[cig-commits] [commit] devel: removes header files from repository which are created automatically by scotch compilation (1999c62)

cig_noreply at geodynamics.org cig_noreply at geodynamics.org
Thu Sep 11 10:23:41 PDT 2014

Repository : https://github.com/geodynamics/specfem3d

On branch  : devel
Link       : https://github.com/geodynamics/specfem3d/compare/3704c888212d30d103ff64ed797e3904be39dd35...e84e7ba6f8959cb80449833335af69c684b5a5ee


commit 1999c6259ed866be68e152304f8843f25291568f
Author: daniel peter <peterda at ethz.ch>
Date:   Tue Aug 26 10:36:00 2014 +0200

    removes header files from repository which are created automatically by scotch compilation


 src/decompose_mesh/scotch_6.0.1rc2/include/metis.h |  97 -------
 .../scotch_6.0.1rc2/include/scotch.h               | 287 ---------------------
 .../scotch_6.0.1rc2/include/scotchf.h              | 110 --------
 3 files changed, 494 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/decompose_mesh/scotch_6.0.1rc2/include/metis.h b/src/decompose_mesh/scotch_6.0.1rc2/include/metis.h
deleted file mode 100644
index da99b94..0000000
--- a/src/decompose_mesh/scotch_6.0.1rc2/include/metis.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,97 +0,0 @@
-**                                                      **
-**  THE MeTiS SOFTWARE PACKAGE.                         **
-**  This file is a compatibility include file provided  **
-**  as part of the Scotch software distribution.        **
-**  Preferably use the original MeTiS include file to   **
-**  keep definitions of routines not overloaded by      **
-**  the libScotchMeTiS library.                         **
-**                                                      **
-/* Copyright 2007,2010,2012 IPB, Universite de Bordeaux, INRIA & CNRS
-** This file is part of the Scotch software package for static mapping,
-** graph partitioning and sparse matrix ordering.
-** This software is governed by the CeCILL-C license under French law
-** and abiding by the rules of distribution of free software. You can
-** use, modify and/or redistribute the software under the terms of the
-** CeCILL-C license as circulated by CEA, CNRS and INRIA at the following
-** URL: "http://www.cecill.info".
-** As a counterpart to the access to the source code and rights to copy,
-** modify and redistribute granted by the license, users are provided
-** only with a limited warranty and the software's author, the holder of
-** the economic rights, and the successive licensors have only limited
-** liability.
-** In this respect, the user's attention is drawn to the risks associated
-** with loading, using, modifying and/or developing or reproducing the
-** software by the user in light of its specific status of free software,
-** that may mean that it is complicated to manipulate, and that also
-** therefore means that it is reserved for developers and experienced
-** professionals having in-depth computer knowledge. Users are therefore
-** encouraged to load and test the software's suitability as regards
-** their requirements in conditions enabling the security of their
-** systems and/or data to be ensured and, more generally, to use and
-** operate it in the same conditions as regards security.
-** The fact that you are presently reading this means that you have had
-** knowledge of the CeCILL-C license and that you accept its terms.
-/**                                                        **/
-/**   NAME       : metis.h                                 **/
-/**                                                        **/
-/**   AUTHOR     : Francois PELLEGRINI                     **/
-/**                                                        **/
-/**   FUNCTION   : Compatibility declaration file for the  **/
-/**                MeTiS interface routines provided by    **/
-/**                the Scotch project.                     **/
-/**                                                        **/
-/**   DATES      : # Version 5.0  : from : 08 sep 2006     **/
-/**                                 to     07 jun 2007     **/
-/**                # Version 5.1  : from : 30 jun 2010     **/
-/**                                 to     30 jun 2010     **/
-/**                # Version 6.0  : from : 13 sep 2012     **/
-/**                                 to     13 sep 2012     **/
-/**                                                        **/
-**  The defines.
-#define SCOTCH_METIS_PREFIXL        scotch_
-#define METISNAME2(p,s)             METISNAME4(p,s)
-#define METISNAME3(s)               s
-#define METISNAME4(p,s)             p##s
-#endif /* METISNAMEL */
-**  The function prototypes.
