[cig-commits] [commit] devel: Merge HEX27 mesher + clean stuff in DSM directory (db45edb)

cig_noreply at geodynamics.org cig_noreply at geodynamics.org
Thu Nov 27 15:41:46 PST 2014

Repository : https://github.com/geodynamics/specfem3d

On branch  : devel
Link       : https://github.com/geodynamics/specfem3d/compare/c03570160da2904c3100ec5e80b5068857972a33...b2e6274976c364b76f2990b3c8ce2d19dd18c938


commit db45edb22e1b98c6613db0e19692f71a72b324cc
Author: Clément Durochat <c.durochat at gmail.com>
Date:   Thu Nov 27 17:30:39 2014 +0100

    Merge HEX27 mesher + clean stuff in DSM directory


 .../example_simple_small/DATA/Par_file             |  2 +-
 .../batch_run_benchmark_all_process.sh             | 24 ++++++-----
 .../example_simple_small/clean_this_example_dir    |  2 +-
 .../example_simple_small/params.in                 |  7 ++--
 src/meshfem3D/earth_chunk_HEX27_Mesher.f90         | 16 ++++---
 src/meshfem3D/earth_chunk_all_Utils.f90            | 49 ++++++++++++++--------
 src/meshfem3D/meshfem3D.f90                        |  2 -
 .../DSM_FOR_SPECFEM3D/shells/scripts_specfem3D.sh  |  2 -
 .../HEX27/visualize_HEX27_chunk_w_medit.f90        |  4 --
 .../HEX8/visualize_HEX8_chunk_w_medit.f90          |  4 --
 10 files changed, 61 insertions(+), 51 deletions(-)

