[cig-commits] [commit] master: refactoring: netcdf helper routines go to separate module (338fe0c)

cig_noreply at geodynamics.org cig_noreply at geodynamics.org
Fri Oct 17 05:29:47 PDT 2014

Repository : https://github.com/geodynamics/axisem

On branch  : master
Link       : https://github.com/geodynamics/axisem/compare/607f803cf074063627513d235f9ed0837fc1dd44...b6457db24acdde4a4e1c08935ae1b22adf87f5bf


commit 338fe0ca39ac9ade53cdb1c3ec0b692cbab065a7
Author: martinvandriel <vandriel at erdw.ethz.ch>
Date:   Thu Oct 16 19:08:50 2014 +0200

    refactoring: netcdf helper routines go to separate module


 SOLVER/nc_helpers.F90  | 408 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 SOLVER/nc_routines.F90 | 364 +------------------------------------------
 2 files changed, 409 insertions(+), 363 deletions(-)

diff --git a/SOLVER/nc_helpers.F90 b/SOLVER/nc_helpers.F90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..46de5f3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SOLVER/nc_helpers.F90
@@ -0,0 +1,408 @@
+!    Copyright 2013, Tarje Nissen-Meyer, Alexandre Fournier, Martin van Driel
+!                    Simon Stähler, Kasra Hosseini, Stefanie Hempel
+!    This file is part of AxiSEM.
+!    It is distributed from the webpage <http://www.axisem.info>
+!    AxiSEM is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+!    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+!    the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+!    (at your option) any later version.
+!    AxiSEM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+!    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+!    GNU General Public License for more details.
+!    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+!    along with AxiSEM.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+!> Contains some routines to ease interaction with netcdf files
+module nc_helpers
+#ifdef enable_netcdf
+    use netcdf
+    use data_io,    only : verbose
+    use data_proc,  only : mynum
+    implicit none
+    private 
+    public :: check
+    public :: putvar_real1d
+    public :: putvar_real2d
+    public :: putvar_real3d
+    public :: getgrpid
+    public :: getvarid
+!> Translates NetCDF error code into readable message
+subroutine check(status)
+    integer, intent ( in) :: status !< Error code
+#ifdef enable_netcdf
+    if (status /= nf90_noerr) then 
+        print *, trim(nf90_strerror(status))
+        call abort()
+    end if
+end subroutine check  
+subroutine getvarid(ncid, name, varid)
+    integer, intent(in)          :: ncid
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: name
+    integer, intent(out)         :: varid
+#ifdef enable_netcdf
+    integer                      :: status
+    status = nf90_inq_varid( ncid  = ncid, &
+                             name  = name, &
+                             varid = varid )
+    if (status.ne.NF90_NOERR) then
+        write(6,100) mynum, trim(name), ncid
+        stop
+    elseif (verbose > 2) then
+        write(6,101) trim(name), ncid, varid
+        call flush(6)
+    end if
+100 format('ERROR: CPU ', I4, ' could not find variable: ''', A, ''' in NCID', I7)
+101 format('    Variable ''', A, ''' found in NCID', I7, ', has ID:', I7)
+    varid = 0
+end subroutine getvarid
+subroutine getgrpid(ncid, name, grpid)
+    integer, intent(in)          :: ncid
+    character(len=*), intent(in) :: name
+    integer, intent(out)         :: grpid
+#ifdef enable_netcdf
+    integer                      :: status
+    status = nf90_inq_ncid( ncid     = ncid, &
+                            name     = name, &
+                            grp_ncid = grpid )
+    if (status.ne.NF90_NOERR) then
+        write(6,100) mynum, trim(name), ncid
+        stop
+    elseif (verbose > 2) then
+        write(6,101) trim(name), ncid, grpid
+        call flush(6)
+    end if
+100 format('ERROR: CPU ', I4, ' could not find group: ''', A, ''' in NCID', I7)