-void                        METISNAMEU(METIS_EdgeND) (const SCOTCH_Num * const, const SCOTCH_Num * const, const SCOTCH_Num * const, const SCOTCH_Num * const, const SCOTCH_Num * const, SCOTCH_Num * const, SCOTCH_Num * const);
-void                        METISNAMEU(METIS_NodeND) (const SCOTCH_Num * const, const SCOTCH_Num * const, const SCOTCH_Num * const, const SCOTCH_Num * const, const SCOTCH_Num * const, SCOTCH_Num * const, SCOTCH_Num * const);
-void                        METISNAMEU(METIS_NodeWND) (const SCOTCH_Num * const, const SCOTCH_Num * const, const SCOTCH_Num * const, const SCOTCH_Num * const, const SCOTCH_Num * const, const SCOTCH_Num * const, SCOTCH_Num * const, SCOTCH_Num * const);
-void                        METISNAMEU(METIS_PartGraphKway) (const SCOTCH_Num * const, const SCOTCH_Num * const, const SCOTCH_Num * const, const SCOTCH_Num * const, const SCOTCH_Num * const, const SCOTCH_Num * const, const SCOTCH_Num * const, const SCOTCH_Num * const, const SCOTCH_Num * const, SCOTCH_Num * const, SCOTCH_Num * const);
-void                        METISNAMEU(METIS_PartGraphRecursive) (const SCOTCH_Num * const, const SCOTCH_Num * const, const SCOTCH_Num * const, const SCOTCH_Num * const, const SCOTCH_Num * const, const SCOTCH_Num * const, const SCOTCH_Num * const, const SCOTCH_Num * const, const SCOTCH_Num * const, SCOTCH_Num * const, SCOTCH_Num * const);
-void                        METISNAMEU(METIS_PartGraphVKway) (const SCOTCH_Num * const, const SCOTCH_Num * const, const SCOTCH_Num * const, const SCOTCH_Num * const, const SCOTCH_Num * const, const SCOTCH_Num * const, const SCOTCH_Num * const, const SCOTCH_Num * const, const SCOTCH_Num * const, SCOTCH_Num * const, SCOTCH_Num * const);
diff --git a/src/decompose_mesh/scotch_6.0.1rc2/include/scotch.h b/src/decompose_mesh/scotch_6.0.1rc2/include/scotch.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 751bccf..0000000
--- a/src/decompose_mesh/scotch_6.0.1rc2/include/scotch.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,287 +0,0 @@
-/* Copyright 2004,2007-2012 IPB, Universite de Bordeaux, INRIA & CNRS
-** This file is part of the Scotch software package for static mapping,
-** graph partitioning and sparse matrix ordering.
-** This software is governed by the CeCILL-C license under French law
-** and abiding by the rules of distribution of free software. You can
-** use, modify and/or redistribute the software under the terms of the
-** CeCILL-C license as circulated by CEA, CNRS and INRIA at the following
-** URL: "http://www.cecill.info".
-** As a counterpart to the access to the source code and rights to copy,
-** modify and redistribute granted by the license, users are provided
-** only with a limited warranty and the software's author, the holder of
-** the economic rights, and the successive licensors have only limited
-** liability.
-** In this respect, the user's attention is drawn to the risks associated
-** with loading, using, modifying and/or developing or reproducing the
-** software by the user in light of its specific status of free software,
-** that may mean that it is complicated to manipulate, and that also
-** therefore means that it is reserved for developers and experienced
-** professionals having in-depth computer knowledge. Users are therefore
-** encouraged to load and test the software's suitability as regards
-** their requirements in conditions enabling the security of their
-** systems and/or data to be ensured and, more generally, to use and
-** operate it in the same conditions as regards security.
-** The fact that you are presently reading this means that you have had
-** knowledge of the CeCILL-C license and that you accept its terms.
