[CIG-LONG] Low viscosity material around dike

Taichi SATO taichix at aori.u-tokyo.ac.jp
Sat May 1 05:20:06 PDT 2010

Dear Garret and Walter,

First, I tried to simulate M=0.7 spreading ridge model.
I specified half-spreading rate of 3.17e12(=10mm/yr) and dike width of 
500m. Mesh interval is 250m*500m.
I set the divergence force value -8.88e9(= 2*3.17e12/500*0.7). As 
Garrett suggested, I also found to get a divergence rate closer to what 
I wanted I found I had to reduce it by about 50% (so the current value 
of -4.44e-9).
I changed dike upper boundary of 16000 m to 15500~14000 m. I found that 
at the beginning of  simulation, axis is sinking down, but the 
simulation goes on, the small dike hill emerges from the axis.

I agree with Garrett's suggestion about the setting of ShapeVC, but the 
strain at the right side of the dike looks like conjugate fault in pair 
with the initial large fault.

I also tried to run non-newtoinan viscosity model but it does not work. 
but it does not work. Please see attached file.
the error is,
Error in NonNewtonian: T, n, and A must all be non-zero:

I set the parameters for non-newtonian and mantle viscous as below
<struct name="nonnewViscosity"> -->
<param name="Type">NonNewtonian</param> -->
<param name="StrainRateInvariantField">StrainRateInvariantField</param> -->
<param name="TemperatureField">TemperatureField</param> -->
<param name="n">3.0</param> --> <!--power law exponent-->
<param name="T_0">1473</param> --> <!--T_0=Q/(n*R)=20045.37 -->
<param name="A">1.0e10</param> --> <!--power law constant-->
<param name="refStrainRate">1.0e22</param> -->
<param name="minViscosity">1.0e19</param> -->
<param name="maxViscosity">1.0e25</param> -->
</struct> -->

<struct name="mantleViscous">
<param name="Type">RheologyMaterial</param>
<param name="Shape">mantleShape</param>
<param name="density">2300</param> <!--3300-1030 kg/m^3-->
<param name="alpha">3.0e-5</param>
<param name="diffusivity">1.0e-6</param>
<list name="heatingElements">
<param name="Q">8.48484848485e-13</param>
<param name="lambda">0.0</param>
<list name="Rheology">
<param>yielding</param> -->


Taichi Sato

(2010/04/30 5:51), Walter Landry wrote:
> Garrett Ito<gito at hawaii.edu>  wrote:
>> Hi Taichi,
>>    I believe the dike region is staying elevated relative to the material on
>> the sides because vy and vz are constrained to be zero in the "dikeShape".  I
>> did this in order to cause the divergence to only cause the dike to widen
>> sideways (i.e., vx~=0).  Ideally I think you want the dike to be allowed to
>> move up or down with the surrounding material but I dont remember figuring out
>> a way to allow it to do so.  I think this would require setting dvy/dy=0 but
>> not specifying any constraints on vy.
>> Walter, can you see a way to do this?
> A divergence zone, by definition, creates material out of thin air.
> If material should not be created high up, then there should not be a
> divergence zone there.  It might be better to bury the dike.  You
> would probably not want to specify vy.  Then material could flow up as
> well.
> Cheers,
> Walter Landry
> walter at geodynamics.org
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