[CIG-SEISMO] BG/P support for SPECFEM3d

Mark Cheeseman mark.cheeseman at kaust.edu.sa
Fri Feb 26 23:45:18 PST 2010


We have a couple of users of our Blue Gene/P system that wish to use
SPECFEM3D (Version 4.0.4).  They (and myself) have tried installing the
software on our BG/P without success.  The problem, I think, is arising from
the need to cross-compile on the BG/P platform.  After running configure,
the resulting compile works fine until the binary


is called.  To get around this, I perform a stand-alone MPI job on a compute
node so that the required header file in OUTPUT_FILES is generated.
Unfortunately, it seems that some parameter files are not be defined
properly.  I am only using the source code tarball for the 4.0.4 Version on
your website -do I any additional data sets/files for compilation to
succeed?  If not, are there any instructions for compilation of the BG/P?

Thank you,
Mark Cheeseman

Mark Patrick Cheeseman

Research Scientist
KSL (KAUST Supercomputing Laboratory)
Building 1, Office #126
King Abdullah University of Science & Technology
Thuwal 23955-6900
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

EMAIL   : mark.cheeseman at kaust.edu.sa
PHONE : +966   (2) 808 0221 (office)
              +966 (54) 470 1082 (mobile)
SKYPE : mark.patrick.cheeseman
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