-/**                                                        **/
-/**   NAME       : scotch.h                                **/
-/**                                                        **/
-/**   AUTHOR     : Francois PELLEGRINI                     **/
-/**                Jun-Ho HER (v6.0)                       **/
-/**                Sebastien FOURESTIER (v6.0)             **/
-/**                                                        **/
-/**   FUNCTION   : Declaration file for the LibScotch      **/
-/**                static mapping and sparse matrix block  **/
-/**                ordering library.                       **/
-/**                                                        **/
-/**   DATES      : # Version 3.2  : from : 07 sep 1996     **/
-/**                                 to     22 aug 1998     **/
-/**                # Version 3.3  : from : 02 oct 1998     **/
-/**                                 to     31 may 1999     **/
-/**                # Version 3.4  : from : 10 oct 1999     **/
-/**                                 to     15 nov 2001     **/
-/**                # Version 4.0  : from : 11 dec 2001     **/
-/**                                 to     20 dec 2005     **/
-/**                # Version 5.0  : from : 26 apr 2006     **/
-/**                                 to   : 20 feb 2008     **/
-/**                # Version 5.1  : from : 30 nov 2007     **/
-/**                                 to   : 07 aug 2011     **/
-/**                # Version 6.0  : from : 12 sep 2008     **/
-/**                                 to     01 dec 2012     **/
-/**                                                        **/
-#ifndef SCOTCH_H
-#define SCOTCH_H
-**  The type and structure definitions.
-/*+ Version flags. +*/
-/*+ Integer type. +*/
-typedef int SCOTCH_Idx;
-typedef int SCOTCH_Num;
-#define SCOTCH_NUMMAX               ((int) (((unsigned int) 1 << ((sizeof (int) << 3) - 1)) - 1))
-#define SCOTCH_NUMSTRING            "%d"
-/*+ Coarsening flags +*/
-#define SCOTCH_COARSENNOMERGE       0x4000
-/*+ Strategy string parametrization values +*/
-#define SCOTCH_STRATDEFAULT         0x0000
-#define SCOTCH_STRATQUALITY         0x0001
-#define SCOTCH_STRATSPEED           0x0002
-#define SCOTCH_STRATBALANCE         0x0004
-#define SCOTCH_STRATSAFETY          0x0008
-#define SCOTCH_STRATRECURSIVE       0x0100
-#define SCOTCH_STRATREMAP           0x0200
-#define SCOTCH_STRATLEVELMAX        0x1000
-#define SCOTCH_STRATLEVELMIN        0x2000
-#define SCOTCH_STRATLEAFSIMPLE      0x4000
-#define SCOTCH_STRATSEPASIMPLE      0x8000
-/*+ Opaque objects. The dummy sizes of these
-objects, computed at compile-time by program
-"dummysizes", are given as double values for
-proper padding                               +*/
-typedef struct {
-  double                    dummy[8];
-} SCOTCH_Arch;
-typedef struct {
-  double                    dummy[2];
-} SCOTCH_Geom;
-typedef struct {
-  double                    dummy[13];
-} SCOTCH_Graph;
-typedef struct {
-  double                    dummy[15];
-} SCOTCH_Mesh;
-typedef struct {
-  double                    dummy[4];
-} SCOTCH_Mapping;
-typedef struct {
-  double                    dummy[12];
-} SCOTCH_Ordering;
-typedef struct {
-  double                    dummy[1];
-} SCOTCH_Strat;
-**  The function prototypes.
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-extern "C" {
-#endif /* __cplusplus */
-SCOTCH_Arch *               SCOTCH_archAlloc    (void);
-int                         SCOTCH_archInit     (SCOTCH_Arch * const);
-void                        SCOTCH_archExit     (SCOTCH_Arch * const);
-int                         SCOTCH_archLoad     (SCOTCH_Arch * const, FILE * const);
-int                         SCOTCH_archSave     (const SCOTCH_Arch * const, FILE * const);
-int                         SCOTCH_archBuild    (SCOTCH_Arch * const, const SCOTCH_Graph * const, const SCOTCH_Num, const SCOTCH_Num * const, const SCOTCH_Strat * const);
-char *                      SCOTCH_archName     (const SCOTCH_Arch * const);
