[cig-commits] [commit] master: unfiying subpar_mapping.f90 in mesher and solver (a7274c4)

cig_noreply at geodynamics.org cig_noreply at geodynamics.org
Fri Oct 17 06:18:33 PDT 2014

Repository : https://github.com/geodynamics/axisem

On branch  : master
Link       : https://github.com/geodynamics/axisem/compare/5bc94cfe84c1322d8a83585967f88f5635bfbbc7...a7274c4187f8a4a140704f8447435b03924ac272


commit a7274c4187f8a4a140704f8447435b03924ac272
Author: martinvandriel <vandriel at erdw.ethz.ch>
Date:   Fri Oct 17 15:18:42 2014 +0200

    unfiying subpar_mapping.f90 in mesher and solver


 MESHER/subpar_mapping.f90 | 808 ++--------------------------------------------
 SOLVER/subpar_mapping.f90 | 206 ------------
 2 files changed, 32 insertions(+), 982 deletions(-)

diff --git a/MESHER/subpar_mapping.f90 b/MESHER/subpar_mapping.f90
index cdda726..0c122d3 100644
--- a/MESHER/subpar_mapping.f90
+++ b/MESHER/subpar_mapping.f90
@@ -19,33 +19,24 @@
 !    along with AxiSEM.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
 module subpar_mapping  
-! Module used to compute the  
-! subparametric mapping that defines the mesh. 
+!< Module used to compute the subparametric mapping that defines the mesh. 
   use global_parameters
   implicit none 
-  public :: jacobian_subpar, alpha_subpar, beta_subpar
-  public :: gamma_subpar, delta_subpar, epsilon_subpar, zeta_subpar
-  public :: alphak_subpar, betak_subpar, gammak_subpar
-  public :: deltak_subpar, epsilonk_subpar, zetak_subpar
-  public :: jacobian_srf_subpar,  quadfunc_map_subpar, grad_quadfunc_map_subpar
-  public :: mgrad_pointwise_subpar, mgrad_pointwisek_subpar
-  public :: mapping_subpar, s_over_oneplusxi_axis_subpar
+  public :: mapping_subpar
   public :: compute_partial_d_subpar
-real(kind=dp)    function mapping_subpar(xil,etal,nodes_crd,iaxis)
-! This routines computes the coordinates along the iaxis axis of the image of
-! any point in the reference domain in the physical domain.
+pure real(kind=dp) function mapping_subpar(xil,etal,nodes_crd,iaxis)
+!< This routines computes the coordinates along the iaxis axis of the image of
+!! any point in the reference domain in the physical domain.
 ! 7 - - - 6 - - - 5
 ! |       ^       |
@@ -60,10 +51,10 @@ real(kind=dp)    function mapping_subpar(xil,etal,nodes_crd,iaxis)
 ! iaxis = 1 : along the cylindrical radius axis
 ! iaxis = 2 : along the vertical(rotation) axis
-  integer          :: iaxis
-  real(kind=dp)    :: xil, etal, nodes_crd(8,2)
-  integer          :: inode
-  real(kind=dp)    :: shp(8)
+  integer, intent(in)       :: iaxis
+  real(kind=dp), intent(in) :: xil, etal, nodes_crd(8,2)
+  integer                   :: inode
+  real(kind=dp)             :: shp(8)
   ! Compute the appropriate derivatives of the shape
   ! functions
@@ -80,61 +71,12 @@ end function mapping_subpar
-real(kind=dp)    function quadfunc_map_subpar(p, s, z, nodes_crd)
-! This routines computes the quadratic functional (s-s(xi,eta))**2 + (z-z(xi,eta))**2
-  real(kind=dp)    :: p(2),xil,etal,s,z,nodes_crd(8,2)
-  xil  = p(1)
-  etal = p(2)
+pure subroutine compute_partial_d_subpar(dsdxi, dzdxi, dsdeta, dzdeta, xil, etal, nodes_crd)
-  quadfunc_map_subpar = (s-mapping_subpar(xil,etal,nodes_crd,1))**2 &
-                      + (z-mapping_subpar(xil,etal,nodes_crd,2))**2
-end function quadfunc_map_subpar
-subroutine grad_quadfunc_map_subpar(grd, p, s, z, nodes_crd)
-! This routine returns the gradient of the quadratic functional associated with
-! the mapping.
