[CIG-GEODYN] 2018 Rayleigh Workshop, September 16-19, Boulder, Colorado

Lorraine Hwang ljhwang at ucdavis.edu
Tue Jun 26 15:07:34 PDT 2018

26 June 2018

Dear CIG Community:

We are pleased to announce that applications to attend the 2018 Rayleigh Workshop 16-18 September 2018 at the University of Colorado, Boulder is now open.  Rayleigh is designed for the study of MHD turbulence and convection in spherical (and soon Cartesian) geometries using a pseudo-spectral approach and runs efficiently on O(10^5) cores.  
The workshop consists of TWO SEPARATE EVENTS:

I. TUTORIAL: 15 September 2018.

The Introduction to Rayleigh Workshop will introduce new users to running the Rayleigh code.

Limit: 25 participants.

II. DEVELOPMENT WORKSHOP: 16-19 September 2018.

The Rayleigh Development Workshop will:

Introduce current users to the parallel design and algorithmic structure of Rayleigh so that they may modify the code effectively.   
Establish collaborations on short-term development tasks.   For example, such tasks might include the design of robust methods for reading in custom reference-state profiles,  implementation of new diagnostic outputs,  development of data visualization pipelines and routines, and improvement of documentation.
Establish work flows for contributing to the repository.
Establish a core-development team that is authorized to approve changes to the code moving forward.  
Establish long-term objectives for the continued development of Rayleigh.
Limit: 20 participants

You can apply to attend one or both events.

Notification of Acceptance Begins: August 1, 2018

Organizing Committee
Nick Featherstone, University of Colorado, Boulder
Jon Aurnou, UC Los Angeles
Lorraine Hwang, UC Davis
CIG Geodynamo Working Group


Lorraine Hwang, Ph.D.
Associate Director, CIG

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