[cig-commits] [commit] master: removing splib from solver (c1668cc)

cig_noreply at geodynamics.org cig_noreply at geodynamics.org
Fri Oct 17 08:01:28 PDT 2014

Repository : https://github.com/geodynamics/axisem

On branch  : master
Link       : https://github.com/geodynamics/axisem/compare/5125653af38b84801ab6024bf1ccd922752c6b2a...c1668cc75010d7eec74e6ab0d998feab4d815afa


commit c1668cc75010d7eec74e6ab0d998feab4d815afa
Author: martinvandriel <vandriel at erdw.ethz.ch>
Date:   Fri Oct 17 17:01:14 2014 +0200

    removing splib from solver
    gll points and lagrange derivatives now computed in mesher and stored to the mesh


 MESHER/data_spec.f90         |  21 +-
 MESHER/gllmeshgen.f90        |  36 ++-
 MESHER/pdb.f90               |  12 +
 SOLVER/data_mesh.f90         |  24 ++
 SOLVER/data_spec.f90         |   2 +-
 SOLVER/def_grid.f90          |  11 -
 SOLVER/def_precomp_terms.f90 |  76 -----
 SOLVER/splib.f90             | 647 -------------------------------------------
 8 files changed, 82 insertions(+), 747 deletions(-)

diff --git a/MESHER/data_spec.f90 b/MESHER/data_spec.f90
index a3a64f4..b454e33 100644
--- a/MESHER/data_spec.f90
+++ b/MESHER/data_spec.f90
@@ -20,19 +20,24 @@
+!> Variables concerned with elemental & spectral aspects only
+!! (e.g. GLL points, Lagrange interpolant derivatives, quadrature weights)
 module data_spec
-  use global_parameters, only                   : sp, dp
+  use global_parameters
   implicit none
-  integer :: npol
-  real(kind=dp), dimension(:), allocatable :: xi_k, eta
-  real(kind=dp), dimension(:), allocatable :: dxi
-  real(kind=dp), dimension(:), allocatable :: wt          !Quadrature weights
-  real(kind=dp), dimension(:), allocatable :: wt_axial_k  !Quad. wgts for the 
-                                                          !nonaxisymmetric components
+  integer                                  :: npol
+  real(kind=dp), allocatable, dimension(:) :: xi_k, eta   ! Allocated in splib
+  real(kind=dp), allocatable, dimension(:) :: dxi         ! " 
+  real(kind=dp), allocatable, dimension(:) :: wt          !Quadrature weights
+  real(kind=dp), allocatable, dimension(:) :: wt_axial_k  !Quad. wgts for the   
+                                                          !gaus jacobi(0,1) integration
+  ! Lagrange interpolant derivatives
+  real(kind=realkind), allocatable, dimension(:,:)     :: G1, G1T, G2, G2T
+  real(kind=realkind), allocatable, dimension(:)       :: G0
 end module data_spec
diff --git a/MESHER/gllmeshgen.f90 b/MESHER/gllmeshgen.f90
index ad70586..aab278a 100644
--- a/MESHER/gllmeshgen.f90
+++ b/MESHER/gllmeshgen.f90
@@ -43,6 +43,8 @@ subroutine create_gllmesh
   real(kind=dp)    :: crd_nodes(8,2)
+  real(kind=dp)     :: df(0:npol)
+  integer           :: ishp
   integer           :: iel, jpol, ipol
   real(kind=dp)     :: stest
@@ -55,13 +57,39 @@ subroutine create_gllmesh
   allocate(xi_k(0:npol), wt_axial_k(0:npol))
-  call zemngl2(npol,xi_k)                       ! Gauss-Jacobi(0,1) quadrature
-  call get_welegl_axial(npol,xi_k,wt_axial_k,2) !
+  call zemngl2(npol, xi_k)                       ! Gauss-Jacobi(0,1) quadrature
+  call get_welegl_axial(npol, xi_k, wt_axial_k, 2) !
   ! In the z-direction and in the s-direction for any other element
-  call zelegl(npol,eta,dxi)                 ! Gauss-Lobatto Points
-  call get_welegl(npol,eta,wt)              !
+  call zelegl(npol, eta, dxi)                 ! Gauss-Lobatto Points
+  call get_welegl(npol, eta, wt)              !
