[CIG-CS] Particle problems and Semi-Lagrangian Schemes for Gamr

Walter Landry walter at geodynamics.org
Wed Jun 1 15:45:43 PDT 2011

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Matthew Knepley <knepley at mcs.anl.gov> wrote:
> On Wed, Jun 1, 2011 at 3:06 AM, Walter Landry <walter at geodynamics.org>wrote:
>> Rather, it is not clear to me how you can identify and track an
>> arbitrary parcel of material through its history.  For example,
>> consider a simulation with a single type of material.  At time 0 we
>> have tracers at points p0(0), p1(0), p2(0).  We take one time step and
>> they are now at points p0(1), p1(1), p2(1).  Another time step and
>> they are at p0(2), p1(2), p2(2).  At each time step, we have a place
>> to put the tracers' current position, pressure and temperature.  At
>> the end of the simulation, we can look at where the tracers end up
>> and examine the history of an individual tracer.  With
>> semi-lagrangian, there is no place to put that information.
> Of course there is. If you need history, save the field at each
> step. Its still much smaller than the particle info at each step.

So if I understand you correctly, we would, at the end of a
simulation, integrate backwards or forwards in time to get the history
of any particular point?  Given that, I have a few thoughts.

1) We may want to concentrate particles in places of interest.  For
   example, if we want to see how material from one place gets
   entrained and mixes.  For that particular case, we can just define
   a fictitious material interface and track that.  Alternately, we
   can advect a color function.

   However, to get the P-T traces of that material, we still have to
   save the fields everywhere and do some post-processing.  I do not
   know how often that problem comes up.

   On the flip side, if we decide after the run is completed that we
   want to look in more detail at one region, we do not have to run
   the simulation again.

2) We do not have to save the current state of the particle at each
   time step.  We can save it every 50th time step.  To integrate
   back in time, we will have to save the velocities at every time

   So lets do an estimate of the relative storage costs of each
   method.  Lets assume we have P particles, N elements, and we save
   every dt steps.  In D dimensions after a T time steps, that is
   P*D*T/dt doubles to store the positions of the particles.  To store
   the velocities, that is N*D*T doubles.  The cost to store M other
   numbers, such as the pressure and temperature, are M*P*T/dt for
   particles and N*M*T/dt for fields.

   Storage of particles = (P*T/dt) * (D + M)
   Storage of fields    = (N*T)    * (D + M/dt)

   To get some sense of numbers, if we look at Cookbook 7 in the
   CitcomS manual, P/N=20, dt=5, D=3, and M=1, making the storage

   Particles/Fields = (20/5*(3+1)) / (3+1/5) = 5

   So fields look pretty good for that example.

3) It is a serious error if, in the process of integrating back in
   time, one material turns into another.  To conserve mass, we have
   to apply fixes to the interface after advection.  This will not be
   reflected in the velocity field, so material may be converted by
   these fixes.  But particles will have this problem as well.  Just
   because a particle starts out as a certain material, these same
   interface fixes may move it out of that material.

   On the other hand, these fixes should improve with resolution.  So
   maybe we should just look at any material conversion as an
   indicator of error.

4) The machinery to integrate back in time will require some work.  If
   we are running on 100,000 cores, the relevant information will be
   scattered amongst files owned by several different processors.  Now
   it is true that particles will also require work, so we maybe we
   just have to pick our poison.

   The difference is that I know I can implement particles in a
   simple, though memory-hungry way.  I can just add 60 fields to each
   element, and that will give me up to 20 particles per element.  I
   do not have to know anything more about deal.II/SAMRAI than I
   already know.  It will definitely work.  Resizeable arrays would be
   a better way, but I would have to navigate through the internals of

   In contrast, reconstructing trajectories by reading in grids which
   have been adapted over time would probably require navigating
   through internals.  It is not a typical use case for these

5) The workflow will be different.  At the end of a run, rather than
   having all of the data available, we will have to do an additional
   step of integrating back in time.  To automate this, we could
   enable it with a parameter in the input file, so it should not be
   confusing for the user.  However, if the simulation terminates
   early (e.g. because it ran out of time), we would still need a way
   to do the post-processing manually.

   Also, integrating back in time from element nodes means that, after
   every time step, the picture of tracers will change.  This could be
   disconcerting.  We could remedy that by integrating forwards in
   time.  At that point, it feels like we are just reinventing
   particles, but we have more flexibility.

So as long as there are not a lot of people who want to use a small
number of tracers with large runs, I think a pure field based approach
should work.  I am a bit concerned about implementation issues, but we
can examine those more closely when we face them.

Walter Landry
walter at geodynamics.org

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