[CIG-LONG] defining the model bounding geometry

Matty Mookerjee matty.mookerjee at sonoma.edu
Tue Jan 31 10:34:42 PST 2012


Could you help me define a three-dimensional polygons.  For instance, in the example that you sent me where you replaced the circle with an octagon using a polygon, can you simply extrude this polygon in the z-direction to get an approximate cylinder?   In my specific example, I would like to make a three-dimensional wedge.  It's easy to make that wedge shape in 2D, and all I want to do is to project that 2D shape into the z-direction.

Thanks for all the help.

From: Walter Landry [walter at geodynamics.org]
Sent: Monday, December 19, 2011 4:51 PM
To: cig-long at geodynamics.org; Matty Mookerjee
Subject: Re: defining the model bounding geometry

Matty Mookerjee <matty.mookerjee at sonoma.edu> wrote:
> Walter,
> Thanks for the reply.  I will try using the SurfaceAdaptor function
> this week.  I should have thought of that, but for some reason I
> only thought of SurfaceAdaptor as modeling topography not defining
> the shape of the entire model.  When I give that a shot, I will send
> you my input file if the frictional boundary conditions are still
> not working.  The file will be in the old format.  I am still not
> quite comfortable with the new file format.  For instance, I have
> not been able to get a program to run with Polygons.  I have input
> pretty much exactly what you have in your revised manual, but I
> haven't yet been able to get it to run.  If I can't figure this out,
> I might send you one of those input files as well.

Did you ever manage to figure that out?  I am attaching an example
that uses a polygon instead of a sphere for the multi-material

> I know that you are busy with AGU, so I won't be expecting too quick
> a reply.
> Good luck with all your stuff, and I will send you those files later
> this week.

Walter Landry

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