+  allocate(G1(0:npol,0:npol))
+  allocate(G1T(0:npol,0:npol))
+  allocate(G2(0:npol,0:npol))
+  allocate(G2T(0:npol,0:npol))
+  allocate(G0(0:npol))
+  ! Define elemental Lagrange interpolant derivatives as needed for stiffness
+  ! Derivative in z direction: \partial_\eta (l_j(\eta_q))
+  ! non-axial elements
+  do ishp = 0, npol
+     call hn_jprime(eta, ishp, npol, df)
+     G2(ishp,:) = df
+  end do
+  G2T = transpose(G2)
+  ! Derivative in s-direction: \partial_\xi (\bar{l}_i(\xi_p))
+  ! axial elements
+  do ishp = 0, npol
+     call lag_interp_deriv_wgl(df,xi_k,ishp,npol)
+     G1(ishp,:) = df
+  end do
+  G1T = transpose(G1)
+  ! Axial vector
+  G0 = G1(:,0)
   !$omp parallel do shared(sgll, zgll) private(crd_nodes, jpol, ipol, stest)
   do iel = 1, neltot
diff --git a/MESHER/pdb.f90 b/MESHER/pdb.f90
index 1494eb7..1064371 100644
--- a/MESHER/pdb.f90
+++ b/MESHER/pdb.f90
@@ -2220,6 +2220,7 @@ subroutine write_db
 ! Writes out a database file to be read by the solver for each processor.
   use data_gllmesh
+  use data_spec
   use background_models, only : override_ext_q
   integer           :: iproc, iptp, npointotp, ipsrc, imsg, iel, inode, ielg, idom
@@ -2253,6 +2254,17 @@ subroutine write_db
      write(10) ndisc                        ! ndisc
      write(10) lfbkgrdmodel                 ! lfbkgrdmodel
+     ! write spectral stuff
+     write(10) xi_k
+     write(10) eta 
+     write(10) dxi       
+     write(10) wt        
+     write(10) wt_axial_k
+     write(10) G0
+     write(10) G1
+     write(10) G1T
+     write(10) G2
+     write(10) G2T
      ! Coordinates of control points
      if (dump_mesh_info_screen) &
diff --git a/SOLVER/data_mesh.f90 b/SOLVER/data_mesh.f90
index f004936..ba8e40d 100644
--- a/SOLVER/data_mesh.f90
+++ b/SOLVER/data_mesh.f90
@@ -207,9 +207,33 @@ end subroutine
 subroutine read_mesh_advanced(iounit)
    use data_io, only     : verbose 
+   use data_spec
    integer, intent(in)  :: iounit
    integer              :: iptcp, iel, inode
+   allocate(eta(0:npol))
+   allocate(dxi(0:npol))
+   allocate(wt(0:npol))
+   allocate(xi_k(0:npol))
+   allocate(wt_axial_k(0:npol))
+   allocate(G1(0:npol,0:npol))
+   allocate(G1T(0:npol,0:npol))
+   allocate(G2(0:npol,0:npol))
+   allocate(G2T(0:npol,0:npol))
+   allocate(G0(0:npol))
+   ! spectral stuff
+   read(iounit) xi_k        
+   read(iounit) eta 
+   read(iounit) dxi       
+   read(iounit) wt        
+   read(iounit) wt_axial_k
+   read(iounit) G0
+   read(iounit) G1
+   read(iounit) G1T
+   read(iounit) G2
+   read(iounit) G2T
    read(iounit) npoin
    if (verbose > 1) then
diff --git a/SOLVER/data_spec.f90 b/SOLVER/data_spec.f90
index 6d0c694..5845c76 100644
--- a/SOLVER/data_spec.f90
+++ b/SOLVER/data_spec.f90
@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ module data_spec
   implicit none
-  real(kind=dp), allocatable, dimension(:) :: xi_k, eta   ! Allocated in splib
+  real(kind=dp), allocatable, dimension(:) :: xi_k, eta   ! Allocated in data_mesh
   real(kind=dp), allocatable, dimension(:) :: dxi         ! " 
   real(kind=dp), allocatable, dimension(:) :: wt          !Quadrature weights
   real(kind=dp), allocatable, dimension(:) :: wt_axial_k  !Quad. wgts for the   
diff --git a/SOLVER/def_grid.f90 b/SOLVER/def_grid.f90
index 955525a..2b7bed5 100644
--- a/SOLVER/def_grid.f90
+++ b/SOLVER/def_grid.f90
@@ -50,20 +50,9 @@ subroutine init_grid
   use data_mesh, only : nelem, nel_fluid, npoint_solid
   use data_comm
   use commun
-  use splib, only: zemngl2, get_welegl_axial, zelegl, get_welegl
   integer :: iel, ipol, jpol, idest, ipt, icount, ipg, ip, imsg
-  ! Axial elements, s-direction: Gauss-Lobatto-Jacobi (0,1) quadrature
-  call zemngl2(npol, xi_k)                   
-  call get_welegl_axial(npol, xi_k, wt_axial_k, 2) 
-  ! All elements, z-direction & s-direction non-axial elements: 
-  ! Gauss-Lobatto-Legendre quadrature
-  call zelegl(npol, eta, dxi)                  
-  call get_welegl(npol, eta, wt)        
   ! Define logical arrays to determine whether element is on the axis or not.
