[CIG-LONG] Non-Newtonienne viscosity with depth dependency

nicolas riel a.nicolas.riel at gmail.com
Sun Jun 12 11:14:51 PDT 2011

Hi everyone,

I'm trying to modify the NonNewtonian rheology to add a pressure dependency.

I would like the Viscosity to be multiplied by 10 for when the pressure >
2.4e10 pa.
I tried to looked in the DruckerPrager rheology to see how the pressure
dependency is implemented, but for how the pressure dependency do not work
and send me the following error message: "Error in NonNewtonian: T, n, and A
must all be non-zero".

I attached my modified NonNewtonian.c file.

Has someone already tried to do this kind of modifications ?

Thank you

Nicolas RIEL
Doctorant / Phd student

Institut des Sciences de la Terre
(ISTerre-UMR CNRS/UJF 5275) Maison des Géosciences
1381, Rue de la Piscine
38400 - Saint Martin d'Hères

Tél.   : 33.(0)
Fax.  : 33.(0)
Mob. : 33.(0)
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