-SCOTCH_Num                  SCOTCH_archSize     (const SCOTCH_Arch * const);
-int                         SCOTCH_archVar      (const SCOTCH_Arch * const);
-int                         SCOTCH_archCmplt    (SCOTCH_Arch * const, const SCOTCH_Num);
-int                         SCOTCH_archCmpltw   (SCOTCH_Arch * const, const SCOTCH_Num, const SCOTCH_Num * const);
-int                         SCOTCH_archHcub     (SCOTCH_Arch * const, const SCOTCH_Num);
-int                         SCOTCH_archMesh2    (SCOTCH_Arch * const, const SCOTCH_Num, const SCOTCH_Num);
-int                         SCOTCH_archMesh3    (SCOTCH_Arch * const, const SCOTCH_Num, const SCOTCH_Num, const SCOTCH_Num);
-int                         SCOTCH_archTleaf    (SCOTCH_Arch * const, const SCOTCH_Num, const SCOTCH_Num * const, const SCOTCH_Num * const);
-int                         SCOTCH_archTorus2   (SCOTCH_Arch * const, const SCOTCH_Num, const SCOTCH_Num);
-int                         SCOTCH_archTorus3   (SCOTCH_Arch * const, const SCOTCH_Num, const SCOTCH_Num, const SCOTCH_Num);
-int                         SCOTCH_archVcmplt   (SCOTCH_Arch * const);
-int                         SCOTCH_archVhcub    (SCOTCH_Arch * const);
-void                        SCOTCH_errorProg    (const char * const);
-void                        SCOTCH_errorPrint   (const char * const, ...);
-void                        SCOTCH_errorPrintW  (const char * const, ...);
-SCOTCH_Geom *               SCOTCH_geomAlloc    (void);
-int                         SCOTCH_geomInit     (SCOTCH_Geom * const);
-void                        SCOTCH_geomExit     (SCOTCH_Geom * const);
-void                        SCOTCH_geomData     (const SCOTCH_Geom * const, SCOTCH_Num * const, double ** const);
-SCOTCH_Graph *              SCOTCH_graphAlloc   (void);
-int                         SCOTCH_graphInit    (SCOTCH_Graph * const);
-void                        SCOTCH_graphExit    (SCOTCH_Graph * const);
-void                        SCOTCH_graphFree    (SCOTCH_Graph * const);
-int                         SCOTCH_graphLoad    (SCOTCH_Graph * const, FILE * const, const SCOTCH_Num, const SCOTCH_Num);
-int                         SCOTCH_graphSave    (const SCOTCH_Graph * const, FILE * const);
-int                         SCOTCH_graphBuild   (SCOTCH_Graph * const, const SCOTCH_Num, const SCOTCH_Num, const SCOTCH_Num * const, const SCOTCH_Num * const, const SCOTCH_Num * const, const SCOTCH_Num * const, const SCOTCH_Num, const SCOTCH_Num * const, const SCOTCH_Num * const);
-int                         SCOTCH_graphCoarsen (const SCOTCH_Graph * const, SCOTCH_Graph * const, SCOTCH_Num * const, const SCOTCH_Num, const double);
-int                         SCOTCH_graphColor   (const SCOTCH_Graph * const, SCOTCH_Num * const, SCOTCH_Num * const, const SCOTCH_Num);
-SCOTCH_Num                  SCOTCH_graphBase    (SCOTCH_Graph * const, const SCOTCH_Num baseval);
-int                         SCOTCH_graphCheck   (const SCOTCH_Graph * const);
-void                        SCOTCH_graphSize    (const SCOTCH_Graph * const, SCOTCH_Num * const, SCOTCH_Num * const);
-void                        SCOTCH_graphData    (const SCOTCH_Graph * const, SCOTCH_Num * const, SCOTCH_Num * const, SCOTCH_Num ** const, SCOTCH_Num ** const, SCOTCH_Num ** const, SCOTCH_Num ** const, SCOTCH_Num * const, SCOTCH_Num ** const, SCOTCH_Num ** const);
-void                        SCOTCH_graphStat    (const SCOTCH_Graph * const, SCOTCH_Num * const, SCOTCH_Num * const, SCOTCH_Num * const, double * const, double * const, SCOTCH_Num * const, SCOTCH_Num * const, double * const, double * const, SCOTCH_Num * const, SCOTCH_Num * const, SCOTCH_Num * const, double * const, double * const);
-int                         SCOTCH_graphGeomLoadChac (SCOTCH_Graph * const, SCOTCH_Geom * const, FILE * const, FILE * const, const char * const);
-int                         SCOTCH_graphGeomLoadHabo (SCOTCH_Graph * const, SCOTCH_Geom * const, FILE * const, FILE * const, const char * const);
