[CIG-LONG] Isostatic stress

Nicolas.Riel a.nicolas.riel at gmail.com
Thu Feb 28 05:41:51 PST 2013

Hi everyone,

I have a little problem using the isostatic stress on the bottom boundary
conditions. I'm modeling continental subduction with geothermal gradient,
so I calculate the maximum pressure at the bottom of my model with an
integrated equation (depending on the gravity, the thermal gradient, the
thermal expansivity and the density of every layers) and use it as the
bottom isostatic stress.

However when I use this value  either the material flow out or flow in too
fast (by several order of magnitude).

Consequently, I set the value manually and step by step to find the
appropriate isostatic stress (that can be very long).

However I cannot find a way to determine it precisely by calculation,
though It was perfectly working with Gale 1.6.1.

I'm wondering how the pressure is calculated in Gale 2.0.1 and if there is
a way to calculate it precisely ?

Than you in advance,

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