[CIG-LONG] Heat Flux BC and time dependent BC

Edie Miglio edie.miglio at polimi.it
Fri Apr 15 05:49:30 PDT 2011

Dear CIG,
   I am using Gale and I would like to know if it is possible to
impose a heat flux boundary condition when solving for the
temperature. Moreover is it possible to use a stationary
temperature equation ?
   When solving the coupled problem (Stokes-temperature) is it
possible to assign a time-dependent boundary condition for the
velocity ?
   Finally I have found that using the binary version I have some
problem in imposing two different boundary conditions read from
file: the code uses in both cases the BC read from File1. I have
compiled the version obtained using the repository and everything

Edie Miglio
MOX, Dept. of Mathematics "F. Brioschi"
Politecnico di Milano
Piazza Leonardo da Vinci, 32, 20133 Milano, Italy
tel: +39-02-23994600, fax: +39-02-23994606,
mailto: edie.miglio at polimi.it

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