   ! We safely use "zero" here since coordinates have been "masked" to eliminate 
   ! round-off errors above in read_db (the choice to use jpol=npol is random)
diff --git a/SOLVER/def_precomp_terms.f90 b/SOLVER/def_precomp_terms.f90
index 8fa1c90..e13ab27 100644
--- a/SOLVER/def_precomp_terms.f90
+++ b/SOLVER/def_precomp_terms.f90
@@ -88,9 +88,6 @@ subroutine read_model_compute_terms
     call read_model(rho, lambda, mu, xi_ani, phi_ani, eta_ani, fa_ani_theta, fa_ani_phi)
-  if (lpr .and. verbose > 1) write(6,*) '   compute Lagrange interpolant derivatives...'
-  call lagrange_derivs
   if (lpr .and. verbose > 1) write(6,*) '   define mass matrix....'
   call def_mass_matrix_k(rho, lambda, mu, massmat_kwts2)
@@ -148,79 +145,6 @@ end subroutine read_model_compute_terms
-subroutine lagrange_derivs
-!< Defines elemental arrays for the derivatives of Lagrange interpolating 
-!! functions either upon 
-!! Gauss-Lobatto-Legendre (all eta, and xi direction for non-axial elements) or 
-!! Gauss-Lobatto-Jacobi (0,1) points (axial xi direction):
-!! G1(i,j) = \partial_\xi ( \bar{l}_i(\xi_j) )  i.e. axial xi direction
-!! G2(i,j) = \partial_\eta ( l_i(\eta_j) )  i.e. all eta/non-ax xi directions 
-  use splib, only : hn_jprime, lag_interp_deriv_wgl
-  use data_mesh
-  real(kind=dp)     :: df(0:npol),dg(0:npol)
-  integer           :: ishp,jpol
-  character(len=16) :: fmt1
-  logical           :: tensorwrong
-  allocate(G1(0:npol,0:npol))
-  allocate(G1T(0:npol,0:npol))
-  allocate(G2(0:npol,0:npol))
-  allocate(G2T(0:npol,0:npol))
-  allocate(G0(0:npol))
-  ! Define elemental Lagrange interpolant derivatives as needed for stiffness
-  ! Derivative in z direction: \partial_\eta (l_j(\eta_q))
-  ! non-axial elements
-  do ishp = 0, npol
-     call hn_jprime(eta, ishp, npol, df)
-     G2(ishp,:) = df
-  end do
-  G2T = transpose(G2)
-  ! Derivative in s-direction: \partial_\xi (\bar{l}_i(\xi_p))
-  ! axial elements
-  do ishp = 0, npol
-     call lag_interp_deriv_wgl(df,xi_k,ishp,npol)
-     G1(ishp,:) = df
-  end do
-  G1T = transpose(G1)
-  ! Axial vector
-  G0 = G1(:,0)
-  ! Simple test on Lagrange derivative tensor's antisymmetries...
-  tensorwrong = .false.
-  if ( mod(npol,2) == 0 ) then
-     do jpol = 0,npol-1
-        do ishp = 0,npol-1
-           if (.not.reldiff_small(G2(ishp,jpol),-G2(npol-ishp,npol-jpol)))&
-              then 
-              write(6,*)procstrg, &
-                        'PROBLEM: Lagrange deriv tensor in eta not symmetric!'
-              write(6,*)procstrg,'polynomial order:',npol
-              write(6,*)procstrg,'ishp,jpol,G2',ishp,jpol,G2(ishp,jpol)
-              write(6,*)
-              tensorwrong=.true.