-int                         SCOTCH_graphGeomLoadMmkt (SCOTCH_Graph * const, SCOTCH_Geom * const, FILE * const, FILE * const, const char * const);
-int                         SCOTCH_graphGeomLoadScot (SCOTCH_Graph * const, SCOTCH_Geom * const, FILE * const, FILE * const, const char * const);
-int                         SCOTCH_graphGeomSaveChac (const SCOTCH_Graph * const, const SCOTCH_Geom * const, FILE * const, FILE * const, const char * const);
-int                         SCOTCH_graphGeomSaveMmkt (const SCOTCH_Graph * const, const SCOTCH_Geom * const, FILE * const, FILE * const, const char * const);
-int                         SCOTCH_graphGeomSaveScot (const SCOTCH_Graph * const, const SCOTCH_Geom * const, FILE * const, FILE * const, const char * const);
-int                         SCOTCH_graphMapInit (const SCOTCH_Graph * const, SCOTCH_Mapping * const, const SCOTCH_Arch * const, SCOTCH_Num * const);
-void                        SCOTCH_graphMapExit (const SCOTCH_Graph * const, SCOTCH_Mapping * const);
-int                         SCOTCH_graphMapLoad (const SCOTCH_Graph * const, const SCOTCH_Mapping * const, FILE * const);
-int                         SCOTCH_graphTabLoad (const SCOTCH_Graph * const, SCOTCH_Num * const, FILE * const);
-int                         SCOTCH_graphMapSave (const SCOTCH_Graph * const, const SCOTCH_Mapping * const, FILE * const);
-int                         SCOTCH_graphMapView (const SCOTCH_Graph * const, const SCOTCH_Mapping * const, FILE * const);
-int                         SCOTCH_graphRemapView (const SCOTCH_Graph * const, const SCOTCH_Mapping * const, const SCOTCH_Mapping * const, const double, SCOTCH_Num *, FILE * const);
-int                         SCOTCH_graphRemapViewRaw (const SCOTCH_Graph * const, const SCOTCH_Mapping * const, const SCOTCH_Mapping * const, const double, SCOTCH_Num *, FILE * const);
-int                         SCOTCH_graphMapCompute (SCOTCH_Graph * const, SCOTCH_Mapping * const, SCOTCH_Strat * const);
-int                         SCOTCH_graphMapFixedCompute (SCOTCH_Graph * const, SCOTCH_Mapping * const, SCOTCH_Strat * const);
-int                         SCOTCH_graphRemapCompute (SCOTCH_Graph * const, SCOTCH_Mapping * const, SCOTCH_Mapping * const, const double, const SCOTCH_Num *, SCOTCH_Strat * const);
-int                         SCOTCH_graphRemapFixedCompute (SCOTCH_Graph * const, SCOTCH_Mapping * const, SCOTCH_Mapping * const, const double, const SCOTCH_Num *, SCOTCH_Strat * const);
-int                         SCOTCH_graphMap     (SCOTCH_Graph * const, const SCOTCH_Arch * const, SCOTCH_Strat * const, SCOTCH_Num * const);
-int                         SCOTCH_graphMapFixed (SCOTCH_Graph * const, const SCOTCH_Arch * const, SCOTCH_Strat * const, SCOTCH_Num * const);
-int                         SCOTCH_graphRemap   (SCOTCH_Graph * const, const SCOTCH_Arch * const, SCOTCH_Num *, const double, const SCOTCH_Num *, SCOTCH_Strat * const, SCOTCH_Num * const);
-int                         SCOTCH_graphRemapFixed (SCOTCH_Graph * const, const SCOTCH_Arch * const, SCOTCH_Num *, const double, const SCOTCH_Num *, SCOTCH_Strat * const, SCOTCH_Num * const);
-int                         SCOTCH_graphPart    (SCOTCH_Graph * const, const SCOTCH_Num, SCOTCH_Strat * const, SCOTCH_Num * const);
-int                         SCOTCH_graphPartFixed (SCOTCH_Graph * const, const SCOTCH_Num, SCOTCH_Strat * const, SCOTCH_Num * const);
-int                         SCOTCH_graphPartOvl (SCOTCH_Graph * const, const SCOTCH_Num, SCOTCH_Strat * const, SCOTCH_Num * const);
-int                         SCOTCH_graphRepart  (SCOTCH_Graph * const, const SCOTCH_Num, SCOTCH_Num * const, const double, const SCOTCH_Num *, SCOTCH_Strat * const, SCOTCH_Num * const);
-int                         SCOTCH_graphRepartFixed (SCOTCH_Graph * const, const SCOTCH_Num, SCOTCH_Num * const, const double, const SCOTCH_Num *, SCOTCH_Strat * const, SCOTCH_Num * const);