+101 format('    Group ''', A, ''' found in NCID', I7, ', has ID:', I7)
+    grpid = 0
+end subroutine getgrpid
+subroutine putvar_real1d(ncid, varid, values, start, count)
+!< Help interpret the inane NetCDF error messages
+   integer, intent(in)          :: ncid, varid, start, count
+   real, intent(in)             :: values(:)
+#ifdef enable_netcdf
+   integer                      :: xtype, ndims, status, dimsize
+   integer                      :: dimid(10)
+   character(len=nf90_max_name) :: varname, dimname
+   status = nf90_inquire_variable(ncid  = ncid,     &
+                                  varid = varid,    &
+                                  name  = varname )
+   if (status.ne.NF90_NOERR) then
+       write(*,99) mynum, varid, ncid
+       print *, trim(nf90_strerror(status))
+       stop
+   end if
+   if (size(values).ne.count) then
+       write(*,100) mynum, trim(varname), varid, ncid, size(values), count
+       stop
+   end if
+   status = nf90_put_var(ncid   = ncid,           &
+                         varid  = varid,          &
+                         values = values,         &
+                         start  = [start],        &
+                         count  = [count] )
+   if (status.ne.NF90_NOERR) then
+       status = nf90_inquire_variable(ncid  =  ncid,    &
+                                      varid = varid,    &
+                                      name  = varname,  &
+                                      ndims = ndims)
+       if (ndims.ne.1) then
+           write(*,101) mynum, trim(varname), varid, ncid, ndims
+           print *, trim(nf90_strerror(status))
+           stop
+       end if
+       status = nf90_inquire_variable(ncid   = ncid,     &
+                                      varid  = varid,    &
+                                      name   = varname,  &
+                                      xtype  = xtype,    &
+                                      ndims  = ndims,    &
+                                      dimids = dimid  )
+       status = nf90_inquire_dimension(ncid  = ncid,     &
+                                       dimid = dimid(1), &
+                                       name  = dimname,  &
+                                       len   = dimsize )
+       if (start + count - 1 > dimsize) then
+           write(*,102) mynum, trim(varname), varid, ncid, start, count, dimsize, trim(dimname)
+           print *, trim(nf90_strerror(status))
+           stop
+       end if
+       write(*,103) mynum, trim(varname), varid, ncid, start, count, dimsize, trim(dimname)
+       print *, trim(nf90_strerror(status))
+       stop
+   elseif (verbose > 2) then
+       write(*,200) mynum, real(count) * 4. / 1048576., ncid, varid
+       call flush(6)
+   end if
+99  format('ERROR: CPU ', I4, ' could not find 1D variable: ',I7,' in NCID', I7)
+100 format('ERROR: CPU ', I4, ' could not write 1D variable: ''', A, '''(',I7,') in NCID', I7, / &
+           '       was given ', I10, ' values, but ''count'' is ', I10)
+101 format('ERROR: CPU ', I4, ' could not write 1D variable: ''', A, '''(',I7,') in NCID', I7, / &
+           '       Variable has ', I2,' dimensions instead of one')
+102 format('ERROR: CPU ', I4, ' could not write 1D variable: ''', A, '''(',I7,') in NCID', I7, / &
+           '       start (', I10, ') + count(', I10, ') is larger than size (', I10,')',    / &
+           '       of dimension ', A)
+103 format('ERROR: CPU ', I4, ' could not write 1D variable: ''', A, '''(',I7,') in NCID', I7, / &
+           '       start:   ', I10, / &
+           '       count:   ', I10, / &
+           '       dimsize: ', I10, / &
+           '       dimname: ', A)
+200 format('    Proc ', I4, ': Wrote', F10.3, ' MB into 1D variable in NCID', I7, ', with ID:', I7)
+end subroutine putvar_real1d
+subroutine putvar_real2d(ncid, varid, values, start, count)
+!< Help interpret the inane NetCDF error messages
+   integer, intent(in)          :: ncid, varid