-           endif
-        enddo
-     enddo
-     if (tensorwrong) then
-        fmt1 = "(K(f10.3))"
-        write(fmt1(2:2),'(i1.1)') npol+1
-        write(6,*)'....Lagrange derivative tensor in eta:'
-        do jpol=0,npol
-           write(6,fmt1)(G2(ishp,jpol),ishp=0,npol)
-        enddo
-        stop
-     endif
-  endif
-end subroutine lagrange_derivs
 subroutine compute_pointwisederiv_matrices
 !< The 4 necessary global matrices due to pointwise derivatives d/ds and d/dz:
 !! dzdeta/J, dzdxi/J, dsdeta/J, dsdxi/J (J: Jacobian).
diff --git a/SOLVER/splib.f90 b/SOLVER/splib.f90
deleted file mode 100644
index 6774450..0000000
--- a/SOLVER/splib.f90
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,647 +0,0 @@
-!    Copyright 2013, Tarje Nissen-Meyer, Alexandre Fournier, Martin van Driel
-!                    Simon Stähler, Kasra Hosseini, Stefanie Hempel
-!    This file is part of AxiSEM.
-!    It is distributed from the webpage <http://www.axisem.info>
-!    AxiSEM is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-!    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-!    the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
-!    (at your option) any later version.
-!    AxiSEM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-!    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-!    GNU General Public License for more details.
-!    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-!    along with AxiSEM.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
-!> Core of the spectral method. 
-module splib
-  use global_parameters
-  implicit none
-  public :: zelegl, zemngl2,                  &
-            hn_jprime, lag_interp_deriv_wgl,  &
-            get_welegl, get_welegl_axial
-  private
-  contains
-!> This routine reorders array vin(n) in increasing order and
-!! outputs array vout(n).
-pure subroutine order(vin,vout,n)
-  integer, intent(in)            :: n
-  real(kind=dp)   , intent(in)   :: vin(n)
-  real(kind=dp)   , intent(out)  :: vout(n)
-  integer                        :: rankmax
-  integer , dimension (n)        :: rank
-  integer                        :: i, j
-  rankmax = 1
-  do i = 1, n
-     rank(i) = 1
-     do j = 1, n
-        if((vin(i) > vin(j)) .and. (i /= j) ) rank(i) = rank(i) + 1
-     end do
-     rankmax = max(rank(i),rankmax)
-     vout(rank(i)) = vin(i)
-  end do
-end subroutine order
-!> Applies more robust formula to return
-!! value of the derivative of the i-th Lagrangian interpolant
-!! defined over the weighted GLL points computed at these
-!! weighted GLL points.
-subroutine lag_interp_deriv_wgl(dl,xi,i,N)
-  integer, intent(in)           :: N, i
-  real(dp), intent(in)  :: xi(0:N)
-  real(dp), intent(out) :: dl(0:N)
-  real(kind=dp)          :: mn_xi_i, mnprime_xi_i
-  real(kind=dp)          :: mnprimeprime_xi_i
-  real(kind=dp)          :: mn_xi_j, mnprime_xi_j 
-  real(kind=dp)          :: mnprimeprime_xi_j
-  real(kind=dp)          :: DN
-  integer                       :: j
-  if ( i > N ) stop
-  DN = dble(N)
-  call vamnpo(N,xi(i),mn_xi_i,mnprime_xi_i,mnprimeprime_xi_i)
-  if ( i == 0) then
-     do j = 0, N
-        call vamnpo(N,xi(j),mn_xi_j,mnprime_xi_j,mnprimeprime_xi_j)
-        if (j == 0) &
-                     dl(j) = -DN*(DN+two)/6.d0 
-        if (j > 0 .and. j < N) &
-                     dl(j) = two*((-one)**N)*mn_xi_j/((one+xi(j))*(DN+one))
-        if (j == N) &
-                     dl(j) = ((-one)**N)/(DN+one) 
-     end do
-  elseif (i == N) then
-     do j = 0, N
-        call vamnpo(N,xi(j),mn_xi_j,mnprime_xi_j,mnprimeprime_xi_j)
-        if (j == 0) &
-                     dl(j) = ((-one)**(N+1))*(DN+one)/4.d0
-        if (j > 0 .and. j <  N) & 
-                     dl(j) = -mn_xi_j/(one-xi(j))
-        if (j == N) &
-                     dl(j) = (DN*(DN+two)-one)/4.d0 
-     end do
-  else
-     do j = 0, N
-        call vamnpo(N,xi(j),mn_xi_j,mnprime_xi_j,mnprimeprime_xi_j)
-        if (j == 0) &
-                     dl(j) = ( ((-one)**(N+1)) * (DN+one) )&
-                            /(two * mn_xi_i * (one + xi(i)))
-        if (j > 0 .and. j < N .and. j /= i) &
-                     dl(j) = ((xi(j)-xi(i))**(-1)) * mn_xi_j/mn_xi_i
-        if (j > 0 .and. j < N .and. j == i) &
-                     dl(j) = - half/(one + xi(j))
-        if (j == N) &
-                     dl(j) = (mn_xi_i*(one-xi(i)))**(-1)
-     end do
-  end if
-end subroutine lag_interp_deriv_wgl
-!> Compute the value of the derivative of the j-th Lagrange polynomial
-!! of order N defined by the N+1 GLL points xi evaluated at these very
-!! same N+1 GLL points. 