-  real(kind=dp)    :: grd(2),p(2),xil, etal, s,z, nodes_crd(8,2)
-  real(kind=dp)    :: shpder(8,2),a,d,b,c
-  integer          :: inode
-  xil  = p(1)
-  etal = p(2)
-  ! Compute the appropriate derivatives of the shape
-  ! functions
-  call shp8der(xil,etal,shpder)
-  a = zero ; b = zero ; c = zero ; d = zero
-     do inode = 1, 8
-        a = a + nodes_crd(inode,1)*shpder(inode,1)
-        d = d + nodes_crd(inode,2)*shpder(inode,2)
-        b = b + nodes_crd(inode,1)*shpder(inode,2)
-        c = c + nodes_crd(inode,2)*shpder(inode,1)
-     end do
-  grd(1) = -((s-mapping_subpar(xil,etal,nodes_crd,1))*a&
-            +(z-mapping_subpar(xil,etal,nodes_crd,2))*c)  
-  grd(2) = -((s-mapping_subpar(xil,etal,nodes_crd,1))*b&
-            +(z-mapping_subpar(xil,etal,nodes_crd,2))*d)
-end subroutine grad_quadfunc_map_subpar
-subroutine compute_partial_d_subpar(dsdxi, dzdxi, dsdeta, dzdeta, xil, etal, nodes_crd)
-  real(kind=dp)   , intent(out) :: dsdxi,dzdxi,dsdeta,dzdeta
-  real(kind=dp)   , intent(in) :: xil,etal,nodes_crd(8,2)
-  integer :: inode
-  real(kind=dp)    :: shpder(8,2)
+  real(kind=dp), intent(out) :: dsdxi,dzdxi,dsdeta,dzdeta
+  real(kind=dp), intent(in)  :: xil,etal,nodes_crd(8,2)
+  integer                    :: inode
+  real(kind=dp)              :: shpder(8,2)
   ! Compute the appropriate derivatives of the shape
   ! functions
@@ -153,695 +95,11 @@ end subroutine compute_partial_d_subpar
-real(kind=dp)    function s_over_oneplusxi_axis_subpar(xil, etal, nodes_crd)
-! This routine returns the value of the quantity
-!              s/(1+xi) 
-! when the associated element lies along the axis of 
-! symmetry. Again, in this routine, we assume that the 
-! spectral element is a 8-node Serendipity element :
-! 7 - - - 6 - - - 5
-! |       ^       |       Control points 1,8, and 7 
-! |   eta |       | belong to the axis of symmetry. 
-! |       |       |        
-! 8        --->   4
-! |        xi     |
-! |               |
-! |               |
-! 1 - - - 2 - - - 3 .
-  real(kind=dp)    :: xil, etal, nodes_crd(8,2)
-  real(kind=dp)    :: shp(2:6)
-  integer :: inode 
-  s_over_oneplusxi_axis_subpar = zero
-  shp(2) =  half*(one-xil)*(one-etal)
-  shp(3) = quart*(one-etal)*(xil-etal-one)
-  shp(4) =  half*(one-etal**2)
-  shp(5) = quart*(one+etal)*(xil+etal-one) 
-  shp(6) =  half*(one-xil)*(one+etal)
-  do inode = 2, 6
-     s_over_oneplusxi_axis_subpar = s_over_oneplusxi_axis_subpar &
-                                   +nodes_crd(inode,1)*shp(inode) 
-  end do
-end function s_over_oneplusxi_axis_subpar
-real(kind=dp)    function jacobian_subpar(xil, etal, nodes_crd)
-! This routines the value of the Jacobian (that is, 
-! the determinant of the Jacobian matrix), for any point
-! inside a given element. IT ASSUMES 8 nodes 2D isoparametric
-! formulation of the geometrical transformation and therefore
-! requires the knowledge of the coordinated of the 8 control
-! points, which are defined as follows :
-!     7 - - - 6 - - - 5
-!     |       ^       |
-!     |   eta |       |
-!     |       |       |
-!     8        --->   4
-!     |        xi     |
-!     |               |
-!     |               |
-!     1 - - - 2 - - - 3 .
-  real(kind=dp)    :: xil, etal, nodes_crd(8,2)
-  integer :: inode
-  real(kind=dp)    :: shpder(8,2),a,d,b,c
-  ! Compute the appropriate derivatives of the shape
-  ! functions
-  call shp8der(xil,etal,shpder)
-  a = zero
-  b = zero
-  c = zero
-  d = zero
-  do inode = 1, 8
-     a = a + nodes_crd(inode,1)*shpder(inode,1)          
-     d = d + nodes_crd(inode,2)*shpder(inode,2)          
-     b = b + nodes_crd(inode,1)*shpder(inode,2)          
-     c = c + nodes_crd(inode,2)*shpder(inode,1)          
-  end do 
-  jacobian_subpar = a*d - b*c 
-end function jacobian_subpar
-real(kind=dp)    function jacobian_srf_subpar(xil, crdedge)
-! This routine computes the Jacobian of the transformation
-! that maps [-1,+1] into a portion of the boundary of domain.  
-!         xi
-!        ---->
-! 1 - - - 2 - - - 3 .
