[CIG-LONG] Using multi-grid with Gale2.0

Luke Mondy luke.s.mondy at gmail.com
Wed Oct 26 19:40:39 PDT 2011

Hi Walter,

I've been trying to enable the multi-grid on a 3D model, but I keep
getting a bug:
Gale: StgDomain/Utils/src/FieldVariable.cxx:216: void
_FieldVariable_AssignFromXML(void*, Stg_ComponentFactory*, void*):
Assertion `fV_Register' failed.
(I attached the full program output).

I found this issue occurs on 2D models as well, one of which I have attached.

This happens when using direct solvers, or when using multiple CPUs.

Any help would be great.

Kind Regards,

Luke Mondy
-------------- next part --------------
Finding module: "Underworld"... Finding module: "PICellerator"... Finding module: "StgFEM"... Finding module: "StgDomain"... 
Creating Stg_Components from the component-list

	Instantiating UnderworldContext as context
	Instantiating PETScMGSolver as mgSolver
	Instantiating SROpGenerator as mgOpGenerator
	Instantiating FeMesh as mesh-Q2
	Instantiating C2Generator as Q2Mesh-generator
	Instantiating FeMesh as mesh-Pm1
	Instantiating InnerGenerator as Pm1Mesh-generator
	Instantiating MeshVariable as velocity
	Instantiating CompositeVC as velocityBCs
	Instantiating CompositeVC as velocityICs
	Instantiating DofLayout as velocityDofLayout
	Instantiating FeVariable as VelocityField
	Instantiating OperatorFeVariable as VelocityGradientsField
	Instantiating OperatorFeVariable as StrainRateField
	Instantiating OperatorFeVariable as StrainRateInvariantField
	Instantiating MeshVariable as pressure
	Instantiating DofLayout as pressureDofLayout
	Instantiating FeVariable as PressureField
	Instantiating StressField as StressField
	Instantiating ViscosityField as ViscosityField
	Instantiating ElementCellLayout as cellLayout
	Instantiating GaussParticleLayout as particleLayout
	Instantiating IntegrationPointsSwarm as gaussSwarm
	Instantiating NearestNeighborMapper as nearestMapper
	Instantiating TimeIntegrator as timeIntegrator
	Instantiating PCDVC as weights
	Instantiating MappedParticleLayout as localLayout
	Instantiating IntegrationPointsSwarm as picIntegrationPoints
	Instantiating CoincidentMapper as mapper
	Instantiating MeshParticleLayout as materialSwarmParticleLayout
	Instantiating ParticleMovementHandler as pMovementHandler
	Instantiating ParticleShadowSync as pShadowSync
	Instantiating MaterialPointsSwarm as materialSwarm
	Instantiating SwarmAdvector as materialSwarmAdvector
	Instantiating SolutionVector as solutionVelocity
	Instantiating SolutionVector as solutionPressure
	Instantiating ForceVector as mom_force
	Instantiating ForceVector as cont_force
	Instantiating StiffnessMatrix as k_matrix
	Instantiating ConstitutiveMatrixCartesian as constitutiveMatrix
	Instantiating StiffnessMatrix as g_matrix
	Instantiating GradientStiffnessMatrixTerm as gradientStiffnessMatrixTerm
	Instantiating StiffnessMatrix as preconditioner
	Instantiating UzawaPreconditionerTerm as preconditionerTerm
	Instantiating Stokes_SLE_UzawaSolver as uzawa
	Instantiating Stokes_SLE as stokesEqn
	Instantiating BuoyancyForceTerm as buoyancyForceTerm
	Instantiating Everywhere as background
	Instantiating EscapedRoutine as escapedRoutine
	Instantiating RegularRemesherCmpt as velocityRemesher
	Instantiating StoreVisc as storeViscosity
	Instantiating StoreStress as storeStress
	Instantiating Box as boxShape
	Instantiating PolygonShape as faultShape
	Instantiating RheologyMaterial as planarFault
	Instantiating Box as prelayer1Shape
	Instantiating Intersection as layer1Shape
	Instantiating RheologyMaterial as layer1
	Instantiating Box as prelayer2Shape
	Instantiating Intersection as layer2Shape
	Instantiating RheologyMaterial as layer2
	Instantiating Box as prelayer3Shape
	Instantiating Intersection as layer3Shape
	Instantiating RheologyMaterial as layer3
	Instantiating Box as prelayer5Shape
	Instantiating Intersection as layer5Shape
	Instantiating RheologyMaterial as layer5
	Instantiating Box as prelayer6Shape
	Instantiating Intersection as layer6Shape
	Instantiating RheologyMaterial as layer6
	Instantiating Box as prelayer7Shape
	Instantiating Intersection as layer7Shape
	Instantiating RheologyMaterial as layer7
	Instantiating Box as prelayer8Shape
	Instantiating Intersection as layer8Shape
	Instantiating RheologyMaterial as layer8
	Instantiating Box as prelayer9Shape
	Instantiating Intersection as layer9Shape
	Instantiating RheologyMaterial as layer9
	Instantiating Box as prelayer10Shape
	Instantiating Intersection as layer10Shape
	Instantiating RheologyMaterial as layer10
	Instantiating Box as prelayer11Shape
	Instantiating Intersection as layer11Shape
	Instantiating RheologyMaterial as layer11
	Instantiating MaterialViscosity as crustViscosity
	Instantiating MaterialViscosity as saltViscosity
	Instantiating StrainWeakening as strainWeakening
	Instantiating DruckerPrager as yielding11
	Instantiating DruckerPrager as yielding10
	Instantiating DruckerPrager as yielding9
	Instantiating DruckerPrager as yielding8
	Instantiating DruckerPrager as yielding7
	Instantiating DruckerPrager as yielding6
	Instantiating DruckerPrager as yielding4
	Instantiating DruckerPrager as yielding3
	Instantiating DruckerPrager as yielding2
	Instantiating DruckerPrager as yielding1
	Instantiating MaterialViscosity as faultViscosity
	Instantiating DruckerPrager as faultYielding
	Instantiating Box as weakLayer
	Instantiating MaterialViscosity as weakViscous
	Instantiating RheologyMaterial as lowerLayer

