[CIG-LONG] Gale again

Walter Landry walter at geodynamics.org
Sun Apr 22 10:38:34 PDT 2012

Rainer Nerlich <rainer at simula.no> wrote:
> Hi Walter,
> thanks again very much for your answers and explanations! Regarding your
> questions:
> $B!H(BThis is odd. I can not reproduce that in serial or parallel. I get
> slightly different time steps for serial and parallel, but that is
> not unexpected.  It is always the same from run to run. Do you see
> that effect if you run with only one processor?$B!I(B
>  The time steps vary no matter how many processors I use and also from run
> to run:

I think there is a problem with your installation.

> $B!H(BI have pushed the changes needed to read from up to 30 files into the
> repository.
> Can you try that version and see if you still see the time steps varying
> from run to run?$B!I(B
>  Yes, I will do this as soon as possible. However, I am at EGU in Vienna in
> the coming week so there won't be much time to work on this, but I will
> tell you right away once I have installed the new source code and the
> outcomes of my tests using the new version $(Q#|(B I will have to install PETSc
> 3.2 now, right? Up to no, I used PETSc 3.0.

Yes, the repository version requires 3.2.

Walter Landry

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