-  real(kind=dp)    :: xil, crdedge(3,2)
-  real(kind=dp)    :: dsdxi,dzdxi,s1,s2,s3,z1,z2,z3 
-  s1 = crdedge(1,1) ; s2 = crdedge(2,1) ; s3 = crdedge(3,1) 
-  z1 = crdedge(1,2) ; z2 = crdedge(2,2) ; z3 = crdedge(3,2) 
-  dsdxi = s1*(xil-half) + s2*(-two*xil) + s3*(xil+half)
-  dzdxi = z1*(xil-half) + z2*(-two*xil) + z3*(xil+half)
-  jacobian_srf_subpar = dsqrt(dsdxi**2+dzdxi**2)
-end function jacobian_srf_subpar
-real(kind=dp)    function alphak_subpar(xil, etal, nodes_crd)
-! This routines returns the value of 
-!    alphak =  ( -ds/dxi ) * ( ds/deta) / J(xi,eta),
-! a quantity that is needed in the calculation of the laplacian
-! operator. alpha is defined within an element, and s(xi,eta) is 
-! defined by the isoparametric transformation involving eight control
-! nodes.J is the determinant of the Jacobian matrix of the
-! transformation.
-  real(kind=dp)    :: xil, etal, nodes_crd(8,2)
-  integer          :: inode
-  real(kind=dp)    :: shpder(8,2),a,d,b,c,inv_jacob
-  ! Compute the appropriate derivatives of the shape
-  ! functions
-  call shp8der(xil,etal,shpder)
-  a = zero
-  b = zero
-  c = zero
-  d = zero
-  do inode = 1, 8
-     a = a + nodes_crd(inode,1)*shpder(inode,1)
-     d = d + nodes_crd(inode,2)*shpder(inode,2)
-     b = b + nodes_crd(inode,1)*shpder(inode,2)
-     c = c + nodes_crd(inode,2)*shpder(inode,1)
-  end do
-  inv_jacob  = one/(a*d - b*c)
-  alphak_subpar  = -inv_jacob*a*b
-end function alphak_subpar 
-real(kind=dp)    function betak_subpar(xil, etal, nodes_crd)
-! This routines returns the value of
-!     betak =   ( ds/dxi ) * ( ds/dxi) / J(xi,eta),
-! a quantity that is needed in the calculation of the laplacian
-! operator. beta is defined within an element, and s(xi,eta) is
-! defined by the isoparametric transformation involving eight control
-! nodes. J is the determinant of the Jacobian matrix of the 
-! transformation.
-  real(kind=dp)    :: xil, etal, nodes_crd(8,2)
-  integer          :: inode
-  real(kind=dp)    :: shpder(8,2), a, d, b, c, inv_jacob
-  ! Compute the appropriate derivatives of the shape
-  ! functions
-  call shp8der(xil,etal,shpder)
-  a = zero
-  b = zero
-  c = zero
-  d = zero
-  do inode = 1, 8
-     a = a + nodes_crd(inode,1)*shpder(inode,1)
-     d = d + nodes_crd(inode,2)*shpder(inode,2)
-     b = b + nodes_crd(inode,1)*shpder(inode,2)
-     c = c + nodes_crd(inode,2)*shpder(inode,1)
-  end do
-  inv_jacob  = one/(a*d - b*c)
-  betak_subpar   = inv_jacob*(a**2)
-end function betak_subpar 
-real(kind=dp)    function gammak_subpar(xil, etal, nodes_crd)
-! This routines returns the value of
-!     gammak =  ( ds/deta ) * ( ds/deta) / J(xi,eta),
-! a quantity that is needed in the calculation of the laplacian
-! operator. gamma is defined within an element, and s(xi,eta) is
-! defined by the isoparametric transformation involving eight control
-! nodes. J is the determinant of the Jacobian matrix of the
-! transformation.
-  real(kind=dp)    :: xil, etal, nodes_crd(8,2)
-  integer :: inode
-  real(kind=dp)    :: shpder(8,2),a,d,b,c,inv_jacob
-  ! Compute the appropriate derivatives of the shape
-  ! functions
-  call shp8der(xil,etal,shpder)
-  a = zero
-  b = zero
-  c = zero
-  d = zero
-  do inode = 1, 8
-     a = a + nodes_crd(inode,1)*shpder(inode,1)
-     d = d + nodes_crd(inode,2)*shpder(inode,2)
-     b = b + nodes_crd(inode,1)*shpder(inode,2)
-     c = c + nodes_crd(inode,2)*shpder(inode,1)
-  end do
-  inv_jacob  = 1./(a*d - b*c)
-  gammak_subpar   = inv_jacob*(b**2)
-end function gammak_subpar
-real(kind=dp)    function deltak_subpar(xil, etal, nodes_crd)
-! This routines returns the value of
-!     deltak =  - ( dz/dxi ) * ( dz/deta) / J(xi,eta),
-! a quantity that is needed in the calculation of the laplacian
-! operator. delta is defined within an element, and (s,z)(xi,eta) is
-! defined by the isoparametric transformation involving eight control
-! nodes. J is the determinant of the Jacobian matrix of the
-! transformation.
