[CIG-LONG] compiling Gale on a supercomputer

Walter Landry wlandry at caltech.edu
Thu May 31 02:26:24 PDT 2012

Robert Gray <graywacke at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hey Walter,
> I get:
> dummy  libdmumps.a  libmumps_common.a  libpord.a

Try linking against all three of these libraries.  So it would become 

  -L/scinet/gpc/Libraries/petsc-3.2-p2-openmpi-mumps/externalpackages/MUMPS_4.10.0/lib -ldmumps -lmumps_common -lpord

If you get the same error, make sure that those libraries contain
those symbols.  You can do this with nm

  nm /scinet/gpc/Libraries/petsc-3.2-p2-openmpi-mumps/externalpackages/MUMPS_4.10.0/lib/libdmumps.a /scinet/gpc/Libraries/petsc-3.2-p2-openmpi-mumps/externalpackages/MUMPS_4.10.0/lib/libdmumps.a /scinet/gpc/Libraries/petsc-3.2-p2-openmpi-mumps/externalpackages/MUMPS_4.10.0/lib/libdmumps.a | grep dmumps_c

It should give you a line like

  0000000000000000 T dmumps_c

Walter Landry

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