-pure subroutine hn_jprime(xi,j,N,dhj)
-  integer,intent(in)    :: N
-  integer,intent(in)    :: j
-  integer               :: i
-  real(dp), intent(out) :: dhj(0:N)
-  real(kind=dp)          :: DX,D2X
-  real(kind=dp)          :: VN (0:N), QN(0:N)
-  real(dp), intent(in)  :: xi(0:N)
-  dhj(:) = 0d0
-  VN(:)= 0d0
-  QN(:)= 0d0
-  do i = 0, N
-     call valepo(N, xi(i), VN(i), DX, D2X)
-     if (i == j) QN(i) = 1d0
-  end do
-  call delegl(N, xi, VN, QN, dhj)
-end subroutine hn_jprime
-!> computes the nodes relative to the legendre gauss-lobatto formula
-pure subroutine zelegl(n,et,vn)
-  integer, intent(in)    :: n !< Order of the formula
-  real(dp), intent(out), allocatable  :: ET(:) ! Vector of the nodes
-  real(dp), intent(out), allocatable  :: VN(:) ! Values of the Legendre polynomial at the nodes
-  real(kind=dp)           :: sn, x, c, etx, dy, d2y, y
-  integer                :: i, n2, it
-  if(.not.allocated(et))  allocate(et(0:n))
-  if(.not.allocated(vn))  allocate(vn(0:n))
-  if (n  ==  0) return
-  n2 = (n-1)/2
-  sn = dfloat(2*n-4*n2-3)
-  et(0) = -1.d0
-  et(n) = 1.d0
-  vn(0) = sn
-  vn(n) = 1.d0
-  if (n  ==  1) return
-  et(n2+1) = 0.d0
-  x = 0.d0
-  call valepo(n,x,y,dy,d2y)
-  vn(n2+1) = y
-  if(n  ==  2) return
-  c  = pi/dfloat(n)
-  do i=1, n2
-     etx = dcos(c*dfloat(i))
-     do it=1, 8
-        call valepo(n,etx,y,dy,d2y)
-        etx = etx-dy/d2y
-     end do
-     et(i) = -etx
-     et(n-i) = etx
-     vn(i) = y*sn
-     vn(n-i) = y
-  end do
-end subroutine zelegl
-!> computes the nodes relative to the legendre gauss-lobatto formula
-pure subroutine zelegl2(n,et)
-  implicit real(kind=dp)    (a-h,o-z)
-  integer, intent(in)    :: n !< Order of the formula
-  real(dp), intent(out)  :: ET(0:n) ! Vector of the nodes
-  real(kind=dp)           :: sn, x, c, etx, dy, d2y, y
-  integer                :: i, n2, it
-  if (n  ==  0) return
-  n2 = (n-1)/2
-  sn = dfloat(2*n-4*n2-3)
-  et(0) = -1.d0
-  et(n) = 1.d0
-  if (n  ==  1) return
-  et(n2+1) = 0.d0
-  x = 0.d0
-  call valepo(n,x,y,dy,d2y)
-  if (n .gt. 2) then
-     c  = pi/dfloat(n)
-     do i=1,n2
-        etx = dcos(c*dfloat(i))
-        do it=1,8
-           call valepo(n,etx,y,dy,d2y)
-           etx = etx-dy/d2y
-        enddo   
-        et(i) = -etx
-        et(n-i) = etx
-     enddo
-  endif
-  return
-end subroutine zelegl2
-!>   Computes the nodes relative to the modified legendre gauss-lobatto
-!!   FORMULA along the s-axis
-!!   Relies on computing the eigenvalues of tridiagonal matrix. 
