[CIG-MC] CitcomS 3.3.0 Release

Eric Heien emheien at ucdavis.edu
Thu Oct 9 17:39:25 PDT 2014

CitcomS 3.3.0 has just been released and is now available on the CIG website at:


This release removes the Python dependencies from CitcomS and provides a tool to convert Python style parameter files to the original CitcomS parameter files. Python support was proving problematic because of incompatibility with versions of Python newer than 2.6 (final release 2008) and other internal issues. The removal of Python should simplify the code while retaining most functionality.  A list of the changes includes:

- Removed Python sections of CitcomS
- Wrote Python to standard parameter file conversion tool (Py2C)
- Converted Python cookbooks parameter files to original style parameter files
- Added output of parameters to a pidXXXXXX style file
- Updated the manual to correspond to the new changes

For more details please see the ChangeLog included with the release.  The manual on the website is also updated to reflect the changes in this release.


-Eric Heien

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