+   integer, intent(in)          :: start(2), count(2)
+   real, intent(in)             :: values(:,:)
+#ifdef enable_netcdf
+   integer                      :: xtype, ndims, status, dimsize, idim
+   integer                      :: dimid(10)
+   character(len=nf90_max_name) :: varname, dimname
+   status = nf90_inquire_variable(ncid  = ncid,     &
+                                  varid = varid,    &
+                                  name  = varname )
+   if (status.ne.NF90_NOERR) then
+       write(*,99) mynum, varid, ncid
+       print *, trim(nf90_strerror(status))
+       stop
+   end if
+   ! Check if variable size is consistent with values of 'count'
+   do idim = 1, 2
+       if (size(values,idim).ne.count(idim)) then
+           write(*,100) mynum, trim(varname), varid, ncid, idim, size(values, idim), count(idim)
+           stop
+       end if
+   end do
+   ! Write data to file
+   status = nf90_put_var(ncid   = ncid,           &
+                         varid  = varid,          &
+                         values = values,         &
+                         start  = start,          &
+                         count  = count )
+   ! If an error has occurred, try to find a reason                  
+   if (status.ne.NF90_NOERR) then
+       status = nf90_inquire_variable(ncid  =  ncid,    &
+                                      varid = varid,    &
+                                      name  = varname,  &
+                                      ndims = ndims)
+       ! Check whether variable in NetCDF file has more or less than three dimensions
+       if (ndims.ne.2) then
+           write(*,101) mynum, trim(varname), varid, ncid, ndims
+           print *, trim(nf90_strerror(status))
+           stop
+       end if
+       ! Check whether dimension sizes are compatible with amount of data written
+       status = nf90_inquire_variable(ncid   = ncid,     &
+                                      varid  = varid,    &
+                                      name   = varname,  &
+                                      xtype  = xtype,    &
+                                      ndims  = ndims,    &
+                                      dimids = dimid  )
+       do idim = 1, 2
+           status = nf90_inquire_dimension(ncid  = ncid,        &
+                                           dimid = dimid(idim), &
+                                           name  = dimname,     &
+                                           len   = dimsize )
+           if (start(idim) + count(idim) - 1 > dimsize) then
+               write(*,102) mynum, trim(varname), varid, ncid, start(idim), count(idim), &
+                            dimsize, trim(dimname), idim 
+               print *, trim(nf90_strerror(status))
+               stop
+           end if
+           ! Otherwise just dump as much information as possible and stop
+           write(*,103) mynum, trim(varname), varid, ncid, start(idim), count(idim), &
+                        dimsize, trim(dimname)
+           print *, trim(nf90_strerror(status))
+       end do
+       stop
+   elseif (verbose > 2) then
+       ! Everything okay
+       write(*,200) mynum, real(product(count)) * 4. / 1048576., ncid, varid
+       call flush(6)
+   end if
+99  format('ERROR: CPU ', I4, ' could not find 2D variable: ',I7,' in NCID', I7)
+100 format('ERROR: CPU ', I4, ' could not write 2D variable: ''', A, '''(',I7,') in NCID', I7, / &
+           '       dimension ', I1,' was given ', I10, ' values, but ''count'' is ', I10)
+101 format('ERROR: CPU ', I4, ' could not write 2D variable: ''', A, '''(',I7,') in NCID', I7, / &
+           '       Variable has ', I2,' dimensions instead of two')
+102 format('ERROR: CPU ', I4, ' could not write 2D variable: ''', A, '''(',I7,') in NCID', I7, / &
+           '       start (', I10, ') + count(', I10, ') is larger than size (', I10,')',    / &
+           '       of dimension ', A, ' (', I1, ')')
+103 format('ERROR: CPU ', I4, ' could not write 2D variable: ''', A, '''(',I7,') in NCID', I7, / &