-  real(kind=dp)    :: xil, etal, nodes_crd(8,2)
-  integer :: inode
-  real(kind=dp)    :: shpder(8,2),a,d,b,c,inv_jacob
-  ! Compute the appropriate derivatives of the shape
-  ! functions
-  call shp8der(xil,etal,shpder)
-  a = zero
-  b = zero
-  c = zero
-  d = zero
-  do inode = 1, 8
-     a = a + nodes_crd(inode,1)*shpder(inode,1)
-     d = d + nodes_crd(inode,2)*shpder(inode,2)
-     b = b + nodes_crd(inode,1)*shpder(inode,2)
-     c = c + nodes_crd(inode,2)*shpder(inode,1)
-  end do
-  inv_jacob  = 1./(a*d - b*c)
-  deltak_subpar   = -inv_jacob*c*d
-end function deltak_subpar
-real(kind=dp)    function epsilonk_subpar(xil, etal, nodes_crd)
-! This routines returns the value of
-!   epsilonk =  ( dz/dxi ) * ( dz/dxi) / J(xi,eta),
-! a quantity that is needed in the calculation of the laplacian
-! operator. epsilon is defined within an element, and (s,z)(xi,eta) is
-! defined by the isoparametric transformation involving eight control
-! nodes. J is the determinant of the Jacobian matrix of the
-! transformation.
-  real(kind=dp)    :: xil, etal, nodes_crd(8,2)
-  integer :: inode
-  real(kind=dp)    :: shpder(8,2),a,d,b,c,inv_jacob
-  ! Compute the appropriate derivatives of the shape
-  ! functions
-  call shp8der(xil,etal,shpder)
-  a = zero
-  b = zero
-  c = zero
-  d = zero
-  do inode = 1, 8
-     a = a + nodes_crd(inode,1)*shpder(inode,1)
-     d = d + nodes_crd(inode,2)*shpder(inode,2)
-     b = b + nodes_crd(inode,1)*shpder(inode,2)
-     c = c + nodes_crd(inode,2)*shpder(inode,1)
-  end do
-  inv_jacob  = 1./(a*d - b*c)
-  epsilonk_subpar   =  inv_jacob*(c**2)
-end function epsilonk_subpar
-real(kind=dp)    function zetak_subpar(xil,etal,nodes_crd)
-! This routines returns the value of
-!   zetak =  ( dz/deta ) * ( dz/deta) / J(xi,eta),
-! a quantity that is needed in the calculation of the laplacian
-! operator. zeta is defined within an element, and (s,z)(xi,eta) is
-! defined by the isoparametric transformation involving eight control
-! nodes. J is the determinant of the Jacobian matrix of the
-! transformation.
-  real(kind=dp)    :: xil, etal, nodes_crd(8,2)
-  integer :: inode 
-  real(kind=dp)    :: shpder(8,2),a,d,b,c,inv_jacob
-  ! Compute the appropriate derivatives of the shape
-  ! functions
-  call shp8der(xil,etal,shpder)
-  a = zero
-  b = zero
-  c = zero
-  d = zero
-  do inode = 1, 8
-     a = a + nodes_crd(inode,1)*shpder(inode,1)
-     d = d + nodes_crd(inode,2)*shpder(inode,2)
-     b = b + nodes_crd(inode,1)*shpder(inode,2)
-     c = c + nodes_crd(inode,2)*shpder(inode,1)
-  end do
-  inv_jacob  = 1./(a*d - b*c)
-  zetak_subpar   =  inv_jacob*(d**2)
-end function zetak_subpar
-real(kind=dp)    function alpha_subpar(xil, etal, nodes_crd)
-! This routines returns the value of 
-!    alpha =  s(xi,eta) * ( -ds/dxi ) * ( ds/deta) / J(xi,eta),
-! a quantity that is needed in the calculation of the laplacian
-! operator. alpha is defined within an element, and s(xi,eta) is 
-! defined by the isoparametric transformation involving eight control
-! nodes.J is the determinant of the Jacobian matrix of the
-! transformation.
-  real(kind=dp)    :: xil, etal, nodes_crd(8,2)
-  integer          :: inode
-  real(kind=dp)    :: shpder(8,2),a,d,b,c,inv_jacob
-  ! Compute the appropriate derivatives of the shape
-  ! functions
-  call shp8der(xil,etal,shpder)
-  a = zero
-  b = zero
-  c = zero
-  d = zero
-  do inode = 1, 8
-     a = a + nodes_crd(inode,1)*shpder(inode,1)
-     d = d + nodes_crd(inode,2)*shpder(inode,2)
-     b = b + nodes_crd(inode,1)*shpder(inode,2)
-     c = c + nodes_crd(inode,2)*shpder(inode,1)
-  end do
-  inv_jacob  = 1./(a*d - b*c)
-  alpha_subpar  = -mapping_subpar(xil,etal,nodes_crd,1)*inv_jacob*a*b
-end function alpha_subpar 
-real(kind=dp)    function  beta_subpar(xil, etal, nodes_crd)
-! This routines returns the value of
-!     beta =  s(xi,eta) * ( ds/dxi ) * ( ds/dxi) / J(xi,eta),
-! a quantity that is needed in the calculation of the laplacian
-! operator. beta is defined within an element, and s(xi,eta) is
-! defined by the isoparametric transformation involving eight control
-! nodes. J is the determinant of the Jacobian matrix of the 
-! transformation.
