[CIG-MC] CitcomS: problems with Boundary Conditions and output pressure values

ELISA FIERRO elisa.fierro at unicam.it
Fri May 6 01:33:39 PDT 2016

Hi All,

I built a very simple (regional) model for CitcomS (version 3.3.0) by
setting a southward directed uniform top velocity (*topvbxval=20mm/yr,
topvbyval=0.0*), a uniform viscosity structure (*visc0=1,1,1,1*) and I used
a *tic_method=1* with *half_space_age=200Myrs* to generate the initial
temperature field; furthermore I added the pressure as an *output_optional*.

I have two problems in the output data:

   - Normal velocity components along the sidewalls are zero. Instead, I
   need to represent both an inflow and an outflow from the region. How can I
   fix this by the* side_sbcs *parameter?

   - My output pressure values are both positive and negative in any time
   steps and at any depth. How is it possible? How can I solve this problem?

Thanks a lot!!!!!

Elisa Fierro
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