+           '       start:   ', I10, / &
+           '       count:   ', I10, / &
+           '       dimsize: ', I10, / &
+           '       dimname: ', A)
+200 format('    Proc ', I4, ': Wrote', F10.3, ' MB into 2D variable in NCID', I7, ', with ID:', I7)
+end subroutine putvar_real2d
+subroutine putvar_real3d(ncid, varid, values, start, count)
+!< Help interpret the inane NetCDF error messages
+   integer, intent(in)          :: ncid, varid
+   integer, intent(in)          :: start(3), count(3)
+   real, intent(in)             :: values(:,:,:)
+#ifdef enable_netcdf
+   integer                      :: xtype, ndims, status, dimsize, idim
+   integer                      :: dimid(10)
+   character(len=nf90_max_name) :: varname, dimname
+   status = nf90_inquire_variable(ncid  = ncid,     &
+                                  varid = varid,    &
+                                  name  = varname )
+   if (status.ne.NF90_NOERR) then
+       write(*,99) mynum, varid, ncid
+       print *, trim(nf90_strerror(status))
+       stop
+   end if
+   ! Check if variable size is consistent with values of 'count'
+   do idim = 1, 3
+       if (size(values,idim).ne.count(idim)) then
+           write(*,100) mynum, trim(varname), varid, ncid, idim, size(values, idim), count(idim)
+           stop
+       end if
+   end do
+   ! Write data to file
+   status = nf90_put_var(ncid   = ncid,           &
+                         varid  = varid,          &
+                         values = values,         &
+                         start  = start,          &
+                         count  = count )
+   ! If an error has occurred, try to find a reason                  
+   if (status.ne.NF90_NOERR) then
+       status = nf90_inquire_variable(ncid  =  ncid,    &
+                                      varid = varid,    &
+                                      name  = varname,  &
+                                      ndims = ndims)
+       ! Check whether variable in NetCDF file has more or less than three dimensions
+       if (ndims.ne.3) then
+           write(*,101) mynum, trim(varname), varid, ncid, ndims
+           print *, trim(nf90_strerror(status))
+           stop
+       end if
+       ! Check whether dimension sizes are compatible with amount of data written
+       status = nf90_inquire_variable(ncid   = ncid,     &
+                                      varid  = varid,    &
+                                      name   = varname,  &
+                                      xtype  = xtype,    &
+                                      ndims  = ndims,    &
+                                      dimids = dimid  )
+       do idim = 1, 3
+           status = nf90_inquire_dimension(ncid  = ncid,        &
+                                           dimid = dimid(idim), &
+                                           name  = dimname,     &
+                                           len   = dimsize )
+           if (start(idim) + count(idim) - 1 > dimsize) then
+               write(*,102) mynum, trim(varname), varid, ncid, start(idim), count(idim), &
+                            dimsize, trim(dimname), idim 
+               print *, trim(nf90_strerror(status))
+               stop
+           end if
+           ! Otherwise just dump as much information as possible and stop
+           write(*,103) mynum, trim(varname), varid, ncid, start(idim), count(idim), &
+                        dimsize, trim(dimname)
+           print *, trim(nf90_strerror(status))
+       end do
+       stop
+   elseif (verbose > 2) then
+       ! Everything okay
+       write(6,200) mynum, real(product(count)) * 4. / 1048576., ncid, varid
+       call flush(6)
+   end if
+99  format('ERROR: CPU ', I4, ' could not find 3D variable: ',I7,' in NCID', I7)
+100 format('ERROR: CPU ', I4, ' could not write 3D variable: ''', A, '''(',I7,') in NCID', I7, / &
+           '       dimension ', I1,' was given ', I10, ' values, but ''count'' is ', I10)