diff --git a/EXAMPLES/DSM_FOR_SPECFEM3D/example_simple_small/DATA/Par_file b/EXAMPLES/DSM_FOR_SPECFEM3D/example_simple_small/DATA/Par_file
index db5be59..ebfbd62 100644
--- a/EXAMPLES/DSM_FOR_SPECFEM3D/example_simple_small/DATA/Par_file
+++ b/EXAMPLES/DSM_FOR_SPECFEM3D/example_simple_small/DATA/Par_file
@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ DT                              = 0.1
 # If you use our internal mesher, the only option is 8-node bricks (27-node elements are not supported)
 # CUBIT does not support HEX27 elements either (it can generate them, but they are flat, i.e. identical to HEX8).
 # To generate HEX27 elements with curvature properly taken into account, you can use Gmsh http://geuz.org/gmsh/
-NGNOD                           = 8
+NGNOD                           = 27
 # models:
 # available options are:
diff --git a/EXAMPLES/DSM_FOR_SPECFEM3D/example_simple_small/batch_run_benchmark_all_process.sh b/EXAMPLES/DSM_FOR_SPECFEM3D/example_simple_small/batch_run_benchmark_all_process.sh
index debbf26..6570dee 100755
--- a/EXAMPLES/DSM_FOR_SPECFEM3D/example_simple_small/batch_run_benchmark_all_process.sh
+++ b/EXAMPLES/DSM_FOR_SPECFEM3D/example_simple_small/batch_run_benchmark_all_process.sh
@@ -3,13 +3,13 @@
 #             ------------ BACTH AND SPECIFIC CLUSTER DIRECTIVES  ------ 
-#MSUB -r Benchmark_finalcouple32_SPECFEM3D_DSM        # Nom du job  
+#MSUB -r Benchmark_SPECFEM3D_DSM_HEX27_32p        # Nom du job  
 #MSUB -n 32
 #MSUB -N 2
 #MSUB -T 5400
 #MSUB -q standard
-#MSUB -e Benchmark_finalcouple_run_32.e
-#MSUB -o Benchmark_finalcouple_run_32.o
+#MSUB -e Benchmark_SPECFEM3D_DSM_HEX27_32p_run.e
+#MSUB -o Benchmark_SPECFEM3D_DSM_HEX27_32p_run.o
 #MSUB -A ra2410 
 set -x
@@ -152,7 +152,7 @@ clean_and_make_dir
 # clean and make directories DSM
-# mv some input files in rigth place
+# mv some input files in right place
 mv input_dsm_for_write_coef $IN_DSM/inputIASP.infTra_for_coef
 mv input_dsm_for_read_xmin  $IN_DSM/inputIASP.infTra_stxmin
 mv input_dsm_for_read_xmax  $IN_DSM/inputIASP.infTra_stxmax
@@ -169,12 +169,15 @@ echo " BENCHMARK RUN  " >> $flog_file
 echo >> $flog_file
 echo $(date) >> $flog_file
+# ----------------------------------------------------
 # 1 / ------- create mesh
+# ----------------------------------------------------
+# ----------------------------------------------------
 # 2 / ----- compute DSM tractions
+# ----------------------------------------------------
 cd $DSM_tractions
@@ -182,9 +185,9 @@ compute_exp_coeff
+# ----------------------------------------------------
 # 3 / ------- create specfem3D data base
+# ----------------------------------------------------
 echo "" >> $flog_file
 echo $(date) >> $flog_file
@@ -192,7 +195,9 @@ echo " create specfem3D data base" >> $flog_file
 echo $(date) >> $flog_file
+# ----------------------------------------------------
 # 4 / -------- create tractions for specfem3D from DSM
+# ----------------------------------------------------
 echo "" >> $flog_file
 echo " create traction database" >> $flog_file
 echo $(date) >> $flog_file
@@ -202,10 +207,9 @@ run_create_tractions_for_specfem
 echo $(date) >> $flog_file
+# ----------------------------------------------------
 # 5 / --------------- run simulation
+# ----------------------------------------------------
 echo "" >> $flog_file
 echo " simulation" >> $flog_file
 echo $(date) >> $flog_file
