[CIG-SEISMO] SVN users: SPECFEM3D has moved

Leif Strand leif at geodynamics.org
Wed Nov 19 15:41:49 PST 2008

If you use the release version of SPECFEM3D (v1.4.3), and are not 
interested in the development version, please disregard this notice.

The code formerly known as SPECFEM3D_BASIN, and until recently known as 
SPECFEM3D, will, in the future, be known as SPECFEM3D_SESAME. 
Accordingly, the code's location in CIG's SVN repository has changed.

Consequently, if you wish to obtain a copy of the development version of 
the code, you must use a new URL, as follows:

svn co http://geodynamics.org/svn/cig/seismo/3D/SPECFEM3D_SESAME/trunk 

If you have a Subversion account, and which to make changes to the code, 
issue the following command to obtain a new working copy:

svn co 

Beware of the fact that SPECFEM3D_SESAME is still a work in progress.


Leif Strand
Computational Infrastructure for Geodynamics

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