[CIG-LONG] Error in surfaceadaptor for top

Rachel Headley rheadley at uw.edu
Thu Aug 18 08:35:13 PDT 2011

I'm new to using Gale, and I'm trying to do something that seems that it 
should be very simple. I'm just trying to apply topo_data to the top 
surface of a box, but I can't seem to not get an error. I can use the 
exact same file for the bottom surface without a problem. I've made sure 
that my initial box is encompasses the entire region covered by the 
topo_data file.
I have a feeling there is probably something incredibly obvious that I 
need to do, but I'm at a loss as to how to get this to work. 
Unfortunately all of the people in my working group who have worked with 
Gale are on vacation right now. I've attached the very simple file I'm 
using to test making this top surface, and the .txt file that I'm using 
as the input.
This is the error I get, which seems fairly generic:
> Error running Underworld (revision unknown) - Signal 11 'SIGSEGV' 
> (Segmentation Fault).
> This is probably caused by an illegal access of memory.
> We recommend running the code in a debugger to work out where the 
> problem is (e.g. 'gdb')
> and also to contact the developers.


Dr. Rachel Headley
Postdoctoral Researcher
University Tübingen
Wilhelmstrasse 56
72074 Tübingen

rachel.headley at uni-tuebingen.de

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