-  real(kind=dp)    :: xil, etal, nodes_crd(8,2)
-  integer :: inode
-  real(kind=dp)    :: shpder(8,2),a,d,b,c,inv_jacob
-  ! Compute the appropriate derivatives of the shape
-  ! functions
-  call shp8der(xil,etal,shpder)
-  a = zero
-  b = zero
-  c = zero
-  d = zero
-  do inode = 1, 8
-     a = a + nodes_crd(inode,1)*shpder(inode,1)
-     d = d + nodes_crd(inode,2)*shpder(inode,2)
-     b = b + nodes_crd(inode,1)*shpder(inode,2)
-     c = c + nodes_crd(inode,2)*shpder(inode,1)
-  end do
-  inv_jacob  = 1./(a*d - b*c)
-  beta_subpar   = mapping_subpar(xil,etal,nodes_crd,1)*inv_jacob*(a**2)
-end function beta_subpar 
-real(kind=dp)    function  gamma_subpar(xil, etal, nodes_crd)
-! This routines returns the value of
+pure subroutine shp8(xil,etal,shp)
-!     gamma =  s(xi,eta) * ( ds/deta ) * ( ds/deta) / J(xi,eta),
-! a quantity that is needed in the calculation of the laplacian
-! operator. gamma is defined within an element, and s(xi,eta) is
-! defined by the isoparametric transformation involving eight control
-! nodes. J is the determinant of the Jacobian matrix of the
-! transformation.
-  real(kind=dp)    :: xil, etal, nodes_crd(8,2)
-  integer :: inode
-  real(kind=dp)    :: shpder(8,2),a,d,b,c,inv_jacob
-  ! Compute the appropriate derivatives of the shape
-  ! functions
-  call shp8der(xil,etal,shpder)
-  a = zero
-  b = zero
-  c = zero
-  d = zero
-  do inode = 1, 8
-     a = a + nodes_crd(inode,1)*shpder(inode,1)
-     d = d + nodes_crd(inode,2)*shpder(inode,2)
-     b = b + nodes_crd(inode,1)*shpder(inode,2)
-     c = c + nodes_crd(inode,2)*shpder(inode,1)
-  end do
-  inv_jacob  = 1./(a*d - b*c)
-  gamma_subpar   = mapping_subpar(xil,etal,nodes_crd,1)*inv_jacob*(b**2)
-end function gamma_subpar
-real(kind=dp)    function delta_subpar(xil, etal, nodes_crd)
-! This routines returns the value of
-!     delta =  - s(xi,eta) * ( dz/dxi ) * ( dz/deta) / J(xi,eta),
-! a quantity that is needed in the calculation of the laplacian
-! operator. delta is defined within an element, and (s,z)(xi,eta) is
-! defined by the isoparametric transformation involving eight control
-! nodes. J is the determinant of the Jacobian matrix of the
-! transformation.
-  real(kind=dp)    :: xil, etal, nodes_crd(8,2)
-  integer :: inode
-  real(kind=dp)    :: shpder(8,2),a,d,b,c,inv_jacob
-  ! Compute the appropriate derivatives of the shape
-  ! functions
-  call shp8der(xil,etal,shpder)
-  a = zero
-  b = zero
-  c = zero
-  d = zero
-  do inode = 1, 8
-     a = a + nodes_crd(inode,1)*shpder(inode,1)
-     d = d + nodes_crd(inode,2)*shpder(inode,2)
-     b = b + nodes_crd(inode,1)*shpder(inode,2)
-     c = c + nodes_crd(inode,2)*shpder(inode,1)
-  end do
-  inv_jacob  = 1./(a*d - b*c)
-  delta_subpar   = -mapping_subpar(xil,etal,nodes_crd,1)*inv_jacob*c*d
-end function delta_subpar
-real(kind=dp)    function epsilon_subpar(xil, etal, nodes_crd)
-! This routines returns the value of
-!   epsilon =  s(xi,eta) * ( dz/dxi ) * ( dz/dxi) / J(xi,eta),
-! a quantity that is needed in the calculation of the laplacian
-! operator. epsilon is defined within an element, and (s,z)(xi,eta) is
-! defined by the isoparametric transformation involving eight control
-! nodes. J is the determinant of the Jacobian matrix of the
-! transformation.