-int                         SCOTCH_graphOrderInit (const SCOTCH_Graph * const, SCOTCH_Ordering * const, SCOTCH_Num * const, SCOTCH_Num * const, SCOTCH_Num * const, SCOTCH_Num * const, SCOTCH_Num * const);
-void                        SCOTCH_graphOrderExit (const SCOTCH_Graph * const, SCOTCH_Ordering * const);
-int                         SCOTCH_graphOrderLoad (const SCOTCH_Graph * const, SCOTCH_Ordering * const, FILE * const);
-int                         SCOTCH_graphOrderSave (const SCOTCH_Graph * const, const SCOTCH_Ordering * const, FILE * const);
-int                         SCOTCH_graphOrderSaveMap (const SCOTCH_Graph * const, const SCOTCH_Ordering * const, FILE * const);
-int                         SCOTCH_graphOrderSaveTree (const SCOTCH_Graph * const, const SCOTCH_Ordering * const, FILE * const);
-int                         SCOTCH_graphOrderCompute (SCOTCH_Graph * const, SCOTCH_Ordering * const, SCOTCH_Strat * const);
-int                         SCOTCH_graphOrderComputeList (SCOTCH_Graph * const, SCOTCH_Ordering * const, const SCOTCH_Num, const SCOTCH_Num * const, SCOTCH_Strat * const);
-int                         SCOTCH_graphOrderFactor (const SCOTCH_Graph * const, const SCOTCH_Ordering * const, SCOTCH_Graph * const);
-int                         SCOTCH_graphOrderView (const SCOTCH_Graph * const, const SCOTCH_Ordering * const, FILE * const);
-int                         SCOTCH_graphOrder   (SCOTCH_Graph * const, SCOTCH_Strat * const, SCOTCH_Num * const, SCOTCH_Num * const, SCOTCH_Num * const, SCOTCH_Num * const, SCOTCH_Num * const);
-int                         SCOTCH_graphOrderList (SCOTCH_Graph * const, const SCOTCH_Num, const SCOTCH_Num * const, SCOTCH_Strat * const, SCOTCH_Num * const, SCOTCH_Num * const, SCOTCH_Num * const, SCOTCH_Num * const, SCOTCH_Num * const);
-int                         SCOTCH_graphOrderCheck (const SCOTCH_Graph * const, const SCOTCH_Ordering * const);
-SCOTCH_Mapping *            SCOTCH_mapAlloc     (void);
-SCOTCH_Idx                  SCOTCH_memCur       (void);
-SCOTCH_Idx                  SCOTCH_memMax       (void);
-int                         SCOTCH_meshInit     (SCOTCH_Mesh * const);
-void                        SCOTCH_meshExit     (SCOTCH_Mesh * const);
-int                         SCOTCH_meshLoad     (SCOTCH_Mesh * const, FILE * const, const SCOTCH_Num);
-int                         SCOTCH_meshSave     (const SCOTCH_Mesh * const, FILE * const);
-int                         SCOTCH_meshBuild    (SCOTCH_Mesh * const, const SCOTCH_Num, const SCOTCH_Num, const SCOTCH_Num, const SCOTCH_Num, const SCOTCH_Num * const, const SCOTCH_Num * const, const SCOTCH_Num * const, const SCOTCH_Num * const, const SCOTCH_Num * const, const SCOTCH_Num, const SCOTCH_Num * const);
-int                         SCOTCH_meshCheck    (const SCOTCH_Mesh * const);
-void                        SCOTCH_meshSize     (const SCOTCH_Mesh * const, SCOTCH_Num * const, SCOTCH_Num * const, SCOTCH_Num * const);
-void                        SCOTCH_meshData     (const SCOTCH_Mesh * const, SCOTCH_Num * const, SCOTCH_Num * const, SCOTCH_Num * const, SCOTCH_Num * const, SCOTCH_Num ** const, SCOTCH_Num ** const, SCOTCH_Num ** const, SCOTCH_Num ** const, SCOTCH_Num ** const, SCOTCH_Num * const, SCOTCH_Num ** const, SCOTCH_Num * const);
-void                        SCOTCH_meshStat     (const SCOTCH_Mesh * const, SCOTCH_Num * const, SCOTCH_Num * const, SCOTCH_Num * const, double * const, double * const, SCOTCH_Num * const, SCOTCH_Num * const, double * const, double * const, SCOTCH_Num * const, SCOTCH_Num * const, double * const, double * const);
-int                         SCOTCH_meshGraph    (const SCOTCH_Mesh * const, SCOTCH_Graph * const);
-int                         SCOTCH_meshGeomLoadHabo (SCOTCH_Mesh * const, SCOTCH_Geom * const, FILE * const, FILE * const, const char * const);
-int                         SCOTCH_meshGeomLoadScot (SCOTCH_Mesh * const, SCOTCH_Geom * const, FILE * const, FILE * const, const char * const);
