[CIG-GEODYN] Calypso v1.1.1 released

Hiroaki Matsui hrmatsui at ucdavis.edu
Mon Mar 24 15:23:15 PDT 2014


We are pleased to announce the release of Calypso Ver. 1.1.1. Calypso is a program package of magnetohydrodynamics (MHD) simulations in a rotating spherical shell for geodynamo problems. This package consists of the simulation program, preprocessing program, post processing program to generate field data for visualization programs, and several small utilities. The simulation program runs on parallel computing systems using MPI and OpenMP parallelization.

In Version 1.1.1, a number of bug fixes and additional comments for Doxygen are completed. The following large bugs are fixed:
1. Configure command is updated to find appropriate GNU make command. (see Section 6.1)
2. Label for radial grid type in the file "ctl_sph_shell" "raidal_grid_type_ctl" is changed to "radial_grid_type_ctl". If the old name is used in the control file, program "gen_sph_grid" will crash.

And, the following features are implemented:
1. New ordering is used for spherical harmonics data to reduce communication time. The old version of spectrum indexing data is also supported in Ver. 1.1.1.
2. Adams-Gaunt integrals are evaluated in the initialization process in the simulation program "sph_mhd", she data file for Adams-Gaunt integrals which is made by "gen_sph_grids"  is not required.
3. Add a program "sph_add_initial_field" to modify existed initial field data. (See Section 13)
4. Heat and composition source terms are implemented. The source terms are defined by using initial field generation program. (See section 12 and 13)
5. Inhomogeneous boundary conditions for temperature and composition can be defined by using spherical harmonics coefficients. (See Section 10.3)

You can download the source code and manual from:

Detailed installation instructions for compiling and running Calypso are in the user manual as well as several examples and background material. If you have any questions regarding Calypso or its operation, please contact the authors through the cig-geodyn at geodynamics.org mailing list.

Best wishes,
Hiroaki Matsui

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