diff --git a/EXAMPLES/DSM_FOR_SPECFEM3D/example_simple_small/clean_this_example_dir b/EXAMPLES/DSM_FOR_SPECFEM3D/example_simple_small/clean_this_example_dir
index 8fbfdbb..d14b46c 100755
--- a/EXAMPLES/DSM_FOR_SPECFEM3D/example_simple_small/clean_this_example_dir
+++ b/EXAMPLES/DSM_FOR_SPECFEM3D/example_simple_small/clean_this_example_dir
@@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
-rm -rf *~ Tract/ OUTPUT_FILES/ DSM_tractions/ MESH/* xmin_gll_for_dsm_0000* *.out
+rm -rf *~ Tract/ OUTPUT_FILES/ DSM_tractions/ MESH/* xmin_gll_for_dsm_0000* *.out fort.* DATA/DSM_tractions_for_specfem3D/
diff --git a/EXAMPLES/DSM_FOR_SPECFEM3D/example_simple_small/params.in b/EXAMPLES/DSM_FOR_SPECFEM3D/example_simple_small/params.in
index 4d32de1..bd331d7 100644
--- a/EXAMPLES/DSM_FOR_SPECFEM3D/example_simple_small/params.in
+++ b/EXAMPLES/DSM_FOR_SPECFEM3D/example_simple_small/params.in
@@ -1,7 +1,6 @@
diff --git a/src/meshfem3D/earth_chunk_HEX27_Mesher.f90 b/src/meshfem3D/earth_chunk_HEX27_Mesher.f90
index f7e2160..1adc948 100644
--- a/src/meshfem3D/earth_chunk_HEX27_Mesher.f90
+++ b/src/meshfem3D/earth_chunk_HEX27_Mesher.f90
@@ -484,7 +484,6 @@
-          ! 8 vertices of the element ispec
            do ia=1,NGNOD
 !! MODIF HEX27 LA -----------------------------
@@ -493,21 +492,28 @@
-              z = 1000d0*ProfForGemini(iz,1+k)
+              SELECT CASE (k)
+                CASE(0)
+                  z = 1000d0*ProfForGemini(iz,1)
+                CASE(1)
+                  z = 1000d0*ProfForGemini(iz,3)
+                CASE(2)
+                  z = 1000d0*ProfForGemini(iz,2)
+              END SELECT
               ! longitude
-              ratio_xi = (dble(ilon+i)) / dble(NX)
+              ratio_xi = (dble(ilon) + dble(i)/2.d0 ) / dble(NX)
               x = 2.d0*ratio_xi-1.d0
               x = tan((ANGULAR_WIDTH_XI_RAD/2.d0) * x)
               ! latitude
-              ratio_eta = (dble(ilat+j)) / dble(NY)
+              ratio_eta = (dble(ilat) + dble(j)/2.d0 ) / dble(NY)
               y = 2.d0*ratio_eta-1.d0
               y = tan((ANGULAR_WIDTH_ETA_RAD/2.d0) * y)
               ! mapping cubic sphere (k=6, Chevrot at al 2012, avec -z)
-              pz=  z/dsqrt(1.d0 + y*y + x*x) !(=r/s)
+              pz= z/dsqrt(1.d0 + y*y + x*x) !(=r/s)
               px= pz * x !(tan(xi) * r/s)
               py= pz * y !(tan(eta) * r/s)
diff --git a/src/meshfem3D/earth_chunk_all_Utils.f90 b/src/meshfem3D/earth_chunk_all_Utils.f90
index 55ee96f..bfe8133 100644
--- a/src/meshfem3D/earth_chunk_all_Utils.f90
+++ b/src/meshfem3D/earth_chunk_all_Utils.f90
@@ -1011,17 +1011,18 @@ end subroutine StorePointZ
-  ifseg(:)=.false.
-  nseg=1
-  ifseg(1)=.true.
-  ninseg(1)=npointot
+  ifseg(:)  = .false.
+  nseg      = 1
+  ifseg(1)  = .true.
+  ninseg(1) = npointot
   do j=1,3 !,NDIM
 ! sort within each segment
-  ioff=1
+  ioff = 1
   do iseg=1,nseg
     if (j == 1) then
       call rank(xp(ioff),ind,ninseg(iseg))
     else if (j == 2) then
@@ -1029,46 +1030,58 @@ end subroutine StorePointZ
       call rank(zp(ioff),ind,ninseg(iseg))
     call swap_all(loc(ioff),xp(ioff),yp(ioff),zp(ioff),iwork,work,ind,ninseg(iseg))
-    ioff=ioff+ninseg(iseg)
+    ioff = ioff + ninseg(iseg)
 ! check for jumps in current coordinate
 ! compare the coordinates of the points within a small tolerance
   if (j == 1) then
     do i=2,npointot
-      if (dabs(xp(i)-xp(i-1)) > SMALLVALTOL) ifseg(i)=.true.