-int                         SCOTCH_meshGeomSaveScot (const SCOTCH_Mesh * const, const SCOTCH_Geom * const, FILE * const, FILE * const, const char * const);
-int                         SCOTCH_meshOrderInit (const SCOTCH_Mesh * const, SCOTCH_Ordering * const, SCOTCH_Num * const, SCOTCH_Num * const, SCOTCH_Num * const, SCOTCH_Num * const, SCOTCH_Num * const);
-void                        SCOTCH_meshOrderExit (const SCOTCH_Mesh * const, SCOTCH_Ordering * const);
-int                         SCOTCH_meshOrderSave (const SCOTCH_Mesh * const, const SCOTCH_Ordering * const, FILE * const);
-int                         SCOTCH_meshOrderSaveMap (const SCOTCH_Mesh * const, const SCOTCH_Ordering * const, FILE * const);
-int                         SCOTCH_meshOrderSaveTree (const SCOTCH_Mesh * const, const SCOTCH_Ordering * const, FILE * const);
-int                         SCOTCH_meshOrderCompute (SCOTCH_Mesh * const, SCOTCH_Ordering * const, SCOTCH_Strat * const);
-int                         SCOTCH_meshOrderComputeList (SCOTCH_Mesh * const, SCOTCH_Ordering * const, const SCOTCH_Num, const SCOTCH_Num * const, SCOTCH_Strat * const);
-int                         SCOTCH_meshOrder    (SCOTCH_Mesh * const, SCOTCH_Strat * const, SCOTCH_Num * const, SCOTCH_Num * const, SCOTCH_Num * const, SCOTCH_Num * const, SCOTCH_Num * const);
-int                         SCOTCH_meshOrderList (SCOTCH_Mesh * const, const SCOTCH_Num, const SCOTCH_Num * const, SCOTCH_Strat * const, SCOTCH_Num * const, SCOTCH_Num * const, SCOTCH_Num * const, SCOTCH_Num * const, SCOTCH_Num * const);
-int                         SCOTCH_meshOrderCheck (const SCOTCH_Mesh * const, const SCOTCH_Ordering * const);
-SCOTCH_Ordering *           SCOTCH_orderAlloc   (void);
-void                        SCOTCH_randomReset  (void);
-void                        SCOTCH_randomSeed   (SCOTCH_Num);
-SCOTCH_Strat *              SCOTCH_stratAlloc   (void);
-int                         SCOTCH_stratInit    (SCOTCH_Strat * const);
-void                        SCOTCH_stratExit    (SCOTCH_Strat * const);
-void                        SCOTCH_stratFree    (SCOTCH_Strat * const);
-int                         SCOTCH_stratSave    (const SCOTCH_Strat * const, FILE * const);
-int                         SCOTCH_stratGraphBipart (SCOTCH_Strat * const, const char * const);
-int                         SCOTCH_stratGraphMap (SCOTCH_Strat * const, const char * const);
-int                         SCOTCH_stratGraphMapBuild (SCOTCH_Strat * const, const SCOTCH_Num, const SCOTCH_Num, const double);
-int                         SCOTCH_stratGraphClusterBuild (SCOTCH_Strat * const, const SCOTCH_Num, const SCOTCH_Num, const double, const double);
-int                         SCOTCH_stratGraphPartOvl (SCOTCH_Strat * const, const char * const);
-int                         SCOTCH_stratGraphPartOvlBuild (SCOTCH_Strat * const, const SCOTCH_Num, const SCOTCH_Num, const double);
-int                         SCOTCH_stratGraphOrder (SCOTCH_Strat * const, const char * const);
-int                         SCOTCH_stratGraphOrderBuild (SCOTCH_Strat * const, const SCOTCH_Num, const SCOTCH_Num, const double);
-int                         SCOTCH_stratMeshOrder (SCOTCH_Strat * const, const char * const);
-int                         SCOTCH_stratMeshOrderBuild (SCOTCH_Strat * const, const SCOTCH_Num, const double);
-void                        SCOTCH_version      (int * const, int * const, int * const);
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-#endif /* __cplusplus */
-#endif /* SCOTCH_H */
diff --git a/src/decompose_mesh/scotch_6.0.1rc2/include/scotchf.h b/src/decompose_mesh/scotch_6.0.1rc2/include/scotchf.h
deleted file mode 100644
index f51d802..0000000
--- a/src/decompose_mesh/scotch_6.0.1rc2/include/scotchf.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,110 +0,0 @@
-!* Copyright 2004,2007,2009,2010,2012 IPB, Universite de Bordeaux, INRIA & CNRS
-!* This file is part of the Scotch software package for static mapping,
-!* graph partitioning and sparse matrix ordering.