-!!   The nodes correspond to the second quadrature formula proposed
-!!   by Azaiez et al.  
-pure subroutine zemngl2(n,et)
-  integer, intent(in)                :: n       !< Order of the formula
-  real(dp), allocatable, intent(out) :: et(:) !< vector of the nodes, et(i), i=0,n.
-  real(dp), dimension(n-1)           :: d, e
-  integer                            :: i, n2
-  real(kind=dp)                      :: x
-  if (.not.allocated(et)) allocate(et(0:n))
-  if (n  ==  0) return
-     n2 = (n-1)/2
-     et(0) = -1.d0
-     et(n) = 1.d0
-  if (n  ==  1) return
-     et(n2+1) = 2d-1
-     x = 2d-1
-  if(n  ==  2) return
-  ! Form the matrix diagonals and subdiagonals according to
-  ! formulae page 109 of Azaiez, Bernardi, Dauge and Maday.
-  do i = 1, n-1
-     d(i) = three/(four*(dble(i)+half)*(dble(i)+three*half))
-  end do
-  do i = 1, n-2
-     e(i+1) =   dsqrt(dble(i)*(dble(i)+three)) &
-                      /(two*(dble(i)+three*half))
-  end do
-  ! Compute eigenvalues
-  call tqli(d,e,n-1)
-  ! Sort them in increasing order
-  call order(d,e,n-1)
-  ET(1:n-1) = e(1:n-1)
-end subroutine zemngl2
-!> This routines returns the eigenvalues of the tridiagonal matrix 
-!! which diagonal and subdiagonal coefficients are contained in d(1:n) and
-!! e(2:n) respectively. e(1) is free. The eigenvalues are returned in array d
-pure subroutine tqli(d,e,n)
-  integer, intent(in)             :: n
-  real(kind=dp)   , intent(inout) :: d(n)
-  real(kind=dp)   , intent(inout) :: e(n)
-  integer                         :: i,iter,l,m
-  real(kind=dp)                   :: b, c, dd, f, g, p, r, s
-  do i = 2, n
-    e(i-1) = e(i)
-  end do
-  e(n)=zero 
-  do l=1,n
-     iter=0
-     iterate: do
-     do m = l, n-1
-       dd = abs(d(m))+abs(d(m+1))
-       if (abs(e(m))+dd.eq.dd) exit
-     end do
-     if( m == l ) exit iterate
-     !if( iter == 30 ) stop 'too many iterations in tqli'
-     iter=iter+1
-     g = (d(l+1)-d(l))/(2.*e(l))
-     r = pythag(g,one)
-     g = d(m)-d(l)+e(l)/(g+sign(r,g))
-     s = one
-     c = one
-     p = zero
-     do i = m-1,l,-1
-        f      = s*e(i)
-        b      = c*e(i)
-        r      = pythag(f,g)
-        e(i+1) = r
-        if(r == zero )then
-           d(i+1) = d(i+1)-p
-           e(m)   = zero 
-           cycle iterate
-        endif
-        s      = f/r
-        c      = g/r
-        g      = d(i+1)-p
-        r      = (d(i)-g)*s+2.*c*b
-        p      = s*r
-        d(i+1) = g+p
-        g      = c*r-b
-     end do
-     d(l) = d(l)-p
-     e(l) = g
-     e(m) = zero
-     end do iterate
-  end do
-end subroutine tqli
-!> L2 norm of a and b  
-pure real(kind=dp)    function pythag(a,b)
-  real(kind=dp)   , intent(in) :: a, b
-  real(kind=dp)                :: absa,absb
-  absa=dabs(a)
-  absb=dabs(b)
-  if(absa.gt.absb)then
-     pythag=absa*sqrt(1.+(absb/absa)**2)
-  else
-     if(absb.eq.zero)then
-        pythag=zero
-     else
-        pythag=absb*sqrt(1.+(absa/absb)**2)
-     endif
-  endif
-end function pythag
-!>  computes the derivative of a polynomial at the legendre gauss-lobatto
-!!  nodes from the values of the polynomial attained at the same points
-pure subroutine delegl(n,et,vn,qn,dqn)
