[CIG-MC] Cannot compile CitcomS with -lggrd anymore

Thorsten Becker twb at usc.edu
Mon Oct 1 12:45:24 PDT 2007


It seems that the linking procedure for CitcomS has been changed
recently. The CitcomsS.a and -lhdf5 libraries ended up at the end like

 mpicc -O3 -funroll-loops -ffast-math -fomit-frame-pointer -march=k8
-I/home/rcf-106/twb/progs/src/hc-svn/ -o CitcomSFull Citcom.o
CitcomSFull.o  -L/home/rcf-106/twb/progs/src/hc/objects/x86_64/ -lggrd
-L/home/rcf-106/twb/progs/src/GMTdev/GMT3.4.5/x86_64//lib/ -lgmt
-L/home/rcf-106/twb/progs/src/netcdf-3.6.0-p1/x86_64//lib/ -lnetcdf -lz
-lm ../lib/libCitcomS.a -lhdf5

which means that my compiler cannot find the -lggrd libraries (for
netcdf grd I/O from hc) anymore. If I move the lower end libraries  to
the end of the link line like so:

 mpicc -O3 -funroll-loops -ffast-math -fomit-frame-pointer -march=k8
-I/home/rcf-106/twb/progs/src/hc-svn/ -o CitcomSFull Citcom.o
CitcomSFull.o -L/home/rcf-106/twb/progs/src/hc/objects/x86_64/
-L/home/rcf-106/twb/progs/src/netcdf-3.6.0-p1/x86_64//lib/ -lz
-lm ../lib/libCitcomS.a -lhdf5 -lggrd -lgmt -lnetcdf

it works. 

I had previously modified one of the Makefile.am files or something like
that to add -lggrd capabilities to my compile, but now I am at a loss as
to where to best change things so that I can compile again.

Thanks much for your help!


 Thorsten W Becker                 Department of Earth Sciences
 University of Southern California              p: 213.740.8365          
 Los Angeles CA 90089-0740   http://geodynamics.usc.edu/~becker

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