+101 format('ERROR: CPU ', I4, ' could not write 3D variable: ''', A, '''(',I7,') in NCID', I7, / &
+           '       Variable has ', I2,' dimensions instead of three')
+102 format('ERROR: CPU ', I4, ' could not write 3D variable: ''', A, '''(',I7,') in NCID', I7, / &
+           '       start (', I10, ') + count(', I10, ') is larger than size (', I10,')',    / &
+           '       of dimension ', A, ' (', I1, ')')
+103 format('ERROR: CPU ', I4, ' could not write 3D variable: ''', A, '''(',I7,') in NCID', I7, / &
+           '       start:   ', I10, / &
+           '       count:   ', I10, / &
+           '       dimsize: ', I10, / &
+           '       dimname: ', A)
+200 format('    Proc ', I4, ': Wrote', F10.3, ' MB into 3D variable in NCID', I7, ', with ID:', I7)
+end subroutine putvar_real3d
+end module nc_helpers
diff --git a/SOLVER/nc_routines.F90 b/SOLVER/nc_routines.F90
index 444fc6e..40e9700 100644
--- a/SOLVER/nc_routines.F90
+++ b/SOLVER/nc_routines.F90
@@ -26,6 +26,7 @@ module nc_routines
 #ifdef enable_netcdf
     use netcdf
+    use nc_helpers
     use data_io,    only : verbose, deflate_level
     use data_proc,  only : mynum, nproc, lpr
     use global_parameters
@@ -2257,368 +2258,5 @@ subroutine nc_dump_snap_grid(grid)
 end subroutine nc_dump_snap_grid
-subroutine getvarid(ncid, name, varid)
-    integer, intent(in)          :: ncid
-    character(len=*), intent(in) :: name
-    integer, intent(out)         :: varid
-#ifdef enable_netcdf
-    integer                      :: status
-    status = nf90_inq_varid( ncid  = ncid, &
-                             name  = name, &
-                             varid = varid )
-    if (status.ne.NF90_NOERR) then
-        write(6,100) mynum, trim(name), ncid
-        stop
-    elseif (verbose > 2) then
-        write(6,101) trim(name), ncid, varid
-        call flush(6)
-    end if
-100 format('ERROR: CPU ', I4, ' could not find variable: ''', A, ''' in NCID', I7)
-101 format('    Variable ''', A, ''' found in NCID', I7, ', has ID:', I7)
-    varid = 0
-end subroutine getvarid
-subroutine getgrpid(ncid, name, grpid)
-    integer, intent(in)          :: ncid
-    character(len=*), intent(in) :: name
-    integer, intent(out)         :: grpid
-#ifdef enable_netcdf
-    integer                      :: status
-    status = nf90_inq_ncid( ncid     = ncid, &
-                            name     = name, &
-                            grp_ncid = grpid )
-    if (status.ne.NF90_NOERR) then
-        write(6,100) mynum, trim(name), ncid
-        stop
-    elseif (verbose > 2) then
-        write(6,101) trim(name), ncid, grpid
-        call flush(6)
-    end if
-100 format('ERROR: CPU ', I4, ' could not find group: ''', A, ''' in NCID', I7)
-101 format('    Group ''', A, ''' found in NCID', I7, ', has ID:', I7)
-    grpid = 0
-end subroutine getgrpid
-subroutine putvar_real1d(ncid, varid, values, start, count)
-!< Help interpret the inane NetCDF error messages
-   integer, intent(in)          :: ncid, varid, start, count
-   real, intent(in)             :: values(:)
-#ifdef enable_netcdf
-   integer                      :: xtype, ndims, status, dimsize
-   integer                      :: dimid(10)
-   character(len=nf90_max_name) :: varname, dimname
-   status = nf90_inquire_variable(ncid  = ncid,     &
-                                  varid = varid,    &
-                                  name  = varname )
-   if (status.ne.NF90_NOERR) then
-       write(*,99) mynum, varid, ncid
-       print *, trim(nf90_strerror(status))
-       stop
-   end if
-   if (size(values).ne.count) then
-       write(*,100) mynum, trim(varname), varid, ncid, size(values), count
-       stop
-   end if
-   status = nf90_put_var(ncid   = ncid,           &
-                         varid  = varid,          &
-                         values = values,         &
-                         start  = [start],        &
-                         count  = [count] )