-   integer, intent(in)   ::  n        !< the degree of the polynomial
-   real(dp), intent(in)  ::  et(0:n)  !< vector of the nodes, et(i), i=0,n
-   real(dp), intent(in)  ::  vn(0:n)  !< values of the legendre polynomial at the nodes, vn(i), i=0,n
-   real(dp), intent(in)  ::  qn(0:n)  !< values of the polynomial at the nodes, qn(i), i=0,n
-   real(dp), intent(out) ::  dqn(0:n) !< derivatives of the polynomial at the nodes, dqz(i), i=0,n
-   real(kind=dp)          ::  su, vi, ei, vj, ej, dn, c
-   integer               ::  i, j
-   dqn(0) = 0.d0
-   if (n .eq. 0) return
-   do i=0,n
-       su = 0.d0
-       vi = vn(i)
-       ei = et(i)
-       do j=0,n 
-           if (i .eq. j) cycle !goto 2
-           vj = vn(j)
-           ej = et(j)
-           su = su+qn(j)/(vj*(ei-ej))
-       enddo !2  continue   
-       dqn(i) = vi*su
-    enddo !1  continue   
-    dn = dfloat(n)
-    c  = .25d0 * dn * (dn+1.d0)
-    dqn(0) = dqn(0) - c * qn(0)
-    dqn(n) = dqn(n) + c * qn(n)
-end subroutine delegl
-!> computes the value of the legendre polynomial of degree n
-!! and its first and second derivatives at a given point
-pure subroutine valepo(n,x,y,dy,d2y)
-  integer, intent(in)   ::  n   !< degree of the polynomial
-  real(dp), intent(in)  ::  x   !< point in which the computation is performed
-  real(dp), intent(out) ::  y   !< value of the polynomial in x
-  real(dp), intent(out) ::  dy  !< value of the first derivative in x
-  real(dp), intent(out) ::  d2y !< value of the second derivative in x
-  real(kind=dp)          ::  c1, c2, c4, ym, yp, dym, dyp, d2ym, d2yp
-  integer               ::  i
-  y   = 1.d0
-  dy  = 0.d0
-  d2y = 0.d0
-  if(n == 0) return
-  y   = x
-  dy  = 1.d0
-  d2y = 0.d0
-  if(n == 1) return
-  yp   = 1.d0
-  dyp  = 0.d0
-  d2yp = 0.d0
-  do i = 2, n
-     c1   = dfloat(i)
-     c2   = 2.d0*c1-1.d0
-     c4   = c1-1.d0
-     ym   = y
-     y    = (c2*x*y-c4*yp)/c1
-     yp   = ym
-     dym  = dy
-     dy   = (c2*x*dy-c4*dyp+c2*yp)/c1
-     dyp  = dym
-     d2ym = d2y
-     d2y  = (c2*x*d2y-c4*d2yp+2.d0*c2*dyp)/c1
-     d2yp = d2ym
-  enddo
-end subroutine valepo
-!> This routine computes the N+1 weights associated with the
-!! Gauss-Lobatto-Legendre quadrature formula of order N.
-pure subroutine get_welegl(N,xi,wt)
-  integer, intent(in)                :: N
-  real(dp), intent(in)               :: xi(0:N)
-  real(dp), allocatable, intent(out) :: wt(:)
-  integer                            :: j
-  real(kind=dp)                      :: y,dy,d2y,fact 
-  if(.not.allocated(wt)) allocate(wt(0:n))
-  fact = 2.0d0/(dble(N*(N+1)))
-  wt(:) = 0.0
-  do j = 0, N
-     call valepo(N,xi(j),y,dy,d2y)
-     wt(j) =  fact*y**(-2)
-  end do
-end subroutine get_welegl
-!> This routine computes the N+1 weights associated with the
-!! Gauss-Lobatto-Legendre quadrature formula of order N that one 
-!! to apply for elements having a non-zero intersection with the
-!! axis of symmetry of the Earth.
-pure subroutine get_welegl_axial(N,xi,wt,iflag)
-  integer, intent(in)                     :: N       !< order of GLL quadrature formula
-  integer, intent(in)                     :: iflag   !< Selector for quadrature formulae proposed 
-                                                     !! by Bernardi et al.