Constructing Stg_Components from the live-component register

	Constructing context..
		Constructing StgFEM_Multigrid..
			Looking for essential component 'stokesEqn': Found.
			stokesEqn has not been constructed yet. Constructing now.
				Constructing stokesEqn..
					Looking for non-essential component 'uzawa': Found.
					uzawa has not been constructed yet. Constructing now.
						Constructing uzawa..
							Stg_Component 'uzawa' cannot find non-essential component with key 'Context'.
							Looking for essential component 'context': Found.
							Getting parameter 'statSolve': Using default value = false
							Getting parameter 'statReps': Using default value = 0
							Getting parameter 'tolerance': Found - Value = "linearTolerance"
							Key 'tolerance' points to key 'linearTolerance' in the root dictionary: Using default value = 1e-05
							Getting parameter 'maxIterations': Found - Value = "5000"
							Getting parameter 'minIterations': Found - Value = "1"
							Getting parameter 'useAbsoluteTolerance': Using default value = false
							Getting parameter 'monitor': Found - Value = "false"
							Looking for non-essential component 'preconditioner': Found.
							preconditioner has not been constructed yet. Constructing now.
								Constructing preconditioner..
									Stg_Component 'preconditioner' cannot find non-essential component with key 'Context'.
									Looking for essential component 'context': Found.
									Looking for essential component 'PressureField': Found.
									PressureField has not been constructed yet. Constructing now.
										Constructing PressureField..
											Stg_Component 'PressureField' cannot find non-essential component with key 'Context'.
											Looking for essential component 'context': Found.
Gale: StgDomain/Utils/src/FieldVariable.cxx:216: void _FieldVariable_AssignFromXML(void*, Stg_ComponentFactory*, void*): Assertion `fV_Register' failed.
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