-   if (status.ne.NF90_NOERR) then
-       status = nf90_inquire_variable(ncid  =  ncid,    &
-                                      varid = varid,    &
-                                      name  = varname,  &
-                                      ndims = ndims)
-       if (ndims.ne.1) then
-           write(*,101) mynum, trim(varname), varid, ncid, ndims
-           print *, trim(nf90_strerror(status))
-           stop
-       end if
-       status = nf90_inquire_variable(ncid   = ncid,     &
-                                      varid  = varid,    &
-                                      name   = varname,  &
-                                      xtype  = xtype,    &
-                                      ndims  = ndims,    &
-                                      dimids = dimid  )
-       status = nf90_inquire_dimension(ncid  = ncid,     &
-                                       dimid = dimid(1), &
-                                       name  = dimname,  &
-                                       len   = dimsize )
-       if (start + count - 1 > dimsize) then
-           write(*,102) mynum, trim(varname), varid, ncid, start, count, dimsize, trim(dimname)
-           print *, trim(nf90_strerror(status))
-           stop
-       end if
-       write(*,103) mynum, trim(varname), varid, ncid, start, count, dimsize, trim(dimname)
-       print *, trim(nf90_strerror(status))
-       stop
-   elseif (verbose > 2) then
-       write(*,200) mynum, real(count) * 4. / 1048576., ncid, varid
-       call flush(6)
-   end if
-99  format('ERROR: CPU ', I4, ' could not find 1D variable: ',I7,' in NCID', I7)
-100 format('ERROR: CPU ', I4, ' could not write 1D variable: ''', A, '''(',I7,') in NCID', I7, / &
-           '       was given ', I10, ' values, but ''count'' is ', I10)
-101 format('ERROR: CPU ', I4, ' could not write 1D variable: ''', A, '''(',I7,') in NCID', I7, / &
-           '       Variable has ', I2,' dimensions instead of one')
-102 format('ERROR: CPU ', I4, ' could not write 1D variable: ''', A, '''(',I7,') in NCID', I7, / &
-           '       start (', I10, ') + count(', I10, ') is larger than size (', I10,')',    / &
-           '       of dimension ', A)
-103 format('ERROR: CPU ', I4, ' could not write 1D variable: ''', A, '''(',I7,') in NCID', I7, / &
-           '       start:   ', I10, / &
-           '       count:   ', I10, / &
-           '       dimsize: ', I10, / &
-           '       dimname: ', A)
-200 format('    Proc ', I4, ': Wrote', F10.3, ' MB into 1D variable in NCID', I7, ', with ID:', I7)
-end subroutine putvar_real1d
-subroutine putvar_real2d(ncid, varid, values, start, count)
-!< Help interpret the inane NetCDF error messages
-   integer, intent(in)          :: ncid, varid
-   integer, intent(in)          :: start(2), count(2)
-   real, intent(in)             :: values(:,:)
-#ifdef enable_netcdf
-   integer                      :: xtype, ndims, status, dimsize, idim
-   integer                      :: dimid(10)
-   character(len=nf90_max_name) :: varname, dimname
-   status = nf90_inquire_variable(ncid  = ncid,     &
-                                  varid = varid,    &
-                                  name  = varname )
-   if (status.ne.NF90_NOERR) then
-       write(*,99) mynum, varid, ncid
-       print *, trim(nf90_strerror(status))
-       stop
-   end if
-   ! Check if variable size is consistent with values of 'count'
-   do idim = 1, 2
-       if (size(values,idim).ne.count(idim)) then
-           write(*,100) mynum, trim(varname), varid, ncid, idim, size(values, idim), count(idim)
-           stop
-       end if
-   end do
-   ! Write data to file
-   status = nf90_put_var(ncid   = ncid,           &
-                         varid  = varid,          &
-                         values = values,         &
-                         start  = start,          &
-                         count  = count )
-   ! If an error has occurred, try to find a reason                  
