[CIG-SEISMO] specfem input model

Dimitri Komatitsch dimitri.komatitsch at univ-pau.fr
Wed Dec 8 06:32:25 PST 2010

Hi Alejandro,

Thank you for your interest in the package. I think that SPECFEM3D_GLOBE 
is more suitable for what you want to do (it can be used directly as is, 
without any modification). I cc the other developers, who can maybe 
confirm that (or not) (in particular Brian Savage, Qinya, and people at 

Our absorbing conditions on the edges of the mesh are not very good yet, 
we are adding support for CPML absorbing layers but for technical 
reasons that code is not ready yet therefore for now I suggest you take 
a model that is larger than what you are interested in (for instance 
adding 10 degrees to each side or something like that, to avoid spurious 
edge effects). This will not be needed any more in the next release with 
CPML absorbing layers but for now in the current version it is safer.

Thank you,
Best regards,


On 12/08/2010 02:33 AM, Alejandro Gallego wrote:
> HI,
> I am postdoc student at the University of Hawaii and I am trying to
> use Specfem to model seismic waves in the North Atlantic ocean
> I am working in an area of 20 x 30 degrees. I have two main questions.
> 1) Should I use Specfem_Global or Regional to work with different
> mantle models.
> I think the regional doesn't include a mantle model. 2) How is the
> call of the function model_s20rts(   ), I am not clear what kind of
> interval grid I need as an input and how can I modify this interval.
> Any advice in how to change mantle model will be very helpful.
> Thanks for this amaizing software
> Alejandro
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Dimitri Komatitsch - dimitri.komatitsch aT univ-pau.fr
Professor, University of Pau, Institut universitaire de France,
CNRS and INRIA Magique3D, France   http://www.univ-pau.fr/~dkomati1

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