[CIG-LONG] [Gale] Bug report: yielding function name

Guillaume.Duclaux at csiro.au Guillaume.Duclaux at csiro.au
Fri Oct 10 01:41:13 PDT 2008


I realise today that the name of the Yielding component is influencing
the content of some output file... If Yielding isn't call 'yielding' in
the script, yielding_fraction doesn't compute properly. 
This (Yielding component called 'yielding') is working and produces
outputs with correct yielding_fraction in the particles files: 
<struct name="strainWeakeningCrust">
      <param name="Type">StrainWeakening</param>
       blah blah...
    <struct name="yielding">
      <param name="Type">MohrCoulomb</param>
	 blah blah
    <struct name="crustRheology">
      <param name="Type">RheologyMaterial</param>
      <param name="Shape">contShape</param>
        <list name="Rheology">

but this (yielding component with any other name than 'yielding')
doesn't (0 value for yielding_fraction): 
<struct name="strainWeakeningCrust">
      <param name="Type">StrainWeakening</param>
       blah blah...
    <struct name="yieldingCrust">
      <param name="Type">MohrCoulomb</param>
	 blah blah
    <struct name="crustRheology">
      <param name="Type">RheologyMaterial</param>
      <param name="Shape">contShape</param>
        <list name="Rheology">

Nevertheless, computation of viscosity, stress and others seem to work. 

Just reporting!


Dr Guillaume Duclaux
Structural Geologist/Modeller
CSIRO Exploration and Mining
Visiting address: 6G13, ARRC, 26 Dick Perry Avenue, Kensington, WA, 6151
Postal address: PO Box 1130, Bentley, Western Australia, 6102, Australia
Ph: + 61 8 6436 8728  Fax: + 61 8 6436 8555  Web: www.em.csiro.au 

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