[CIG-LONG] gale error

Walter Landry walter at geodynamics.org
Thu Mar 15 16:45:01 PDT 2012

Hi Leonardo,

Cc'ing the list in case anyone else runs into this problem.

"Leonardo  Cruz" <leocruz at stanford.edu> wrote:
> Hi Walter,
> I converted some of my previous sandbox-fault files to Gale 2.0, but I am having some errors after 7 timesteps.
> This is the error:
> 15: Error - in TimeIntegrand_FirstOrder(), for TimeIntegrand "materialSwarmAdvector" of type SwarmAdvector: When trying to find time deriv for item 437 in step 1, *failed*.
> Gale: StGermain/Base/IO/src/Journal.cxx:617: int Journal_Firewall(int, void *, const char *, ...): Assertion `expression' failed.

It turns out that the routine for checking whether particles are
inside the box is too restrictive.  With Q2 elements, the sides of the
boundary can curve, and particles can be above the tallest vertex but
still inside the box.

I fixed it to be less restrictive and your input file runs fine now.
You can get it from the repository or wait for binaries, which should
come in a few weeks.  One thing to note is that I just pushed a number
of changes so that Gale is compatible with Petsc 3.2, but not 3.1 or
earlier.  So you will have to get the latest version of Petsc.

Walter Landry

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