-  real(kind=dp)    :: xil, etal, nodes_crd(8,2)
-  integer :: inode
-  real(kind=dp)    :: shpder(8,2),a,d,b,c,inv_jacob
-  ! Compute the appropriate derivatives of the shape
-  ! functions
-  call shp8der(xil,etal,shpder)
-  a = zero
-  b = zero
-  c = zero
-  d = zero
-  do inode = 1, 8
-     a = a + nodes_crd(inode,1)*shpder(inode,1)
-     d = d + nodes_crd(inode,2)*shpder(inode,2)
-     b = b + nodes_crd(inode,1)*shpder(inode,2)
-     c = c + nodes_crd(inode,2)*shpder(inode,1)
-  end do
-  inv_jacob  = 1./(a*d - b*c)
-  epsilon_subpar   =  mapping_subpar(xil,etal,nodes_crd,1)*inv_jacob*(c**2)
-end function epsilon_subpar
-real(kind=dp)    function zeta_subpar(xil,etal,nodes_crd)
-! This routines returns the value of
-!   zeta =  s(xi,eta) * ( dz/deta ) * ( dz/deta) / J(xi,eta),
-! a quantity that is needed in the calculation of the laplacian
-! operator. zeta is defined within an element, and (s,z)(xi,eta) is
-! defined by the isoparametric transformation involving eight control
-! nodes. J is the determinant of the Jacobian matrix of the
-! transformation.
-  real(kind=dp)    :: xil, etal, nodes_crd(8,2)
-  integer :: inode 
-  real(kind=dp)    :: shpder(8,2),a,d,b,c,inv_jacob
-  ! Compute the appropriate derivatives of the shape
-  ! functions
-  call shp8der(xil,etal,shpder)
-  a = zero
-  b = zero
-  c = zero
-  d = zero
-  do inode = 1, 8
-     a = a + nodes_crd(inode,1)*shpder(inode,1)
-     d = d + nodes_crd(inode,2)*shpder(inode,2)
-     b = b + nodes_crd(inode,1)*shpder(inode,2)
-     c = c + nodes_crd(inode,2)*shpder(inode,1)
-  end do
-  inv_jacob  = 1./(a*d - b*c)
-  zeta_subpar   =  mapping_subpar(xil,etal,nodes_crd,1)*inv_jacob*(d**2)
-end function zeta_subpar
-subroutine mgrad_pointwise_subpar(mg, xil, etal, nodes_crd)
-! This routines returns the following matrix:
-!                      +                     +
-!                      |(ds/dxi)  | (ds/deta)|
-!    mg =  s(xi,eta) * | ---------|--------- |(xi,eta)
-!                      |(dz/dxi ) | (dz/deta)|
-!                      +                     +
-! This 2*2 matrix is needed when defining and storing
-! gradient/divergence related arrays.
-  real(kind=dp)    :: mg(2,2)
-  real(kind=dp)    :: xil, etal, nodes_crd(8,2)
-  integer          :: inode
-  real(kind=dp)    :: shpder(8,2),a,d,b,c
-  mg(:,:) = zero
-  ! Compute the appropriate derivatives of the shape
-  ! functions
-  call shp8der(xil,etal,shpder)
-  a = zero ; b = zero ; c = zero ; d = zero
-     do inode = 1, 8
-        a = a + nodes_crd(inode,1)*shpder(inode,1)
-        d = d + nodes_crd(inode,2)*shpder(inode,2)
-        b = b + nodes_crd(inode,1)*shpder(inode,2)
-        c = c + nodes_crd(inode,2)*shpder(inode,1)
-     end do
-  mg(1,1)  = mapping_subpar(xil,etal,nodes_crd,1)*a
-  mg(1,2)  = mapping_subpar(xil,etal,nodes_crd,1)*b 
-  mg(2,1)  = mapping_subpar(xil,etal,nodes_crd,1)*c
-  mg(2,2)  = mapping_subpar(xil,etal,nodes_crd,1)*d
-end subroutine mgrad_pointwise_subpar
-subroutine mgrad_pointwisek_subpar(mg, xil, etal, nodes_crd)
-! This routines returns the following matrix:
-!            +                     +
-!            |(ds/dxi)  | (ds/deta)|
-!    mg =    | ---------|--------- |(xi,eta)
-!            |(dz/dxi ) | (dz/deta)|
-!            +                     +
-! This 2*2 matrix is needed when defining and storing
-! gradient/divergence related arrays.