-   if (status.ne.NF90_NOERR) then
-       status = nf90_inquire_variable(ncid  =  ncid,    &
-                                      varid = varid,    &
-                                      name  = varname,  &
-                                      ndims = ndims)
-       ! Check whether variable in NetCDF file has more or less than three dimensions
-       if (ndims.ne.2) then
-           write(*,101) mynum, trim(varname), varid, ncid, ndims
-           print *, trim(nf90_strerror(status))
-           stop
-       end if
-       ! Check whether dimension sizes are compatible with amount of data written
-       status = nf90_inquire_variable(ncid   = ncid,     &
-                                      varid  = varid,    &
-                                      name   = varname,  &
-                                      xtype  = xtype,    &
-                                      ndims  = ndims,    &
-                                      dimids = dimid  )
-       do idim = 1, 2
-           status = nf90_inquire_dimension(ncid  = ncid,        &
-                                           dimid = dimid(idim), &
-                                           name  = dimname,     &
-                                           len   = dimsize )
-           if (start(idim) + count(idim) - 1 > dimsize) then
-               write(*,102) mynum, trim(varname), varid, ncid, start(idim), count(idim), &
-                            dimsize, trim(dimname), idim 
-               print *, trim(nf90_strerror(status))
-               stop
-           end if
-           ! Otherwise just dump as much information as possible and stop
-           write(*,103) mynum, trim(varname), varid, ncid, start(idim), count(idim), &
-                        dimsize, trim(dimname)
-           print *, trim(nf90_strerror(status))
-       end do
-       stop
-   elseif (verbose > 2) then
-       ! Everything okay
-       write(*,200) mynum, real(product(count)) * 4. / 1048576., ncid, varid
-       call flush(6)
-   end if
-99  format('ERROR: CPU ', I4, ' could not find 2D variable: ',I7,' in NCID', I7)
-100 format('ERROR: CPU ', I4, ' could not write 2D variable: ''', A, '''(',I7,') in NCID', I7, / &
-           '       dimension ', I1,' was given ', I10, ' values, but ''count'' is ', I10)
-101 format('ERROR: CPU ', I4, ' could not write 2D variable: ''', A, '''(',I7,') in NCID', I7, / &
-           '       Variable has ', I2,' dimensions instead of two')
-102 format('ERROR: CPU ', I4, ' could not write 2D variable: ''', A, '''(',I7,') in NCID', I7, / &
-           '       start (', I10, ') + count(', I10, ') is larger than size (', I10,')',    / &
-           '       of dimension ', A, ' (', I1, ')')
-103 format('ERROR: CPU ', I4, ' could not write 2D variable: ''', A, '''(',I7,') in NCID', I7, / &
-           '       start:   ', I10, / &
-           '       count:   ', I10, / &
-           '       dimsize: ', I10, / &
-           '       dimname: ', A)
-200 format('    Proc ', I4, ': Wrote', F10.3, ' MB into 2D variable in NCID', I7, ', with ID:', I7)
-end subroutine putvar_real2d
-subroutine putvar_real3d(ncid, varid, values, start, count)
-!< Help interpret the inane NetCDF error messages
-   integer, intent(in)          :: ncid, varid
-   integer, intent(in)          :: start(3), count(3)
-   real, intent(in)             :: values(:,:,:)
-#ifdef enable_netcdf
-   integer                      :: xtype, ndims, status, dimsize, idim
-   integer                      :: dimid(10)
-   character(len=nf90_max_name) :: varname, dimname
-   status = nf90_inquire_variable(ncid  = ncid,     &
-                                  varid = varid,    &
-                                  name  = varname )
-   if (status.ne.NF90_NOERR) then
-       write(*,99) mynum, varid, ncid
-       print *, trim(nf90_strerror(status))
-       stop
-   end if
-   ! Check if variable size is consistent with values of 'count'
-   do idim = 1, 3
-       if (size(values,idim).ne.count(idim)) then
