[CIG-MC] CitcomS 2.1.0 release

Eh Tan tan2 at geodynamics.org
Fri Dec 8 16:52:25 PST 2006

CIG is pleased to announce release of CitcomS 2.1.0. CitcomS is a finite element code designed to solve thermal convection problems relevant to Earth's mantle. This release has a simplified installation procedure and supports binary and parallel output using HDF5. This package comes with a clearer and easier-to-use process for setting up and running jobs, incorporates new geoid calculations and includes scripts for visualizing results with OpenDX, GMT, and MayaVi. Please check the NEWS and ChangeLog files for more detail.

The code can be downloaded from

Eh Tan
Staff Scientist
Computational Infrastructure for Geodynamics
2750 E. Washington Blvd. Suite 210
Pasadena, CA 91107
(626) 395-1693

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