-  real(kind=dp)    :: mg(2,2)
-  real(kind=dp)    :: xil, etal, nodes_crd(8,2)
-  integer          :: inode
-  real(kind=dp)    :: shpder(8,2),a,d,b,c
-  mg(:,:) = zero
-  ! Compute the appropriate derivatives of the shape
-  ! functions
-  call shp8der(xil,etal,shpder)
-  a = zero ; b = zero ; c = zero ; d = zero
-     do inode = 1, 8
-        a = a + nodes_crd(inode,1)*shpder(inode,1)
-        d = d + nodes_crd(inode,2)*shpder(inode,2)
-        b = b + nodes_crd(inode,1)*shpder(inode,2)
-        c = c + nodes_crd(inode,2)*shpder(inode,1)
-     end do
-  mg(1,1)  = a
-  mg(1,2)  = b 
-  mg(2,1)  = c
-  mg(2,2)  = d
-end subroutine mgrad_pointwisek_subpar
-subroutine shp8(xil,etal,shp)
-! This routine computes and returns the quadratic
-! shape functions axixiociated with a 8-nodes serendip
-! element for a given point of coordinates (xi,eta).
+!< This routine computes and returns the quadratic
+!! shape functions axixiociated with a 8-nodes serendip
+!! element for a given point of coordinates (xi,eta).
 ! Topology is defined as follows 
@@ -856,9 +114,9 @@ subroutine shp8(xil,etal,shp)
 ! 1 - - - 2 - - - 3
-  real(kind=dp)    :: xil, etal
-  real(kind=dp)    :: shp(8)
-  real(kind=dp)    :: xip,xim,etap,etam,xixi,etaeta
+  real(kind=dp), intent(in)  :: xil, etal
+  real(kind=dp), intent(out) :: shp(8)
+  real(kind=dp)              :: xip, xim, etap, etam, xixi, etaeta
   shp(:) = zero
@@ -886,11 +144,13 @@ end subroutine shp8
-subroutine shp8der(xil,etal,shpder)
+pure subroutine shp8der(xil,etal,shpder)
-! This routine computes and returns the derivatives
-! of the shape functions axixiociated with a 8-nodes serendip
-! element for a given point of coordinates (xi,eta).
+!< This routine computes and returns the derivatives
+!! of the shape functions axixiociated with a 8-nodes serendip
+!! element for a given point of coordinates (xi,eta).
+!! shpder(:,1) : derivative wrt xi
+!! shpder(:,2) : derivative wrt eta
 ! Topology is defined as follows
@@ -905,12 +165,10 @@ subroutine shp8der(xil,etal,shpder)
 ! 1 - - - 2 - - - 3
-! shpder(:,1) : derivative wrt xi
-! shpder(:,2) : derivative wrt eta
-  real(kind=dp)    :: xil, etal
-  real(kind=dp)    :: shpder(8,2)
-  real(kind=dp)    :: xip,xim,etap,etam,xixi,etaeta
+  real(kind=dp), intent(in)  :: xil, etal
+  real(kind=dp), intent(out) :: shpder(8,2)
+  real(kind=dp)              :: xip, xim, etap, etam, xixi, etaeta
   shpder(:,:) = zero
@@ -944,7 +202,5 @@ subroutine shp8der(xil,etal,shpder)
 end subroutine shp8der
 end module subpar_mapping
diff --git a/SOLVER/subpar_mapping.f90 b/SOLVER/subpar_mapping.f90
deleted file mode 100644
index 0c122d3..0000000
--- a/SOLVER/subpar_mapping.f90
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,206 +0,0 @@
-!    Copyright 2013, Tarje Nissen-Meyer, Alexandre Fournier, Martin van Driel
-!                    Simon Stähler, Kasra Hosseini, Stefanie Hempel
-!    This file is part of AxiSEM.
-!    It is distributed from the webpage <http://www.axisem.info>
-!    AxiSEM is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-!    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-!    the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
-!    (at your option) any later version.
-!    AxiSEM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-!    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-!    GNU General Public License for more details.
-!    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-!    along with AxiSEM.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
-module subpar_mapping  
-!< Module used to compute the subparametric mapping that defines the mesh. 
-  use global_parameters
-  implicit none 
-  public :: mapping_subpar
-  public :: compute_partial_d_subpar
-  private
-pure real(kind=dp) function mapping_subpar(xil,etal,nodes_crd,iaxis)
-!< This routines computes the coordinates along the iaxis axis of the image of
-!! any point in the reference domain in the physical domain.
-! 7 - - - 6 - - - 5
-! |       ^       |
-! |   eta |       |
-! |       |       |
-! 8        --->   4
-! |        xi     |
-! |               |
-! |               |
-! 1 - - - 2 - - - 3 .
