[CIG-MC] error message

Eh Tan tan2 at geodynamics.org
Wed Aug 16 13:56:40 PDT 2006

The error message says the # of processors requested by the input file
is different from the # of processors assigned by MPI.

The input.sample requires 4 processors to run, but mpirun only assigned
1 processor to it. Assuming you are using MPICH, you will need a
machinefile of 4 lines, each line containing the name (or ip address) of
the machine to run the job.

The correct syntax to run it is:
mpirun -np 4  -machinefile machinefile CitocmSRegional input.sample

Let me know if you have further question.


Ryan.Fraser at csiro.au wrote:

> Hi we have installed Citcoms on our cluster and I am getting the
> following error when running a Regional computation
> Problem has 17 x 9 x 17 nodes
> !!!! # of requested CPU is incorrect
> Command:
> % mpirun CitcomSRegional input.sample
> What does this typically mean?
> Regards
> Ryan Fraser (SE)
> CSIRO Exploration & Mining ,
> ARRC, 26 Dick Perry Ave,
> Kensington, WA 6151 Australia
> Phone +61 8 6436 8760 Fax +61 8 6436 8555
>CIG-MC mailing list
>CIG-MC at geodynamics.org

Eh Tan
Staff Scientist
Computational Infrastructure for Geodynamics
2750 E. Washington Blvd. Suite 210
Pasaden, CA 91107
(626) 395-1693

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