[CIG-MC] AGU Session of possible interest to CIG Mantle group - Deadline August 8th

Ariel Shoresh ashoresh at ucdavis.edu
Tue Jul 17 09:53:08 PDT 2012

Dear Colleagues,

We would like to invite abstract submissions to the following session at the upcoming AGU Fall meeting.

V031: Minerals and Assemblages, and their Effects on the Structure and Dynamics of the Mantle

Our understanding of the dynamics of Earth's mantle relies upon knowledge of the stabilities and physical properties of mantle minerals, their contribution to the enthalpic and deformational characteristics of rocks, mechanisms and rates of phase transformations, and the role of nominally trace components on mineral stability and rock rheology. Further, our understanding requires inferences on mantle structure and properties from seismological observations, as well as predictions from numerical geodynamic models. In this session, we seek to facilitate closer integration of these disciplines with an aim of identifying those parameters that are of first-order importance to mantle dynamics.


Invited speakers:

George Helffrich (University of Bristol)

Dan Frost (University of Bayreuth)

Paul Tackley (ETH Zürich)

We apologize for any cross postings. 


The conveners

Scott King
Nancy Ross
Mark Caddick
Ikuko Wada

Department of Geosciences
Virginia Tech 

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