-! iaxis = 1 : along the cylindrical radius axis
-! iaxis = 2 : along the vertical(rotation) axis
-  integer, intent(in)       :: iaxis
-  real(kind=dp), intent(in) :: xil, etal, nodes_crd(8,2)
-  integer                   :: inode
-  real(kind=dp)             :: shp(8)
-  ! Compute the appropriate derivatives of the shape
-  ! functions
-  call shp8(xil,etal,shp)
-  mapping_subpar = zero
-  do inode = 1, 8
-     mapping_subpar = mapping_subpar + shp(inode)*nodes_crd(inode,iaxis)
-  end do
-end function mapping_subpar
-pure subroutine compute_partial_d_subpar(dsdxi, dzdxi, dsdeta, dzdeta, xil, etal, nodes_crd)
-  real(kind=dp), intent(out) :: dsdxi,dzdxi,dsdeta,dzdeta
-  real(kind=dp), intent(in)  :: xil,etal,nodes_crd(8,2)
-  integer                    :: inode
-  real(kind=dp)              :: shpder(8,2)
-  ! Compute the appropriate derivatives of the shape
-  ! functions
-  call shp8der(xil,etal,shpder)
-  dsdxi = zero ; dzdxi = zero ; dsdeta = zero ; dzdeta = zero
-  do inode = 1, 8
-     dsdxi  =  dsdxi + nodes_crd(inode,1)*shpder(inode,1)
-     dzdeta = dzdeta + nodes_crd(inode,2)*shpder(inode,2)
-     dsdeta = dsdeta + nodes_crd(inode,1)*shpder(inode,2)
-     dzdxi  =  dzdxi + nodes_crd(inode,2)*shpder(inode,1)
-  end do
-end subroutine compute_partial_d_subpar
-pure subroutine shp8(xil,etal,shp)
-!< This routine computes and returns the quadratic
-!! shape functions axixiociated with a 8-nodes serendip
-!! element for a given point of coordinates (xi,eta).
-! Topology is defined as follows 
-! 7 - - - 6 - - - 5
-! |       ^       |
-! |   eta |       |
-! |       |       |
-! 8        --->   4
-! |        xi     |
-! |               |
-! |               |
-! 1 - - - 2 - - - 3
-  real(kind=dp), intent(in)  :: xil, etal
-  real(kind=dp), intent(out) :: shp(8)
-  real(kind=dp)              :: xip, xim, etap, etam, xixi, etaeta
-  shp(:) = zero
-  xip    = one +  xil
-  xim    = one -  xil 
-  etap   = one + etal
-  etam   = one - etal
-  xixi   =  xil *  xil 
-  etaeta = etal * etal 
-  ! Corners first:
-  shp(1) = quart * xim * etam * (xim + etam - three)
-  shp(3) = quart * xip * etam * (xip + etam - three)
-  shp(5) = quart * xip * etap * (xip + etap - three)
-  shp(7) = quart * xim * etap * (xim + etap - three)
-  ! Then midpoints:
-  shp(2) = half  * etam * (one -   xixi)
-  shp(4) = half  *  xip * (one - etaeta)
-  shp(6) = half  * etap * (one -   xixi)
-  shp(8) = half  *  xim * (one - etaeta)      
-end subroutine shp8
-pure subroutine shp8der(xil,etal,shpder)
-!< This routine computes and returns the derivatives
-!! of the shape functions axixiociated with a 8-nodes serendip
-!! element for a given point of coordinates (xi,eta).
-!! shpder(:,1) : derivative wrt xi
-!! shpder(:,2) : derivative wrt eta
-! Topology is defined as follows
-! 7 - - - 6 - - - 5
-! |       ^       |
-! |   eta |       |
-! |       |       |
-! 8        --->   4
-! |        xi     |
-! |               |
-! |               |
-! 1 - - - 2 - - - 3
-  real(kind=dp), intent(in)  :: xil, etal
-  real(kind=dp), intent(out) :: shpder(8,2)
-  real(kind=dp)              :: xip, xim, etap, etam, xixi, etaeta
-  shpder(:,:) = zero
-  xip    = one +  xil
-  xim    = one -  xil
-  etap   = one + etal
-  etam   = one - etal
-  xixi   =  xil *  xil
-  etaeta = etal * etal
-  ! Corners first:
-  shpder(1,1) = -quart * etam * ( xim + xim + etam - three)
-  shpder(1,2) = -quart *  xim * (etam + xim + etam - three)
-  shpder(3,1) =  quart * etam * ( xip + xip + etam - three)
-  shpder(3,2) = -quart *  xip * (etam + xip + etam - three)
-  shpder(5,1) =  quart * etap * ( xip + xip + etap - three)
-  shpder(5,2) =  quart *  xip * (etap + xip + etap - three)
-  shpder(7,1) = -quart * etap * ( xim + xim + etap - three)
-  shpder(7,2) =  quart *  xim * (etap + xim + etap - three)
-  ! Then midside points :
-  shpder(2,1) = -one  * xil * etam
-  shpder(2,2) = -half * (one - xixi)
-  shpder(4,1) =  half * (one - etaeta)
-  shpder(4,2) = -one  * etal * xip
-  shpder(6,1) = -one  * xil * etap
-  shpder(6,2) =  half * (one - xixi)
-  shpder(8,1) = -half * (one - etaeta)
-  shpder(8,2) = -one  * etal * xim
-end subroutine shp8der
-end module subpar_mapping

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