[CIG-LONG] Crash Error in TimeIntegrand

Walter Landry wlandry at caltech.edu
Mon May 21 15:55:55 PDT 2012

María Helga Guðmundsdóttir <mariahg at stanford.edu> wrote:
> Hi Walter,
> A couple more points of inquiry:
> 1. Since removing staticTopFront/Back, the front and back boundaries
> deform drastically around the fault, despite the fact that the
> velocity boundary conditions set vy = 0 on both front and back. How
> is this possible?

The part of the boundary with material flowing out does not have vy=0.
Material is pulled out and then the new height is computed by
interpolating onto the thinned mesh.

> 2. When experimenting with the Front- and BackEquations I found that
> no mismatch between the block velocities and the boundary velocities
> was allowable. If I set the equations as constant or apply a low
> velocity to them, the boundary registers as "moving in the wrong
> direction". But when I remove the lines with the equations, the code
> won't run at all. It seems that the patch that implemented them has
> rendered them obligatory. Is there a way to make these lines
> optional?

I do not understand what it is you are trying to do.  It sounds like
you are trying to mismatch the velocities at the corner?  That will
never work.  Are you trying to do something else?

Walter Landry

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