-           write(*,100) mynum, trim(varname), varid, ncid, idim, size(values, idim), count(idim)
-           stop
-       end if
-   end do
-   ! Write data to file
-   status = nf90_put_var(ncid   = ncid,           &
-                         varid  = varid,          &
-                         values = values,         &
-                         start  = start,          &
-                         count  = count )
-   ! If an error has occurred, try to find a reason                  
-   if (status.ne.NF90_NOERR) then
-       status = nf90_inquire_variable(ncid  =  ncid,    &
-                                      varid = varid,    &
-                                      name  = varname,  &
-                                      ndims = ndims)
-       ! Check whether variable in NetCDF file has more or less than three dimensions
-       if (ndims.ne.3) then
-           write(*,101) mynum, trim(varname), varid, ncid, ndims
-           print *, trim(nf90_strerror(status))
-           stop
-       end if
-       ! Check whether dimension sizes are compatible with amount of data written
-       status = nf90_inquire_variable(ncid   = ncid,     &
-                                      varid  = varid,    &
-                                      name   = varname,  &
-                                      xtype  = xtype,    &
-                                      ndims  = ndims,    &
-                                      dimids = dimid  )
-       do idim = 1, 3
-           status = nf90_inquire_dimension(ncid  = ncid,        &
-                                           dimid = dimid(idim), &
-                                           name  = dimname,     &
-                                           len   = dimsize )
-           if (start(idim) + count(idim) - 1 > dimsize) then
-               write(*,102) mynum, trim(varname), varid, ncid, start(idim), count(idim), &
-                            dimsize, trim(dimname), idim 
-               print *, trim(nf90_strerror(status))
-               stop
-           end if
-           ! Otherwise just dump as much information as possible and stop
-           write(*,103) mynum, trim(varname), varid, ncid, start(idim), count(idim), &
-                        dimsize, trim(dimname)
-           print *, trim(nf90_strerror(status))
-       end do
-       stop
-   elseif (verbose > 2) then
-       ! Everything okay
-       write(6,200) mynum, real(product(count)) * 4. / 1048576., ncid, varid
-       call flush(6)
-   end if
-99  format('ERROR: CPU ', I4, ' could not find 3D variable: ',I7,' in NCID', I7)
-100 format('ERROR: CPU ', I4, ' could not write 3D variable: ''', A, '''(',I7,') in NCID', I7, / &
-           '       dimension ', I1,' was given ', I10, ' values, but ''count'' is ', I10)
-101 format('ERROR: CPU ', I4, ' could not write 3D variable: ''', A, '''(',I7,') in NCID', I7, / &
-           '       Variable has ', I2,' dimensions instead of three')
-102 format('ERROR: CPU ', I4, ' could not write 3D variable: ''', A, '''(',I7,') in NCID', I7, / &
-           '       start (', I10, ') + count(', I10, ') is larger than size (', I10,')',    / &
-           '       of dimension ', A, ' (', I1, ')')
-103 format('ERROR: CPU ', I4, ' could not write 3D variable: ''', A, '''(',I7,') in NCID', I7, / &
-           '       start:   ', I10, / &
-           '       count:   ', I10, / &
-           '       dimsize: ', I10, / &
-           '       dimname: ', A)
-200 format('    Proc ', I4, ': Wrote', F10.3, ' MB into 3D variable in NCID', I7, ', with ID:', I7)
-end subroutine putvar_real3d
-!> Translates NetCDF error code into readable message
-subroutine check(status)
-    integer, intent ( in) :: status !< Error code
-#ifdef enable_netcdf
-    if (status /= nf90_noerr) then 
-        print *, trim(nf90_strerror(status))
-        call abort()
-    end if
-end subroutine check  
 end module nc_routines

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