-!* This software is governed by the CeCILL-C license under French law
-!* and abiding by the rules of distribution of free software. You can
-!* use, modify and/or redistribute the software under the terms of the
-!* CeCILL-C license as circulated by CEA, CNRS and INRIA at the following
-!* URL: "http://www.cecill.info".
-!* As a counterpart to the access to the source code and rights to copy,
-!* modify and redistribute granted by the license, users are provided
-!* only with a limited warranty and the software's author, the holder of
-!* the economic rights, and the successive licensors have only limited
-!* liability.
-!* In this respect, the user's attention is drawn to the risks associated
-!* with loading, using, modifying and/or developing or reproducing the
-!* software by the user in light of its specific status of free software,
-!* that may mean that it is complicated to manipulate, and that also
-!* therefore means that it is reserved for developers and experienced
-!* professionals having in-depth computer knowledge. Users are therefore
-!* encouraged to load and test the software's suitability as regards
-!* their requirements in conditions enabling the security of their
-!* systems and/or data to be ensured and, more generally, to use and
-!* operate it in the same conditions as regards security.
-!* The fact that you are presently reading this means that you have had
-!* knowledge of the CeCILL-C license and that you accept its terms.
-!*                                                        **
-!*   NAME       : scotchf.h                               **
-!*                                                        **
-!*   AUTHOR     : Francois PELLEGRINI                     **
-!*                                                        **
-!*   FUNCTION   : FORTRAN declaration file for the        **
-!*                LibScotch static mapping and sparse     **
-!*                matrix block ordering sequential        **
-!*                library.                                **
-!*                                                        **
-!*   DATES      : # Version 3.4  : from : 04 feb 2000     **
-!*                                 to     22 oct 2001     **
-!*                # Version 4.0  : from : 16 jan 2004     **
-!*                                 to     16 jan 2004     **
-!*                # Version 5.0  : from : 26 apr 2006     **
-!*                                 to     26 apr 2006     **
-!*                # Version 5.1  : from : 26 mar 2009     **
-!*                                 to     12 feb 2011     **
-!*                # Version 6.0  : from : 22 oct 2011     **
-!*                                 to     29 nov 2012     **
-!*                                                        **
-!* Flag definitions for the coarsening
-!* routines.
-!* Flag definitions for the strategy
-!* string selection routines.
-        PARAMETER (SCOTCH_STRATREMAP       = 512)
-!* Size definitions for the SCOTCH opaque
-!* structures. These structures must be
-!* allocated as arrays of DOUBLEPRECISION
-!* values for proper padding. The dummy
-!* sizes are computed at compile-time by
-!* program "dummysizes".
-        PARAMETER (SCOTCH_ARCHDIM          = 8)
-        PARAMETER (SCOTCH_GEOMDIM          = 2)
-        PARAMETER (SCOTCH_GRAPHDIM         = 13)
-        PARAMETER (SCOTCH_MAPDIM           = 4)
-        PARAMETER (SCOTCH_MESHDIM          = 15)
-        PARAMETER (SCOTCH_ORDERDIM         = 12)
-        PARAMETER (SCOTCH_STRATDIM         = 1)

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