-                                                     !! iflag = 2 : Second formula 
-                                                     !!             Formula : (VI.1.12), page 104             
-                                                     !! iflag = 3 : Third formula
-                                                     !!             Formula : (VI.1.20), page 107            
-  real(kind=dp), intent(in)               :: xi(0:N) !< Support points
-  real(kind=dp), allocatable, intent(out) :: wt(:)   !< Weighting factor at support points
-  integer                                 :: j
-  real(kind=dp)                           :: y, dy, d2y, fact
-  if(.not.allocated(wt)) allocate(wt(0:n))
-  wt(:) = 0.0 
-  if (iflag == 2 ) then 
-     fact = 4d0 / dble(N*(N+2)) !four/(dble(N)*dble(N+2))
-     do j = 0, N
-        call vamnpo(N, xi(j), y, dy, d2y)
-        wt(j) =  fact / (y*y)
-        if (j == 0) wt(j) = 2.0 * wt(j)
-     end do
-  elseif ( iflag == 3 ) then 
-     fact = 1.0 / dble((N+1)*(N+1))
-     do j = 0, N
-        call valepo(N, xi(j), y, dy, d2y)
-        wt(j) = (fact * (1+xi(j))**2) / (y*y) 
-     end do  
-  end if
-end subroutine get_welegl_axial
-!>   Computes the value of the "cylindrical" polynomial
-!!   m_n = (l_n + l_{n+1})/(1+x) of degree n
-!!   and its first and second derivatives at a given point
-!!   implemented after bernardi et al., page 57, eq. (iii.1.10)
-pure subroutine vamnpo(n,x,y,dy,d2y)
-  implicit real(kind=dp)    (a-h,o-z)
-  integer, intent(in)   :: n   !< degree of the polynomial 
-  real(dp), intent(in)  :: x   !< point in which the computation is performed
-  real(dp), intent(out) :: y   !< value of the polynomial in x
-  real(dp), intent(out) :: dy  !< value of the first derivative in x
-  real(dp), intent(out) :: d2y !< value of the second derivative in x
-  real(kind=dp)          :: yp, dyp, d2yp, c1
-  real(kind=dp)          :: ym, dym, d2ym
-  integer               :: i
-   y   = 1.d0
-   dy  = 0.d0
-   d2y = 0.d0
-  if (n  ==  0) return
-   y   = 1.5d0*x - 0.5d0 !half*(three*x-one)
-   dy  = 1.5d0 !half*three
-   d2y = 0.d0
-  if(n  ==  1) return
-   yp   = 1.d0
-   dyp  = 0.d0
-   d2yp = 0.d0
-  do i=2,n
-      c1 = dble(i-1)
-      ym = y
-       y = (x-one/((2*c1+one)*(2*c1+three)) ) * y &
-          - (c1/(two*c1+one))*yp
-       y = (two*c1+three)*y/(c1+two)
-      yp = ym
-     dym = dy
-      dy = (x-one/((2*c1+one)*(2*c1+three)) ) * dy &
-           +yp - (c1/(two*c1+one))*dyp
-      dy = (two*c1+three)*dy/(c1+two)
-     dyp = dym
-    d2ym = d2y
-    d2y  = two*dyp + (x-one/((2*c1+one)*(2*c1+three)) ) * d2y &
-           - (c1/(two*c1+one))*d2yp
-    d2y  = (two*c1+three)*d2y/(c1+two)
-    d2yp = d2ym
-  end do
-end subroutine vamnpo
-!> This routine computes the Lagrange interpolated value y at point x
-!! associated to the function defined by the n values ya at n distinct points
-!! xa. dy is the estimate of the error made on the interpolation.
-pure subroutine polint(xa,ya,n,x,y,dy)
-  integer, intent(in)   :: n
-  real(dp), intent(in)  :: x, xa(n), ya(n)
-  real(dp), intent(out) :: dy, y
-  integer               :: i, m, ns
-  real(kind=dp)          :: den, dif, dift, ho, hp, w, c(n), d(n)
-  ns=1
-  dif=abs(x-xa(1))
-  do i=1,n
-     dift=abs(x-xa(i))
-     if (dift < dif) then
-       ns=i    
-       dif=dift
-     endif    
-     c(i)=ya(i)       
-     d(i)=ya(i)       
-  end do
-  y=ya(ns)
-  ns=ns-1
-  do m=1,n-1
-     do i=1,n-m
-        ho=xa(i)-x
-        hp=xa(i+m)-x
-        w=c(i+1)-d(i)
-        den=ho-hp
-        !if(den == zero) stop 'failure in polint'
-        den=w/den
-        d(i)=hp*den
-        c(i)=ho*den
-     end do
-     if (2*ns < n-m)then
-       dy=c(ns+1)
-     else
-       dy=d(ns)
-       ns=ns-1
-     endif
-     y=y+dy
-  end do
-end subroutine polint
-end module splib

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