[CIG-LONG] Non-Newtonienne viscosity with depth dependency

Walter Landry walter at geodynamics.org
Mon Jun 13 09:39:23 PDT 2011

nicolas riel <a.nicolas.riel at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> I'm trying to modify the NonNewtonian rheology to add a pressure dependency.
> I would like the Viscosity to be multiplied by 10 for when the pressure >
> 2.4e10 pa.
> I tried to looked in the DruckerPrager rheology to see how the pressure
> dependency is implemented, but for how the pressure dependency do not work and
> send me the following error message: "Error in NonNewtonian: T, n, and A must
> all be non-zero".

This sounds more like an error in your input file.  Does your input
file work with the old NonNewtonian rheology?  Can you send that input

> I attached my modified NonNewtonian.c file.

I do not see any correction for HydrostaticTerm.  You will have to add
that in to get a correct pressure.

Walter Landry
walter at geodynamics.org

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