomography(imat,p1+1)
+  rho3 = rho_tomography(imat,p2+1)
+  rho4 = rho_tomography(imat,p3+1)
+  rho5 = rho_tomography(imat,p4+1)
+  rho6 = rho_tomography(imat,p5+1)
+  rho7 = rho_tomography(imat,p6+1)
+  rho8 = rho_tomography(imat,p7+1)
+  ! use trilinear interpolation in cell to define Vp Vs and rho
+  vp_final(imat) = &
+       vp1*(1.-gamma_interp_x)*(1.-gamma_interp_y)*(1.-gamma_interp_z1) + &
+       vp2*gamma_interp_x*(1.-gamma_interp_y)*(1.-gamma_interp_z2) + &
+       vp3*gamma_interp_x*gamma_interp_y*(1.-gamma_interp_z3) + &
+       vp4*(1.-gamma_interp_x)*gamma_interp_y*(1.-gamma_interp_z4) + &
+       vp5*(1.-gamma_interp_x)*(1.-gamma_interp_y)*gamma_interp_z1 + &
+       vp6*gamma_interp_x*(1.-gamma_interp_y)*gamma_interp_z2 + &
+       vp7*gamma_interp_x*gamma_interp_y*gamma_interp_z3 + &
+       vp8*(1.-gamma_interp_x)*gamma_interp_y*gamma_interp_z4
+  vs_final(imat) = &
+       vs1*(1.-gamma_interp_x)*(1.-gamma_interp_y)*(1.-gamma_interp_z1) + &
+       vs2*gamma_interp_x*(1.-gamma_interp_y)*(1.-gamma_interp_z2) + &
+       vs3*gamma_interp_x*gamma_interp_y*(1.-gamma_interp_z3) + &
+       vs4*(1.-gamma_interp_x)*gamma_interp_y*(1.-gamma_interp_z4) + &
+       vs5*(1.-gamma_interp_x)*(1.-gamma_interp_y)*gamma_interp_z1 + &
+       vs6*gamma_interp_x*(1.-gamma_interp_y)*gamma_interp_z2 + &
+       vs7*gamma_interp_x*gamma_interp_y*gamma_interp_z3 + &
+       vs8*(1.-gamma_interp_x)*gamma_interp_y*gamma_interp_z4
+  rho_final(imat) = &
+       rho1*(1.-gamma_interp_x)*(1.-gamma_interp_y)*(1.-gamma_interp_z1) + &
+       rho2*gamma_interp_x*(1.-gamma_interp_y)*(1.-gamma_interp_z2) + &
+       rho3*gamma_interp_x*gamma_interp_y*(1.-gamma_interp_z3) + &
+       rho4*(1.-gamma_interp_x)*gamma_interp_y*(1.-gamma_interp_z4) + &
+       rho5*(1.-gamma_interp_x)*(1.-gamma_interp_y)*gamma_interp_z1 + &
+       rho6*gamma_interp_x*(1.-gamma_interp_y)*gamma_interp_z2 + &
+       rho7*gamma_interp_x*gamma_interp_y*gamma_interp_z3 + &
+       rho8*(1.-gamma_interp_x)*gamma_interp_y*gamma_interp_z4
+  ! impose minimum and maximum velocity and density if needed
+  if (vp_final(imat) < VP_MIN(imat)) vp_final(imat) = VP_MIN(imat)
+  if (vp_final(imat) > VP_MAX(imat)) vp_final(imat) = VP_MAX(imat)
+  if (vs_final(imat) < VS_MIN(imat)) vs_final(imat) = VS_MIN(imat)
+  if (vs_final(imat) > VS_MAX(imat)) vs_final(imat) = VS_MAX(imat)
+  if (rho_final(imat) > RHO_MAX(imat)) rho_final(imat) = RHO_MAX(imat)
+  if (rho_final(imat) < RHO_MIN(imat)) rho_final(imat) = RHO_MIN(imat)
   ! model parameters for the associated negative imaterial_id index in materials file
-  rho_model = rho_final(imaterial)
-  vp_model = vp_final(imaterial)
-  vs_model = vs_final(imaterial)
+  rho_model = rho_final(imat)
+  vp_model = vp_final(imat)
+  vs_model = vs_final(imat)
   ! attenuation: arbitrary value, see maximum in constants.h

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