[CIG-LONG] Training request on Gale 2.0.1 for lithosphere evolution

Xiaotao Yang xtyang at umail.iu.edu
Mon Jun 29 12:10:04 PDT 2015

Dear Computational Infrastructure for Geodynamics (CIG) Long Term Tectonics Working Group,

My name is Xiaotao Yang. I am a PhD student working with Prof. Gary Pavlis at Indiana University studying seismic imaging of cratonic lithosphere. My current project is focusing on the cratonic Illinois basin in central US. Our imaging results show the complexity of the crustal and upper mantle velocity structure beneath the basin. 

I am working on a GeoPRISMS postdoctoral fellowship proposal starting from early spring of 2016. Professor Seth Stein at Northwestern University will be my mentor for my postdoctoral research. As continuation and extension of my PhD research, the proposal will be focused on geodynamical modelling of the lithosphere evolution in cratonic basin areas and testing the factors that may have influenced the basin formation and subsidence. 

Based on its functionality and relevant recent publications, Gale may be the best candidate in accomplishing my research. However, I don’t have experience of using Gale. In order to gain more confidence on using Gale in my proposed research and help persuade the reviewers, I need some help from the Computational Infrastructure for Geodynamics (CIG), especially your group, on the following issues:
1) Can you confirm that Gale should be able to model continental lithosphere geodynamics including continental rifting and the subsequent subsidence of the related cratonic basins?

2) If we are lucky enough to get the award, what is the possibility of getting training from your group, the CIG, or other institutions on using Gale? Or who should we contact with to arrange the training? The training can be informal. We can budget for one-week visit for the training in the proposal. The tentative date is middle of spring 2016 depending on start time of the award. The visit will be about two months after the award start date. 

3) Can I attach you reply to this email as one of the supplementary documents of the proposal?

Great appreciation for your help and look forward to hearing from you.

Xiaotao Yang
Xiaotao Yang (Geophysics/Seismology)
Department of Geological Sciences
Indiana University 
1001 East 10th Street, Bloomington, IN 47405
Web: http://pages.iu.edu/~xtyang/

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