[CIG-LONG] stress in particles*vtu to stress in fields*vts

js at cp.dias.ie js at cp.dias.ie
Tue Sep 2 08:01:08 PDT 2008

is it possible to convert the stress / viscosity values given in the
particles*vtu files to the format of fields*vts.

I know if I include
    <struct name="StressField">
      <param name="Type">StressField</param>
      <param name="StrainRateField">StrainRateField</param>
      <param name="Context">context</param>
      <param name="ConstitutiveMatrix">constitutiveMatrix</param>
      <param name="Swarm">picIntegrationPoints</param>
      <param name="Mesh">mesh-linear</param>
      <param name="IC">stressICs</param>

in the input file it gets generated, but this would mean
having to rerun models and the inclusion of this <struct>
seems to run very slow on parallel jobs.



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