+      if (dabs(xp(i)-xp(i-1)) > SMALLVALTOL) ifseg(i) = .true.
   else if (j == 2) then
     do i=2,npointot
-      if (dabs(yp(i)-yp(i-1)) > SMALLVALTOL) ifseg(i)=.true.
+      if (dabs(yp(i)-yp(i-1)) > SMALLVALTOL) ifseg(i) = .true.
     do i=2,npointot
-      if (dabs(zp(i)-zp(i-1)) > SMALLVALTOL) ifseg(i)=.true.
+      if (dabs(zp(i)-zp(i-1)) > SMALLVALTOL) ifseg(i) = .true.
 ! count up number of different segments
-  nseg=0
+  nseg = 0
   do i=1,npointot
     if (ifseg(i)) then
-      nseg=nseg+1
-      ninseg(nseg)=1
+      nseg = nseg + 1
+      ninseg(nseg) = 1
-      ninseg(nseg)=ninseg(nseg)+1
+      ninseg(nseg) = ninseg(nseg) + 1
 ! assign global node numbers (now sorted lexicographically)
-  ig=0
+  ig = 0
   do i=1,npointot
-    if (ifseg(i)) ig=ig+1
-    iglob(loc(i))=ig
+    if (ifseg(i)) ig = ig + 1
+    iglob(loc(i)) = ig
-  nglob=ig
+  nglob = ig
 ! deallocate arrays
diff --git a/src/meshfem3D/meshfem3D.f90 b/src/meshfem3D/meshfem3D.f90
index 1bf997a..e769312 100644
--- a/src/meshfem3D/meshfem3D.f90
+++ b/src/meshfem3D/meshfem3D.f90
@@ -419,8 +419,6 @@
       stop 'Done creating a chunk of the earth Mesh (HEX8 elements), see directory MESH/'
     else if (NGNOD == 27) then
-      ! provisional
-      stop 'Creating a chunk of the earth Mesh with HEX27 elements is implmented but not validated yet for coupling with DSM'
       ! creates mesh in MESH/
       call earth_chunk_HEX27_Mesher(NGNOD)
diff --git a/utils/DSM_FOR_SPECFEM3D/shells/scripts_specfem3D.sh b/utils/DSM_FOR_SPECFEM3D/shells/scripts_specfem3D.sh
index a32283c..175d459 100755
--- a/utils/DSM_FOR_SPECFEM3D/shells/scripts_specfem3D.sh
+++ b/utils/DSM_FOR_SPECFEM3D/shells/scripts_specfem3D.sh
@@ -42,8 +42,6 @@ cp $MESH/model_1D.in DATA/
 function run_create_specfem_databases ()
-cp ParFileInterface bin/.
 mv Numglob2loc_elmn.txt $MESH/.
diff --git a/utils/Visualization/visualize_chunk_of_the_earth_with_MEDIT/HEX27/visualize_HEX27_chunk_w_medit.f90 b/utils/Visualization/visualize_chunk_of_the_earth_with_MEDIT/HEX27/visualize_HEX27_chunk_w_medit.f90
index d6823f9..4a7b7b6 100755
--- a/utils/Visualization/visualize_chunk_of_the_earth_with_MEDIT/HEX27/visualize_HEX27_chunk_w_medit.f90
+++ b/utils/Visualization/visualize_chunk_of_the_earth_with_MEDIT/HEX27/visualize_HEX27_chunk_w_medit.f90
@@ -28,10 +28,6 @@ PROGRAM visualize_HEX27_chunk_w_medit
   READ(35,*) nq5
   READ(36,*) nq6
-  PRINT*, 'CAUTION : the value for the number of faces on the free surface is hard imposed (225) !' 
-  nq6 = 225 !! pourquoi ??
   nhexdecoup  = 8*nhex
   nqdecoup    = 4*(nq1 + nq2 + nq3 + nq4 + nq5 + nq6)
diff --git a/utils/Visualization/visualize_chunk_of_the_earth_with_MEDIT/HEX8/visualize_HEX8_chunk_w_medit.f90 b/utils/Visualization/visualize_chunk_of_the_earth_with_MEDIT/HEX8/visualize_HEX8_chunk_w_medit.f90
index 034a037..d487f3d 100755
--- a/utils/Visualization/visualize_chunk_of_the_earth_with_MEDIT/HEX8/visualize_HEX8_chunk_w_medit.f90
+++ b/utils/Visualization/visualize_chunk_of_the_earth_with_MEDIT/HEX8/visualize_HEX8_chunk_w_medit.f90
@@ -27,10 +27,6 @@ PROGRAM visualize_HEX8_chunk_w_medit
   READ(35,*) nq5
   READ(36,*) nq6
-  PRINT*, 'CAUTION : the value for the number of faces on the free surface is hard imposed (225) !' 
-  nq6 = 225 !! pourquoi ??
   nquad = nq1 + nq2 + nq3 + nq4 + nq5 + nq6
   WRITE(20,*) 'MeshVersionFormatted 1'

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