[CIG-LONG] Sample Gale applications

Walter Landry walter at geodynamics.org
Thu Jun 14 23:58:38 PDT 2007

Hello everyone,

I will be giving a talk on Gale on June 28 at the CFEM workshop [1].
This will mostly be a talk to introduce Gale's capabilities to a
larger audience.  In addition to speaking about Gale's capabilities in
general, I will also talk about specific problems where Gale is being
applied.  I can talk about the problems that Gale was designed for,
but it is always illuminating to hear what people are actually using
it for.  So if you are using Gale, I would appreciate it if you could
send me a brief note describing the type of problem you are using Gale
for.  If you could send me an input file or picture, that would be
even better.

Thank you,
Walter Landry
walter at geodynamics.org

[1] http://geodynamics.org/cig/workinggroups/short/workshops/cfem-07/

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