[CIG-MC] Exchanger: "Sink(warning) size of meshNode" or "elem interpolation functions are wrong"

Robert Moucha rmoucha at gmail.com
Thu Dec 3 08:44:06 PST 2009

Hi All,

I can't seem to figure why I get the following warnings from the exchanger:

>> lib/Sink.cc:135:<unknown>
 -- Sink(warning)
 -- size of meshNode (0) is less than numMeshNodes (1073)
 >> lib/Sink.cc:159:<unknown>
 -- Sink(warning)
 -- mesh node #0(-0.262 -1.221 0.999 ) not interpolated
-- Sink(warning)
 -- mesh node #1(-0.242906 -1.221 0.999 ) not interpolated
 >> lib/Sink.cc:159:<unknown>

I tried cookbook9 and it works with out any problems, so I must be
missing something.

In my test model, I am trying to couple a regional model with a global
model. My cfg file contains the following:

csolver = full
esolver = regional

nprocx = 1
nprocy = 1
nprocz = 1
nodex = 17
nodey = 17
nodez = 17

nprocx = 1
nprocy = 1
nprocz = 1
nodex = 21
nodey = 21
nodez = 33
radius_outer = 0.999
radius_inner = 0.551
theta_min = 1.396
theta_max = 1.745
fi_min = -1.047
fi_max = -0.524

If I use the regional coordinates from Cookbook9 instead:

theta_min = 1.421
theta_max = 1.721
fi_min = 0.25
fi_max = 0.55

I get a different error message (this time a fatal one):

 >> CitcomInterpolator.cc:433:<unknown>
 -- CitcomS-CitcomInterpolator(firewall)
 -- node #0 tshape = 1
 -- 1.42058 1.421 0.250665 0.25 0.999 0.999  norm = 6.20531e-07
 -- elem interpolation functions are wrong

Fatal error in MPI_Recv: Other MPI error, error stack:

Thanks once again,


GEOTOP - Département des Sciences de la Terre et de l'Atmosphère
Université du Québec à Montréal
CP 8888, succursale Centre-Ville
Montréall, Québec
Canada  H3C 3P8
Tel:     (1-514) 987-3000, ext 1554#
FAX:     (1-514) 987-3635

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